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home nil11 city (111 foot. 1x0 cnrried n<br />

carpet-bng, slu~lg over lliu sl~oulder by an<br />


-- ---- --<br />

- - 17<br />

- - - - -- - -<br />

pieces nrid ounuingly ct!luellt tlle~n, :l11(1 turti 111111~rt~ll:r. IItt TV:IS (lisg11ise11 so titat 11is " 31:ttl1111i, ul:ty I nrsiwl you to yonr c.l~rri:~gc:<br />

that side fro111 tile light, 111rtl lo.! yolr wt1111tl II(!:L~~?Y~ fri~1111 Wil:ll~l 1101 11:tvt~ k11v\v11 II~III. wit11 ulr IL~III ?"<br />

Swttnr it l~nd lrever 1)eeu 11rolre11 tit ~kll!" Two clirys l:ttt2r 11u stootl ill :t livtnry-stt~lrlt. *d'l'l~:i~~li ~IIII, IIC!,*' nlltI rt~l~lic!il, ill :L II)\v,<br />

Hslell nccoptc!d this hillt, rultl togetl~er fifty 111ilt~s fro!^^ III~III~~,~II t1113 11r1-5% ~)f :L wt-11- trc.~~lulor~s to~~c*; IIIII~, IIH if 11~1' nt~lf-t1o~~1~'t~1<br />

they so11g11 t Loolc's 11l:tct! of t~l)otle. to-do gt~lltlt2111:~ll, yc*t alill tlirp11iat~11 wit11 :I \v:tli ~t~tllit.1lt.11 11). tl~c! tlfl'ort, 111.r \vt,~.~l..c \VI*I.I:<br />

&'Here in our irltt!rmliup co~~v:ilmce~rt," 1):kirot gret.11 sl)~.c:t:~c.lt~s :r~rtl :L fulst. ~n~~st:rr.l~c.. t'~,llotvc~rl 1)s :L *pr~c*c.c'nsioll of 1rri1k1~11 sttI,s.<br />

~nid 1'01) B~';~tJstrert, ~:alle~.i~lg He1e11 illto wllicll ~ili~lit h:lvt: I~r.;trc.d !I:#: liplrt of tl:r~.. 11;tIf str~otIlert*(l ill 111.r l~t~~~~lIzt~r~~l~it!f,<br />

I~t-Ili~~tl<br />

the sitt,il~g-rooll~, 1v11e1.e LooI(. ill drt~s~i~lg- " I wislr :L 110rse IIIII~ t:;i1,1,1:1gt~ for f011r t ~r 111.r \.tail.<br />

gow11 111it1 nlil)l>el*s, (II~I!II~I~~I~ :t rc)t!Ici~~g-t!l~nir ilve tli~ys or :L ~~ct~li," Ilt! $:kit1 ; " :111tl 11s I :ull \Vitl~ IL low 11t1\v tliu 1111111 \P:LIICI~II oil. :111t1<br />

llc?:tr the willdo\\', t111tl W:IH (lis(~ove?ri~d llietli- :L strtr~~gt~r to Y~II I III.C)~I(I?;V to 1):1y yo11 ill 1111. \VIIIIIIIII followc~tl II~II~. (:011rtt~o111;1~ 11v<br />

tlltivoly stirrillg n mllislry-tod~ly, whicl~ silt :LI~V:LIII!~J, t11111 tltbl~o?it t1ltA V:I~III, OK yo~ir t11)t'llc~tl tl~c tlot~r f11r 11t.r to IIII~R, ill111 111-111 it<br />

on a tnl1l13 :lt llin t.ll~r)w.<br />

])rol)t:rt.y ~vitll tlit2 c.11~1.k of tilt! 111,tc.l wlli~l,c. 1 o11t.11 so t1111t 1111~ ligl~t f14l III*I.IISH t11(1 11:1vta-<br />

*'I311 ! Miss l'ri111*t!to11 ? 11111)o~sil)le!" ~;ried :1m stol)l)iilg ilg:iilidt its s:~ic! rt2tur1~:'<br />

