Delabole Slate May 2022

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COUNCIL CORNER Delabole Parish Council

At their April meeting the council received feedback from the Camelford Community Network Panel meeting on 29th

March. This included a report from the Police who are experiencing a serious lack of manpower due to Covid, an update

on local health services from The Veor Group, two road updates about Community Network Highways and the Camelford

by pass. Good progress is being made on the 20mph scheme across all the villages in North Cornwall.

The Parish councillors discussed -

• The cost of maintaining the public toilets due to vandalism and misuse, repairing the lights and hand washing

facilities and the possibility of introducing a charge for the use of the toilets. This is under review.

• The invitation to send a PC representative to the Jubilee parade in Truro was declined. The arrangements for

our village Jubilee celebrations were noted.

• A request from the Christmas Lights group to facilitate the erection of poles along the inside wall of the playing

field extend the lighting programme was approved.

• It was agreed to continue with the Traffic Warden contract for another year.

• To purchase and adopt a ‘Scribe’ cemetery management programme which will help the Clerk to maintain

records, manage requests and produce the necessary funeral documents.

Full minutes from April 12th meeting can be viewed on the notice board.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 10th May at 6.30pm before the regular PC meeting at 7pm. There was

no Parish Meeting last year due to Covid and the ‘newness’ of the Parish Council. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The usual contact for our Parish Clerk is 07869 725450 or clerk@delaboleparishcouncil.gov.uk

Deadline for the Slate 10th May


My earliest memories of what

is now ‘Hair Heaven’ was as a

tailor’s shop which belonged to

the Moores. Mrs Moore was

my teacher at school and I

distinctly remember her

teaching us Folk Dancing -

which was a BIG THING in

Delabole in the 1950s. It was

so popular that there was a

weekly session held at the

Liberal Club, where you paid

3d (thrupence) to be taught by

Mr Warren and, I think, Miss

Lloyd (another teacher at the

Primary School). I could well

be wrong. If I am, please write

in and correct my recollections.

Back to the tailor’s shop -

there was a long table inside

on which bolts of fabric could

be unrolled and a large pair of

tailor’s shears used to cut

required amounts or pattern

Moore's shop (on the right, with the overhang) in 1927

pieces. I think wool and

when the Prince of Wales came to Delabole.

sewing accessories were also

Photo courtesy of Brenda Burnard

sold but the thing that intrigued

me most about the shop was the overhang and frontage - it was unique in the village and it had a name: Under Moore’s.

At one stage there was a village notice board on one of the walls where people booked the date that they intended to

use for their event so that there was no overlap with other organisations. However, when Tricia and I were putting together

a booklet about the village for use at a Flower Festival, we interviewed Mrs Norah Hore about her memories of the spot

and she said, ‘It would be full of boys from Camelford and P.C. Ebbett, who lived opposite in the Police House, would

come across the road and find out what was going on. You’d hide away in behind so you couldn’t be seen!’

There have, of course, been many more occupants of the shop since those days. How about someone taking up the

story from the 50s and bringing it rather more up to date?


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