The Rep 13 May 2022

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THE REPRESENTATIVE 13 May 2022 Tel: (045) 839-4040 / editorial: mjekulal@therep.co.za / advertising: charodinev@therep.co.za 5

Young filmmaker cuts award

Tsomo producer’s dream to nurture local talent


Among hundreds of

dignitaries at the annual

Eastern Cape Arts and

Culture awards ceremony in

East London last week, young

filmmaker Lunga Ngcabashe

from Tsomo was honoured with

an independent producer award

in the category of fiction film.

Ngcabashe, the man behind

a musical drama series called

The Singing Competition, wh i ch

was aired on DStv, is also a

producer of a 13-part drama

series titled Kwahlwa Kwasa,

which premiered early this year.

Through the Transkei Youth

Foundation, award-winning

Ngcabashe and ambitious

young graduates formed a

foundation to empower, equip

and educate the youth of Tsomo

and small neighbouring


“For people who do not care

to fund or contribute to the

development of young people

and recognise their work, I have

been awarded,” he said.

“Everything comes together

when you trust in the Lord.

“When I was announced the

winner, I initially thought it was

a prank,” he laughed.

“But this means that I have

done something and the

province recognises that.

“There is still a lot of work to

be done. This is just a start.

“One needs to stand up for

what one believes in and get

things done even without

money. Money will meet you

along the way,” he said.

Working with young people

in his area, Ngcabashe shared

words of acknowledgement to

his cast and everyone involved

in the project.

“This award would not have

been possible without the

contribution from young people

involved in this project.

“They would wake up as

early as 4am to work while

others were writing their matric

examinations. All the Grade 12s

passed their finals.”

When Ngcabashe took to

the stage at the awards

ceremony at the East London

Golf Club, he reiterated the

plight of upcoming young

creatives who are often rejected

by funding institutions.

Upon receiving his award,

Ngcabashe publicly demanded

a private and urgent meeting

with Eastern Cape’s Arts and

Culture MEC Fezeka

Nkomonye, who was part of the

c r ow d .

“MEC, I want an

appointment with you, can I see

yo u ? ” asked Ngcabashe, putting

Nkomonye on the spot.

The unemployed graduate

said he had to grab the

opportunity, and said nothing

would stop him from making it

in the television industry.

He said the nod from the

MEC was everything he had

prayed for. We are disregarded

as artists. As filmmakers we

apply for these things and we

spend hundreds of rands,

making copies, travelling from

pillar to post, only to be


“Everything is dependent on

me, I have to make sure that

these children are fed from

breakfast to lunch. I am not

working, but I make it happen.

Talking to the MEC I wanted to

show her we exist and I have

great plans for the province.”

When asked about his future

endeavours, he said he wanted

to work with people like

renowned TV director Zuko


Ngcabashe said his primary

purpose and calling in life to

nurture talent and produce

“greatness from the soil of the

great province of legends”.

“The time for people to

relocate for greener pastures

and leave the dusty home of

legends is close to an end, artists

of this great province will gather

and blow the world away,” said





from Tsomo,

who received



p ro d u c e r

award in the

category of

fiction film at

the Eastern

Cape Arts

and Culture

a w a rd

ceremony in

East London


week P i c t u re :


Best fashion designer award

goes to Luyolo ‘Bau’ Dlikilili


Renowned local fashion

designer Luyolo ‘Bau’ Dlikilili,

who is best known for his

compelling streetwear, scooped

his second accolade as the best

designer in the province at the

annual Eastern Cape Arts and

Culture award ceremony held at

the East London Golf Club last


The multi-award-winning

fashion and shoe designer and

founder of Bau Instyle, has been

in the industry for 10 years and

has numerous honours under

his belt.

He received his first best

designer award from the

department in 2018.

Apart from designing and

tailoring clothes, Dlikilili is an

accredited formal trainer,

facilitator, moderator and

a s s e s s o r.

He is counted among the

judges panel of the Walter

Sisulu University third year

students fashion show.

“It is a great feeling for

anyone, seeing that whatever

you are doing is being

recognised. It means that I am

not just working under water

like a submarine,” he said.

Soon, Dlikilili will be

showcasing his work at the

Lesotho International Fashion

Show and facilitating emerging


He has also been invited to

the Seychelles Fashion Week in

September, for which he has

appealed to the public to assist

with travelling costs.

“I focus more on menswear,

which is very difficult to do.

“Tailoring menswear is hell

and I am sure designers would

agree with me on that.”

Not following trends and

keeping a clear head for new

and fresh ideas were some of

the traits that he wanted aspiring

designers to keep in mind.

Some of the challenges, he

said, were working with

departments that did not see the

vision of fashion.

“When you talk to

departments that are supposed

to assist, they still look at this as

a hobby,” he said.

“When you say fashion they

think you own a boutique or

tailor clothes in your little shack

and that is the end of it. I just

wish they could see the business

side of fashion,” he said.

When asked what motivates

or keeps him going in a

challenging industry, Dlikilili

responded by saying: “I always

ask myself a question – where is

C O N G R AT S :

Local fashion

and shoe


Luyolo ‘Bau’

Dlikilili was

named the best

designer in the

Eastern Cape

(EC) at the EC

Arts and

Culture awards

in East London

last week.

Dlikilili received

the same award

in 2018 P i c t u re :


the richest place in the world

and for me the answer to that is

the grave.

“Many people have died

having had brilliant ideas that

could have made billions.

“I refuse to be counted

among them. I am going to

make sure that I build my

l e g a cy.

“Giving up and the word

impossible are not in my

dictionary. That is what keeps

me going.”

He is currently working on a

youth development programme

that will develop young people

in the Chris Hani district in all

aspects of fashion.

- For more on Dlikilili, visit

his Facebook page on Bau

Dlikilili or Bau Instyle, twitter

@Bau_Instyle and on Instagram

at Bau_Instyle

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