the AIO Biophilia System - Buyers Guide

Increase your Health Span and feel the difference with a Bio Resonance Health Scan. The next ten minutes you spend reading this booklet could be the most important, life changing ten minutes you have ever spent this year... if you or someone you know is suffering needlessly, for months or even years as they wait for conventional health practices to increase their Health Span, then read on...

Increase your Health Span and feel the difference with a Bio Resonance Health Scan.
The next ten minutes you spend reading this booklet could be the most important, life changing ten minutes you have ever spent
this year...
if you or someone you know is suffering needlessly, for months or even years as they wait for conventional health practices to increase their Health Span,
then read on...


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T H E A L L - I N - O N E


Increase your Health Span

and feel the difference with a

Bio Resonance Health Scan

"Really pleased, this technology should be at

every club to keep us playing." - CJ, London

Discover the amazing benefits inside:

www.BioHealth-Scan.com | (+44) 020 7965 7548

0 2

The next ten minutes you spend

reading this booklet could be the

most important, life changing

ten minutes you have ever spent

this year...

if you or someone you know

is suffering needlessly, for months

or even years as they wait for

conventional health practices to

increase their Health Span,

then read on...

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.



It's who you are, right?

Going as hard and physical as possible

is in your blood.

But I’m sure like most athletes after a really, really hard race, match

or workout - you’ve had your fair share of soreness and unexpected

injuries that caused scorching pain to run through your veins.

Of course, this puts a lot of strain on your body, and it takes time to

get your system back on track. So quick recovery is paramount to

your success!

And it’s probably why you’ve been searching for a better, more

permanent solution like Frequency Medicine for rapid recovery -

whether it’s from a sports injury or for faster, active recovery after

running, cycling, weight lifting, rock climbing or playing a competitive

sport like football and rugby. If that’s you - you’re at the right place as

I’d like to introduce you to:

Our All-In-One (AIO) Biophilia system my clients

absolutely love at Bio Health Scan.

Here's what it's all about:

It’s truly the ultimate high speed

interactive graphical information

system that “detects and treats”

acute sports injuries and chronic

aches and pains - without the

need to go down the

conventional path of painkillers,

X-rays, MRI scans or even


Continue on page 4...

0 3

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

T h e F o u n d e r ' s s t o r y

Kevin Davies,

Bio Health Scans

A long time ago, I was randomly attacked from

behind while out with some close friends. I sustained a severe and

devastating head injury that caused roughly a 90% loss of my gross

motor function over the next year.

Unfortunately, this caused regular back spasms that felt like little

knives stabbing every nerve in my body. It was excruciating. I could

barely walk and the dreadful idea of facing restorative back surgery

haunted my thoughts at night. Because of this… I fell into a deep

depression and was just existing in a broken body!

I tried various other therapies for a couple of years. Like many living

with severe damage to the nervous system, I exhausted the

treatments and therapies that were on the market.

Even doctors told me, ‘there is nothing more they could do’.

But I couldn’t accept that. I didn’t just want to survive; I wanted my

health back, to increase my health span and thrive. And that was the

start to a new life-changing journey to find alternative solutions that

led me to Frequency Medicine.

So if you’re suffering from injuries right now and you’ve tried varies

pain remedies like me, then I encourage you to invest in our Bio

Health Scan technology.

Because unlike painkillers and other conventional medicine that

merely dull or try to mask the pain, I use this technology to

automatically detect and treat the entire body to address the pain

signal at the source.

This means: It’s looking for the frequencies of toxins, viruses and

bacteria that is causing your body to take longer to recover, or worse,

never recover at all.

0 4

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.




Going as hard and physical as possible is Here's in your why blood. it works...

You see, the way it reveals sports traumas is by using

a ‘1-6 point coloured scale’. (See picture below).

This simply means: The higher the number, the more stress is found in

that area. Where a 4-6 indicates immediate attention, while 1-3

signals the area is OK.

And the job of the Bio Resonance device of course is to get the four,

five and six-markers to move down the scale to a three and even to a

two if possible, using the full spectrum of correctly polarised healing


so you can feel like a brand new person again!

This is just one reason why this device works so well to speed up

recovery for sports men and women. Here are 7 more:

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Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

7 More Reasons Why

Our AIO Biophilia

System Could Be...

... the missing link you’ve been searching

for all your life, to experience faster

recovery, better sleep and more energy!

R E A S O N # 1 :

Cuts Injury Time By As Much as 50%!

Numerous studies show that Frequency Medicine has been

successfully used by Olympic teams like the Swedish Cross Country

team, hockey teams, and other professional sportsmen and women to

drastically improve recovery time by up to 50%. And in some cases,

even more with reports of full recovery happening within 14 to 21

days instead of three months.

But that’s only part of the story.

A Russian study also proves that Frequency Medicine can accelerate

recovery for sportsmen and women who suffer from over trained

athlete syndrome.

So when I introduced our AIO Biophilia system to some clients for the

first time, they experienced similar results. Read about their

experiences on the next page:

0 6

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

Here’s what they

had to say about

their injury

Here’s what they


had to say


about their injury recovery time...

