Brochure - GICON® - SOF

A modular TLP Solution for a swimming world

A modular TLP Solution for a swimming world


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Bioenergie GmbH<br />

<strong>GICON®</strong> - <strong>SOF</strong><br />

A modular TLP Solution for a swimming world

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Offshore wind power is one of the most important<br />

backbones of a sustainable energy supply. Current<br />

construction of classic offshore wind turbines is,<br />

however, associated with enormous technical, environmental<br />

and financial challenges. It is therefore<br />

crucial for the offshore wind industry to minimize<br />

these costs and risks. Another question of vital significance<br />

for the industry is the development of projects<br />

in deeper water with high wind yields. Approximately<br />

75% of the global offshore wind potential<br />

is located in areas with water depths greater than<br />

30 meters; at least two-thirds are in water depths<br />

greater than 50 meters.<br />

Generelles<br />

The <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> floating offshore substructure<br />

provides an ideal solution for these challenges.<br />

GICON’s <strong>SOF</strong> development provides a floating<br />

substructure for offshore wind turbines which can<br />

be deployed in water depths of 45 to 350 meters<br />

and more while achieving LCOE (Levelized Cost of<br />

Energy) of 5 to 8 € cent / kWh. This makes GICON<br />

one of the global development leaders for floating<br />

offshore wind substructures. The R&D project started<br />

in 2009 and includes renowned partners such<br />

as TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Freiberg Technical<br />

University and Mining Academy), Rostock University<br />

and Fraunhofer IWES. Thanks to the continous<br />

improvements based on results from research like<br />

extensive wind & wave tank tests, the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong><br />

is ready to prove its capacities in a full scale multi-megawatt<br />

prototype.<br />


THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


The development of the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> is beeing pushed forward since almost a decade. The illustration<br />

below shows the evolution of the technology since 2009 (left-hand side) until today<br />

(right-hand side). In the beginning the <strong>SOF</strong> was based on a latticed strcuture. A latticed structure<br />

benefits from several advantages but high amount of connection makes the manufacturing<br />

process very complicated and expensive. In 2015 the loverable gravity foundation was introduced,<br />

greatly enabling the eased one-step installation.<br />

The latest results from economic considerations and technical innovations helped to accelerate<br />

the progress. Different computational simulations as well as wave and wind tank tests where<br />

carried out. The videos below show different tank tests during different states of development.<br />

Furthermore an animation shows the fast and easy assembling of the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> in a dry-dock<br />

and its installation using standard tug-boats.<br />

2009<br />

2012 2013 2014 2015 2017<br />


THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


As a tension-leg-platform (TLP) the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> has significant advantages compared<br />

to other floating substructure types like semi-submersibles or spar buoys. The semi-sub<br />

gains its stability from its outer dimensions, activating the water plane area to compensate<br />

the overturning moment caused by the turbine thrust. Thus, to support a 6 to 10 MW<br />

turbine a semi-sub would have huge outer dimension. This heavily decreases the number<br />

of possible manufacturing sites.<br />

In contrast, a spar type floater is very slender but it needs a very great draught (~100m)<br />

to stabilize a 6 MW turbine. This makes manufacturing and transport & installation (T&I)<br />

in particular very difficult. Contrary to semi-subs and spars where catenary moorings are<br />

used, a TLP is attached to the seabed with taut mooring lines. The structure‘s buoyancy<br />

which is much greater than its weight is causing a strong upward directed force. By tensioning<br />

the moorings the entire structure becomes firmly braced, which causes a very stiff<br />

system resisting even the strongest weather conditions with minimum accelerations and<br />

deflections. Due to its inherent stability a TLP can be designed much smaller compared to<br />

a semi-sub or a spar.<br />

GICON and its research partners have been developing the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> since 2009. In this<br />

process three key issues were identified that led to high costs. To tackle these issues an<br />

improved manufacturing and installation concept was developed to drastically reduce the

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Shipyard and dry-dock rent are important cost factors. These can be minimized by prefabricating<br />

the components and transporting them to a harbour close to the commissioning<br />

site. This leads to a drastically reduction of the building time and therefore short occupancy<br />

of the dry-dock. In addition prefabricating means a great flexibility with regard to the supply<br />

chain, as well as for possible assembly sites. Introducing prefabrication also makes the<br />

entire construction process less demanding on the site where it is carried out. Furthermore,<br />

the assembly of the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> does not rely on a dry- dock. It is also possible to be carried<br />

out on a floating pontoon or just a flat area of the harbour using a shiplift for the launch.

