battery materials ebook _Autosaved_

Battery Materiasl for the Future

Battery Materiasl for the Future


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Roller Hearth Kilns (RHK)

The main difference between a roller kiln and a

normal tunnel kiln is that, instead of a kiln car, a

ceramic roller conveyor pulls batts of product along

a bed of ceramic or silicon

carbide rollers. This is more efficient because no

energy is needed to heat up the kiln car.

Add a shorter firing cycle and the net result is that

less energy is required and, as a result, gas

consumption costs are lowered making the RHK one

of the best options for high quantity and high quality


Therser UK’s roller kiln is now used across a range of

industries, including production of battery materials.

The fact that the roller kiln does not require large rail

networks, heavy linings or

kiln cars, makes it able to fire product at a

considerably shorter firing cycle meaning more of

the product can be pushed through more regularly.

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