Wednesday, 29th June, 2022

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Wednesday, 29th June, 2022 Page 3

Frontpage Stories

Arise Ghana demo turns violent

The “Krom A Hye”

demonstration which

was organized by the

Arise Ghana Movement

yesterday turned

violent as police officers fired

tear gas to ostensibly disperse

demonstrators who were

allegedly pelting stones at them.

The demonstration which

was aimed at protesting the

economic hardships in the

country was largely peaceful until

some protestors threw stones,

prompting the police to respond

with tear gas.

According to the Ghana Police,

about 12 of their officers got

injured during the confrontation

while a couple of protesters

were arrested. Some protestors

were also injured during the


However, prior to the

unfortunate incident, thousands

of Ghanaians had poured onto

the principal streets of Accra

to partake in the Arise Ghana

Movement (AGM) demonstration

to protest the ever-increasing

harsh economic conditions in the


The demonstration -

christened “Krom A Hye”

- began with the protesters

massing up at the Obra Spot

at the Kwame Nkrumah

Interchange to register their

discontentment at the Akufo-

Addo administration over the

debilitating cost of living.

Also, hundreds of police

Justice Koomson to

swear newly elected

GJA executives into

office tomorrow

personnel were deployed by the

Police Administration to ensure a

peaceful demonstration and the

protection of the rights of other


According to the

demonstrators, the continuous

hike in fuel prices, high inflation

rate, and depreciation of the cedi

were having telling effects on


Some of the inscriptions

on the placards wielded by

the protesters were “Momo

businesses are collapsing,”

“Cancel the E-levy,” and “Job

Opportunities for All-Scam,

Double Taxation is Against the

Principles of Our Tax Region

Others read, “Cost of

Transportation is Killing

Ghanaian workers,” Russia-

Ukraine War has Nothing to do

with the Hikes, “One Fuel with

over 14 Taxes-Why? Akufo-Addo

wake up from your slumber, and

“Reduce Fuel Prices Now!”

Interestingly, scores of the

protesters refused to buy into the

government’s argument that the

current economic hardships were

due in part to the ongoing Russia-

Ukraine war.

“They [government officials]

are quick to blame our sufferings

on the Ukraine war, but how

on earth will you tell me that

the cost of maize which is from

last year’s yield is a result of

the Ukraine-Russia war which

started this year?”, a protester

who spoke to DAILY Analyst


Meanwhile, according to a

member of the group, Bernard

Mornah they will present

a petition containing their

grievances to Parliament today

(Wednesday, June 29, 2022).

Manhean in danger of

disease outbreak

Justice George Kingsley

Koomson, Justice of the

Court of Appeal, will, on

Thursday, June 30, 2022,

swear the newly elected

National Executive Officers of the

Ghana Journalists Association

(GJA) into office.

He will administer the Oath

of Office to the new national

executive members made up

of Albert Kwabena Dwumfour,

President; Linda Asante-Agyei

(Mrs), Vice President; Kofi Yeboah,

General Secretary; Dominic

Hlordzi, National Organising

Secretary; Audrey Dekalu (Mrs),

Treasurer and Rebecca Ekpe (Ms),

Public Affairs Officer.

They are to serve for a threeyear

term after the swearingin

ceremony, which will be

held at the Accra International

Conference Centre (AICC) at 10

am prompt.

The ceremony will be chaired

by the Director-General of the

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation,

Prof Amin Alhassan, with the

Minister of Information, Kojo

Oppong Nkrumah, invited as a

Special Guest.

Dignitaries expected to attend

the ceremony include members

of the Diplomatic Corps,

Ministers of State, Members of

Parliament, representatives of

development partners, heads of

media institutions, and members

of the inky fraternity.

The ceremony will be telecast

live by the national broadcaster

(GBC) and other media houses.

At the regional level, similar

swearing-in ceremonies are

expected to be organized for the

newly elected regional executive

members of the GJA.

It is only a matter of time

before the country records

a major disease outbreak

in Manhean, a community

in the Ga West Municipal

Assembly GWMA) in the Greater

Accra Region, DAILY Analyst can


This is because for the past

two weeks, the garbage truck

driver, who regularly comes to

Manhean to cart waste at the

main refuse container close to

the Manhean Station, has stopped


The development has resulted

in the heaping of the refuse

container with garbage which

is making it practically difficult

for the lady who works at the

container site to receive any more


Worse still is the fact that the

only refuse container serving

the entire Manhean community

has become rusty with loads of

corrosion holes. And coupled

with this is the foul smell

that emanates from the place,

especially at dawn and in the

evening when the shoulders of

the main street is littered with

various food vendors.

Furthermore, it was observed

that the situation was so bad that

residents with new refuse are

constantly being turned away

from the main container. And this

is because the refuse container

has become full and overflowing

with waste with some even in big

black polythene bags sitting close

to the container.

The situation, DAILY Analyst

understands, has paved way for

some of the residents to resort

to indiscriminate dumping of

refuse, thereby putting the health

of other people in the community

at high risk.

With this frightening

development, it is believed

that a disease outbreak in the

community is imminent and

could have dire consequences.

A visit by DAILY Analyst to

Manhean at the weekend showed

that the situation remained the

same, with households being

compelled to keep bags of refuse

in their homes.

Indeed, for many residents, it

was not only frustrating but more

importantly, risky as it posed

health risks to them.

In some of the homes that

the paper visited, it was observed

that heaps of refuse in black

polythene bags kept at corners

continued to pile up, with many

fearing that the situation could

get out of hand if nothing was

immediately done about it.

A resident in the community,

Apeoha, speaking to the paper

bemoaned the situation, adding

that the heaped refuse container

has been there for the past two


He could not fathom why the

Assembly member for Manhean

Electoral Area, Hon. Nathaniel Nii

Lomotey Tetteh was not telling

the community anything.

“Why are we not hearing from

our Assemblyman on this scary

situation?” he quizzed.

“Only three days ago, my

daughter was turned away when

she went to dump refuse at the

main refuse container near

Manhean station,” he disclosed.

Mr. Apeoha was wondering

whether the authorities were

waiting for them to be killed by

filth before they act!

In this regard, the residents

called on their Assemblyman,

Nii Lomotey Tetteh, and the

Municipal Chief Executive

(MCE) of GWMA, Mr. Clement

Nii Lamptey Wilkinson, to – as

a matter of urgency – intervene

in the matter before the

unthinkable happens.

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