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wedNeSdAY, FeBRUARY 9, 2022


Bangladesh, Japanese PMs

KSRM in a press release said that recently, misinterpretations of the unfortunate incident organized

by Kabir Steel Limited have been published in some news outlets.

Photo: S M AKash

Recent incident at Kabir Steel Limited unfortunate,

published news is misleading: KSRM

SM Akash, Chattogram Bureau Chief

Recently, misinterpretations of the

unfortunate incident organized by Kabir

Steel Limited have been published in

some news outlets. The irrelevant,

misleading and purposeful news

coverage has created a fog in various

quarters and in the international arena

about the organization, which is

unpredictable and misleading. KSRM

feel the need to dispel these


Kabir Steel Limited (KSRM) said in a

press release on Tuesday, February 8

that the real incident is that Md. Arif

Hossain Sujan, a worker working in the

contracting company of our yard, started

vomiting on the floor of cutting zone-3 of

the yard on February 1, 2022 at around 1

am (during tea break). Immediately our

safety inspector, foreman and other

workers brought him to the medical

center of the yard and after giving first

Covid 19 and the worst public policy failing in human history

[From page-1]

Such public policies have become so useless today that the scene round

the world is the opposite of what has been the norm for the greater part

of last eighteen months. First, the rich countries and even the poor ones

that usually ape solutions hatched in so called advanced countries tried

with feeding their population for free and awaited an end to the pandemic.

When this just did not happen and the much touted economy shut

down as a cure proved to be useless, they are now fast turning to easing

restrictions on the economy like shut downs and associated measures. In

fact the opposite enthusiasm to let the wheels of the economy to churn

again is far greater today. In many countries or national territories even

deployment of riot police is failing to enforce curbs due to Covid-19 and

normal life is fast returning due to peoples' sheer very acute desire for the

same come what may.

We can now sayironically echoing outstanding British orator, statemen

and World War II hero, Winston Churchill, who said that never

before in history so many (meaning the entire British people) owed so

much to so few (meaning the military) that never before in human history

so few (meaning the public policy makers) have so massively disillusioned

and misled the entire people in relation to Covid-19.

The basic rationale for the economy ruining public policies

was saving of human lives through restrictions. Now, let us see

how many lives were at stake and how great was the extent to

which the world's economies had to suffer to reduce that risk .

First of all, please note that only 5,712,394 or a little over 5.7

million humans have so far died in the world from Covid-19

according to official data. This means that so far a very small

part of the total global human population was affected. But to

save such a tiny part of the world's population from dying, a far

greater evil of pushing the global economy over the brink was

recommended by a small elite of policy or decision makers

round the world.

How very great was the effect of the Covid-19 induced shut down of

national economies can be seen from the fact that the pandemic caused

the '2nd largest global recession in history, with more than a third of the

global population at the time being placed on lockdown.

Global stock markets fell on 24 February 2020 due to a significant rise

in the number of COVID-19 cases outside mainland China. By 28 February

2020, stock markets worldwide realized their largest single-week

declines since the financial crisis of 2007-2008. This culminated in the

2020 stock market crash.'

Another sign of the looming worldwide economic collapse was seen

from dangerous decline in the price of crude oil. Crude oil price started

dipping with fall in the number of users reflecting big and small players

in the global economy having no need for buying oil. The crash in oil

price started in mid-February 2020. On 20 April 2020, 'prices dropped

below zero for the first time in recorded history.'

The International Labour Organization estimated that an

equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs were lost across the

world from Covid-19 related shocks and income earned by

workers globally fell 10 percent in the first nine months of

2020, equivalent to a loss of over US$ 3.5 trillion. Cambridge

University research put the cost to the global economy at $82

trillion over five years. How many millions make a billion dollars ?

100 million dollars make a billion. How many billions make a trillion dollars

? 1000 billion dollars make a trillion dollars.

These are but conservative estimates. The real economic costs from

keeping economies paralyzed could very probably be counted as far

greater if the pandemic ends and fresh research shows up much higher

figures of losses than the above.

