My Thoughts and I

Art 360

Art 360


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My Thought and I

Cris Montoya

Project Description

The project has taken a different direction in focusing more on the documentation of

depression. THe project captures it subjects talking and expressing themselves about how

they feel towards depression. The focus is in the images it shows the process of the subjects

talking and showing their facial and body expressions with a summary of their true feelings

of depression.

Depression is a constant feeling of isolation, emptiness and lack of energy

within myself and my body. Everyday is a fight against myself in

trying to motivate myself and and distracting myself from this feeling

of isolation and emptiness. It is a conflict inside my head that is constantly

happening from morning till night in this never-ending battle.

In times I look at my pet, Winter, to bring me back to a sense of reality

bringing me a type of excitement and relief from myself and the world

around me. I feel at easy and can relax knowing that he is there with

him bringing me new hope in the outside world.

Many people think that depression is being sad and although that is

slightly correct there’s much more to it. Depression to me is never

having the motivation to do anything constantly being tired.

Everthing feels overwhelming but at the same time numb.

This is Rambo, I got him a month and half ago. When I am with Rambo

all of my problems and stress go away because all my attention is

on him. His personality is so fun and enthusiastic, how could he not

be my safe place, and the reason I smile.

Depression to me is a daily battle of getting out of bed and facing the

world. It’s my own brain turning against me and waging war over the

simplest of things. My own brain trying to convince me everything is

against me, that i’m never good enough, and I can’t do anything about


Drawings makes me feel like I am younger again and my coloring

book is my way of escape from my daily battles of facing the world. It

is a place where I am not waging war in my mind and it my stress and

problem free zone.

Depression is a pit of despair, I know I got hit when I feel unmotivated, tired, and seek isolation.

It’s a difficult state to get out from, it can feel at times as if the world is overwhelming

and I just want to seek peace in my room, where nothing can bother me. I try to keep

myself busy but the unavoidable weight of depression looms over me, I try to keep myself

focused but that weighs me down and at times, I feel like clocking out for the day and

sleeping to speed it up, but it never lasts the same length as before, it always varies.

He bring me a calm mind and relief and always keeps me on my feet. I always want to be

with him and pet him for giving me a sense of

security and motivation in my day to day activities.

Depression is always feeling weight on your bac and this heaviness within your soul and

mind. It never lets you go, it is consistently their 24/7 affecting everything I do and everyday

I fall deeper anf deeper into that hole of pure depression.

I love books, I collect them and read thme from time to time. They bring different fantasies

and new paths to follows and help me escape into the world from fiction or non-fiction

from the world of reality.

Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that interferes with my daily

life. When I feel sunken with the feeling of sadness I am not motivated to proceed in the

day until the emotion subsides.

Guitar is a hobby of mine and also my relief. The sounds the guitar makes and the sounds I make bring

me peace. I go to my guitar when I need to step away from all my problems and ignore everything to give

me that sense of relief. It helps me step away from that feeling of being sunken into sadness and lifts back

on top to the feeling of joy and happiness and allows me to motivate myself once again.

Depression is an on-going struggle of doing the daily activities. The struggle of going to

work, going to class, going out, it is that never-ending struggle and I am forced to keep

going because that is how life is and just push trhough.

Driving bring me a relaxed sense of mind and a peace of mind. It allows me to be myself

and let myself be free without all the problems and stresses of the world. Driving gives me

the energy to help push through the never-ending struggle of deperession within myself.

Depression in my life has always been a problem and has always been constant physical

and mental drainage that has keep me from putting my all into my daily livelyhood. Depression

is a drain and can cause physical and emntal suffering forever.

I love to cook, I can be creative as I want and create the foods that I want and love especially

from my childhood to now giving me a

sensation of remberance. Cooking helps me relieve myself of the daily drain that depression

has on me both in my physical and mental well-being.

Project Description

The project has taken a different direction in focusing more on the documentation of

depression. THe project captures it subjects talking and expressing themselves about how

they feel towards depression. The focus is in the images it shows the process of the subjects

talking and showing their facial and body expressions with a summary of their true feelings

of depression.

Depression is a constant feeling of isolation, emptiness and lack of energy

within myself and my body. Everyday is a fight against myself in

trying to motivate myself and and distracting myself from this feeling

of isolation and emptiness. It is a conflict inside my head that is constantly

happening from morning till night in this never-ending battle.

In times I look at my pet, Winter, to bring me back to a sense of reality

bringing me a type of excitement and relief from myself and the world

around me. I feel at easy and can relax knowing that he is there with

him bringing me new hope in the outside world.

Many people think that depression is being sad and although that is

slightly correct there’s much more to it. Depression to me is never

having the motivation to do anything constantly being tired.

Everthing feels overwhelming but at the same time numb.

This is Rambo, I got him a month and half ago. When I am with Rambo

all of my problems and stress go away because all my attention is

on him. His personality is so fun and enthusiastic, how could he not

be my safe place, and the reason I smile.

Depression to me is a daily battle of getting out of bed and facing the

world. It’s my own brain turning against me and waging war over the

simplest of things. My own brain trying to convince me everything is

against me, that i’m never good enough, and I can’t do anything about


Drawings makes me feel like I am younger again and my coloring

book is my way of escape from my daily battles of facing the world. It

is a place where I am not waging war in my mind and it my stress and

problem free zone.

Depression is a pit of despair, I know I got hit when I feel unmotivated, tired, and seek isolation.

It’s a difficult state to get out from, it can feel at times as if the world is overwhelming

and I just want to seek peace in my room, where nothing can bother me. I try to keep

myself busy but the unavoidable weight of depression looms over me, I try to keep myself

focused but that weighs me down and at times, I feel like clocking out for the day and

sleeping to speed it up, but it never lasts the same length as before, it always varies.

He bring me a calm mind and relief and always keeps me on my feet. I always want to be

with him and pet him for giving me a sense of

security and motivation in my day to day activities.

Depression is always feeling weight on your bac and this heaviness within your soul and

mind. It never lets you go, it is consistently their 24/7 affecting everything I do and everyday

I fall deeper anf deeper into that hole of pure depression.

I love books, I collect them and read thme from time to time. They bring different fantasies

and new paths to follows and help me escape into the world from fiction or non-fiction

from the world of reality.

Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that interferes with my daily

life. When I feel sunken with the feeling of sadness I am not motivated to proceed in the

day until the emotion subsides.

Guitar is a hobby of mine and also my relief. The sounds the guitar makes and the sounds I make bring

me peace. I go to my guitar when I need to step away from all my problems and ignore everything to give

me that sense of relief. It helps me step away from that feeling of being sunken into sadness and lifts back

on top to the feeling of joy and happiness and allows me to motivate myself once again.

Depression is an on-going struggle of doing the daily activities. The struggle of going to

work, going to class, going out, it is that never-ending struggle and I am forced to keep

going because that is how life is and just push trhough.

Driving bring me a relaxed sense of mind and a peace of mind. It allows me to be myself

and let myself be free without all the problems and stresses of the world. Driving gives me

the energy to help push through the never-ending struggle of deperession within myself.

Depression in my life has always been a problem and has always been constant physical

and mental drainage that has keep me from putting my all into my daily livelyhood. Depression

is a drain and can cause physical and emntal suffering forever.

I love to cook, I can be creative as I want and create the foods that I want and love especially

from my childhood to now giving me a

sensation of remberance. Cooking helps me relieve myself of the daily drain that depression

has on me both in my physical and mental well-being.

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