3rd Student International Film Festival

Filmaktiv and The Student Culture Centre at the University of Rijeka announce the third annual Student International Film Festival – STIFF. The festival will take place October 13th – 15th 2016, at Art-Kino Croatia, in Rijeka, Croatia. The directors Maša Drndić and Sanja Marjanović, once again selected works among a huge number of submissions and programmed the best of the student film and animation works which arrived from more than 50 countries around the world. During the three festival days, the audiences will see 47 works out of which 20 fiction films, 16 documentaries and 11 animations.

Filmaktiv and The Student Culture Centre at the University of Rijeka announce the third annual Student International Film Festival – STIFF. The festival will take place October 13th – 15th 2016, at Art-Kino Croatia, in Rijeka, Croatia.
The directors Maša Drndić and Sanja Marjanović, once again selected works among a huge number of submissions and programmed the best of the student film and animation works which arrived from more than 50 countries around the world. During the three festival days, the audiences will see 47 works out of which 20 fiction films, 16 documentaries and 11 animations.


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The Ballad of Ella Pummhoff /

Balada o Elli Plummhof

-Barbara Kronenberg, igrani, 29’, Njemačka, 2015.

-Barbara Kronenberg, fiction, 29’, Germany, 2015.

Priča prati Ellu koja pohađa osmi razred. Dok se suočava s

presudnim ispitom iz matematike, koji će odrediti budućnost

njenog obrazovanja, sanjari o prošlom ljetu: ljubavnim

lekcijama grotesknog učitelja baleta, privatnim podukama

koje drži nadobudni pametnjaković iz sedmog razreda, o svom

prvom poljupcu te nepopravljivo napornim roditeljima.

While the 8th grader Ella faces a decisive math exam, which

determines if she will be promoted to next grade, she dreams

of last summer: love lessons of her grotesque ballet teacher,

private tutoring by a know-it-all 7th grader, her first kiss and

permanently annoying parents.

Barbara Kronenberg

Barbara je rođena u Bochumu u Njemačkoj. Tijekom studija

medijske produkcije pri Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, u

periodu između 2005. do 2009., otkrila je strast prema filmu

te je počela raditi na vlastitim redateljskim i scenarističkim

projektima. Od 2010. studira na Akademiji medijskih

umjetnosti u Kölnu. „Balada o Elli Plummhoff“ njezin je

diplomski film.

Barbara was born in Bochum, Germany. From 2005 to 2009,

she studied Media Production at the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-

Lippe, where she found her passion for film and started to

realize her own projects as director and screenwriter. Since

2010, she has been studying at the Academy of Media Arts

Cologne. “The Ballad of Ella Plummhoff” is her graduation film.


Markus Kaatsch


dffb Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin, German Film

and Television Academy


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