1111-II~ 1111til ~Ikt* 11:r11 ta~~tt-I 1.11 11t.r t.~trri:~gt,.<br />

Look, l)r:imi~lg ~vitll fll:r~)ri~t! ti1111 (!~lriosity<br />

I>:L~II~ wit11 tilt! r1~:11~1ior followi~~z t110<br />

ue well nn )lt!ual~rt?. " I~rtlrt:tl, tho gotls lire<br />

:I~I?II~ of tit~s[>t~~~st? 1119 11t111 t~111111rtvJ, li:~i,ry<br />

l~n~l~itious! Miss I'ri~~c:t+tc~~~, I OW& you nu 011 &III I!)t11 11e.lt~11 t)Ibt:ii~!l~tl ])t*r~iii>si?~~ T~IIIIII~ s~~t~lt I~:i~*li II~)IIII 1111+ I.IIS~I~IIIIS :t*ltl<br />

npology for not 1)eillg bnttt:r 1)rtsl1iireti to re- to visit 111Lrry i11 tilt. tb\-tAlllllg, IIIIII :tgiiIu l)1,t3:,t 111311, i~s 11,: ftdt 11i111st~If IIO~II~! ~~ii)~itlly '<br />

ceive you.<br />

I-iirly ill tilt) li~nrl~i~lg of tilt. 20tl1, 10 tirrov, tl~t.i~~~ti~ii~tt~d lrir of frvt~111111l ! \\'it11<br />

" bfy ctc~ru.;" to his tiil~id littlt) wife, wllo stay wit11 wit11 11il11 l1111il 11~ W:IS 11~1 :l\v:~~. his i1ai1111u 1,1t~~sf*11 1i:tl~il ovtbr 11is tyt-s, 11,:<br />

tll wtls fl11strrt!11 out of (111 st!lf-l~otiut~ssio~~, - . lll.:ttll. . . - . - - - .<br />

tlit~l~-.ht of tl11. tic-vott~tl \~I)III~III III! 11i1tl It-f~<br />

why tloli't yo11 plnc!c+ a seat for 11111 lt~tly ? 111 tlrn tavellilrp sl~t!l~rt~.*t~~itt~tl I~rrsrlf r~t ll~t? It) 1 ~ i1:t. ~ 11ipl11, s ill tl~t~~~~lil~~tl~~ of his t!t*lI.<br />

Tip the pnpera oil tlltlt c!llnir c~utl tlllst, it. 11riw11, d~ki)t.(l ill tilt. rltatal~ III~II~II~IIK xvI1i1.11 A frt.1111;: c~f ~t~lI-rt.1~:.o:it.l1 111i1)glt*11 wit11<br />

If Lllis WIIS ouly willr, Miss l'ri~ic:c+ton, I---" slltr h:id worll ever si:~c.tr lrt*r f:itl~c,r'a clt.:~tlt, thta larvt! 1111tl g~,t~lit~~tlt- ~vitlj wl1it4i lais III~:LI.I<br />

Miss l'ri~~cwtorr stst 11i1r1 :~t east!, t~rltl ill n ~LIII~ ~11i1:ll xv:is now 10 Ilt! the IIII~:III~ l~y ~rt.nt 0111 11) In-r, tlrc1ug11 III? lalt!w tl~nt it<br />

mi~~ute's ~IIIIH R~IH w:~s ill 1)rivnttr ~(l~lft+r~~~~tte whic.11 tl~t! tillc.t:taea of 11t.r l>lot xv:ts ~,t~rsil~lt.. Tv:lr, 11s ~ 1 1 t h 11:i.I s:lid, t-llsivr for 11t~ to 11i11111rt~<br />

with II~III, xvl~illi Pol) Brtitlatrt~t!t t!l~t~!rtt~i~rt:d All o ~~tli~~cs of II~II~u \vtArc? lost ill thta 111111- Illis ~II:III 111*t! II~III st).<br />

Jh's. H1rta.11 ill t~lrother roo111 ill Iris ow11 likc? 11 ri~pt~ry.<br />

T11t4 c.:trrl:~~o stt~~~lrt~tl ilk IL l~v-stl'c't~t. Tilt,<br />

11~!11litu. wily.<br />

" You mill Ire! tlui~~tt~rrl~ptrvl for :III I~t~nr, ~-O:IVIIIIIIIII t1pt.111~1 I I I ~ + I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I Itrli~111- I ~ ~ I : I I ~ ~ ~<br />

