The Herald - Fall 2022

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Julianna speaking at<br />

Mercy Home’s <strong>2022</strong><br />

Graduates’ Luncheon.<br />

Though she has just recently graduated from<br />

high school, Julianna knows where her future is<br />

headed—toward a career in psychiatry, helping<br />

kids in need. Exceptionally focused, driven, and<br />

motivated, this Mercy Home alumna took some<br />

time to reflect on the bright path that lies ahead<br />

of her, thanks to good and loving friends like you.<br />

Life before Mercy Home<br />

“My aunt and uncle raised me from the age of 2.<br />

We didn’t get along very well. I’m quite different<br />

from them, so we were constantly butting heads. It got to the point<br />

that it made it very uncomfortable for me to be in their home. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had expectations for me that were so far away from my goals for<br />

myself. I needed some support elsewhere and so I looked at Mercy<br />

Home. My brother actually lived there for a year before I did, and I<br />

saw that he was really flourishing.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> power of your friendship<br />

“I was at Mercy Home for two years. At first, it was a little bit<br />

scary, but then I loved it. <strong>The</strong>re was constant support and always<br />

opportunities to get what I needed. <strong>The</strong>re were people who really<br />

had my best interests at heart…<br />

Mercy Home gave me a sense of motivation, the kind you get<br />

when there are people rooting for you. It was so inspiring. That<br />

was a feeling that never left me. My time at Mercy was amazing<br />

and there were so many opportunities, clubs, and chances to meet<br />

other people. It was a whole other world I had never experienced,<br />

and it was so nice to be a part of something like that. Now, I am still<br />

involved with Mercy Home through the Community Care program.<br />

I have a care manager that keeps me in the loop and is always there<br />

for support, resources, or anything else I need.”<br />

Pursuing her dreams<br />

“I’m headed to college to get my associate’s degree in behavioral<br />

science. <strong>The</strong>n, I’ll move on to get a Bachelor’s in psychology, and<br />

then my Masters. <strong>The</strong> career I want to go into first would be to help<br />

out parole officers for juveniles. I would evaluate the subject, see if<br />

they could stand trial, see if they need any therapy, etc. That’s the<br />

first job I want to start with and then, move more toward psychiatry<br />

for young people.<br />

I always liked helping people… <strong>The</strong>n I went to Mercy Home and<br />

saw how the staff there helped me and I thought, ‘I want to do<br />

something like this for other people.’”<br />

Julianna’s story is yet another example of the miracles<br />

you work in our young people’s lives. From our entire<br />

Mercy Home family, thank you for the love, support,<br />

and friendship you share.<br />

Phillip Zielinski<br />

Director of Philanthropy<br />

Beth Lye<br />

Associate Director,<br />

Philanthropy<br />

Louise Borosak<br />

Philanthropic Advisor<br />

Adrienne Walsh<br />

Philanthropic Advisor<br />

Mercy Home’s Philanthropy<br />

team can help you to change a<br />

child’s life while continuing to<br />

care for the needs of yourself<br />

and your family. <strong>The</strong>ir areas of<br />

expertise include:<br />

• Working with families to<br />

identify and achieve financial<br />

and giving goals.<br />

• Taking a personal and holistic<br />

approach, understanding<br />

that your plan is uniquely<br />

yours.<br />

• Reducing your tax burden<br />

through charitable giving.<br />

• Maximizing your impact on<br />

the people and charities<br />

closest to your heart.<br />

While we are commonly known<br />

as Mercy Home for Boys & Girls,<br />

our legal name is Mission of<br />

Our Lady of Mercy, Inc. and our<br />

Tax ID Number is 36-2171726.<br />

Do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-378-8266<br />

or plannedgift@mercyhome.org with specific<br />

questions, or simply to start a conversation.<br />

For more information visit us at<br />

MercyHome.org/PlannedGiving<br />

1140 W. Jackson Blvd.<br />

Chicago, IL 60607<br />

1.800.378.8266<br />

This publication is prepared exclusively for the information of our<br />

friends and donors. Its purpose is to point out current tax<br />

developments which may be helpful in your tax and financial<br />

planning. This material is based on recent court decisions and<br />

current laws and regulations. You should, of course, consult your<br />

own legal, tax or financial planner as to the applicability of any<br />

item to your own situation.<br />

Every year, as another waning summer gives way to the richness of fall, I find myself<br />

