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The WORLD World Publications Barre-Montpelier, VT

World Publications
Barre-Montpelier, VT


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page 8 The WORLD May 4, 2022


Library News


Upcoming Events at the

Kellogg-Hubbard Library

What Makes Jewish Literature Jewish?

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 7 PM

Jewish literature is unlike many other literary traditions in

that it can be written anywhere. Amherst College professor

Ilan Stavans leads us on a journey through Jewish literature

from the expulsion from Spain in 1492 to the creation of the

state of Israel. Protagonists include Sholem Aleichem, Anne

Frank, Elie Weisel, Grace Paley, Philip Roth, and Amos Oz.

This is a First Wednesdays program. Preregister at vermonthumanities.org/first-Wednesdays

A Slice of Life

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7-8 PM In-Person

“A Slice of Life” is an hour-long, in-person gathering during

which participants share a true story related to one of the

themes of the evening. Interested storytellers submit their

names in advance. Names will be drawn at random during the

event. Approximately 10 storytellers will have the chance to

share a five-minute story. Those who wish to listen and not

tell a story are encouraged to attend. The themes for May 11

are: “Kitchen Calamity,” “Blind Date,” and “Sleepless Night.”

If you’d like to tell a story, please go to kellogghubbard.org/

adult-programs by Monday, May 9 for sign up instructions.

Writing From and About Dreams: The Power of Creativity

in Dreaming

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:30 PM In-Person and on


Join Sue Scavo for a reading of her new book of poems

Buried [A Place], and a generative workshop at the Kellogg-

Hubbard Library in the Hayes room. After her reading, Sue

will explore how to work with dreams in our writing, in our

storytelling, in our own imagination. This program will be

held in-person and on Zoom. To preregister to participate on

Zoom, visit kellogghubbard.org/adult-programs.

A Slice of Life

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 7-8 PM In-Person

“A Slice of Life” is an hour-long, in-person gathering during

which participants share a true story related to one of the

themes of the evening. Interested storytellers submit their

names in advance. Names will be drawn at random during the

event. Approximately 10 storytellers will have the chance to

share a five-minute story. Those who wish to listen and not

tell a story are encouraged to attend.

If you’d like to tell a story, please go to kellogghubbard.

org/adult-programs for sign up instructions.

Murder in Plain Sight? An Abenaki/Settler Mystery on

the Vermont Frontier

Monday, May 23, 2022 7 PM In-Person & Zoom

Calling all genealogists, local historians, and amateur

detectives! This program will examine an unsolved story of

murder from Central Vermont. Local history briefly records

that in 1790, the original American settler to the Montpelier

area, Jacob Fowler, killed an unnamed “Indian” in a dispute

over a trapline. We will reconstruct the biographies of the two

participants through historical documents, genealogical work,

and the fiction of local historian D.P. Thompson and explore

the bigger questions of this formative time in Vermont history.

Audience participation and expertise is encouraged.

Damian Costello received his PhD in theological studies

from the University of Dayton and specializes in the intersection

of Indigenous spiritual traditions, Catholic theology, and

colonial history. He is an international expert on the life and

legacy of Nicholas Black Elk and the author of Black Elk:

Colonialism and Lakota Catholicism. Costello is a speaker for

the Vermont and New Hampshire Humanities Councils and

serves as the Director of Postgraduate Studies at NAIITS: An

Indigenous Learning Community, an Indigenous designed

and delivered ATS accredited theological graduate school.

To preregister to participate via Zoom, visit kellogghubbard.org/adult-programs.

Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) Hosts Creative Aging

Celebration Events to Showcase the Creativity of Older Adults

Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) is hosting a

Creative Aging Celebration event on Friday, June 3rd from

4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Vermont College of Fine Arts in

Montpelier. This free community event will showcase creative

work by CVCOA’s Creative Care Kit participants, feature

additional artwork by artists age 60+ in the community,

and engage attendees in fun creative aging activities.

CVCOA’s Creative Care Kit project provided skills-based,

practice-focused, and social-centric arts activities to people in

their homes during the pandemic, and we are excited to honor

the work of these artists.

Artwork will include watercolor, drawing, cartooning, and

poetry by Creative Care Kit participants, a special display of

work that addresses aging issues, a photography exhibit from

Lamoille Neighbors, the premiere of a new musical work, and

more. Attendees can participate in a movement and imagination

program called Ageless Grace with Barb Asen, CVCOA’s

Director of Family Caregiver Support, at 5:00 p.m. and a live

poetry reading and new music premiere at 6:00 p.m. The

Vermont Assistive Technology Program and the Vermont

ABLE Library will also be sharing tools and resources that

can help older adults stay engaged.

