Toxic Legacies / Filtering the Truth

The concept of recycling has gained immense popularity as a sustainable approach to waste pollution and is embraced as a potential solution to our escalating environmental crisis. However, not all recycling practices – especially when it comes to plastic – are necessarily environmentally friendly. In many cases, claims to recyclability are merely greenwashing, a marketing strategy used by companies to position themselves as environ- mentally conscious without implementing actual changes in their production practices. My master project aims to investigate the greenwashing behind recycling and how the concept of recycling can tend to justify the production of waste in a consumer-based system.

The concept of recycling has gained immense popularity as a sustainable approach to waste pollution and is embraced as a potential solution to our escalating environmental crisis. However, not all recycling practices – especially when it comes to plastic – are necessarily environmentally friendly. In many cases, claims to recyclability are merely greenwashing, a marketing strategy used by companies to position themselves as environ- mentally conscious without implementing actual changes in their production practices.

My master project aims to investigate the greenwashing behind recycling and how the concept of recycling can tend to justify the production of waste in a consumer-based system.


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Filtering the truth

Words, Design, Photography:

Leila Wallisser


Aktiv Grotesk


Munken Print White 115 g/m 2



Kunsthochschule Weißensee


Natural Linen 185 g/m 2

Cover title:

Screenprinted with

cigarette ashes

MA WS 22/23

Kunsthochschule Weißensee

Textile- and Surfacedesign

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karola Dierichs

Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris



Filtering the truth


“ Out of sight out of mind ”

The cliché about garbage we’ve all heard is:

Yet even when it’s

in sight garbage somehow manages to remain

out of mind.

William Rathje, Rubbish!, 1992



01 Introducing waste: Cigarette butts 10

02 How do we design with it? 16

03 Should we be designing with it? 26

04 Why can recycling be problematic? 28

05 Context:

1. Bioplastics 40

2. TerraCycle 44

3. rPET 46

4. Paper Bags 50

06 Examples of cigarette recycling 52

07 Material and object development 58

08 Final outcome 120

09 Discussion: Possible solutions 172

10 Outlook: What now? 178

11 Endnotes 184

References 190

Acknowledgements 198




Introducting waste

How do we design with it?

Should we be designing with it?

Introducing Waste

Cigarette Butts

Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution

find their way into our oceans… One million plastic

bottles are bought every minute… The average time that

a plastic bag is used is just 12 minutes… There could be

more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050…

” 1 We have

all come in contact with alarming facts regarding plastic

waste, as its pollution has become one of the most

pressing environmental issues we are facing today. Being

just over a century old, the production of this synthetic

material has accelerated to such an extent that it has

transformed our society into a throw-away-culture and

modern life would be unrecognisable without it.

The most abundant form of plastic pollution, however,

is one that we tend to overlook. Wonderfully embodying

the notion of throwing away, cigarette butts have become

an often invisible form of waste, that are not only

part of a visual representation of life in the city, but are


painting all of our anthropocentric landscapes in specs

of brown and orange. According to the National Geographic,

a rough 6.5 trillion cigarette butts were littered

worldwide in the year 2019, 2 with no radical decline in

the years to follow. The material itself can take up to ten

years to degrade, yet chemicals such as arsenic, lead

and nicotine that are released into the environment long

outlast the life of a butt itself and posing a harmful threat

to our environment and that of our natural relatives. 3

The image or illusion of filtration is essential

to the selling of cigarettes, whereas the fact

of filtration is not.

Internal memo, Philip Morris, 1963

95% of cigarette filters, also known as filter tip, are

made from cellulose acetate fibres. First introduced in

the 1950s, and as a reaction to the emerging fears of

lung cancer, they intend to reduce harms of smoking

by absorbing vapours and filtering particulate accumulation.

Being categorised as a non-toxic, odourless,

tasteless and weakly flammable plastic, the acetate is

used by being spun into tow fibres that are thinner than

sewing thread, and packed tightly together – create

an illusion of a cotton-like material.


Though the extensive filter research and development

efforts in the 1950s suggest a phase of genuine optimism

among cigarette companies towards the reduction

of the health hazards, 4 by the 1960s cigarette companies

discovered what a study in the journal Tobacco

Control termed the ‘filter problem’: the impossibility of

creating a filter that reduced the harms imposed by

smoking to a measurable amount whilst simultaneously

providing the smoker with the same ‘satisfaction’ they

were used to. This realisation led to a transition away

from reducing hazards and towards using the filter as a

marketing tool designed to continue to keep and recruit

consumers. 5 Invented in 1953 by R. J. Reynolds’ chemist

Claude Teague, 6 additional chemicals were added to the

filter, allowing the colour of the filter to become darker

when exposed to smoke – giving the impression they

were filtering out harmful particles and contributing to

the illusion of the filtration being more effective than it

actually is. 7 In fact, recent studies even suggest the filter

to be an additional health risk to the smoker. 8


Despite public confusion, 9 the cellulose acetate from

the cigarette butts is not biodegradable under typical

circumstances, and only begins to disintegrate under

“severe biological circumstances” 10 – gradually passing

through stages of microplastics. 11 During the act of

smoking, the cellulose acetate fibres and tipping paper

absorb a range of chemicals from the tobacco smoke.

Once discarded, cigarette butts leach over 4000 chemicals

to the environment. Studies have found the chemicals

released from both filter tip and tobacco waste to

be toxic to marine life, including fish, 12 fleas and bacteria,

13 and latest research suggests these chemicals to

hamper or even inhibit plant growth. 14



So now that we know about this problematic form of

waste – how do we design our way out of it?

The concept of recycling has gained immense popularity

as a sustainable approach to waste pollution and is

embraced as a potential solution to our escalating environmental

crisis. However, not all recycling practices

– especially when it comes to plastic – are necessarily

environmentally friendly. In many cases, claims to recyclability

are merely greenwashing, a marketing strategy

used by companies to position themselves as environmentally

conscious without implementing actual changes

in their production practices.

My master project aims to investigate the greenwashing

behind recycling and how the concept of recycling can

tend to justify the production of waste in a consumerbased

system. By raising awareness, this project aims

to create a sense of transparency and encourage more

mindful consumption.


How can discarded cigarette butts be used

as a medium to confront us with the impossibility

of their recuperation?



Should we be designing with it?

Semester 1: Material Tests

In the first semester of my Masters degree, I explored

various possibilities to manipulate and transform the individual

components of a cigarette butt into something

new and possibly useful. I started by separating the cigarette

into its individual components which left me with

four initial elements; the filter, tobacco, ash and the paper

holding these elements together. The fifth element is incorporated

in the filter itself; a thermo-reactive dye that

causes the filter to turn darker when exposed to heat.


For my initial results, I not only expected to find a method

to reuse at least some part of the cigarette, but also

to find seductive qualities in this form of waste that is

otherwise often met with disgust. After extensive small

scale material testing, machine testing with the Textile

Prototyping Lab and several conversations with chemists

from the Fraunhofer Institut in Potsdam and the

textile company Nanolose in Melbourne, I started questioning

whether the extracted toxins, in addition to the

amount of chemicals I would need to actually clean and

reform a cigarette butt, outweighed the benefit of reusing

an overabundant waste product. Was it really a silver

bullet, or were there instances where it contributed

to a neglect of greater problems? Growing disillusioned,

I decided to shift the solution from an actual application

to the communication of precisely this issue.

Set-up for interim presentation


Personal Waste

Since the start of my studies, the amount of waste produced

in a university context has always been a large

debate. What to do with all the leftover material – the test

prints, the prototypes, the material experiments, the contaminated

moulds, the plastic boxes – or even the final

outcome after it has been exhibited? Initiatives such as

the re:lab at Kunsthochschule Weißensee make a great

effort to undermine these waste streams and make leftover

materials from one project available for the next.

For this project, I have reused an estimate of 1000 cigarette

butts in various forms, which make up about 200

grams. As for other materials, the waste I produced adds

up to the following numbers:


Materials needed for paper making and pressing

General Waste



Plastic bags:

Water (Washing):


Plastic (Storage):

50 g

200 g

1 kg

est. 30 l

5 kg

4 kg


Paper Making / Pressing

3D printed moulds (PLA):

Other Materials:


1.1 kg

745 g

est. 50 l

Materials needed for filling wax and soap

Dyeing Textiles / Yarn




300 g

1.4 kg

est. 20 l

Filling Wax / Soap

Silicone moulds:

Plastic moulds:


Soap mix:

1.4 kg

280 g

2 kg

3.9 kg


Total waste: 21.375 kg + 100 litres of water

Comparing the waste of this project to the amount of

waste I actually reused, I can roughly say I have created

105 grams of waste for every gram of cigarette butt.

