Monday, 6th June, 2022

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DAILY ANALYST Monday, 6th June, 2022

Breman chief

bars burial of

late farmer!

The decision of the Chief of Breman-Brofoyedu, a

mining community in the Upper Denkyira West in

the Central Region, to bar a family of cocoa farmers

from burying their late brother, Kwadwo Konadu

(aka KO), is brewing tension in the town.

According to the bereaved family, Nana Amoabeng Kwasu

II, who is the Chief of Breman-Brofoyedu, has categorically

made it clear to them that he will not allow for the burial and

funeral rites of their late brother, Kwadwo Konadu, to take

place in Breman.

This understandably became known when the Head of the

Konadu family, Opanyin Kojo Bio, fea w weeks ago, led a small

delegation of family members to the chief’s palace to inform

him [the chief] and his elders about the death, funeral and

burial rites of their deceased brother.

Unfortunately, after pleading with the chief to rescind his

decision, Opanyin Bio said Nana Kwasu II asked them to pay a

fine of GHC10,000, 10 bottles of Schnapps, and 20 sheep before

they will be allowed to go ahead with the funeral, excluding

the burial.

But addressing a crowded press conference in Breman on

Friday, June 3, in an all-black and red attire, the Head of the

Konadu family, Opanyin Bio, flanked by the widow of KO and

his three daughters, said they were surprised at what they

described as a “unilateral decision” by the chief.

He stressed that they will use all legitimate means to ensure

that they lay their brother to rest on the scheduled burial

date—June 17, 2022 in Breman.

“Our late brother (KO) was born and bred in Breman, and

raised a family here too. His late father who was a royal was

a warrior of an Asafo group in Breman. Therefore, we have

nowhere to bury our brother but here in Breman!” the head of

family underscored.

Though he said they will not resort to the use of force, he

cautioned that failure by the chief to allow them go ahead

with the burial and funeral rites will compel them to carry

the corpse to the palace.

According to Opanyin Bio, the underlying reason why the

chief of Breman was preventing KO’s burial and funeral ceremony

was the refusal of “our late brother to give his parcel of

land to Perseus Mining Ghana Limited (PMGL) for mining.”

“At least if Nana Kwasu II is claiming our brother verbally

abused him some time ago, as our Chief, we would have expected

that such a matter would be brought to our attention.

Nothing of that sort happened!” he pointed out.

“…resurrecting this issue now which we members of the

Konadu family have no inkling about is not only fair but outlandish.

It raises loads of doubts,” Opanyin Bio indicated.

On that score, he re-affirmed that they had made all the

necessary arrangements for the funeral of their brother, adding

that any disruptions will seriously affect them.

On the issue of the fine by the chief which was later reduced

to GHC5,000, 2 Schnapps, and 2 goats, he indicated that

the family does not have that sum of money.

“We are a poor family and cannot afford this huge fine by

our chief, a reason we severally pleaded with him,” he said.

Concluding, the head of the family called on the police to

intervene in the matter to avoid any chaotic scenes on the

burial date.

Meanwhile, when journalists after the press conference

contacted Nana Amoabeng Kwasu II in his palace, in an arrogant

posture and angry tone he drove them away.

“You journalists don’t know your work. You should have

called me first from Accra before coming to see me in my

palace, so go away I will not talk!” Nana Amoabeng II angrily


We need leaders

who can’t be bought

The General Secretary

of the Church

of Pentecost, Apostle

Alexander Nana

Yaw Kumi-Larbi

has made a passionate appeal

to traditional leaders to rule

with integrity and selflessness

in order to eradicate

the menace of bribery and


When expounding the

word “integrity” to specify

what he needs from the

leaders, Apostle Kumi-Larbi

explained it as wholeness,

perfection (without blemish

or wrinkle), soundness, simplicity,

completeness and sincerity;

the exact behaviour or

personality expected by the

clergyman from the leaders

of this country.

Using the concepts of

engineering as an analogy to

buttress his points, Apostle

Kumi-Larbi said in engineering,

a structure such as a

bridge or a building would be

described as having “structural

integrity” when it is

sound and fit for purpose. In

the same way, the Christian/

Leader who has integrity is

sound, reliable, trustworthy,

and could therefore be described

as dependable. “Leaders

must be fit for purpose”,

he stressed.

“Our generation critically

needs leaders with integrity

– people who cannot be

bought, will not compromise

with wrong, will walk the

talk, and will be completely

honest in small things as in

great things”, he highlighted,

lamenting that “unfortunately,

integrity seems to be

a critical aspect of leadership

which are mostly found

wanting, both in the church

and society as a whole.”

Using the analogy of what

informs Paul’s admonishing

in choosing leaders for the

church and ministry in Acts

6:3-5 and 1 Timothy 3:1-2,

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said, God

expects his children to stand

out and be counted as people

who do not yield to corrupt

practices but always upholding

to ethical values in every

area of their lives – at home,

in the workplace and in the


Apostle Alexander Nana

Yaw Kumi-Larbi was speaking

at the 3rd Royals’ Conference

of The Church of Pentecost

at the Pentecost Convention

Centre (PCC), Kasoa

on Wednesday, June 1, 2022

under the topic, “Chieftaincy

and integrity”

Zooming in to specifics,

the General Secretary revealed

that our society is

bedeviled with corrupt practices,

including procurement

breaches, tax evasion, cronyism

and nepotism, over and

under-invoicing, wrongful

and inappropriate acquisition

of academic accolades for

vain glory and acquisition of

power. Again, he said we can

also talk about lateness to

work and closing earlier than

expected, the use of office

hours for private work/Job,

indiscipline, and poor time


With a sorrowful voice,

and great disappointment

showing on his face, he outlined

some of the effects that

the country is suffering due

to these unhealthy attitudes.

Just to mention a few, he

mentioned poor healthcare

delivery causing premature

deaths, shoddy works in

construction, poor roadwork

causing road accidents, poor

educational system, increasing

gap between the rich and

poor, inequitable distribution

of wealth, the galamsay menace,

environmental degradation,

land tenure system and

total indiscipline.

In order to put an end to

this enemy that is ruining

our country, Apostle Kumi-Larbi

challenged traditional

authorities, who are

the custodians of our lands

and our culture to use their

positions to influence their

spheres positively and to

transform their societies by

ruling with integrity that will

serve as an example for others

to follow. He advised that

leaders, especially traditional

leaders eschew all attitudes

that will bring disrepute to

their thrones and kingdoms.

Quoting Proverbs 16:12, he

cautioned, “it is an abomination

before God for kings to

do evil, for the throne is established

by righteousness”.

He also implored traditional

leaders to copy the integrity

of Nehemiah on how

he led the people of Judah

(Nehemiah 5:1-19). “Generally,

a position of authority

may entitle a person to

certain rights and privileges,

however, just as Nehemiah

remained faithful to God in

all aspects of his life, believers

are encouraged to be loyal

citizens and conscientious,

faithful workers, especially

when in a privileged position

of authority”, he advised disclosing

also that, Nehemiah

used the privileges associated

with his position to serve his

people. “Leaders are not supposed

to use their position to

amass wealth. Instead, they

use their power and resources

to help the poor, needy and

vulnerable in the society”, he


The 3rd Edition of the

Royals’ Conference was

organized by the Chieftaincy

Ministry of The Church of

Pentecost in collaboration

with the Pentecost Men’s

Ministry (PEMEM), under the

theme, “Equipping Royals As

Gatekeepers To Possess The

Nations”. Over 1,500 royals

(traditional leaders) from

Ghana, Togo, and Burkina

Faso attended the programme.

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