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


99% of current offshore structures are conventionally build by welding elements of shipbuilding<br />

steel. However, welding operations are very time consuming and expensive. For<br />

one single steel floating substructure for a 6 MW turbine at least four months of working<br />

would be necessary. When considering man hours, rent for the dock and raw materials, this<br />

floating substructure would cost 2500-3000 € per metric ton. For the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> instead,<br />

prestressed ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) elements will be used, which leads to<br />

a significant reduction in production cost.<br />

For the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> instead, prestressed Ultra-High-Performance-Concrete<br />

(UHPC) pipes will be used. UHPC has a very high density and therefore<br />

high bearing capacities. This means the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> can be build<br />

more efficiently which leads to lighter designs. Prestressing is a proven<br />

method in bridge engineering. By this approach a prestressing force is<br />

applied to the concrete element, causing a high compression within<br />

the concrete matrix. This ensures, that during the entire lifetime of the<br />

structure, no tensile stresses occur within the concrete material. As concrete<br />

can bear very high compression but only very low tensile stresses<br />

prestressing is a great method to improve the bearing capacity and life<br />

time of members made from this material. The prefabricated concrete<br />

elements have a cost of 450-500€ per metric ton which is much more<br />

cost efficient than welded steel structures.<br />

The buoyancy bodies, which are placed at the 4 corners of the GI-<br />

CON®-<strong>SOF</strong>, are made out of concrete shell elements. These elements<br />

are well known and have been proven in tunnel engineering over decades<br />

where they are designed to last at least 100 years. This includes<br />

also the sealing which can bear mountain water pressures of more than<br />


THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Higher revenues<br />

Operation of offshore wind turbines in higher wind resource areas with water depths from 45 to<br />

350 meter and more, utilizing the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong>, generates higher revenues compared to offshore<br />

wind turbines on conventional bottom fixed foundations.<br />

K f<br />

K = K v<br />

+ K f<br />

Fixed costs<br />

k f<br />

Fixed unit costs<br />

Reduced fabrication costs<br />

One standardized substructure design can be utilized for an entire offshore wind park project.<br />

Differences in water depth within a site are compensated by adjusted cable lengths while the<br />

<strong>SOF</strong> substructure design and dimensions are the same for each turbine installed at the site.<br />

At the same time, the paradigm shift from usual welded steel designs towards more efficient<br />

and innovative technologies based on prestressed ultra-high-performance-concrete and casted<br />

iron members enables significant advantages for cost savings.<br />

Reduced installation costs and installations risks<br />

Substructure fabrication and turbine assembly happen completely at shore, independent from<br />

weather windows. The entire platform including turbine is then towed to the offshore deployment<br />

site. Successfully conducted tank tests with a scale model suggest a towing speed of up<br />

to 5 KN at 2.5 meter swells. Expensive installation vessels or jack-up platforms are therefore not<br />

required. Decommissioning at the end of the operational lifecycle is also less costly and less<br />

complicated. Flexibility regarding the use of different anchor types also results in less demands<br />

on suitable subsoil.<br />

Reduction of maintenance costs<br />

If required, the entire substructure, including tower and turbine, can be replaced. Major maintenance<br />

work can be handled at shore.<br />

LCOE in Euro (€) cent of 5 to 8 € cent/kWh<br />

An independent consulting group determined a Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of 5 to 8 €<br />

cent/kWh for a scenario where the <strong>GICON®</strong>-<strong>SOF</strong> is utilized in a wind park consisting of 80 6MW<br />

turbines, in 80 meter water depth and at 50 km distance from shore. Deployment in deeper<br />

water and additional optimization potential is likely to further reduce this LCOE assessment.<br />