I am aware of the shortcomings of this comparison, as

this is a small-scale production and the ratio of waste

to cigarette butt relies heavily on the amount of objects

I end up producing. What’s more is that in my case it

is difficult to compare the “price to pay” to the larger

positive impact, as I do not directly contribute a measurable,

product based solution. It does however reveal

the amount of waste behind the production of a project

that we often tend to forget and is mostly not made

visible to the outside.


Gloves and masks

Semester 2: Useless Objects / Campaign

The realisation that recycling might do more harm than

good, led me to bring back more of the visual communication

design that I had attained my Bachelor’s degree

in. I decided to not continue to try to recycle cigarette

butts and focus on the communication. The aim for my

second semester was now to find a way to use these

methods and seductive qualities from my initial material

tests, to develop an object that both communicates the

environmental problems of the waste product (cigarette

butts), as well as the impact that the promotion of recycling

(under false pretences) can have on both consumer

and environment. The end-result is a product line and

campaign advertising the materials reuse with a sense

of irony and humour, as the product is not usable and

the campaign arguably does not make sense.


I specifically chose not to create a more abstract piece

of work for my final outcome, as part of my aim was to

directly target marketing as a tool for false communication

or lack of transparency, and I felt the actual marketing

of a product was the correct way to do this. It should

ideally invoke the reaction “You can really sell anything,

no matter how shit the product”.

Overview of final objects


04 Why can recycling

be problematic?





Within the sustainability cosmos, there are two

primary discourse motivations for using recycled

plastic alternatively to polyester. The first and most

obvious is that it turns garbage into something new.

Recycling by itself already has a positive character

intrinsic to it. The common understanding is that

recycling is always the best way out. Secondly, the

common knowledge is that by recycling we are no

longer extracting virgin raw material (..) to produce

new products.

Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, 2002


In recent years, recycling and circular thinking have gained immense

popularity, and have become an essential part in the

effort to reduce the impact of human activities on this earth.

Recycling is widely regarded as a tool to combat our current climate

crisis and a sustainable solution to reduce waste and conserve

resources. However, there are a number of instances in

which the promotion of recycling can become problematic. Be

it that the environmental impact that this form of regeneration

has, does not outweigh the environmental benefits, or the effect

that false advertising of companies can have to justify the

production of more waste. I have summarised the main issues in

the following three points.

1. Many of the materials we produce are not made to be

recycled (with the result that they are downcycled at best)

Recycling often seems to be the immediate solution when talking

about a circular economy. However many of the materials

that we are currently producing, are not actually made with the

idea of recycling in mind. Plastic is a good example for this.

Though the materials name – derived from the word “plasticity”–

promises to be an ever-mouldable substance, it is neither capable

of being remoulded endlessly without losing quality, nor designed

with the intent to do so. 15 Plastic thoroughly contradicts itself

in that it promises a utopian vision of an eternal material that is

simultaneously designed for disposability and a linear system. 16

Plastics have a complex chemical composition, and when recycling

them, the process of reheating and mixing the material

causes the polymer chains to shorten, meaning more chemicals

and mineral additives are needed in an attempt to reverse

this process. The result is that this second plastic may

have more additives than the virgin plastic, as well as being

a hybrid of lower quality that now has to be moulded into an

amorphous or cheaper object. As the Biomimicry Institute

states in their paper The Nature of Fashion, moving towards a

regenerative system: “Most people believe that plastics can be

infinitely recycled, but each time plastic is heated it degenerates,

so the subsequent iteration of the polymer is degraded

and the plastic must be used to make lower quality products.”.

Currently, the only wide-scale adopted technology for plastic

treatment is mechanical recycling. The steps for this form of recycling

entail the removal of organic residue (washing), that is

then followed by shredding, melting and remoulding the polymer.

17 This is then often blended with virgin plastic of the same

type, to ensure the material has suitable properties for further

manufacturing. There are limitations to this form of recycling,

as the chemical make-up and thermal properties of the various

types of plastic respond differently to the process. Many of the

plastics cannot be processed mechanically, and as a consequence

only two types of plastic are recovered and recycled:

PET and other polyethylenes, which make up less than half of

the annual plastics produced. 17


Moreover, materials often lose quality and performance compared

to the original state, resulting in being downcycled into

lower-grade materials that are less durable or have fewer potential

applications. The term downcycling is used to describe a recycled

product, in which the recycled material is of lower quality

and functionality than the original material. In fact, most recycling

ends up being downcycling, in which the process tends

to to increase levels of chemical contamination, by needing to

add more chemicals to the original material in order to make it

useful again 18 and forcing a material into more lifetimes than it

was originally designed for. 19 In their book Cradle to Cradle, the

chemist Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough

convey how recycling and eco-efficiency often tends only to

make the old, destructive system a bit less so, not actually addressing

the main issues but causing a slow and invisible violence

over a longer amount of time.

Finally, materials can oftentimes only be downcycled a limited

number of times before they become unstable. Paper fibres, for

example, become shorter and weaker each time they are recycled

and eventually become unusable for further recycling, ending

up being disposed of in landfill or incineration with the rest

of the unfit materials.

We tend to think of recycling as sorting and separating materials.

Yet “Recycling has not occurred until the loop has closed:

that is, until someone buys (or gets paid to take) the sorted materials,

manufactures them into something else, and sells that

something back to the public.” (Rubbish!, 1992) This means

that for a truly circular system, the output needs to be just as

valuable and useful as the initial material or product – and it is

a whole lot easier when you get to the end, if you’ve thought

about the beginning.

The trouble with the circular economy is that you can’t

just design a circular product or service in isolation. The

whole system has to change with it. That circular product

will only go so far if you’ve still got a linear economic system

supporting it.

Maxine Perella, Closing the Loop, 2018


2. Recycling is often not profitable in our current economy

The documentary ‘Die Recyclinglüge’ addresses many issues

specifically regarding plastic waste. It conveys how the cost of

producing the virgin material in comparison to the astronomical

costs for a company to recycle the material it has already

produced, is not even close to being profitable in our current

capitalistic economy. “Oil is cheap, and as long as oil remains

cheap, making virgin plastic is cheap. Meanwhile, sorting, transporting

and melting down plastic is expensive.” (Sam Denby,

2020) Plastic is often worth less than nothing, resulting in many

waste recyclers having to be paid to take the material and reprocess

it. End-to-life treatment options are in practice quite

limited, 17 and the high costs of energy and transportation, that

can result from lack of local infrastructure, often do not make

recycling a profitable or attractive option. As the price of the

material is currently heavily affected by the market’s demand,

it is vulnerable to fluctuation and often does not provide a constant

profit in our current economic climate. 20

Besides the fact that many of the materials decrease in quality

after their original use, another major issue is contamination.

Contamination can occur at any point in the recycling process,

from collection, to sorting, to processing. Pre-sorting to be

both costly and time-consuming and recycling requiring large

amounts of energy and current technologies cannot be applied

to many of the polymeric materials. 17 When non-recyclable materials

are mixed in with recyclable, it can cause for a disruption

or even for the entire “batch” to end up incinerated or in landfill. 21

The highest and most profitable percentage of “recycled” waste

ends up incinerated and used as energy for other industries. 22


It’s pretty amazing that our society has reached a

point where the effort necessary to extract oil from

the ground, ship it to a refinery, turn it into plastic,

shape it appropriately, truck it to a store, but it, and

bring it home is considered to be less effort that

what it takes to just wash the spoon when you’re

done with it.

” N.A.

Studies suggesting plastic waste to be a missed economic opportunity,

actually saving energy compared to the production of

the virgin material 17 and estimating $8.3 billion dollars of plastic

waste being lost to the commodity market in the US alone 23 –

pose the question at what cost. Plastic as a material with all its

chemicals has been known to create both environmental and

public health problems, 24 and so does its recycling. The question

is really what to incorporate into the cost calculation and

what not, because including these secondary consequences as

an additional cost, would definitely change the calculated outcome.

Recycling can be one of the answers to avoid waste buildup and

decrease the dependence on finite resources. However for this

to effectively happen, the cost of recycling either has to come

down, the calculations have to be more comprehensive, and the

price of a raw recycled plastic has to go up to generate more

money than it costs.


