World 033022

The World World Publications Barre-Montpelier, VT

The World
World Publications
Barre-Montpelier, VT


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Job Trends for 2022

Pandemic-related upheaval in the job market has continued, years after the

emergence of a novel coronavirus. That makes staying on top of trends even more

important for those seeking employment in 2022:


There’s no sign that the work-from-home trend will be

abating anytime soon. Tens of millions of people were forced

from their workplaces during enforced lockdowns, and many

of them adapted so well they never wanted to returned to the

office. n fact nearly of those workers said they wanted

to work at home permanently in a survey conducted by

leobs. bout preferred a hybrid enironment that

split the difference.) Variants have reinforced some people’s

resolve to work remotely, but employers have also found that

they can attract a deeper talent pool — and that productivity

can actually go up. he best companies will offer fleible



Contract work, one-off commissions and project work

will also continue to rise in as workers find that self

employment in the so-called “gig economy” is preferable to

conentional obs. hese obs proide fleibility to those who

can’t — or don’t want to — work eight consecutive hours, or

fie consecutie days. raditional hourly or salaried positions

are simply too constricting for this band of potential hires.


n a obseekers market like applicants held

leverage over prospective employers. This year will be no

different as companies desperate to fill positions will find

themselves negotiating more than ever. The Great Resignation

made clear that people are more willing than ever to

leave long-term jobs for something new. Companies will

have to sweeten the pot in the current job market, either

through salary increases or epanded benefit packages or

both. As expected, expanded medical coverage has become a

much bigger priority.


Besides the pandemic, nothing has had a bigger recent impact

on our economy than technology. These automation and

machine-learning trends have added new pressure on smaller

companies, while also limiting job opportunities in the wider

marketplace. Software packages can handle many processes

now, making managing systems both easier and quicker. But

those are obs that humans once filled. rtificial intelligence

is also being used to improve accuracy, sometimes at the loss

of positions that companies would normally be hiring to fill.

• • •

Do You Need a Résumé Writer?

Maybe you’ve struggled to get a call back, or have simply grown bored with your own life story. Maybe you got a peek at

some of other candidate submissions on a potential employer’s desk, and found your résumé lacking.

f so hiring a professional writer might help energie your

ob search. ts easy to let hours spent staring at a blank page

turn into days. Or maybe you’ve started writing and can’t

seem to edit everything down into a digestible document that

sells your candidacy to its fullest potential. n either case

a new collaborator can have a huge impact. Here’s how to

decide whether you need a résumé writer:


rofessional writers can create a customied rsum that

fits any new ob search. You can secure their serices ia

forprofit companies but you may also find that your local

junior college or university offers résumé writing for current

students or alumni. f you hire someone ask about their

ertified rofessional sum riter designation.

certified professionals hae undergone an etensie training

program that focuses on new trends in hiring, document

formatting, personal brand management and technical writing

— all key elements in creating a successful résumé for a


job market.


Beyond those credentials, seek out recommendations from

other satisfied clients in particular those who work in your

ob sector. heck a potential writers inkedn page for positie

reiews and endorsements. f you hae someone in mind

already, request this material from them directly — and be

specific. Youre looking for concrete information on how this

potential search partner helped position others for success.

Those details provide peace of mind, and that might also

spark a few ideas of your own.

page 14 The WORLD March 30, 2022


Remember to talk price early on. Arrive with a budget

number in mind, since only you know what you’re comfortable

with allocating for this part of your search. As with any

service, be wary of anyone who doesn’t offer a money-back

guarantee should you be dissatisfied with the results. et

discuss your work history and personal goals, and how they

fit in with the current market. professional rsum writer

may also be able to improe on any specific opinions you

have about formatting or style.

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