K v<br />

K<br />

Fixed costs are independent of the employment/utilization.<br />

E.g. Rent, Interest, etc.<br />

Variable costs<br />

Variable costs are independent of utilization.<br />

E.g. Material and manufacturing wages<br />

Total cost<br />

m<br />

m<br />

K v<br />

K f<br />

m<br />

k v<br />

k<br />

Variable unit costs<br />

Total cost per unit<br />

m<br />

m<br />

k f<br />

k v<br />

m<br />

k =<br />

K v<br />

+ K f<br />

m m<br />

Law of Mass<br />

Production<br />

k = k v<br />

+ k f<br />


THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Offshore wind energy will be a major pillar of renewable energy worldwide. Since 60 - 80% of the global<br />

offshore potential is located in water depths > 50 m, current foundation concepts such as monopile and<br />

jackets are inappropriate for the continued development of this energy sector. Floating foundation concepts<br />

have great potential to address this deficit.<br />

Waterdepths 45m - 350 m

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


All prefabricated part of the GICON <strong>SOF</strong> will be taken to the port in the country.<br />

At the harbour side all components are going to be assembled together with the gravity<br />

anchor and put into water. Eithervia ship crane, flooding by dry dock or on a on a pondon.<br />

<strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong> will be towed to its final berth with two days.<br />

Final installation of all cables and lowering the gravity anchor to the sea bed.<br />

8 TLPs in 2 weeks - 200 TLPs per year in one dry dock

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Schwimmfähiger Schwergewichtsanker zur<br />

Verankerung eines in der offenen See schwimmenden<br />

Tragwerks mit einer Windkraftanlage,<br />

Servicestation oder Konverterstation<br />

Autark schwimmfähige Schwergewichtsgründung<br />

zur Verbindung einer schwimmfähigen<br />

Offshore-Anlage<br />

Schwimmfähige Offshore-Anlage zur Umwandlung<br />

von Windenergie und/oder Sonnenenergie<br />

in elektrische Energie<br />

Offshore-Windkraftanlage zur Umwandlung<br />

von Windenergie in elektrische Energie<br />

Europa<br />

Patente<br />

Schwimmendes Gründungstragwerk<br />

mit Auftriebskomponenten<br />

in aufgelöster Bauweise<br />

Schwimmfundament mit verbesserter<br />

Abspannung<br />

Schwimmendes Offshore-Fundament und<br />

Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung<br />

(EP Anmeldung, steht vor Erteilung)<br />

In der offenen See schwimmendes und über<br />

Abspannmittel mit Ankern verbundenes Tragwerk<br />

für Windkraftanlagen, Servicestationen<br />

oder Konverterstationen<br />

Verankerungsstabilisierte Trägerboje<br />

Tiefgründungspfahl für Offshore-Bauwerke<br />

mit beim Eintreiben schallreduzierender<br />

Wirkung<br />

Patent erteilt<br />

Patent noch nicht erteilt

THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Wave- and Windtests<br />

Year: 2017<br />

Location:<br />

Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energy and Atmospheric Environment of<br />

Central Nantes/CNRS (France)<br />

Subject of the test:<br />

In ECN‘s water basin, waves with significant wave heights of 11.4 and<br />

12.9 m were simulated, as such waves only occur statistically every 10 and<br />

50 years, respectively.<br />

Transport- and Installationtests<br />

Year: 2018<br />

Location:<br />

SSPA Maritime Dynamics Laboratory in Gothenburg (Sweden)<br />

Subject of the test:<br />

tests included the towing of the <strong>SOF</strong> using the buoyancy of the gravity<br />

anchor plate, the lowering of the gravity anchor plate and the pulling<br />

down of the <strong>SOF</strong> under smooth water conditions.<br />


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THE <strong>GICON®</strong> <strong>SOF</strong><br />


Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH<br />

GICON Group<br />

Tiergartenstraße 48 I 01219 Dresden, Germany I T +49 351 47878-0 I F +49 351 47878-78 I info@gicon.de<br />


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