Just because a material is recycled does not automatically

make it ecologically benign, especially if

it was not designed specifically for recycling, blindly

adopting superficial environmental approaches without

fully understanding their effects can be no better

– and perhaps even worse – than doing nothing.

Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, 2002

3. Recycling materials tends to justify the production of waste

in a consumer-based system

Lastly, recycling has the potential to deflect the consumer

away from the actual problem. In the documentary ‘Die Recyclinglüge’,

the chemical engineer and sustainability consultant

Jan Dell makes her statement: Recycling is little more than a

seductive idea that allows the industry to keep producing more

disposable packaging and simultaneously relieves the consumer

of guilt. It’s not that recycling is bad. Though not every form

of recycling has the lower environmental footprint and the recycling

process from one material to another varies greatly in

cost and energy 17 – it is generally better for the environment

than landfilling or incineration and relies less on resource extraction.

25 However, there is a growing concern that it could be

promoting additional consumption, and additional waste.


Recycling can create a false sense of security, encouraging consumers

to continue exactly as before, whilst believing that their

waste is not adding to our current waste-problem. By taking the

guilt out of consumption, it undermines efforts to cut back on

waste, and becomes the alibi or even justification for single-use.

Not only does not solve the core of the problem of overconsumption,

but can also tend to be misleading as the term recyclable

merely implies that a material is able to be recycled, by

no means however stating that it actually will be. 26

Focusing too much on recycling can distract from other important

steps, such as reducing consumption and improving waste

management practices. In 2016, Mon Sun and Remi Strudel, professors

at Boston University, conducted a study on consumption

patterns and reactions to recycling-awareness campaigns.

The findings showed how the positive emotions connected

with recycling were able to overpower the negative emotions

connected to wasting – and as a result, consumers would use

a larger amount of resources when recycling was an option. 27

They concluded that current promotions of recycling may not

emphasise the cost of recycling enough and suggested future

promotions to highlight the economic and environmental cost

of recycling in an attempt to make a conscious effort to prioritise

reduce over recycle.

Whilst recycling and circular thinking are an important part of

reducing waste, conserving resources and protecting the environment,

it is by far not a perfect solution and definitely not to

be applied as a “one-shoe-fits-all” scenario. To improve recycling

rates and reduce waste, the focus needs to be on designing

products that are made to be recycled, as well as developing the

necessary infrastructure that is able to support these processes.

“ ..the word “ recycled ”

on a package generally means

not that a product has been made, at least in part, out

of something that a consumer once bought and then

turned in for recycling, but rather that it has been made

in part with scrap left over from the normal manufacturing


William Rathje, Rubbish!, 1992


05 How is recycling contributing

to greenwashing?

Case Study 1:


How misleading labels can

contribute to greenwashing


In conversation with a friend, I was talking about how I had just

found out cigarette filters were made from a bioplastic. The response

was: “Ah that’s a good thing right? So they are compostable?”

For precisely this reason, I feel the need to address how

the naming of the various categories of plastic can be misleading

in itself.

Cellulose acetate falls under the category of bioplastics. The

name itself does not sound very harmful. The word bios with its

origins in ancient Greek, meaning ‘human life’ has extended its

meaning in modern scientific usage to ‘organic life’ and is now

customarily associated with words such as ‘natural’ and ‘organic’.

28 According to an article in Environment International “The

term bioplastic implies similar favourable characteristics as their

petroleum-based counterparts but with the positive connotation

of “natural” materials,” and along the line are marketed as a

sustainable alternative to conventional plastics. However not all

bioplastics are immediately biodegradable and studies suggest

even toxic chemicals continue to be prevalent in most types of

both bio-based and biodegradable products. 29

Consumer goods made out of biodegradable plastic

enjoyed a brief vogue until many of them came to be

seen, correctly, as little more than products of a marketing

scheme designed to tap into a perceived increase in

“ green ”

sentiment in the country. Although biodegradable

plastic eventually can fall apart (but usually only with the

help of sunlight, a scarce commodity in landfills) its constituents

retain much of their bulk and hence take up as

much room in landfills as regular plastic.

William Rathje, Rubbish!, 1992


There are four different groups of plastic which can be divided

into those that are bio- and those that are petroleum-based.

These categories can then also be divided into a group of plastics

that are biodegradable and those that are not. 30 This means that

bio-based plastics are not immediately biodegradable – in fact

most often they are not. Below are several terms that can be added

to the list of misleading naming and in need of clarification.


All plastics, even the conventional petroleum-based ones, are

technically degradable. Given the right amount of time and environmental

conditions, the material eventually will be broken

down into tiny fragments. This does not mean, however, that

the material will return to its “natural” organic state, and as we

know, this can take up to thousands of years, 31 thus still remaining

a source of pollution. There are additives to traditional

plastics that are able to make them degrade more quickly. 32 The

term photodegradable merely means the plastic will more readily

break down in sunlight, oxo-degradable plastics more readily

degrade when exposed to heat and light.


A plastic termed biodegradable is completely able to break

down into its natural components. This can be done by water,

carbon dioxide, or – under the right conditions – in compost by

microorganisms. The term implies that the decomposition process

completely happens within a few weeks to months. There

is technically no limitation of time how long this process should

take. 33 In the case that it does take much longer than the implied

timeframe, the material is labelled “durable” and some

even fall back into the category of non-biodegradables.


Compostable plastics have to be able to be broken down into

non-toxic components by natural processes / with the help of

microorganisms. However, under German TÜV standards this

implies that, under the conditions of 58 degrees in 84 days, 90

percent of the matter in the plastic must be smaller than two

millimetres. 34 Standards that are not natural in a home environment

and for which there are not yet facilities set in place to

actually do so. As a result, bioplastics often end up in landfills

along with the rest. Only plastics labelled home compostable

are to meet the requirements of breaking down at a minimum of

90 percent at 20 to 30 degrees in a matter of 365 days. 35

“One of the major problems connected to the development, use,

and disposal of degradable materials is that none are degraded

in all natural environments; a specific environment is needed,

and the conditions required depend on the type of plastic.”

(Science Magazine, 2017) Therefore claims of degradability and

environmental degradability should always be connected with a

specific environment. Variables in natural environments highly

differ, and plastics that rapidly degrade in compost might actually

contribute to plastic debris in marine environments, as conditions

in seawater are not ideal for its rapid breakdown. 36


With increasing attention towards the plastic pollution, corporates

have adopted plastic reduction plans and started looking

for more sustainable plastic packaging. According to a report

published by Greenpeace, corporate plastic plans are mainly

made up of four parts: Reducing virgin plastic use, increasing

recycling rate and recycled content, using alternative materials

and developing reuse and refill systems. In the case of “alternative

materials”, bioplastic (both degradable and non-degradable)

and paper are most commonly implemented. Companies

are quick to use terms such as “eco-friendly”, “green”, “made

from plants” and “sustainable” to describe their packaging

products, in an attempt to promote themselves as environmentally

and socially responsible. By taking a closer look at implementations

made by large corporations such as Coca Cola or

Danone however, it is easy to see how this does not change

anything on the degradability front – and generates the question

whether this is a tool for greenwashing more than anything else.

This is not to say that all bioplastics are overall “bad”. The innovation

of a material that is not dependent on fossil fuels and

even able to decompose – and do so in a drastically shorter

amount of time – is generally a positive. We need innovations

in packaging, and compostability is definitely a major step in

closing the loop of our waste streams. I would just like to use

this example to highlight that the wording around these plastics

can often be misleading and even problematic in regards

to consumer transparency. Making a significant impact requires

adequate labelling for both consumer and producer, as well as

the correct infrastructure to process the material post-use. Bioplastics

have the potential to be better than conventional plastics,

but they are not a panacea for the plastic pollution. 37

To a large extent, plastic is embedded in our daily

lives, thus any reduction of plastic requires behavioural

changes as much as technological solutions.

In order to significantly decrease the environmental

impacts, we will have to change and dematerialise our

consumption patterns, which can be achieved only

through transformational change across spheres

including policy, lifestyles, culture, technology, education,

research, and product design.

Arthur Huang, Going Circular, 2021


Case Study 2:


Who is responsible

for what (waste)?

Image 01: TerraCycle’s office in Trenton, US


TerraCycle is a US-based company dedicated to eliminating

waste by providing services and solutions specifically for

hard-to-recycle refuse. Founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, it is

a private business that partners with individuals, businesses

and organisations to collect and recycle materials that are

not typically accepted by municipal recycling programmes.

