The Horror Megapack_ 25 Classic and Modern Horror Stories ( PDFDrive )

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As he reached her side, she shuddered and slumped flat, no longer making

instinctive efforts to protect herself.

Crane rolled her over into the crook of his arm. He saw then what mist and

motion had masked: her throat was savagely torn, her breast and stomach clawed

and lacerated. Her face was a gory crisscross of bruises and slashes. The filmy

fragility of the shoulder-to-hip shawl had not hampered her assailant enough for

him to tear it from her body.

Neither pulse nor breath was perceptible. Though her sweetly curved body was

blood-splashed, her wounds could not have killed her; but terror and despair

could have.

Her face must have been as lovely as her body; but horror blinded him to the

sleekness of her hips and the shapeliness of her legs and firm young breasts. His

eyes narrowed as he recovered sufficiently from the shock to interpret certain

significant signs.

Her hands had the incredible softness of one utterly a stranger to the lightest

work; but what she still clenched in her fingers was a startling revelation.

It was similar in shape to a military campaign badge; purple, with a rosette of

the same color. A decoration awarded to an elect few.

But most revealing of all was the silken shawl. It placed her beyond any

question. There was only one house in Bayonne where the girls paraded in such

costume; and that place was on the street that ran along the city wall.

Then he noted that she was breathing; and a slash on her inside arm was bleeding.

It might not be dangerous, but it was near an artery. He drew a clean

handkerchief from his breast pocket, and devised a tourniquet.

The town was asleep, and he’d have to carry her to the house on the wall; but

first give that tourniquet a twist. He fumbled for a pencil—

But Crane’s first aid was not completed.

The sand of the moat bottom gave no betraying crunch; the mist thinned

moonlight cast no warning shadow; and Crane’s intuition was an instant too late.

He dropped the battered girl, but before he caught more than a fleeting glimpse

of the dark figure which loomed monstrously above him in the grayness, a flying

tackle carried him crashing to the ground.

The impact knocked him breathless. Iron hands clutched his throat; but Crane’s

fist hammered home. Splintered teeth lacerated his knuckles, and blood gushed,

drenching his face. His opponent, snarling scarcely articulate curses, jerked

back. Crane’s boot lashed out.

But the moonlight was blocked by another figure with monstrous, outspread

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