The iutrrriew 1:1ete11, ~IP~II:II)~, h:ilf :ill Miss lJ~~i~itwlo~~," s:~itl tilt! \V:IIY~~>II, Iiiuttly, c.11 :L:I~ ~v:~lI;t~tl trtvt~y \t7it1kor~t :L wt~rtl.<br />

hour, RIIC~ just wlit?~~ Mrs. Ylli~rl) 1)1~.:~11it) so :la 11- ~~tl~rlitt?(l 111.1.. " I :LIII SOITY t11:tt I ~.:III- (;I:IIII.~II~ OVI~I* 11is HII~IIIIII~I~, IICI S:I\V ~III?<br />

sntrlrntt.11 wit11 c:lil'iosity t11:~t tillti w:i~ltetl to riot give? ytttt ~II(II.I! titrtt*; IIII t. t3o1rrst*. OIII- c.o:tc.l~rr~:tt~ tll.ivt+ wlosly I~o~uc-rr~tr~'tl, ltrokil~g<br />

etrnngla 1'011 I%rild~tr(~t~t :111t1 11ut 11c.r tlnr to r111t-s 11:~re t11 Ill! ~igltlly t~l)st.rrtatl, :IIII~ Ite:.u- c.~n.L,~~sly !~:ic.k nf tear his ~11))1)otit.11 ~rli*tr~.ss.<br />

thu liey-l~(~lo of thtr aittiug-rooln door, 11elc.11 not go I)t*yol~tl t111. 1)rrlllit."<br />

I\ ~~.II-IIIIII!I~~~S' \v11:1c Ill.o~lgl~t 11:1rr~ 111 11<br />

e~nergc~cl. looki~riz i11isI1'd nucl enger.<br />

Slit+ t111111krtl 11i1ri 111u1ort i~l:u~dil~ly, a1111 tvtriti~~g (*:~~,ri:~gt~, ~vhicli lit! 1~11tvro(1 I~IIIIIIII~.<br />

"It's nll riglit," sli~ 11egn11.<br />

lte w:lw hrr ltut:t.l :it 1I:rrry'a c.ot-~:~w 11il11 t.x111:1ll:~tio1:, tilt? driver tbvitlt!lrtly I)t4i1g :~l-<br />

Pol) Urndstrcet il~tc~rrul)tc~d :<br />

tl~rotv tile h1:~11kt~t fro111 hi* 11ri1tl 1111t1 1~1)li rt.:rdy i11str11t4tvl ill l~in t111ty. '<br />

.' HI1 !-eb !-u11 ! ()C oourae it is nll right. at her xvitli I~lootl-shot evtBs :111t1 c1irordt.red Tllt311 tho 81)il.itt'd 11ors(~~ wtLrtl givtlll tl~l!<br />

Tho11 whv cliscu~ls it ?<br />

11:iir. fIe looltrd tilt' 11ic~tilrt1 of u u1:ur mllohtr rexi11 nlld d~tsl~t.tl a\vny liko t11t! wi~ld.<br />

~orrl w:is ehilletl by tllc! sllatlorv of tht? g:~l-<br />

" Mrs. S11nr1)--most admirnble Mrs. Sharp<br />

111 this c~:trr>i:rgo 11srry folrutl IL I:II'~I+ u11tc.11-<br />

! lows.<br />

el, fro111 \vl~i(~Ir III! toolc 11 1~o111])1t~tc1 t~utllt.<br />

we I)id you go~~tl-~~~or~ri~~g." '' Wornell nre Ir tlurcr lot," ~n~rrrd the of c~lotliil~g, rvtm to I~oota ILII(~ 11111. Sll.il~-<br />

IIo ol)e~~ecl tile (toor for Ht?lorl to precetle w:lrdeu :IS 1le Itaft t1lt.111. " IIOW tile tleuct' I)III~ 11i111srlf of c~vr!rytl~i~~g III! II:III \~OI.II III<br />

hi~ll, n11(1 w11e11 sl~e 11nd 1111ssed tlirougli lie ~lle tsnll I~t'l~~~vt! 1li111 i~~~~t)t.eilt, with tllitt 1ot1k tI1t1 ])risnli, 11e (lrt%st~l 11i111st!If IIII~IV \vl~ilt?<br />

turlled ugnin.<br />

OII lria f11ct3, 1)rats III~! ! IIe'd l)eer~ r:lvi~i'~n:id the tsar~.inge wan ill 111otio11.<br />

'' We tellder our devotioli to one who in nn by tliis tirl~e if it wrlar~'t for her, :111d I (lou't 111to llis poc.kt:t 1113 sli11l)rtl n ~ilvt~r-~~lotl~~tc~cl<br />

~~IIILIIIOII~ to 11er RHX. Once 1nor13, excelle~it lci~ow but Ilu'll go crozy before morr~iug,<br />