History shows that far more than 5.7 million humans died from large

scale pandemics in the past.The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was the

deadliest outbreak of the virus in history. An estimated 500 million people

across the globe caught the illness, throughout the pandemic. While

there are no official figures documenting the exact number of deaths, it is

estimated that between 20 million and 50 million people were killed as a

result of the deadly virus. The flu was first seen in Europe, then the US

and parts of Asia, before it rapidly spread throughout the entire world.

Therefore, human fatalities from Covid-19 has been peanuts like in

comparison. The policy makers at that time had not much medical

capacities to stop or slow down the Spanish flu. It ran its course and naturally

ended. But they did not at least deliver a double whammy of

an uncontrolled pandemic and the agonies thereof made much worse

by introducing willfully economy crushing measures. At least no one can

aid there he was rushed to the

emergency department of Chittagong

Medical College Hospital in his own

ambulance. The doctor on duty later

pronounced him dead.

According to the information obtained

from the initial investigation of the yard,

the probable cause of death is cardiac

arrest. Investigations are underway by

various government agencies to

determine the exact cause of death. Yard

authorities are in the process of paying

all the dues for the slain workers.

Financial assistance is being provided to

the families of the workers killed on

humanitarian grounds. Ismail Hossain's

employment has been arranged in this

industrial establishment.

However, in some media reports,

incorrect and partial information has

been spread, somewhere it has been

mentioned that he fell from the ship and

died. Somewhere at night unauthorized

activities are conducted on board the

ship. Somewhere again I have died from

an iron blow which is not true in the true

sense but misleading.

"Our company Kabir Steel Limited is

strictly prohibited from working on

ships at night (after sunset)," the

statement said. The yard has the

approval of the Department of Factory

and Establishment Inspection to work in

two shifts day and night. In addition,

Yard Paramedic did not see any thorns

or blood stains on the body of the slain

worker during first aid. If he was hit by

any kind of iron, he must have had the

slightest thorns or blood stains on his

body. In addition, all workers and

employees of Kabir Steel Limited are

allowed to work only after obtaining the

required PPE (Personal Protective

Equipment) as per the type of work to

ensure necessary training and health


blame the great economic depression of the thirties that happened much

later after Spanish flu from economic reasons as caused by the flu.

Policy makers today base their concern entirely on cutting down risks

to human life from Covid -19. But where was that concern during World

War I and World War II ?The total number of military and civilian casualties

in World War I was about 40 million.World War II was the deadliest

military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70-85 million people

perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (estimated 2.3

billion). Was this very extraordinarily big number of deaths in the two

world wars at all inevitable.? Diplomats, statesmen and all other sensitive

and humanistic people around the world could concert together and

raise barriers to such deaths.

Specially after World War I and in the background of its horrific experience

of deaths and destructions like never before in human history. was

it not on obligation for civilizedsegments of mankind to show that they

were determined to resist repetition of such senseless barbarities. The

founding of the League of Nations and subsequently the United Nations

were seen as deliberate and conscious attempts of so called civilized

humanity to prevent mindless deaths and destructions.

But how many died from military conflicts in the post World War periods.

How many died in the Vietnam war and how many in the Afghan

wars. According to reliable data, 13.5 million died in the course of the

Vietnam war, 2.4 million in the Afghanistan wars and 6.5 million in the

Iraq conflict. The architect of the Unted Nations system to frustrate war

and keep the peace, superpower United States, did hardly anything to

uphold its professed objectives. USA carried on the carnage in Vietnam

even after realizing they were perpetrating an unfair war on a far weaker

and vulnerable people who were spirited mainly by ideology in their

struggle against a far superior power. The same was the position of the

USA in the Afghanistan wars.

In Iraq, the USA started a war that could not be justified later because

it was proved that Saddam Hossein was not illegally producing weapons

of mass destruction violating agreements. The point is :the same USA

hypocritically adopted a stance of saving human lives to contain the

spread of Covid-19 though all considerations for human lives mattered

little or nothing to it in the past when it could practically stop the loss of

human lives through its conscious decisions.