Their approach starts with a volunteer-based collection process

of pre- and post-consumer waste, that is then baled,

bulked and transported to processing partners who wash,

shred and separate the materials accordingly. TerraCycles’s

logo is a green infinity symbol with the arrows pointed toward

each other.

While the company is a valuable tool in showing that more

waste is technically recyclable than we tend to think, Terra-

Cycle’s approach has also often been subject to criticism and

debate. Whilst the company has been successful in collecting

hard-to-recycle materials, there is a lack of transparency

in what exactly happens to them after they are collected.

There have been instances in which sorted batches of waste

that were collected by volunteers and addressed to Terra-

Cycle were found in incineration centres in eastern Europe –

generating the question whether the company does actually

live up to its claim. 38 Moreover, focussing on hard-to-recycle

waste requires energy-intensive recycling processes that in

some cases may not actually reduce overall waste and environmental


TerraCycle has most recently been criticised for contributing

to the greenwashing of large corporations in making the

companies they partner with seem greener than they actually

are. 39 A lawsuit filed in 2021 by the California-based environmental

organisation The Last Beach Cleanup brought to

light one of the major issues in terms of labelling: Brands are

able to put TerraCycles logo on all of their packages, even

if they are only contracted to recycle a certain amount. By

making the consumer responsible to recycle and sort their

own waste, TerraCycles service allows for companies to take

no responsibility for their own waste, once again distracting

from the larger systemic issue by deflecting the externalities

onto the consumer and making it someone else’s problem.

This leaves us with the question: whose responsibility is it?

Image 02: Szaky at TerraCycle headquarters


Case Study 3:

PET to textile

rPET as a concrete example

of our recycling problem


Whilst the idea is not new, plastic bottles being recycled into

fibre has become increasingly popular in the textile industry,

as well as its promotion as a green alternative by clothing

brands. First manufactured for textiles by Polartec in 1993, 40

recycled PET is now spreading as a sustainable alternative to

polyester. By taking a closer look into the reality of this production

however, it becomes clear pretty quickly that turning

plastic waste into clothing is not as sustainable of an idea as

it might seem.

First off, when talking about sustainability in fashion – or in

many other areas of production – the discussion in itself is

conducted under false premises. The most sustainable action

is to increase the use and reuse of materials that already

exist, and to not buy anything at all. 41 However, removing this

premise from the discourse and taking a closer look at the

fashion industry and what it claims to offer with this particular

recycled material, a few key issues crystallise. I have categorised

these into quality, material, circularity, regulations

and comfort.

Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate, also known as rPET,

is gained through a process of melting down post-industrial

plastic waste and spinning it into fibre. For this process, an

average of eight soda bottles are needed for the production

of one shirt. 42 A comforting idea, right?

The creative use of down cycled materials for new

products can be misguided, despite good intentions.

For example, people may feel they are making an ecologically

sound choice by buying and wearing clothing

made from fibres from recycled plastic bottles.

But the fibres from plastic bottles contain toxins such

as antimony, catalytic residues, ultraviolet stabilisers,

plasticisers and antioxidants, which were never designed

to lie next to human skin.

Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, 2002


Circularity As mentioned above, recycling can

Quality One of the first issues with this form

natural decomposition for them.” 42 life cycle assessments of clothing have major shortcoming

with reuse is one that is often the case with plastics.

PET as a material is not endlessly recyclable. In the

case of recycling rPET, toxic chemicals that are used

for the production of bottles are mixed together –

which include antimony, bleach and fire retardants

– that are not designed for prolonged exposure to

the skin. 42 Whilst there are various regulations set in

place for the chemicals used in the process of production,

certifications such as OEKO-TEX offer very

little regulations and data on the chemicals that are

present in the material itself. 43

only truly be seen as such if there is an endless cycle

of materials in which the final degradation product

must be of use for natural or industrial primary

production. 42 Currently, recycled PET is a cradle-tograve

system, in which “The link between decomposition

and primary production is broken, meaning that

nutrients that in a natural system would be “food”

for primary production instead become pollution.” 42

In this one-way street, the plastic bottles are turned

to textiles that end up in landfill or incineration as a

result of a lack of large-scale recycling technology

Material Secondly, and, to put it bluntly, rPET

for post-consumer textiles. 44 What’s more is that this

system interrupts the cycle of the PET bottle, diverting

is still a plastic. Currently – and with the highest

predicted growth rate 44 – 60% of textiles are made

from fossil fuel-based synthetic fibres, 41 releasing

an estimate of 640.000 – 1.500.000 microfibres per

wash. 42 Microplastics are not filtered at any stage of

from its own closed-loop system and deflecting

the responsibility from the waste of another (the soft

drink) industry 44 – causing the impression of solving

problem that is not their own to address: the food

industry’s neglect towards packaging.

sewage treatment and end up releasing an estimate

of 50 billion plastic bottles worth of microfibres into Regulations There is much discussion on the

the oceans yearly, 44 posing a serious threat to marine

ecosystems. Of the 8 billion metric tons of plastic

that we have produced since 1950, 42 91% have

never been recycled, and our plastic production has

been doubling every 15 years. 42 The average product

is to spend 200 years in landfill, incinerated at best.

In their paper, the Biomimicry Institute stresses that

to actually achieve a regenerative system, we need

to desperately reduce waste and a world in which

“durable” needs to coexist with “safely biodegradable”

– which as we know, is currently not the case

with plastics. They emphasise: “This means there is

no alternative to the phasing out of non-compostable

materials like polyester, and new fibres, however

“recyclable,” should not be developed if there is no

regulations of what is considered to be a sustainable

material. Arguments involve a lack of transparency

and a careful selection of facts without taking

a step back to look at the greater picture. In their

paper Ecolabelling of clothes has catastrophic consequences

for the environment, the consumption research

professor Irgun Grimstad Klepp explains how

comparisons of environmental impacts are carried

out through a life cycle assessment, LCA for short.

This assessment weighs the production stages in relation

to environmental impacts such as CO2 emissions,

water scarcity and resource depletion, and

divides them by the number of times a product is

assumed to be used. 41 Given there is little data on

this crucial division of the products life however, the

in both method and data.



This lack of transparency and reliable data about

how the clothes are actually produced results in

questionable results of what is considered to be a

sustainable textile. The Higg Index is the tool most

used in the industry, currently managed by the commercial

company Higg Co. The index provides tools

such as the Material Science Index (MSI) that measures

the fibres against each other, the Product Module

(PM) that measures the factories against each

other, and then measures a product sustainability

profile based on the first two. 41 This assessment,

however, addresses only the impact of fibres from

cradle to gate – production to sale – and does not

address the end of life stages. 44 The results are that

both elastane and polyester measure at an 82%

and 73% in comparison to other textiles, leaving a

questionable result of wool, cotton and silk at the

very other end of the spectrum. 44 The assessment

effectively avoids the topic of synthetic fibres, presenting

it as an environmentally friendly choice with

little comment on the overproduction of the fast

fashion industry and no accountability towards their

current business model. 43 These studies – alongside

of many other certification schemes – shape a vision

of sustainability that may not reflect reality, allowing

companies to patchwork certifications and distract

the consumer from a wider impact. 43 In their report

Licence to Greenwash, how certification schemes

and voluntary initiatives are fuelling fossil fashion, the

Changing Markets Foundation eloquently expresses:

“The results highlight that the majority of schemes

represent a false promise of certification for textiles

and represent a highly sophisticated form of greenwashing

as few have the time or inclination to look

beyond a certification or initiative’s stamp of approval.

At best they are a patchy promise of sustainability,

able to offer a degree of assurance on a small

production practice or section of the supply chain.

At worst, they are unambitious, opaque, unaccountable

and compromised talking-shops resulting in an

industry-wide smokescreen for the unsustainable

practices, enabling greenwashing on a vast scale.”

Comfort Lastly, this act of greenwashing creates

a comfort zone, in which the lack of pressure from

the consumer results in the ignorance of major environmental

issues and a lack of action or push for

continuous improvement from the fashion industry.

