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Beautiful Dream

A love poem

Beautiful girl, you are a dream,

A vision that I long to see,

In my heart’s eye, you reign supreme,

A sight of pure beauty.

I long to be your king, not to rule with might,

But to be ruled by your heart, to be your devoted servant.

To see you in the colorful valleys, a wondrous sight,

Dancing among the flowers, your every move so fervent.

Oh, how I wish to see you running in the colorful valleys,

Dancing among the flowers and swimming in the blue waters.

I wish to see you swinging on the green trees, singing with the birds,

Riding beautiful horses, with your laughter like music to my ears.

But alas, I am but a poet,

With an imagination that takes me far,

I cannot offer you a crown or a kingdom,

Nor a life with riches and luxury.

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