Testimonials From People Just Like You:

“Really pleased, this technology should be at

every club to keep us playing!”

"The physio signed me off from my favourite sport, tennis for six

months because of a sprained back! I did a session on the AIO

Biophilia system and felt the pain leave me. A couple of days later I

wanted to play again so I kept pestering the physio. After three

weeks, he finally let me play again. The best part? I experienced no

further pain."

- CJ, London

“After my first session, I experienced

immediate relief!”

"My game of golf was rudely interrupted when a painful back spasm

hit me out of nowhere! After my first session, I had immediate relief.

Three days later, I was back golfing! This made me very happy."

- FG Parkstone, Poole

“My training is going great!”

"I had severe tummy pains that stopped me playing football! It made

me miserable and kept me up most nights. After just one session with

the AIO Biophilia System - I felt amazing and my gut issues were

almost non-existent. Plus - I’m sleeping better now and my training is

going great."

- SB, Bournemouth

0 7

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

r e a s o n # 2 :

Better AND safer than X-rays,

MRI scans and even surgery!

Conventional methods like X-rays

and MRI scans are the preferred

choice of examination when medical

professionals want to ‘look inside’

your body.

Yet, a study from the Prague Military

University hospital on athletic injuries

reveals how these methods come

with a slew of disadvantages for

patients, like:

Being less informative and confusing!

Taking a long time to diagnose!

Being at risk of radiation exposure!

Extremely expensive!

Being very noisy!

Plus - the study explains that many sport traumas end up going

under the knife - where the aftermath of surgery could cause

microsize damage to muscles - which is often undetected by X-rays

or MRI’s. But with a device like our All In One (AIO) Biophilia system,

with a deep spiral scan, substructures and micro structures are

detected and treated even those ultra-thin structures of muscle


So not only does our AIO Biophilia system single out these “lower

extremities” that other scanning methods may miss, it also treats

them safely and accurately on the spot - without the need for painful

surgery. This makes this system the preferred choice among sports

people as it’s fast, painless, non-invasive and safe. In fact, it’s so safe -

studies show that even babies, children and over sensitive patients

can benefit from it.

0 8

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

r e a s o n # 3 :

Where we quickly Identify,

Stop and Reverse the

downward pain spiral.

Our AIO Biophilia system comes

pre-configured with Kevin's unique

'5 Step method'. In Layman’s terms, that simply means:

The system can detect, stop and reverse the downward pain spiral

and discover if there is a “bug story” hidden inside you that can be

treated and help to support and strengthen weak 'Areas Of Interest'

and your immune system.

You see, these “bugs” are often the big culprits that slow down (and

even stop) your recovery from sports injuries and other chronic

aches and pains. But our AIO Biophilia system easily detects these

bugs and then 'De Polarises' them.

This means:

The system rattles the bugs so hard at their resonant frequency that it

messes with their polarity (the positive and negative sides) - making

them loose their invisibility shield for our immune system to clean up

and clear them away through our cleansing organs - the Lymph, Liver

& Kidneys.

This is the quickest and easiest way to ‘shine a light’ in what’s going on

with your injuries - and then give you the solution to treat it right

there on the spot.

Wake up in the morning feeling stronger,

healthier and more energetic knowing you’re

taking care of the culprit “bugs” that are

slowing down or even stopping your recovery >>

Order our AIO Biophilia system at www.biohealth-

Scan.com/aiobiophilia now or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 to

speak to me or one of my fully-trained specialists.

0 9

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

reason #4:

Sports Clinics, Chiropractors,

And Physiotherapists Love

These Systems -

And So Will You!

Frequency Medicine devices like our AIO Biophilia system are sold

around the world to sports clinics, chiropractors and physiotherapists

to help enhance the results for their own clients and patients.

So if you’re actively seeing a chiropractor now, or if a physiotherapist

is part of the training team within your club - our AIO Biophilia system

could be the perfect solution to treat the entire crew. Here's why:

Just imagine getting that adrenaline rush as you finish a match or a

race - but instead of taking the usual few days or weeks off to

recover, your body quickly repairs itself with the help of the AIO

Biophilia system pre configured for accelerated healing and your

physio’s expertise.

This means, quicker recovery time can lead

to longer training sessions at a higher

threshold… so you can get back to what you

love to do - compete and

challenge yourself!

So our AIO Biophilia system is not just for athletes and other people

that love sport activities like you - but also by other professionals like

chiropractors and physiotherapists that want to enrich the results for

their clients and patients!

1 0

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

r e a s o n # 5 :

Treat Yourself

At Home:

There’s No Need To Be a

Medical Professional To

Benefit From Using Our

AIO Biophilia System!

When you own a Frequency Medicine device like our AIO Biophilia


- you can scan and treat yourself right in the

comfort of your own home!

