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Alison Green of

Mackrell. Solicitors

London England

introduces us to Brenda

Hale, Baroness Hale of


Brenda Hale, Baroness Hale of Richmond

Baroness Hale has been a pioneer throughout her career, from becoming the

first, and only, woman to be Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, to rising to the top of the

British judiciary as President of the Supreme Court – becoming the third person,

and first woman, to serve in this prestigious role.

With a background in the Family Law Courts – being one of the key people

behind the Children Act 1989 – Baroness Hale has overseen some landmark

decisions including ruling that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s proroguing of

parliament over Brexit was unlawful.

She continues to champion for inclusivity in the world of law and the judiciary,

previously calling for a more balanced gender representation within the UK’s

highest court and swifter progress promoting those from minority ethnic

backgrounds, and with “less privileged lives”.

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