Food and drink will be available for sale during the event

• • •

• • •

through Café Anna. Masks will be encouraged for all attendees

and required for those who are not fully vaccinated,

including a first booster shot. Attendees can stop by anytime

between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. No tickets are required, and

people of all ages are encouraged to attend.

Following this kick-off event on June 3rd, CVCOA will be

sponsoring Creative Aging Celebrations throughout June at

local partner nutrition programs during their regularly scheduled

lunchtime congregate meals. Reservations are required

to attend the congregate meals. For more information and a

full schedule with event locations, please visit www.cvcoa.


This event is sponsored by the Vermont Arts Council and

Montpelier Alive. Donate to support this event online at


Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) supports

older Central Vermonters to age with dignity and choice in 54

towns. Visit the CVCOA website at www.cvcoa.org or call the

CVCOA Helpline at 1-802-477-1364 for more information or

assistance. CVCOA is located at 59 North Main Street, Suite

200 in Barre with regional offices located in Morrisville,

Randolph, South Royalton and Rochester.

Upcoming Clean Water Lectures with Vermont Department of

Environmental Conservation

The Department of Environmental Conservation hosts a

monthly Clean Water Lecture Series aimed at raising awareness

on the state’s efforts to improve water quality for Vermont’s

rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. The series

continues into April and May, with three new talks covering

efforts to reduce water pollution stemming from forest lands

and roads, as well as efforts to restore and protect wetlands.

Learn more and register for these virtual talks on the Department’s

Clean Water Lecture Series webpage.

Join UVM Professor of Geology and Forestry Beverley

Wemple on May 12th, 2022, for the lecture “Opportunities

for Climate Resiliency on Vermont’s Rural Roads.” Professor

Wemple will summarize over ten years of research on the impact

of Vermont’s rural roads on water quality, and the success

of erosion control measures. Professor Wemple will present

opportunities to improve water health through rural road improvements

while building resilience to flooding. Her insights

and findings have important implications for implementing

recommendations in the Vermont Climate Action Plan.

Over 4% of Vermont’s land base is wetland. There is a good

chance that there is one or more in your community. Wetlands

provide many benefits to water health and ecosystem function

by improving flood resiliency, providing habitat, slowing, and

filtering water, and maintaining healthy shorelines. Improving

your knowledge about local wetlands can help you better understand

what actions to take to maintain and enhance wetland

functions and benefits

On May 26th, 2022, hear Wetland Program Manager Laura

Lapierre’s presentation “How are Vermont’s Wetlands Doing

and How Can I Support Them?” This lecture will focus on

wetland losses and gains in Vermont, measures in place to protect

wetlands, and ways the public can help support wetlands.

Register for these free online events at: https://dec.vermont.

gov/water-investment/cwi/outreach/lecture-series. All lectures

are recorded and uploaded to DEC’s YouTube Channel,

at: http://tiny.cc/CleanWaterYouTube.

Upcoming Job Fairs and Hiring Events Offer Opportunity for

Jobseeker-Employer Connections

Whether looking for a job or considering a career change,

Vermonters will have no shortage of opportunities in the coming

weeks. In coordination with key local partners, six job

fairs and hiring events will be held with the support of the

Vermont Department of Labor.

“Our local Workforce Development teams have been planning

with regional organizations and partners to coordinate

these important hiring events,” said Commissioner Michael

Harrington. “We are excited to be getting back out into the

community, helping jobseekers find opportunities make connections

with all the great employers in Vermont.”

Upcoming job fair events organized by or in partnership

with the Department of Labor include:

• • •

Central Vermont Job Fair (with Central Vermont

Economic Development Corporation)

• Date: Wednesday, June 1 Time: To be announced

• Location: Barre Auditorium, 16 Auditorium Hill (Barre)

• https://centralvtjobfair.com/

All events above are free for jobseekers, and all are encouraged

to attend. To pre-register, contact your local Department

of Labor Workforce Development team by calling 802-828-

4394. Employers interested in participating in these and other

recruitment and hiring events are also encouraged to contact

the department.

For additional information on general career services and

resources may visit Labor.Vermont.gov/Jobs.

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