Mohit Bansal Chandigarh- Stunning Fire Photography Tips For Beginners

When done properly, photographing fires need not be terrifying and may be loads of fun. Mohit Bansal Chandigarh can tell you more about this. https://mohitbansalchandigarh.in/stunning-fire-photography-tips-for-beginners/

When done properly, photographing fires need not be terrifying and may be loads of fun. Mohit Bansal Chandigarh can tell you more about this.



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Aperture Priority Mode: Use this mode if you

want to control the depth of field but don't want

to worry about all the other camera settings.

Remember that wide apertures let in more light

and create a shallow depth of field, while

narrow apertures do the opposite.

Shutter Priority Mode: This mode is great for

taking pictures of fire with a long exposure or

freezing a moving subject with a fast shutter


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