The Changing Markets Foundation identifies the tactics

employed by fashion brands, grouping them into

three broad categories: delay, distract and derail. 43

Delaying tactics describes the voluntary targets set

in the distant future, serving to ignore pressing environmental

issues whilst still appearing to be taking

action. Distract entails the promotion of end-of-pipe

false solutions such as focussing on plastic packaging

rather than plastic fibres, or recycling PET bottles

for clothing. Derail describes the image of positive

transformation by creating the illusion of progressive

action, and thereby encouraging people to buy

more clothes / justifying a continued consumption,

as technologies do little to reinvent linear, throwaway

business model. 44 Recycling has become a 200 billion

dollar industry 42 as the usage of recycled plastic

grows alongside the demand for virgin plastic clearly

presents how “[…] making garments out of plastic

waste will not even approach stemming the plastics

crisis, and does very little to stop the flow of plastics

into the environment in the first place.” 44

At best, projects like this should be seen as a communication

tool to raise public awareness of plastic

pollution in the oceans, but they can’t be considered

a serious step towards circularity.

Biomimicry Insititute, 2020


Case Study 4:

Paper Bags

The act of replacing in a

consumer-based society

Das größte Problem bei der Abschaffung der Tüte ist,

dass das Shoppen erfunden wurde. […] Beim Shoppen

will man zu einem sogenannten Impulskauf verführt

werden, es geht darum, Wünschen zu begegnen, Wünsche

zu erwecken und zu verspüren. Für den Impulskauf

kann ich mir keine Tasche mitnehmen, die Tüte muss in

der Sekunde des unerwarteten Impulses verfügbar sein.

Wolfgang Pauser, Fluter: Müll, 2012

It is estimated that 100 billion to 1 trillion single-use plastic

bags are produced per year worldwide. 45 Shopping bags

used by supermarkets are mostly produced out of high and

low density polyethylene, and are notoriously difficult to recycle.

46 With growing environmental distress, many countries

have dealt with plastic bag concerns by enforcing bans or

fees, resulting in a switch to paper. However, paper also has

its environmental issues. Whilst paper is made from a renewable

resource, it runs the risk of encouraging deforestation if

not sourced sustainably, and the paper-making process requires

tremendous amounts of energy. 47


There are many studies that have investigated the environmental

impacts of both paper and plastic bags. The findings

of a lot of these studies show how the production and transportation

of plastic requires significantly less energy than

paper. To those that conclude plastic to be the more environmentally

friendly option, I would argue that the durability

and concerns of plastic still outweigh those of paper, however

paper also comes with its costs.

To reduce the impact of any bag, the reuse of it is key. 48

However, paper being less durable makes it more susceptible

to be thrown away. Whilst paper can be recycled, its fibre is

not an indestructible resource, and can only be reprocessed

about five to seven times before the fibres come too short.

As a result, virgin paper and chemicals are added in addition

to the chemicals required for the de-inking process. To increase

papers durability, per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances

(PFAs) are added in a wide range of paper food packaging,

to prevent oil, grease and moisture from soaking into the paper

itself. 49 PFAs are neither recyclable, nor compostable and

also end up contaminating the environment. 50

Though paper is inherently biodegradable, it frequently gets

sent to landfill due to improper recycling or plastic coating.

26% of landfill waste is reported to be made up of paper, 51

remaining there in a state of mummification. 52 Worldwide,

420 millions tons of paper products are consumed every

year, and at our current rate, from 2010 to 2060 the global

consumption of pulp and paper – as well as its waste – is expected

to double. 51

The banned materials will have to be replaced

with other materials, which will still get

thrown away.

William Rathje, Rubbish!, 1992

Both paper and cardboard are used by many brands as the

quick solution to help them achieve their plastic reduction

targets. Yet replacing plastic with paper runs the risk of

burden shifting, or in greenwashing identified as the hidden

trade-off, in which it does little to address the single-use

mentality of the disposable product, yet relieves the consumer

of guilt, ultimately doing nothing to reduce consumption

or address the larger issue of waste. Instead of replacing

one problem with another, the conclusion needs to be how to

reduce the environmental impacts by both of them.


06 Examples of

cigarette recycling


Cigarette butts

Image 03: from cigarette butts to down


Image 04: Depolluted cellulosic acetate fibres

1. TchaoMegot: cigarette butts to down

With the rise of alarming facts regarding cigarettes and their

waste, there have been a few interesting projects that focus

on the recycling of these toxic remnants. One of them is initiated

by the French start-up TchaoMegot, which was launched

in 2019 and has since gained recognition from the GreenTech

Innovation label. The objective of this company is to save cigarette

butts from their usual fate of being incinerated and recycle

them into an insulating material, which they claim is depolluted

and then able to be reused for the stuffing of down jackets.

Diagrams on their website show how once these cigarette

butts are collected, separated and cleaned, they are left with

15% compostable material (ashes, tobacco and paper), 84.7%

of clean fibres that can be reprocessed as insulation material

and 0.3% of extracted toxic concentrates that are correctly

disposed of in specialised laboratories. According to them, 30

litres of cleaned fibres generate only 100 millilitres of effluent

that is left to be treated. The toxicity of the fibre is extracted

without using water or toxic solvent, removing both odour and

toxicity of the material.

Whilst this is an innovative idea, and I by no means mean to

criticise the effort and technological process that has and is

going into this, the first question that arises for me is whether

the material they claim to be compostable really is as such,

or whether the toxins and pesticide remnants from the tobacco

and its smoke have leached into the paper – making them a

hazard when composted. The second, and in my opinion pressing

question, is what actually happens to the 0.3% of extracted

toxic concentrate once it is correctly disposed of, and what the

subsequent treatment actually entails. When confronted with

this question, TchaoMegot’s director Arnaud Paque’s response

was that even though there is interest to look into how to separate

and re-use these toxic components, they would need huge

quantities of these and a substantial amount of money to explore

this solution so it is currently not a priority.


2. Arthur Huang: Anything Butts

In April 2016, the Taiwanese structural engineer and architect

and founder of the company Miniwiz, launched a pavilion in collaboration

with Philip Morris International during the Milan Design

Week in which a new material was introduced which was

made with recycled filters of the IQOS heatsticks and applied to

Cesare Leonard’s furniture designs from the 60s. Miniwiz is an

internationally operating company dedicated to upcycling and

consumer trash and industrial waste, creating a range of highend

products in the attempt to recalibrate our idea of value.

Though there is little discussion about whether Miniwiz is greenwashing

or actually living up to their promises, it is a company

that is difficult to evaluate. On one hand, it is important to show

value in waste and create a platform to discuss and rethink what

we deem as worthless. On the other hand it conveys again how

recycling is an “end-all” solution for all current waste problems,

and even takes it a step further by promoting recycled items

as a luxury, high-end solution that is not available to everyone

– enforcing the view that you need to have money to be green.


Image 05: Anything Butts pavilion in Milan, 2016

Image 06: One step carbonisation process for batteries

3. Cigarette butts to batteries

An interesting technical development for cigarette waste is the

conversion of cigarette butts into batteries. In 2014, researchers

from Seoul National University in South Korea found a way

to convert used butts into a carbon-based material capable of

storing the energy required for high-performance batteries. The

study published in the journal Nanotechnology outlined how

used filters were transformed by a one-step burning process

and consequently converted into carbon. 53 Carbon conducts

electricity well, stays stable and is cheap making it a popular

material for making supercapacitors.


07 Material and Object


Practical methods

As stated before, separating the cigarette butt in to its individual

components, leaves me with the following elements;

the filter, tobacco, ash and the paper holding these elements

together. The last element is incorporated in the filter itself;

a thermoactive dye that by reacting to a change in ph-scale,

causes the filter to turn darker when exposed to heat.

I started by separating the cigarette into its individual components

which left me with four initial elements; After separating

the cigarette butt into its individual components, I used

three methods of manipulation. The first I categorised as filling,

which involved using various binders such as resin, wax,

gelatine, plaster and glycerine as a base which then bound the

individual elements of the discarded cigarette butt together.

The second method involved reforming the cigarette itself,

using techniques such as paper making, felting, pressing with

heat and melting with acetone to create a transformation of the

material. For the last method, I explored using the cigarettes

components to extract colour and apply this to other materials.

This involved dyeing textiles and yarn, using traditional ways to

create pigments for canvases as well as screen-printing. These

methods allowed me to create unique and unexpected colour

palettes and patterns.

As far as object development goes, it took me a while to figure

out which direction exactly I wanted to go into. I had developed

all these methods that I now wanted to apply and preferably as

many as possible to a final piece – the question was to what

exactly. I started by using what I found the easiest method –

binding with wax – in combination with various moulds to form

sheets, book covers and buttons, until I finally got to candles.

