February 2022_Lisa.pptx

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Born: 2013

Time at shelter: 6 months

Adopted: 2013

Passion: Food

Goals in life: To spread

happiness and love and to kiss

as many noses as possible.

Nefeli is a full breed Greek Tail

Wagger, and the most positive

dog you could wish to meet.

She has travelled to more than

10 countries doing tricks in dog

shows and expos, spreading the


“Adopt, don’t shop”

The funny and goofy parts of life makes it worth living, but the

rough parts could make living worth it for someone else. When you

know what hardship is you can help others. I often stop and wag my

tail to someone being alone. I usually take a small moment and give a

kiss to anyone who seems lonely. I keep finding the people who need

a hug, and just stay there on their laps for a moment, or brighten

their day by doing some tricks.

There is a smile in my face because I truly enjoy life and I want

others to feel the same. To share the love, kindness and happiness to

anyone and everyone. That’s what I have been doing for the past 9

years and plan to continue for years to come.

Keep your eyes open because opportunities

to change someone’s day are all around us


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