Rather, the USA helped to set a standard for most countries to follow

that shutting down economies would be the ideal way to stop Covid-19's

spread. From doing this, the USA was not only setting the stage for

harming its own economy but more importantly the global economy as

well. Now, the same USA is feeling obliged to recant its monumental

Covid-19 related policy errors and reopen its economy to the fullest


The unwillingness of some countries not to stretch lockdown, restrictions,

etc. period or periods too long or too far , ignoring the global trend,

was seen rewarded in significantly higher economic growth trends there,

comparatively. A shining example is in our own neighborhood, South

Asia. Bangladesh economy grew 4.50 percent in 2021 notwithstanding

the pandemic with only one three months long relaxed phase of lockdown

whereas in the same period India that enforced four phases of

strict lockdowns or the like experienced its economy's 'contraction' by 7.3

per cent. Clearly, our battling of Covid-19 has been a lot better than India's

as our leadership executed Covid-19 related policies with greater insight

or hindsight.

Out of a total global population of nearly 8 billion human beings or

8,000 million people some 5.7 million only have died from Covid-19 .

That means less than 1 percent of the infected ones worldwide died from

Covid-19. But the world's peoples are still not fully hedged from the Corona

virus. To tell the plain truth, many are dying regularly from Corona

virus even after taking two vaccine shots and the booster dose. They

would have very probably died with or without vaccination and lockdown/restrictions.

It should be noted that the overwhelming number

that contracted corona viruses (including their mutated forms) survived

or recovered.

The deaths from among them were too few or less than one per cent

only in contrast to the total number that got the disease. Therefore, in

what way it has been pragmatic or sensible to impose such crushing

blows on the global economy (with varying degrees of negatives for the

world's countries) by insisting that these countries should make lockdowns,

restrictions, etc. as the main plank of their public policies to save

such limited number of lives of people ?

[The writer is former Associate Editor of The Independent]

[From page-1]

Highly appreciating the socio-economic progress of

Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister

Sheikh Hasina, he reaffirmed Japan's commitment to

stand beside Bangladesh for the mutual benefits of

the two peoples.

He assured Japan's continued support to resolve

the Rohingya crisis.

At a ceremony jointly organized on this occasion by

the Embassy of Japan in Dhaka and the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh this afternoon at the

Foreign Service Academy, Foreign Minister Dr AK

Abdul Momen; Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary)

Masud Bin Momen and Ambassador of Japan to

Bangladesh Ito Naoki spoke at the celebration event.

Video messages of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,

Japanse Prime Minister Fumio Kishida were played.

Message of President of the Japan-Bangladesh Parliamentary

Friendship League Taro Aso was also read


As the chief guest of the ceremony, Dr Momen

recalled with gratitude moral and material support

provided to us by the Government and people of

Japan to our War of Liberation.

He also paid deep respect to the "Friends of

Bangladesh" from Japan, whom Bangladesh has

awarded for their invaluable contributions to the

GD-226/22 (9x4)

independence of Bangladesh. Foreign Secretary

Momen highlighted the historical kinship between

the two countries.

He said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman's visit to Japan in 1973 sealed the

relationship between the two friendly countries for


Mentioning that Bangladesh is progressing under

the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh

Hasina to achieve the dream of Bangabandhu's

Sonar Bangla, he stressed on the instrumental role

of Japan as a key development partner in this


Ambassador of Japan Ito Naoki highlighted the

robust multifaceted cooperation between the two

countries, especially in the areas of infrastructure

development, trade, investment and people-to-people


He assured Japan's continued cooperation for the

socio-economic development of Bangladesh as well

as repatriation of Rohingya people.

Colorful dance performances at the courtesy of

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy were also presented

at the ceremony.

Chairmen of BIDA, BEPZA, BEZA and high-level

representatives from Japanese business community

in Bangladesh, among others, attended the event.

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