Candles were the first step to creating a series of objects that

had no real function. The search for a second object that had a

similar form of “non-purpose” led me to the next, soap. Finally,

I decided to incorporate the already developed dying process

for the yarn.


01: Resin

02: Wax

03: Bioplastic


04: Plaster


05: Paper

06: Heat Press

07: Film (Acetone)



08: Dyeing Textile

09: Dying Yarn

10: Pigment Paper

Individual elements of cigarette butt from top to bottom; ashes, tobacco, filter, paper

Dissecting process


01 Filling: Resin

From left to right: resin filled with filter (clean), filter (used),

filter (used, course), whole cigarette, tobacco, ashes


Colour palette from resin filled with individual components from cigarette butt

02 Filling: Wax

From left to right: wax filled

with filter, dyed with filter, ashes


From left to right: wax filled

with filter, tobacco, ashes


Wax filled with ashes in shape of diamond

03 Filling: (Gelatine-based) Bioplastic



Gelatine-based bioplastic filled with filter, papers,

tobacco and ashes

04 Filling: Plaster


Plaster filled with ashes (left) and tobacco (right)

– changes in structural properties rather than visual

05 Reforming: Paper

Paper making process: (1) separate, (2) soak and grind, (3) shape, (4) hang to dry


20 x paper


20 x paper


15 x filter tip

1.2 g paper


5 x filter tip

1.2 g paper


10 x filter tip

1.2 g paper




Pressing paper tests of unused filter and paper (top/left) and used filter and paper (bottom/right)

Pressing paper into shape, tests of unused filter and paper in various ratios


06 Reforming: Heat Press

Heat press tests of (1) unused filters at 130°/30sec., (2) unused filters at 180°/30 sec.,

(3) used filters at 180°/30 sec., (4) used filters at 180°/60 sec.


Macroscopic images (x100) show acetate fibres (top)

melting under heat press (bottom)

07 Reforming: Film (Acetone)

Used cigarette filters made from cellulosic acetate (70%) melted with acetone (30%)



First tests of shaping cellulosic acetate with acetone from nail polish remover

– additional oils in the nail polish remover create a bone coloured texture


Further shaping tests of fibres melted with acetone, dried on bubble wrap



Filters first melted in heat press, then given a layer of acetone

08 Colouring: Dyeing Textile


Range of textiles dyed in ashes

using traditional dyeing methods

(water, vinegar, heat)

Textiles dyed in filter using traditional

dyeing methods (water,

vinegar, soy milk, heat)

Textiles dyed in remnant tobacco

using traditional dyeing methods

(water, vinegar, soy milk, heat)

Colour palette of textiles (cotton) dyed in ashes


Colour palette of textiles dyed in filter, pink colour from thermoreactive dye

Colour palette of textiles dyed in remnant tobacco


09 Colouring: Dyeing Yarn


Knit of cotton yarn

dyed in ashes

Knit of cotton yarn

dyed in filter

Knit of cotton yarn

dyed in tobacco



10 Colouring: Pigment (Paper)

Ground ashes (left) and tobacco (right)

mixed in arabic gum

Setup / following traditional methods for creating pigment for paintings



Colour palette from ground ashes and tobacco,

according to various binding methods


10 Colouring: Pigment (Screenprint)

Screen printing tests of tobacco plant with ashes on paper made from the outer layer of cigarette butts



10 Colouring: Pigment (Screenprint)

Screen printing tests of macroscopic images

of cellulose acetate fibres with ashes on textile

Screen printing tests of smoke with ashes on textile


MPI: testing levels of toxicity

The knowledge that the cigarette butt itself is very harmful

along with not having extracted any of the chemicals in my

production process, generates the question how many chemicals

are in fact still present in these new materials. Thanks

to Professor Dr. Karola Dierichs and her position at the Max

Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, I was

lucky enough to be able to apply the gas chromatography

mass spectrometry method to my materials in order to determine

the levels of toxicity still present after handling this

form of waste without the help of any preliminary extraction

processes. Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique

that is used to identify and quantify unknown compounds

by measuring the mass of a molecule and elucidating their

chemical identity or structure. 64 With the help of Mariella Gabler,

a PhD student in the department of biomaterials, I was

able to conduct a series of tests that took the dyed cotton,

paper and wax and compared the chemicals present in these

to the chemicals present in the individual elements of the unprocessed

cigarette butt itself. Cotton, paper and wax were

soaked in toluene, hexane or acetone over a time period of

two hours before being filtered and transferred to the GC-MS

Masshunter System.

Setup at lab (MPI)


Adding solvents to materials

GC-MS Masshunter System

Back: materials soaking in solvents,

Front: filtered solvent ready for mass-spectrometer


The output – visualised in the following graphs – immediately

shows the presence of many chemicals, to which comparatively,

nicotine is a small concern. In fact in contrast to the other

chemicals, there is so little nicotine present in the materials

that it would have to be specifically sought for, as the minimal

amounts do not make it clearly identifiable from the rest. What

does clearly show, are numerous other chemicals and additives,

intentionally added to cigarettes to enhance flavour and

properties of both tobacco and its smoke. 54 Chemicals such as

acetone, benzene, toluene and various alkanes are relatively

inexpensive and easily flammable – used to regulate and enhance

the combustion of tobacco. Derivatives of siloxane are

used to moisturise and soften the effects of smoke, and the

arsenic otherwise used in rat poison, finds its way into the

cigarette through pesticides used in tobacco farming. Working

with used cigarette butts from all kinds of companies,

makes it impossible to assign specific chemicals and their

amount to a specific brand and consequently also my further

processing of the material – however all of the chemicals listed

above were clearly identifiable in all of the results.


(a) Acetone 58 g/mol (b) Benzene 78 g/mol (c) Toluol (solvent)

(i) Cyclohexane, ethyl- 112 g/mol (n) Triacetin 218 g/mol

(d) Cyclohexane, 1,2-dimethyl-, trans- 112.2 g/mol (e) Octane

114,23 g/mol (f) Cyclohexane, 1,3-dimethyl-, trans- 112 g/mol (g)

Cyclopentane,1-ethyl-2-methyl-,cis- 112 g/mol (h) Cyclohexane,

1,2-dimethyl-, cis- 112 g/mol (i) Cyclohexane, ethyl- 112 g/mol (j)

1-benzylindole 127 g/mol (k) Ethylbenzene 106 g/mol (l) p-Xylene

106 g/mol (m) o-Xylene 106 g/mol


(a)Acetone 58 g/mol (b) Toluene 92 g/mol (c) All additional substances

were unidenifiable

No toluene traceable in ash-dyed cotton


(a) Molecular oxygen 32 g/mol (b) Acetone 58 g/mol (c) Pentane, 2-methyl- 86

g/mol (d) Pentane, 3-methyl- 86 g/mol (e) n-Hexane (solvent) 86 g/mol (f) Cyclopentane,

methyl- 84 g/mol (g) Cyclohexane 84 g/mol (h) Hexane, 2-methyl-

100 g/mol (i) Hexane, 3-methyl- (j) Heptane 100 g/mol (k) Toluene 92 g/mol (l)

Octane 114 g/mol

Conclusions that are possible to derive from the results are:

- Leaving the materials in the solvent for 2 hours was enough

to show many of the chemicals present, however the individual

elements of the cigarette that we left in a solvent for a greater

amount of time (2 months) showed much clearer results

- The three types of solvents used seem to desolve different

compounds to variating degrees, therefore, only samples treated

with the same solvent are comparable. In this case toluene

seemed to be the most effective.

- Production methods that enclosed the entire element of the

cigarette butt (filter or tobacco in wax) have higher traces of

chemicals than those that are merely submerged in elements

for a particular amount of time (dying yarn and textiles)

- All my material production processes have continued traces of

harmful chemicals such as benzene or even carcinogenic compounds

such as arsenic

The question is now – how best to convey this continued level

of toxicity?


Object Development



Test of tags on textile to convey

non-usability of product


Object Development




Dyed yarn in selected plastic bags with various recycling labels



Printed plastic bags, conveying (non-)recyclability and toxicity of content

Object Development


Printed plastic bags, conveying (non-)recyclability and

toxicity of content through symbols



Add second level of information through QR-code?

