Final magazine project

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About us

Gabriel Marchand

Im 16 years old and currently studying at

the american school foundation of monterrey.

Im a fanatic of movies and really like

to spend time watching them. I am a great

fan of scary movies and mostly only watch

this style of cinematic films. I like sports and

like watching them. Family and friends will

always have a huge spot in my heart. Hope

you enjoy our magazine.

Im 16 years old, ive always been in ASFM

and im very intrested in action movies. Im

a great fan of star wars even though I did

not include it in this magazine. I like fights,

action, and plot twists. Im a fan of popcorn

and love to go with my friends to the movies.

I believe family and friends help you improve

and become better every day.

Jose Miguel Garza


Nicolas Estrada

Im Nico, Im 16 years old and I moved from

the US to mexico many years ago. I currently

am at ASFM and like this school a lot. I

love spending time with friends and family

and I really like movies. I consider myself

really intelligent and informed about this topic

and I am a very good movie watcher who

speaks on truths and not opinions. I hope

you enjoy our magazine and find some new

films to watch this next weekend.

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