The third issue of Astrovitae Magazine is here! This issue features an interview with the popular Youtuber Curious Archive and unique section spreads and cover art commissioned by contributors. The front cover, created by the artist J. J. Aniorte, displays a creature from his project 'Polinices'. J. J. Aniorte was recently featured on Curious Archive's channel, and the first article of issue 3 highlights his project containing a plethora of bizarre, colonial animals. Three colorful spreads were illustrated by the artist Michal Sadowski (aka Ycyprid online), who has composed elaborate scenes representing the spirit of each magazine section. There is even more hiding inside, so take a peak!

The third issue of Astrovitae Magazine is here! This issue features an interview with the popular Youtuber Curious Archive and unique section spreads and cover art commissioned by contributors. The front cover, created by the artist J. J. Aniorte, displays a creature from his project 'Polinices'. J. J. Aniorte was recently featured on Curious Archive's channel, and the first article of issue 3 highlights his project containing a plethora of bizarre, colonial animals. Three colorful spreads were illustrated by the artist Michal Sadowski (aka Ycyprid online), who has composed elaborate scenes representing the spirit of each magazine section. There is even more hiding inside, so take a peak!


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The World of Marine Wonders

BY J. J. Aniorte

INSTAGRAM: @nature_from_polinices

TWITTER: @jjaniorte

Polinices is an ongoing worldbuilding

project that has been six years in the

making. Illustrated by the artist, J. J.

Aniorte, the project intricately depicts

aspects of organisms living on Polinices

like their anatomy, behaviors, ecology,

and taxonomy. The end goal for the

project is the publication of an extensive

encyclopedia—one that contains illustrations

and descriptions of all the marine

life living in the seas of the ictional


The project is strongly inspired by the

early periods of the Paleozoic era—

whose silent landscapes and biological

oddities have been the criteria on which

all the work sometimes draws reference

from. Polinices is a world endowed with

a warm atmosphere and surface, bathed

by a blinding sun during the day, and

covered by a salty and shallow global

ocean. This ocean is interrupted by a

single arid and bleak landmass in the

center of the planet. In the middle of

these waters—growing on the shore of a

now sunken continent—Kýanos Metropolis

rises as a long barrier reef comparable

to that of the American continent.

Here the ocean is home to many countless

and bizarre sea creatures. J. J. Aniorte

and his project invites you to embark on

a journey to explore the vibrant reefs of

this paradisiacal realm, where neither

ish nor corals exist.

The Kingdom Polyzoa. The primary

inhabitants of this world. At irst glance

their forms may appear familiar to us, but

upon further study of their anatomy, physiology,

and behavior, their true strangeness

and complicated evolutionary history

is revealed. They are the polizoans, a kingdom

of multicellular and tetrablastic organisms

divided into seven great phyla

which over eons of evolution have given

rise to a plethora of creatures that could

rival our animal kingdom in diversity.

Dipterognatha. The three body regions of

this polizoan swim independently. The head

swims from movement of the ins, while the

two digestive lobes swim by jet propulsion.


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