FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: SHRI KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS 2022 - Observed on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the dark half of the month of Shraavana, this festival is widely celebrated across India since Shri Krishna is one of the most well recognized and worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon of Gods; THANJAVUR BIG TEMPLE: THE ARCHITECTURAL WONDER - Rajaraja-I named this temple as Rajarajesvaram and the deity Shiva in Linga form as Peruvudaiyar.

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: SHRI KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS 2022 - Observed on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the dark half of the month of Shraavana, this festival is widely celebrated across India since Shri Krishna is one of the most well recognized and worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon of Gods; THANJAVUR BIG TEMPLE: THE ARCHITECTURAL WONDER - Rajaraja-I named this temple as Rajarajesvaram and the deity Shiva in Linga form as Peruvudaiyar.


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The Energy:

An illusion of the occurrences within the dream.


Matter prevailing over split, and related to it, as a substance to its quality, is called Maya. Life is born

out of matter and matter is born out of divine vibration (As per Big Bang western terminology and As

per Vedas Nada Bramha). This vibration is called universal mother, or as Jaganmatha. As long as

aspirant remains as the slave of matters and energies, one cannot attain nirvikalpa samadhi.

water or steam pressure is used to run the

turbine, which runs the generator. Water's

mass is responsible for movement of turbine.

It means potential form of energy is converted

into kinetic, and then converted into

mechanical energy. Inside the generator the

combined effect of mechanical and magnetic

energies yields electrical energy. This is

distributed to all consumers. In gadgets, due

to varied forms of resistances it again

converted into different forms such as light,

heat, rotation, etc. Finally, portion of the

energy goes back to source, through the

return path, by means of another wire of the


space. Consciousness becomes energy and

matter, by means of vibrations. Hence

consciousness gets stored in matter, and

energy causes the manipulation of

consciousness into different animate and

inanimate life forms. Thus Shiva becomes

Shakthi, and then Shanmukha and Ganapathi.

This process is applicable to all sensory

organs, wherein all other energy forms get

converted into electrical form and then

potential form, to be stored. All the mantras

are caused due to vibrations of particles

within the medium, in the increasing

frequencies, and hence decreasing sizes.

When primordial particles move from one

type of matter to another, the energy gets

converted from one form to another. Thus,

magnetic energy projected from outside the

matter becomes electrical energy inside the

matter. This apply to both non living and living

beings. During energetic healing, pranab being

magnetic gets absorbe by the iron in the

hemoglobin, present in the blood. Hence,

inside the body, energy gets converted into

electrical form, and thus flows energizes the

cells. Inside the cells, the same energy gets

converted into chemical form, alerting the

functioning of the cells. Thus the will of healer

is programmed into the cells of the patient , by

means of primary particles.

It means, if water molecules do not carry

mass, then energy conversion is not possible.

The mass is present in all molecules due to ef

fect of gravity, which in turn is present due to

magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion.

This magnetic energy is minute movement

within medium, which is not empty but full of

consciousness, energy and mass. Einstine

indicted this by E=mc2, where E is energy, m is

mass and c is speed of light, indicates speed

for coversion of energy. Einstine assume light

as the fastest form of energy, but it is not

hence equation does not get applied. Speed of

energy conversion depends on particular

process and type of energy involved. We have

to remember that energy and mass are

together. Energy is the flow of minute Same process happens during spritual act

particles within the medium. The medium can such as consecration ceremony

be solid, liquid or gas, within all pervading

(pranaprathisthapana), wherein particles of


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