Object Development


(Screen-)printed symbols conveying toxicity

of content directly on textile



Theoretical Methods

The theoretical methods that I started developing over the

course of the second semester, involve a series of products

and a campaign that ironically criticise problems that can

arise with the promotion of recycling. The campaign’s goal

is to raise awareness about the potential for greenwashing

by advertising recycling, and the importance of holding companies

accountable for their sustainability claims. It features

products made from recycled cigarette butts that are deliberately

useless and impractical, and encourages to look beyond

surface-level solutions when it comes to environmental


For the series of products I decided to work with objects that

tend to serve more of a decorative use, and then turn these

into products that no longer even serve this purpose. It was

important to me to involve as much of the tested methods as

possible, in this case using wax and soap as binders, reforming

through paper making and pressing paper, and extracting

colour by screen printing and dyeing textiles or yarn. The

series of objects consist of a range of soaps, candles and

knitting wool that are neither usable, burnable or touchable

due to their continued toxicity.

Image 07: Ecolo by Enzo Mari


Inspired by the artwork The conscience of design produced

by Enzo Mari for Alessi and first exhibited in 1965, the initial

aim of my work was to take on and question the beauty of

waste. The box set of decorative vases that are made from

discarded plastic household cleaning product bottles are set

in a playful and provocative manner, refer to the short-termism

of the design world and question the value of consumption

and beauty. 55 In an attempt to take on this form of playful

irony, my final objects aim to acknowledge this absurdity

of being a designed object that is intentionally useless.

Using humour or irony as a tool for communication is obviously

not new. One organisation that includes this in their

rhetorical protest is the activist magazine named Adbusters.

The network consists of artists and activists that create a

bi-monthly magazine and a series of campaigns and ads –

addressing issues regarding our current environmental, political

and social structures. Adbusters is known for their parodic

“subvertisements” that seek to reveal the “true logic”

of advertising, by adopting a practice termed culture jamming.

Culture jamming (also known as guerilla communication)

is a form of protest used by many anti-consumerist

social movements that “questions corporate and capitalist

ideologies and promotes changes in current consumer society.”

56 Adbusters visuals often refer to the corporate identities

of their target ad, prompting a double take when viewers

realise what they’re seeing is in fact the very opposite of

what they expected. Mimicking well- known brands such as

McDonalds, Marlboro and Balenciaga, these ads are primarily

aimed at the beauty, tobacco, fast-food and alcohol industry.

Images 08-10: “Spoof” ads from Adbusters

Though their use of irony in their words and imagery has

rhetorical value, the tactic can also be seen as problematic

for several reasons. First, the early 2000s showed a shift

in methods used by corporate marketers, in which parody

and irony have become dominant motifs of many successful

mass-marketing campaigns 57 and companies have incorporated

methods in which they mock themselves or latch onto

people’s need to “rebel against authority”. 56 What’s more, in

an article published in the Critical Studies in Media Communication

the professor Christine Harold argues that by being

the opposition or a saboteur, groups such as Adbusters positioning

themselves (resentfully) on the outside, constantly

only able to react and forcefully convey how “things are not

as they should be” without affirming possible alternatives.

According to Harold, “The frustration expressed by Adbusters’

readers implies that being told what is best for them

is no more welcome coming from Adbusters than it is coming

from advertisers.” In my more playful, subtle version of

a campaign, the aim is to move with the system rather than

against it, and address viewers at a time in which no preconceived

notions or defence mechanisms are set in place. My

aim is not to tell people what to do or what is wrong or right,

but rather use the subtle form of dissonance induced by presenting

seductive products that are not usable, to invoke interest

to the viewer to educate themselves on current issues

regarding greenwashing of recycling.


On the other end of the scale, a designer who uses a more

subtle version of humour in her creations – and who inspired

me greatly in terms of aesthetic – is the mixed media designer

Aimee Bollu. As part of her final graduation project at Nottingham

University, Aimee created a series of products by taking

litter found on the streets and integrating this into ceramics or

glassware. Though the primary aim of this product series is to

find new value in urban waste-scapes, and challenge this particular

form of hybrid aesthetic, not all of the vessels are usable

or practical in their form, making them solely decorative objects.

Fascinated and inspired by the subtle irony of creating useless

objects from objects that no further have a purpose – I started

to look into how to incorporate / apply this idea of uselessness

to my own project.



Images 11-13: Aimee Bollu’s waste-scapes

08 Final Outcome


For my final outcome, I produced a product

series consisting of soaps, candles and yarn.

These are then complimented by a piece of

clothing, likewise made from yarn and textiles

that were dyed in tobacco, ashes and filter tips.


Overview of packaging for product series dyed or filled with cigarette ashes


Product series overview




The soaps are based on a mixture of glycerine

and lye, to which a minimal amount of ground

tobacco and ashes was added to the mould in

the beginning, creating a “stardust” effect. To

the final soap I added the entire cigarette butt,

for clarity reasons and based on the feedback

that the soaps almost look “too nice” – and it

may not be comprehensible enough what the

content actually is. The soaps are then packaged

in paper made from the outer paper of the

cigarette butt and the ground filter, and are labelled

with a screen printing from the cigarette

butts ashes. The soap stands are made from a

fifty-fifty ratio of paper to filter that are pressed

with a 3D printed mould and then left to dry.


Photo of final soaps filled with cigarette

ashes and remnant tobacco

01 02 03

Dyed with ashes (1 gram)

Dyed with ashes (0.5 grams)

Dyed with ashes (0.1 grams)


04 05 06

Dyed with tobacco (0.1 grams) Dyed with tobacco (1 grams) Dyed with tobacco (2 grams)


Searching for style of imagery to best display soaps:

grey background and hard light / shadows




Searching for style of imagery

to best display soaps



Adding colour from ashes to produce

more “dirty” or tainted bubbles





Initial shape tests

for soap packaging

Initial names: fume / tar

Chemicals in tobacco hidden in ingredients list on back


Initial packaging test, paper from cigarette

paper,labelling from screenprinted ashes


The wax base is a paraffin wax, to which

ground tobacco and ashes were added.

Adding other materials to liquid wax

causes the external material to fall to

the lowest point, creating a gradient effect

when hardened. The boxes for the

candles are equally made from the cigarette

paper and filter, and the labels

screen printed with the ashes. The candle

holders are pressed and pulp and

have a little weight incorporated to

them in the bottom of the object to be

stable enough to hold the length of the



Photo of candles filled with remnant tobacco (grey) and ashes (brown)

Candles filled with ashes and tobacco,

creating a gradient effect


Initial packaging tests


Photo of melted wax on

candle filled with cigarette


Photo of melted wax on candle filled with remaining tobacco

Burn test




The three different yarns are 100% cotton,

felting yarns dyed in the ashes, tobacco and

filters, displaying the variety of colours that

are possible to achieve with the elements in

discarded cigarette butts. The yarn dyed in

tobacco was coloured through a cold process,

soaking in water and tobacco for a week.

For the ashes to properly stick to the material,

I dissolved the solution used for screen printing

on textiles in water and let the yarn sit in

that for a few days. For the yarn with the filter

to get a slightly reddish / pink tone, it was

heated for about an hour to release the colour

from the thermo-reactive dye into the material.

All yarns are then wrapped in handmade

paper and screen printed with the ashes.


Photo of yarn dyed in (1) tobacco, (2) ashes, (3) filter next to knitted piece

Photo of yarn dyed in (1) tobacco, (2) filter, (3) ashes



Photo of yarn dyed in (1) tobacco, (2) ashes, (3) filter next to knitted scarf



Knitted Piece

To see the yarns and colour of the textiles

in use, I decided to accompany these with

an actual knitted outcome. After much

contemplation as to what shape this knit

would take on, I felt that besides a scarf,

the piece of clothing that suited the rest of

the products the most, was one that was

closest to the skin to be able to invoke a

subtle sense of discomfort – underwear.

The design of the underwear is kept clean

and in a light yellow tone, and a scarf to

accompany it showcases the colours from

all elements of the cigarette butt. It was

important to me to photograph this on a

human / model, in a visual style that is kept

clean and rests on imagery from United

Colours of Benetton or H&M.