Mrs. Slinrp, rrdic?u I"<br />

- nu revolver, wlric!h 111, llatl forl~~tl lx+ut*:~tl~ tht:<br />

it is!"<br />

seat ir~ Helerl's c.nr:.infw for slle ht1tl1rrovitletl<br />

IIe Biased llis h:Llld to ller with n profound IIe woultl have cl~n~lged tiis nii~id had lie lliill with tlre III~RIIS &f '~elf-~)rott:l'tio~~, eve11<br />

how. trud tlieu trotted nfter Helel~. clluak- see11 wlllit took 11lnc.e iu the cell mitl~ili i~ to tlre takiug of lif~ if neceasury.<br />

liug '80ftly to lrimself.<br />

rlriliute nfter Ile Ief t it.<br />

Here me leave him, sllfely sturtedili his es-<br />

Mra. Bhnrl) wns canlled from the old gnlln~it Heleu remove(1 lier hat, veil, ellnwl nnd cape.<br />

bv n tl~~rrr~ning on the tnble ill the next dress. kInrry took off his cont nud vest trud<br />

r6om nlid n Goice cnlliug :<br />

RY~UIIIO~ Hele~i'a dress, purposely made<br />

Mnria-Mnrin !I1<br />

Inrge, togetller with ~ I extrn I sliirt wl~icl~<br />


W1ltt11 she rnn to her lord he oried : Heleu htrd been tho~tgl~tful errorrgh to pro-<br />

"Put 111e back to bed 'iir~metlintel~ ! I<br />


vide tll:~t his drew luigllt lrnug properly, ns<br />

Ilnve tnkeil n violent relnpsc?! I nlu ill n sl113 Gxl~lni~led to lli111, wllru IIH In~~gliiugly The fatnl twe~ltietl~ of Mny !<br />

very cl.iticnl conditiou, and onu see nobody, nsked the utility of tlre lnst gnrrnt.ut tohinl- I11 the east npl~enred r segmellt of f:~int<br />

not eveu tlre doctor! Do you henr? Get self. Her sliuwl, hnt tiud veil followed, niid illu~niuntioll, whiuli widened uiltil tht+ wllole<br />

tne I)aclc to I~ecl nt OIIC~!"<br />

the trnr~sformatioli \vna C*OIII nlete.<br />

Ilenvens were ~kliglrt~. All the ~i~elotlious<br />

Mrs. Sht~rp looked Ixiwildered. Her hus- IIelt!r~ seuretetl lier lover's f est tuinong the ~o~~i~cls ntld s\xrrc?t sc!eufs wit11 wliicl~ II:L~II~~<br />

bnud S~HIII~!~ s~idtle~lly nwnlcened to vigor- !led-olotl~es, as tllere WII~ IIO ust?ill lrer wear- gret~ta 11t:r \vnliiug i!llildrell c!ruue 1t.i tlr t hct<br />

ous henltlr ~ntlrar tllnu t11row11 bcrolc iuto lug it, In~t do1111et1 h~s caont to nit1 in tlre tle- 1)rr:rkirig tlny. T1it.11, up frc1111 his t!o~rc:li<br />

the dnlrgerolls stnte he described.<br />

ceptio~~. Slle tileu tnnk his plnce 011 the cot lt::~l~t.d tl~uglt~tl still, i)roc.lninii~lg '' l'errrau on<br />

Le:~l~il~g 011 ller shoulder-for he mns yet a11d wris c.ovrred ur). ill readii~ers for the rt!- e11rt11, good-\vill to llleu!"<br />

wenk-Look regnilled his bedrooln, mllc~re he tur.11 of the j:uler. - '<br />

luto 11nlf-c~urtail~rd willilows 11e l~tsnl~cil,<br />

11inde the mystifled womnai etnud just 1)efore Effratunlly diuauised,EInrry 1)rpn11 to mnllc nnil 11;s l>t.nnls rratrd \\,it11 IIIII.FSS~II~ ~(IIII!~~<br />

hiin, rvhile he leotllred IlrlS fro111 tile pillows brick trud forth ill tht! narrow liruits of the (III flossy 11nir 1111tl t.ll(.ek glotvil~:: \5tl1 tllo<br />

nmolig wllich he w:ls bolstered.<br />

cell, both to get :tc.rustt)~i~t.tl to tl~t? IIltiringc- I111sh of henltll. TI~rongl~ tile! I)rc~kt.li PIIUH<br />