reflecting on the idea of abundance. In so many ways, this is a season of plenty and<br />

the bounty we enjoy is one that not only nourishes our bodies, but also feeds and<br />

nurtures our souls. This is a time to count our blessings and delight in the comfort and<br />

peace we find in community, family, and prayer.<br />

Of course, each time my mind turns to the blessings in my life, I naturally think of kind and generous friends<br />

like you. Since Mercy Home’s humble beginnings 135 years ago, the support of friends like you has been the<br />

very foundation of our care. Over generations, good people like you have carried our Home through both<br />

troubled and triumphant times.<br />

Certainly, this moment for Mercy Home will be one our family remembers forever. In this edition of <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Herald</strong>, we highlight this remarkable moment in our history—one in which more than 100 generous<br />

supporters have joined together in our LEGACY CHALLENGE to brighten the futures of kids in<br />

our care—today and for years to come. To illustrate just how powerful support like this can be, we introduce<br />

you to Julianna, a former resident of Mercy Home who can finally pursue her dreams, thanks to good people<br />

like you.<br />

As you’ll read in this issue, friends like you have blessed our Mercy Home family beyond measure. Thank you<br />

and God bless you for all you do to bring an abundance of love and hope to kids in need.<br />

Blessings,<br />

Fr. Scott Donahue<br />


Uniting the Country for Kids in Need!................................2<br />

Community Care....................................................................4<br />

FALL <strong>2022</strong>

Offer Ends December 31st… JOIN THE LEGACY CHALLENGE TODAY!<br />

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Uniting the Country for Kids in Need!<br />

We’ve heard from friends all across the country who<br />

have joined the <strong>2022</strong> Legacy Challenge by naming<br />

Mercy Home in their final estate plans! See the map<br />

for those states (in purple) with at least one<br />

Legacy Champion who has joined the campaign<br />

since January. If you’re one of those who have<br />

recently joined, then we’d like to pause and thank you<br />

for your dedication to kids in need—we couldn’t do<br />

any of this work without you!<br />

If you haven’t heard, the Legacy Challenge is an<br />

opportunity for you to increase your impact on young<br />

lives, now and in the future—all without spending a<br />

dollar in your lifetime. To join, name Mercy Home as a<br />

beneficiary of your will, trust, or other financial account.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, when you let us know about your commitment,<br />

10% of your legacy gift intention will automatically be<br />

matched with a donation to the kids living at Mercy<br />

Home today.<br />

PLEASE HURRY: matching funds for the<br />

Legacy Challenge will only be available<br />

until December 31!<br />

By joining the Legacy Challenge, you can ensure a<br />

safe and loving home for kids in need right now, as well<br />

as those who will need Mercy Home in the future—<br />

all with a simple piece of paper.<br />

“We love the life-changing<br />

ministry that happens<br />

at Mercy Home.”<br />

— Pamela and Doug, Indiana<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re is nothing more gratifying<br />

than to be part of giving a child the<br />

opportunity to reach the ultimate<br />

of their potential.”<br />

— Mike and Ann, Michigan<br />

“Mercy Home provides<br />

a great life for these<br />

children. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

unlimited potential—the<br />

future is up to them!”<br />

— Bob and I-Ming,<br />

Maryland<br />

“We joined the Legacy Challenge<br />

because Mercy Home supports<br />

children who have encountered a<br />

difficult time in their lives.”<br />

— Lilly and Dat, California<br />

“Mercy Home is a life-saving<br />

Oasis in the world’s desert<br />

wilderness. My Legacy gift<br />

is a cup of water, so the<br />

Oasis never runs dry.”<br />

— Kathleen, Texas<br />

“God loves a cheerful<br />

giver, and it makes<br />

me happy to be able to<br />

play a very small part.<br />

It makes me feel good.”<br />

— Tom, Illinois<br />

“It is truly important to provide<br />

every opportunity for the boys<br />

and girls to succeed in life.”<br />

— Eileen, Georgia

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