Chaparral Typeface

For my advanced typography course, we were tasked with research on a specific typeface. I received Chaparral, a typeface created by Adobe type designer Carol Twombly. Because of the hybrid qualities of the type, I wanted to create a website/print-looking design. The dimensions are 9x8 per page, 16x9 for the whole spread to mimic a website's dimension.

For my advanced typography course, we were tasked with research on a specific typeface. I received Chaparral, a typeface created by Adobe type designer Carol Twombly. Because of the hybrid qualities of the type, I wanted to create a website/print-looking design. The dimensions are 9x8 per page, 16x9 for the whole spread to mimic a website's dimension.


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terminal is rigid

a humanist

hits the right stem


spine curves delicately


terminal ends abruptly

abrupt & no serif

angled slab

the slight

curves of the


unlike the uppercase

Y, the terminal of the

y ends without a serif

imperfect angle of the


the stroke decreases

in weight once the pen

hyphen is


contrasted strokes


the shoulders of the m

increase in weight as

the pen goes rightward

hyphen is




spine curves delicately

decrease in

stroke as

you get from

spine to

shoulder tittle


yet curved


bowl contrast


weight of terminal


difference in

angles from

the left to right

unlike the uppercase

C, the lowercase is

without serif

the crossstroke

of the f is angular

and imperfect

counter of the e

chaparral pro


The history of Chaparral

Chaparral was created in

1997 by Carol Twombly,

type designer at Adobe Systems

Inc. A huminist slab-serif typeface,

the heavy-serifed faces

influence its legibility and pairs

well with the sixteenth-century

roman book lettering. The inspiration

for this typeface was the

lettering from a sixteenth-century

manuscript book by Marcantonio

Flaminio. It’s flexibility

lies in its readable slab-serif

style face, and while Twombly

was digitizing sketches, she realized

it was a great, universal


The slab-serif was first

commercially used with Vincent

Figgin’s Antique typeface

in 1815. However, because of

the increasing popularity of

the sans-serif typeface classification,

the slab-serif didn’t

popularize until the 1860s and

throughout the 19th century.

This typeface is unlike the

typical geometric slab serif

design because it has letter

proportions that make it both

accessible and friendly, from

weights that range from light to

bold. It has an optical axis from

7–72 points, and is a multiple

master typeface. It’s perfect for

book, poster and newsletter design.

1. a combination of slabserifs

and roman type

2. thin and delicate


3. 32 different fonts in the

typeface family

The purpose of the slab serif

design originated from the need

to make letterforms more readable,

it spanning as an invisible

baseline along the measure.

Again, it’s flexibility allows for

wide-use, from small size to

bold messages.

Chaparral is incredibly humanist

because of the presense

of the hand, and the imperfections

of each letterform that

isn’t visible unless you reaally

study each glyph.

The typeface contains 32

adobe foundary


different fonts in the family

with four oracle sizes: display,

caption, subhead and regular.

It also contains four diffferent

weights: light, italic, semibold

and bold. These fonts can

be combined for hierarchical

purposes, for example, you can

have a Chaparral Pro Bold Italic

Display. The typeface gieves you

the flexibility to utilize the type

for whatever purpose you might


Overall, this typeface is both

professional and friendly. The

abruptness of the slabs make

it very distinct and readable,

but the subtle curves of

each letterform, especially

shown in the leg of the K,

make it playful and welcoming.

It’s usage is deal as captions

and small-print type.

Carol Twombly released

this typeface last after creating

Mirarae, Lithos, Charlemagne,

Trajan, Adobe Caslon, Myriad,

Viva and Nueva. Each typeface

is different and inspired by









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