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I met P3T3R in the summer last year. If my memory is any good (and it’s not) I think it was

right after I had gone to the synthetic city show and had taken some photographs for the

nascar aloe show. I definitely messaged him first but it was over wanting to shoot photos of

him because I thought he had an interesting look. We had casually dmed back and forth

after that and I even got to see him work in the studio while he was here in Chicago. I

enjoyed the time I spent hanging out with P3T3R and I liked how passionate he seemed

about his work. He was creative, and I found that he had a unique voice that could literally

make anything work. I value P3T3R as a friend, especially because he also values my

creative opinion. That’s the thing about creatives, we should respect each other more.

P3T3R has one of the few littlemulletboy tattoos I have done on other people but I custommade

the design for him. In all honesty, most of my two-headed teddy bear drawings are

inspired by P3T3R because he was the first. I look forward to seeing what P3T3R does

while in LA and I’ll be constantly rooting from Chicago. So, in effort to support more local

artists I decided to ask P3T3R a few questions to get a better peek at the mind of


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