Pu rple'

Pu rple'

Pu rple'


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A.'TARANTELLI(. This variery has a tong<br />

ílowering season, l,Íay to the end oÍ 0ctober. The salmon /red floweri<br />

are small-medium sized on short stems.<br />

Code F839 É3.00<br />


This variety was fint introduced in l858. Ihe ílowers are deep purple<br />

and semi-doubh, the íoliage is very dark purple/black. Very<br />

íloriíerous' can be supported or leÍt to trail.<br />

Code F84l É3.00<br />

A.'WEINRoT ELFE'. Ísyn'Red ElÍe'l This<br />

vlril'IY_ lá5 ^c yine red ílowers with dark glossy foliage, an upright<br />

lubit ]5 e ''etr. Code F843 í3.00<br />


The large deep cerise pink Ílowen Íade llightly to a mid rose pink, ,<br />

the suríace has a ruffled texture. The foliage is dark green and very<br />

serrated on a medium/tall plant' Code F844 Í3.00 {<br />

A.'YELLOW BEAUTY'. i"*,*.<br />

lovely buttercup yellow aCCeÍT!'i3r N tm rmilI M rrr nc úroar<br />

The foliage is a beautiÍul conrrrrm{ ylrg 9Ét .rd lr Íe<br />

undenide.30 cm high. Code F&15 Él"m<br />

ő PLANT suPPoRTs AND ő PoTs<br />

XACHIMENANTHA I,ross between Achimenes<br />

and Smithiantha and has a habit rimilar to Achimenes.<br />

lupplied ar plants or rhizomes as available<br />

-_r<br />

XA.'lN FERNO'. A realy eye

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