Tips to Add a Little Boho Flair to Your Hens Party

The boho trend has become quite popular in recent years, with many women choosing to showcase their love of the free-spirited lifestyle with beautiful bohemian wedding dresses and decorations that draw on natural, earthy tones and motifs. To know more information visit https://www.hensnightshop.com.au

The boho trend has become quite popular in recent years, with many women choosing to showcase their love of the free-spirited lifestyle with beautiful bohemian wedding dresses and decorations that draw on natural, earthy tones and motifs. To know more information visit https://www.hensnightshop.com.au


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Cocktail Making Class

A cocktail-making class is a perfect way to get everyone in the party spirit! Make sure to wear

your hens party sashes and have all of your ingredients ready before guests arrive. Once

everyone has arrived, start by teaching everyone how to make one of your signature cocktails.

Then, let everyone loose to make their own creations. Be sure to have plenty of non-alcoholic

options available for those who don't drink or want to take it easy.


A photo booth is a great way to get everyone in on the fun! Also, it's a great way to capture all

the memories of your special day. To set up your own photo booth, you will need one or two

good cameras and a laptop with Photo Booth software installed. You'll also want to have props

handy for those silly poses!

A Hens Party Tattoo

A great way to start your bohemian hens party is by getting matching tattoos! This will not only

show your guests that you're serious about your theme, but it will also get everyone in the party

mood. Also, it'll be a fun story to tell for years to come. If you're not into tattoos, you can also try

face painting or body painting.

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