epub download That Magic Moment (A Supernatural Speakeasy Cozy Mystery Book 9)

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B09ZRRLW11 ===========================*=========================== Ofelia Archer is working toward a goal, both personally and professionally, and she&#8217s making great strides on both. Her attention is diverted, however, when a steamboat washes ashore next to the riverwalk&#8230and it&#8217s a boat that is more than a hundred years overdue.The Adelaide was supposedly lost on the river back in the day, all souls onboard believed lost, and yet it&

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B09ZRRLW11

Ofelia Archer is working toward a goal, both personally and professionally, and she&#8217s making great strides on both. Her attention is diverted, however, when a steamboat washes ashore next to the riverwalk&#8230and it&#8217s a boat that is more than a hundred years overdue.The Adelaide was supposedly lost on the river back in the day, all souls onboard believed lost, and yet it&


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That Magic Moment (A Supernatural

Speakeasy Cozy Mystery Book 9)

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Ofelia Archer is working toward a goal, both personally and

professionally, and she&#8217smaking great strides on both.

Her attention is diverted, however, when a steamboat washes

ashore next to the riverwalk&#8230an it&#8217sa boat that is

more than a hundred years overdue.The Adelaide was

supposedly lost on the river back in the day, all souls onboard

believed lost, and yet it&#8217sin New Orleans&#8230an it

might not be empty.Ofelia and her boyfriend Zach Sully are

part of the first team to visit the boat, and almost immediately

Ofelia is struck by the reality they&#8217renot alone.

Unfortunately for her, she can&#8217tpin down a source for

the feeling. When ghosts start haunting her home and dreams,

however, the story begins to take shape.The Adelaide was

besieged by darkness before the end came. Now that

darkness is pointed at New Orleans. It&#8217sup to Ofelia

and Sully to put an end to it all&#8230evn when the darkness

decides Ofelia is the new target.Some bonds last a lifetime.

Some last beyond. The bonds from the Adelaide are

something more, and not even death can tear them asunder. It

can take aim at Ofelia, however, which means she could be

joining the dead before it&#8217sall said and done.

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======= Ofelia Archer is working toward a goal, both

personally and professionally, and she&#8217smaking great

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