Magento 2 Admin Action Log

Magento 2 admins can perform all the administrative actions in the online store and can make changes as per the requirement. If your online store is big enough, you may require to hire multiple admins and divide the administrative work amongst them. In such cases, the store owners or super admin may require to keep track of all the actions performed by admins. However, this is not possible with the basic version of Magento 2. Therefore, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Admin Action Log extension to allow the store owners to keep track of all the admin action logs and revert the unnecessary ones.

Magento 2 admins can perform all the administrative actions in the online store and can make changes as per the requirement. If your online store is big enough, you may require to hire multiple admins and divide the administrative work amongst them.

In such cases, the store owners or super admin may require to keep track of all the actions performed by admins. However, this is not possible with the basic version of Magento 2. Therefore, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Admin Action Log extension to allow the store owners to keep track of all the admin action logs and revert the unnecessary ones.


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2. Configuration

To configure the extension, log in to Magento 2, move to Admin Action Log → Configuration

where you can find various settings to configure the extension.

• Admin Action Log: Enable or disable the Admin Action Log extension.

• Automatically Clear Action Logs after .... Days: Enter number of days after which you

wish the extension to automatically clear the action logs.

• Select Objects to Log: Select all the objects for which you want to log actions.

• Restore Settings Warning Text: Enter custom message that you want to display to the

admin while restoring the admin actions.

• Save Page Visit History: Set YES to enable page visit history log for various admin users.

Admin Action Log for Magento 2

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