Econometrics Review Questions

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(i) Int B B B

(ii) B 2 B B

(iii) B

is bounded



B is closed if and only if B is open

B is bounded if and only if B is not bounded

B Bis open

(vi) B is closed if and only if

(vii) B is closed if and only if B



3x 3y z 0

Given the homogenous system 4x 2y mz 0 ,

3x 4y 6z


(a) Compute m so that it has no trivial solution and

(b) Solve it for that value

Q x, y, z x 2axy y z 2axz

(19) Given the quadratic form

2 2 2

(a) Determine for what values of a , the quadratic form Q is positive definite

(b) Determine for what values of a , the quadratic form Q is positive indefinite

(20) Solve the differential equation

dy 45

dt 2000 5t

y 80

(21) (i) Solve the differential equation of the logistic type given as P kPM P

where k

and M are positive constants.

(ii) How would the solution in (i) above change given the initial condition 0




3 ln 1, 0, satisfying 1 2

(22) Find the particular solution of xy y x x y

(23) Find the general solution of

xy 2y x


(24) Solve the equation


3 , 0



x x y x

(25) Find the solution to the differential equation dy xy x which satisfies 3 0

dx y when x


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