*(PDF) Download* Anger Management For Better Parenting: A Guilt Free Guide To Not Wrecking Your

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B0B5KNTQJS ===========================*=========================== If you want to stop exploding at your kids and have better control over your emotional reactions, keep reading&#8230Do your kids often make you want to rip your hair out and explode with anger?If so &#8211 you are not alone. According to multiple studies, 90% of parents yell at their kids in fits of rage. And while it&#8217s normal sometimes to blow up and yell at your kids, continu

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If you want to stop exploding at your kids and have better control over your emotional reactions, keep reading&#8230Do your kids often make you want to rip your hair out and explode with anger?If so &#8211 you are not alone. According to multiple studies, 90% of parents yell at their kids in fits of rage. And while it&#8217s normal sometimes to blow up and yell at your kids, continu


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Anger Management For Better Parenting: A

Guilt Free Guide To Not Wrecking Your Kids

And Peacefully Navigate Tantrums


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If you want to stop exploding at your kids and have better

control over your emotional reactions, keep

reading&#8230Doyour kids often make you want to rip your

hair out and explode with anger?If so &#8211you are not

alone. According to multiple studies, 90% of parents yell at

their kids in fits of rage. And while it&#8217snormal sometimes

to blow up and yell at your kids, continuous anger outbursts

can seriously affect their future and your relationship with

them. The long-term effects of yelling at your kids are

numerous&#8230and scary. Regular anger episodes can

provoke anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression in

their teenage and adult years. As a parent,

you&#8217veprobably felt guilty each time you yelled at your

kids &#8211but what can you do when raised voices and

sharp tones seem to be the only thing working to keep them in

line? Well, perhaps the problem doesn&#8217tlie in your kids.

Maybe it goes much deeper than that &#8211kids will be kids

they&#8217lltest your limits and push you to the brink. But why

are you angry? Why are you letting them throw you off the

track and make you lose control over your emotions?Once you

turn the attention on yourself, you might be surprised to

discover just how much of that anger is on you &#8211not

your kids. Raising our voices rarely solves the situation

&#8211it might keep the kids quiet for a while. But it never

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