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respect to the official divinatory meanings attached

thereto. It should include whatsoever you may have

divined from the other cards on the table, including

the Significator itself and concerning him or it, not

excepting such lights upon higher significance as

might fall like sparks from heaven if the card which

serves for the oracle, the card for reading, should

happen to be a Trump Major.

Thus basing your calculations, if you obtain a

decisive judgment the reading is over, and you have

only to formulate the result.

In conclusion, as regards the question of complexions,

their allocation to the Suits need not be

taken conventionally. You can go by the temperament

of a person; one who is exceedingly dark may

be very energetic, and would be better represented

by a Sword card than a Pentacle. On the other hand,

a very fair person who was indolent and lethargic

should be allocated to Cups rather than Wands.

Great facility may be obtained by this method

in a comparatively short time, allowance being

always made for the gifts of the reader.


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