itachi v2

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A mission that required him to be ready to die. It had to be Shisui by his

side. He would not allow his father’s interference.

“You don’t have to worry so much. Besides …” Itachi looked at Sasuke.

Even though he was likely on the verge of bursting out into loud sobs, his

wise little brother was pushing back his own feelings and smiling.

“It’s all right, Itachi …” He felt as though he could hear Sasuke’s voice in

his head.

A smile spread across Itachi’s lips, and he put his words into his eyes.

“Tell him … Tomorrow is a big day for you, right?” He gave the smaller boy

a push with the power in his eyes.

“Dad … Tomorrow is my—”

“Tomorrow’s mission is a very important one for the Uchiha clan!”

His little brother’s courage was shattered by the hard words of their father,

his mind focused on nothing but the clan. Sasuke lowered his head, a frozen

look on his face, as he desperately held back his tears.

Itachi’s anger toward his father surpassed his limits. Was the clan that

important? Did he not care about Sasuke?

All that Itachi saw in his father’s eyes was the future of the clan. The man

hadn’t given a single thought to the fact that his elder son was about to go on

a possibly fatal mission. And he didn’t even see his younger son. How could

he ever win against Konohagakure with such a narrow outlook?

Itachi hated all of it.

“You know, I’m not going on the mission tomorrow, after all,” Itachi said.

“Have you lost your mind?! You know how important tomorrow is! What

on earth are you saying?!”

“I’m going to Sasuke’s entrance ceremony at the academy tomorrow.”

His father caught his breath. At that moment, for the first time, Fugaku

remembered what Sasuke was doing the following day. This, too, made Itachi

so angry, he could hardly stand it. It was sad.


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