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influence of his life on those that cared for him:

mainly his parents, German born Mother and

Japanese and British Father, brother Renard,

neighbours, in particular the Cantlles at 102,

and those deemed friends: these included the

Swedish Lars Iver, Artist Candy Price, Butch

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Remsan and, of course, Bendar. On his way from


the house back to work the day before the

insignificant Friday, that became significant, he

drove and spoke to Lydia and was wholly taken

by the life he led, commenting on how her

divorce was in contrast to the ten years he had

spent with Jamela and the life, seemingly,

cultivated: a large house, with an out house, a

job and importantly an opportunity to indulge

in their project. “Of course the mathematical

equations for the round glass house project

really matter this year,” said Lydia in agreement

with him, and nonetheless slightly manoeuvring

the conversation away from how things seemed.

Secondly, the life he led was, very much a

contention of happiness, as all happiness may

be, in that; can there be such a thing as resolute

full proof happiness? And this was very much

something he and his wife would think about,

but perhaps in different ways—the life influence

of a husband who had a grandfather that died

from “a shame” said his father, as Carl told her,

is perhaps of a life where order forms the basis

of the only existence to have—her life differed,

especially of influence of the time she spent in

her teens, twenties and less so in her thirties,


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