And as you’ll discover in a minute, Kevin has made it easier to use by

creating his unique '5 Step Method' so you too can achieve great

results. And you don’t need to be a medical professional yourself to

benefit from it fully - or travel to a clinic or other medical

establishment to use it.

And with the CE marking, the manufacturer declares that the device

meets EU standards for health, safety, and environmental protection -

so it’s safe for the public to use. Plus, the device is marked classified as

'MD class 1', which considers our AIO Biophilia Bio Resonance system

a low risk technology. So you and your family are protected.

1 1

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

r e a s o n # 6 :

It’s Easy To Use

And Easy To Transport

Our AIO Biophilia system does most of the work for you!

All the complicated processes and analysis are dealt with by the

computer and the device. And here’s the fun part: The clear graphical

interface is so interactive, it’s like playing your favourite computer

game while getting healthier. In addition to that: our AIO Biophilia

device weighs just over 400g and is no bigger than the wifi box in

your home - so it’s easy to transport and won’t take up much space.

Here's what you get with the whole system:

A pair of special headphones with Bio Sensors (for sending and

collecting information about the state of your body).

An i7, 15.6” display laptop with windows 10 and pre-installed

software ready to use.

Getting Started and Session Guides - your pictorial tutorials to

get you up and working as fast as possible.

Plus - as mentioned before - it’s pre-configured with Kevin's

unique '5 Step Method' making it easier to use straight away.

So together, our entire AIO Biophilia system fits perfectly into a

securely-packed case like the photo above. But that’s not all.

Because… (go to next page)

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Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

r e a s o n # 7 :

You Get Product Training, With Remote

Assistance, So You Can Be Up And

Running The Same Day When It Arrives!

Plus - when you order our AIO Biophilia system,

you can also expect:

Priority Remote Assistance during the first 30 days! We

know it’s always a learning curve with anything new in the

first few days or weeks. That’s why my team and I offer

Priority Remote Assistance for the first month as you get

familiar with using your system.

Tracked Express delivery that gives you real-time details of

when your AIO Biophilia system will arrive.

And as a bonus: You can apply for a certificate for insurance

purposes once you’ve used your system for 100 hours.

This is a great way to learn a new life skill... for life!

1 3

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now.

Here’s What To Do Next:

Now that you’ve read why our

AIO Biophilia system can be one

of the best investments you can

make in your body and health...

It’s time to break free from the conventional paths that may cost a

fortune in time, money and energy as you go through the trial and errors of


Because with our AIO Biophilia system - you won’t need to be a slave to

your pain. You can deal with a sports injury quickly, safely and most

importantly, painlessly. So put the ice pack away, skip the expensive

treatments that only give you temporary relief, and say goodbye to those

long recovery times for good! Because you only need to invest in our AIO

Biophilia system once – but then you’ll benefit from it, year after year, for


Sure, it will require a bigger investment upfront - but once you have it, you

can reap the “healing” benefits any time you have to deal with a hamstring

pull or tear, a tennis elbow, a hip pain or other unexpected injuries. And all

that without relying on painkillers, expensive treatments or God forbid -

surgery! Plus, you’ll appreciate and understand your body better too as you

also learn how to become your own Health Boss.

Because as our AIO Biophilia system “detects and treats” your ailments,

you’ll discover and learn about your own health and what makes you tick!

Which makes it one of the best personalised, preventative health tools you

can own today, and one of the best ways to learn a new life skill... for life!

Here’s How To Order:

Finally recover better, faster and easier than ever before

from sports injuries and activities without

having to rely on conventional treatments.

>> Order the AIO Biophilia System at

www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia now or

call (+44) 020 7965 7548 to speak to

me or one of my fully-trained specialists.

1 4

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now - © 2017 -2022 Kevin Davies

W h a t ' s y o u r E x c u s e ?

It took a knock to my head,

years of painful discovery, that

I don't want anyone else to

needlessly have to repeat,

before I found out about how

effective Frequency Medicine is,

when used correctly, to increase your

Health Span.

What are you waiting for?

What's your excuse going to be?

Kevin Davies

1 5

Order the AIO Biophilia system at >> www.BioHealth-Scan.com/aiobiophilia

or call (+44) 020 7965 7548 now - © 2017 -2022 Kevin Davies


(+44) 020 7965 7548

T H E A L L - I N - O N E


Increase your Health Span

and feel the difference with a

Bio Resonance Health Scan


7 reasons why our AIO

Biophilia system could be the

best investment you can make

in your health right now!

Please quote these contact details

when ordering:

Kevin Davies

Bio Health Scan

29 Laidlaw Close

Poole. BH12 5EW

© Kevin Davies 2017-2022 To Re Order:

BHScan-Sports-v1.3 Aug2022

Why numerous studies show

that the AIO Biophilia system

can speed up your recovery

time by up to 50%! See page 6

Why this system is better AND

safer than X-rays, MRI scans

and even surgery!

Page 8 explains it.

And much more!

Any statement or claim in this guide has not been approved by the FDA or MHRA UK.

Any information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

These statements are anecdotal and may not represent typical results, individual results will vary.

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