'' Mnrin " 11e enid " did you ever henr ~ntwt --- ~ ---- of his ullf:rlllili:lr (:OY~IIIIIH il11(1 to re- IIH looltrtl t~~~~~~lrr~esion~itrly<br />

ill 1111.111 tl~tc ftrce<br />

nl)oi~t ~11;~ Benrrl's Gives? Yes? Well, thnt oeive t.lie last criticisms U ~OII Ilia gait nud pi111~11ed xviI11 11111rgf~1.or IVI~II wit11 1):rill.<br />

legend illustrntes nli eterllnl truth-Cur~os- gn~leral cnrriuge.<br />

lCvt.11 tI~t?grny wnlls of thr!l)risoll 11c! soueht<br />

ity, thy linlrle is mollinn !<br />

Tlit?~~ OLLIIIU the ]):rrfi~lg ,'~,nt~vrell tho lov- to w:ir111 ; 1)lct \vlrc!ll Ilia bt!:~llrs iell upoli tlltt<br />

"Now, Mnrin, liere i~ 811 iu~.penetrnI~le em, si11t.e they \vo111d h:tvc! 110 ol)l)ortunity I:i(lc~o~in str~~tot~irc! tllnt 1'ost) ill th~i 111nrkvtmystery,<br />

wliiol~ lnnet, rtbrlini~l ILII IIII~I!IIH~,~:L- t~fttlr tire n~)l)r:iral~ct! of tlrt* WIL~~I~II. plat!t., they c.11st 11tbyo11tl it IL horritl 8h:~tlow<br />

11le u~yntery to you till tllo tlny of your Tho I)I!II falter8 ovtar t11:rt s:rcrrd scrl1t1. like ti slct!l~!toll 11a1:d.<br />

denth. nud ~t?rll;~l)s nftormar(1. You must Who (.:all clesc:ril~e tlic t?lotl~~t.~~c!u of look, tht! 111 tlie ]~rt!sn~c+t! of tll:~t tc!rrilllt! tlericc<br />

clo just as I tell you, witl~o~lt q~~estiorl, with- te~~tlcr~lres of toll? tilt? 11tltl1oa of canrt.ss? whitall liud rise11 1111rillg 111~ l~ipl~t likt) tlio<br />

out oommel~t-nl~ovo all, wltllout illvestign- Whrit, rrlrious eyes ;rould look upo11 11 hc,art c:oujuraiiol~ of 00111t! rrl~rlig~~it~~t ilt*lltl, tlrrt<br />

tion.<br />

u~irt!iletl :lt snt;ll n nron~eut ? \\;llat 1)ryillg g1:ltl noulrds of 1111ntli11g lift1 n~llllc illto :~\vt?(l<br />

" If you mere to BIIC~?I!R~ ill ])enetrntiug enr woultl I~eutl tocatol~ each :~r~x~o~~sc!l~~rrgt., silrr1c.c.. Xlrll guzeti upo~i ~t trucl, dlut1tlt.rtliis<br />

Inywterv, you wo111d l)et:ome n spectllolti encli 111t.tlge. etlol~ sigll. ~111.11 1re:irt l)t!:~t ill::, ~IIIIII'I~ 111vny.<br />

fnr more ferril~le tlrnlt th:rC wllioll froze ngninst 11th:u't nltd lip ib wetl(lt!tl to lip, per- Str(hn111i11g ill fro111 tl~t? t~~rrror~i~tlii~g (oo~i~~the<br />

1)loi~tl of thtr 11e:~utiful Ilut misgr~itled 11:lr)s nc?rt!r np:~ill to ~i~t.t!t 011 tl~lrtll ? try ta:llno vc.11iclt.a of tbvc~ry t11,ac-riptioll, tl~e<br />

Firti~ti:~. l111d it woi11Cl not t11r11 out 80 luck- Wht!li tilt? w:rrtlall ~iy~pc:rrt:tl hc fo~iilcl tllt, f:it.tas of tl~t-ir ~II-~:II~):III~~;-II~~-II, IVIIIII~II, t11111<br />

ily for yo11 nu it tlitl in her c!nse. Tllat, luy ~~r~sorierml~olly oovt~rttct wit11 t111) Irt~tl(:lotIlt.a I.V~II t~l~iltlrc~i~-~~lipl~l. wit11 II c.il~~ioriilv lllot.<br />

tlenr, is Ihe tusol~tinl tliffertrucne betw(!ell fact t?xot!~)t 011~ ar111, \vllic.li m:~s tl~rowll illtovt' hntl 111111~11 01' tlvil ill it; flll(1 1111 g111~~iti1ttvl<br />

