CYWR Back to School 2022

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Portal to Rumba - Seraphina Yim

his sidekick threw in a broken cash register and other potions. After some time passed,

this incident died down and eventually people stopped wondering about the Rumba.

Exactly 1 year after the Rumba incident, scientists discovered a huge and

shocking planet in space. Astronauts from Earth had prepared for years for this exciting,

new and upcoming space mission where they would go out to space and collect as much

data as possible on every single planet in the solar system and report back to earth. This

was a pretty long and risky trip, so this space trip would set a world record for the longest

space trip ever. It was nerve wracking and exhilarating. When the adventure had begun,

everything was going smoothly and according to plan for the next couple of months.

After the astronauts had flown to almost every single planet, the scientists were finally

observing their last planet. After the astronauts collected all their data on every planet,

everybody in the spaceship was astonished to head back to earth.

“A new planet nobody knew about before, not too

far from Neptune!”

But an astronaut in the spaceship named Concord claimed to have seen another

planet in the distance. It caught his attention because it was unlike any other random rock

or planet in space. It was neon green and glowed through 2 holes for some unknown


After getting reluctant consent from both the space team back on earth and his

space and scientist buddies who were in disbelief, the space ship made one last stop to

this new “planet”. The astronauts quickly zoomed through space and made it to this

“planet.” It turns out that what Dewin saw was exactly what it was! A new planet

nobody knew about before, not too far from Neptune! Everybody watching the live

cams back on earth and in the space ship were in awe struck.

This planet was similar to earth's looks except for the obvious fact that it had a

bright flashing neon green sky during the day and night and had both a sun and 9

moons! The planet had a breathable atmosphere too, along with earth’s nature,

buildings and everything already built in the world! The only thing that Earth had

and this planet didn’t have was multiple cities and a considerable amount of

CYWR Back to School 2022 27

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