[2021] SGHC 90

Case law o in united states of America

Case law o in united states of America


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Wei Fengpin v Low Tuck Loong Raymond [2021] SGHC 90

2015, Ms Song followed up on this and asked the Defendants to provide such

information. On 29 July, Sim forwarded the FY2012 audited report and FY2013

and FY2014 unaudited reports, and balance sheet and profit and loss statements

for 2013, 2014 and June 2015. This was the first time Wei was given the

Company’s accounts. 92 Thereafter, it was only on 29 October 2015 after Mr

Song’s repeated chasers that Sim forwarded the Company’s balance sheet and

profit and loss statements or drafts thereof for July to September 2015. 93 The

third time the Company’s financial records were provided was on 16 February

2016, namely, the Company’s draft balance sheets and profit and loss statements

for October to December 2015, and again only after repeated reminders. 94

74 Then, on 18 February 2016, Mr Song queried the Defendants regarding

the documents. Sim admitted that the queries were reasonable but he did not

answer them. Instead, he asked Mr Song to check with Eric. When Mr Song

informed the Defendants on 11 May 2016 that Eric was unable to answer the

queries and asked them to respond, they did not. 95 The next occasion when Sim

provided information to Wei was on 12 March 2016, namely the management

accounts for January and February 2016, and only after reminders. On 17 May

2016, Sim emailed Mr Song the financial statements for March 2016, again only

in response to Mr Song’s email of 11 May 2016. 96


3AB 839–846; 18/9/20 NE 19–22; 22/9/20 NE 40–41, 45; 13/10/20 NE 9; Wei’s AEIC

at [115]–[116].


Wei’s AEIC at [118(a)] and pp 516–518; 3AB 855; 18/9/20 NE 29–32; 13/10/20 NE



3AB 929–931, 962; 18/9/20 NE 28; 13/10/20 NE 14–15.


13/10/20 NE 21–26; 15/10/20 NE 87–88; 3AB 994, 970, 975–977.


Wei’s AEIC at [118(c)]; 3AB 994–997; 18/9/20 NE 29–32.


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