n11(1 fiction. Nothing ever elids well 111 renl Ilia li~11(1, t111? 1i:111tl I~ititlt;~~ l)t*11t-:tt11 il~t? pil- towln~tl tilt? g11:lstly t.llpillt~ of 111'i~t 11, tlr:~\vl)<br />

life.<br />

low.<br />

tllitl~rr I)y its tt.rril11tr f~isc!ilr;~tic~l,.<br />

. "Now, listell ! To all incluiri~~g frielicls, I The wri11IiIt~s ill 1111. ~~illnrn-c.:lrt. ul~n%'~tl '1'111-11, xviI11 tilt! iiicrt-ILW~! of tltt* c.r$)\vtlv<br />

nm too ill to see nny 0111:. I llnve 11nd n re- tllt~t the 11ii11t1 wl1i1.11 t.o11It1 11ot 1)1. stnt'11 Jii111 grt!cv tllu fcsvt!r of c~s~~t~c~tn~lc~v ; 1~1111 t.vt-ry<br />

Inpse, yon u~~derstt~nd-n dangerous re1nl)se. ~ript.tl it wit11 ti (.111t(b11 of tlt.sl)t.ri~tio~l. 1112- ej7e ~)i~r~ii*tl ii11(1 t?very ~~ll~st? t ~irillt-(1 wit 11 :LI~<br />

To the doctor, I nm restored to st~cll riotous ~i(itj tl~v caot kllc~lt :L l~ltic~k-tlr~~l~t~tl fIgllrtb, IIIII~ uill~oly vxcitt!~irt-i~ t.<br />

gootl henlth-to suoh rosy vigor of Innn- from the folds of tl~c vt'il issrlt-tl low, trcluu- 111 tlrtr ~ ~~idrt of it 1111 c*:ullo 1)('t11 (111 1 ~ oC ~ 1<br />

11ood-11y liis 1)ills nud powders, (lint he<br />

ti1t1r111 fro111 tilt! l)ri~o~~-l~t!ll; :III~~ thvthrv IIIII+<br />

need call no more. His little I~ill 110 will: of<br />

ill tilt. tllro~~ptfitl ~~~:~rlic~t,-l~la~t~~<br />

t~ir~i~d io his<br />

course, tnke out in advice wliell occ~lslon<br />

llc.igl~l~or ti1111 i~sltt?tl wllab it IIII'IIII~.<br />

8h:l require.<br />

'Plle ~v:~~.clt.u of tllcrl)riaol~ wt:a 11y IIO Il!c+:unr<br />

And now, my dcnr, the mhislry nrld to give 111.r tiwr to t.olilpore 11a.rst'lf.<br />

1111 t*nsly riet:r. 1t \VILS eigl~t o'e101:lc \v11t.11 111:<br />

srlcnr cmd IL fresli drnr~aht - froln ~lnturu's Wlie~i 111; rt!t 11r1ivt1 silt, stno11 rt~:itly. Ire nl)l~c.nrrcl :it 1)1.c~iilt fitst..<br />

sp~rkling fount."<br />

c:nst Ibut ouc g1:~ilc.e tit tlkt! ~llotiol~lrrs figore \lrl~ili! tltrllyi~~g wit11 his tagg-sl~oi~~i t11id<br />

The plot wne ~videtitly tliioky~~iug. ol~so~~rt~ly outlirrrtl l)r~~t.:~tl~ tltt. l)t.tlt~lotlrrs, g11ulc.illp Inzily orov tl~ti ~uor~liug 1)1il1t~r,<br />

Loolr 8hnr1) I1egn11 n Htrrrlige 11fe. IIH liv- nrltl iigniu shot tlrt, 1)olts 1~:lclc into their word wlis broupilt to liilll fllilt HOIII~+ 0110 of<br />

ed in the seulnsio~i of his roo111 tluriug the<br />

the 11riso111-rs IIIII~~, l)t! ill ~lintrtasa, j111Igil)g<br />

clny, nud wlien 110 grew stro~~g e11ougI1 be-<br />

I fro111 tllr SOIIII~Y ml~icli l)roc!c?cdrd froln tho<br />

an11 to take exerciau iu the ope11 nir nt p%ed6 ~GXVII t111. I-orridor, as mas the<br />

iiiglr t..<br />

custo~u. Sl~e loolrrcl fio cr~isllr~l wit11 grief<br />

Ou the nigllt of Mny 16th 110 left his t11nt l~tr broke tllro~~gll liis ~vol~ted reurrvr<br />

nnd said, with IULIC~ feeling in look and<br />

tone:<br />

kiys~to iuveatignte. -

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