Photo of dyed and knitted clothing scarf hanging

Hanging underwear resembling the colour from dyed tobacco


Scarf folded. yarn from top to bottom dyed in filter, ashes, and tobacco


Knitted scarf


The campaign consists of a corporate identity

for the products, and a series of posters and

moving images to accompany these. These

are then promoted on an instagram page. The

name Ciggle is a hint towards a cigarette butt,

yet otherwise sound relatively harmless, allowing

for the viewer to have little preconceived

notions about the product. The slogan making

waste out of waste is the second hint, starting

to clarify what the project is about without

giving too much away. The bright background

colours for the product images take inspiration

from the provocative imagery from Toilet

Paper Magazine and are in contrast to the otherwise

brown / yellow / grey colour palette created

by the elements of the butt, and should

highlight the toxicity of this particular form of



Example of poster for campaign



Overview of posters for campaign





09 Possible Solutions

Waste and Degrowth

Ten years ago it was widely taken for granted that garbage

tends to biodegrade inside a typical dry landfill.

Today a large portion of the public understands that,

in truth, garbage tends not to change very much at all

inside landfills. Ten years ago enlightened opinion held

that recycling was. Not only a good thing for waste

disposal and a good thing for the environment but was

also an enterprise that would pay for itself – maybe

even make money. Today most environmentalists and

many people in the general public understand that recycling

is still a very good thing but that it isn’t cheap,

and it isn’t the answer to all of our waste-disposal


William Rathje, Rubbish!, 1992


With the rise in concern of the environmental consequences of

our plastic waste, the question and discussion on how to manage

our current waste issues is becoming ever more prevalent.

There are four main principles when it comes to methods of

garbage disposal. These entail “dumping it, burning it, turning

it into something that can be useful (recycling), and minimising

the volume of material goods – future garbage – that comes

into existence in the first place (source reduction).” (Rubbish!,

1992) and take turns in their position in the hierarchy of waste

management solutions. Each approach has advantages, but

also comes with significant disadvantages. Landfills take up a

considerable amount of space, running the risk of discharging

toxic leachate and destroying land that can never be returned

to its pristine state. Incineration can cause hazardous waste to

be emitted through smokestacks, being an unquantifiable health

risk to their surroundings and creating toxic ash, which must

still be disposed of and ends up in ordinary landfill. Recycling

also results in the production of pollution and requires better infrastructure

and a more robust system as well as materials that

are made to be recycled. And source reduction on a corporate

level often leads to “burden shifting” or inflicting a smaller and

less visible amount of violence over a greater period of time.

Whilst watching the documentary Closing the Loop, I stumbled

across the quote by the environmental journalist Maxine Perlla,

who stated: “I tend to think that the circular economy represents

our best chance of being able to consume comfortably

and maintain our current lifestyles. The alternative would be

to go back to the dark ages, and no one wants to do that.” I

thoroughly disagree with this quote and find it directly addresses

what I see to be the issue at its core. Living “comfortably”

and maintaining our current lifestyles is precisely what got us

into this situation and an increase in source reduction might

actually be the only way out. As Annie Leonard, the executive

director of Greenpeace USA states: “For years, we’ve been

conned into thinking the problem of plastic packaging can be

solved through better individual action. (…) But the truth is that

we cannot recycle our way out of this mess.” In order to truly

address the problem of waste in our consumer-based system

and significantly decrease environmental impacts, it is of course

important to focus on increasing the lifespan of products and

their reuse and shift towards a circular economy that prioritises

the use of renewable resources. But it is just as important to

reduce consumption, and reset our values to incorporate larger

scale reduction on both a systemic and individual scale. A

shift which does require collective behavioural changes in consumption

patterns, more responsibility and regulations, however

does not require us to go back to the “dark ages” – it requires

methods such as degrowth.

Degrowth is an economic theory underpinning a growing political

movement, that directly challenges our present growth-centred

economic system and aims to develop new roots for an

economy that “works for all”. First coined („décroissance”)

by the French philosopher Andre Gorz in 1972, it questions

whether Earth’s natural capital is compatible with the survival

of a capitalist system and addresses the need to reduce global

consumption and production for a socially just and ecologically

sustainable society. 58 The main argument degrowth raises,

is that an infinite expansion of the economy is fundamentally

contradictory to finite planetary boundaries, and we need to

reset our standards in which social and environmental well-being

replace the current standard of GDP as the indicator of

prosperity. 58 Degrowth suggests a planned reduction of energy

and resource use to bring the economy back into balance

with the living world and questions our current definition of

and “need” for growth as an ideology of capitalism. The movement

calls for high income countries to scale down their energy

and use of resources by reducing their inequality through

measures such as job guarantees, shorter working weeks and

basic universal income, and low income countries to continue

to grow their economies in sustainable ways. 59


What eats at me all the time about recycling is we

just keep trying to solve it on the backend, to try

to solve the problems that are created upstream.

I wish we could take the word recycling out of this

equation and talk about consumption and waste as

if there were no recycling. Because it has enabled

some of the worst behaviour I have seen.

Kreigh Hampel, 2022



Currently, efforts to reduce waste are often directed towards

stakeholders that provide waste treatment and disposal instead

of those that generate the waste in the first place.

One crucial step towards sustainability would be to better

address the problems that occur in the early stages of the

system and shift the responsibility from government entities

to producers and make the actual polluter accountable. A

concept termed extended producer responsibility (EPR) was

first formally introduced in Sweden by Thomas Lindhqvist

in 1990 and defined as “an environmental protection strategy

to reach an environmental objective of a decreased total

environmental impact of a product, by making the manufacturer

of the product responsible for the entire life-cycle of

the product and especially for the take-back, recycling and

final disposal.” 60 It is suggested that enforcing recycling

rates, bans and taxation often fails to adequate reduce pollution,

and financial incentives need to be implemented to encourage

manufacturers to design with higher environmental

standards and reducing toxicity and waste. 60

10 What now?

My final master project is an investigation into forms

of greenwashing behind recycling and how it can tend

to not address or sometimes even deflect from the

core of the problem. The aim was to raise awareness

about this issue and do this through the power of seduction

that advertising is able to have. Bordering the

line between ironic and speculative design, my final

products contradict themselves in their purpose –

making little sense – aiming to bring a currently great

issue across through subtle humour.

Over the course of my degree, I often found myself

asking whether I was contributing enough to these

daunting environmental problems we are facing today –

desperately wanting to make an active change in my

little cosmos. In terms of design research I do believe

I have created a foundation for design possibilities

that would be possible once these toxins would

be extracted, through methods such the ones that

TchaoMegot created. Yet now, at the finishing line, I

see my strength and my form of problem solving to

be the communication and education of a current

problem. My final project is what I see as my contribution

to a larger sense of awareness of the possibility

of greenwashing behind recycling.



Set-up at interim presentation showing macroscopic image of cellulose

acetate on screen and individual components of a cigarette below

Saying no is itself an often satisfying alternative,

but it is hardly one on which to build a lasting political


Christine Harold, 2004

The limitations to the project are the fact that it is a lot

easier to find problems and be negative about an issue,

than to actively try to change it. We are facing great

challenges today, and there is often not one correct answer,

as many solutions offer new problems again. I realise

I do not offer a concrete solution, and definitely do

not want to criticise those who have the best of intentions

in trying to find a way out of this mess. I do intend

to criticise those that are solely trying to make a profit

from it. In my opinion, the line between greenwashing

and a genuine product that is not yet fully answering all

problems depends greatly on the intention of the person

behind it.


As for cigarette litter, an independent study by the

Environmental Research on Public Health from 2012

clearly shows a disconnect in the behaviour and beliefs

of smokers. Despite the fact that the majority of smokers

considered cigarette butts to be litter and acknowledged

the fact that it could have damaging effects to

the environment, about the same amount of smokers

reported disposing of them on the ground. This poses

the question, whether education is truly the missing

link. A current petition is proposing to distribute portable

ashtrays and give back a deposit of 20 cents per

cigarette butt to be collected at any place where cigarettes

are sold, 61 making the tobacco industry pay for

their waste and starting to enforce responsibility to

those producing it, as well as motivating the consumer

to collect their own waste. Seeing as the filter is however

openly is one of corporate tobaccos biggest marketing

scams, 5 and has meanwhile been proven to induce

additional health risks for the smoker in terms of

the inhalation of microfibres 62 and larger amounts of

toxins 63 – an even more radical approach could be to

eliminate the filter completely, questioning if we even

really need it in the first place.


11 Endnotes,




1 The world’s plastic pollution explained

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9 Are Cigarette Butts Biodegradable? The

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4 Harris, B. (2011) The intractable cigarette

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and Barnes, R. (2009) Cigarettes butts and the

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cigarette waste. International journal of environmental

research and public health, 6(5), pp.1691-

1705. doi: org/10.3390/ijerph6051691

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& Gutiérrez-Bouzán, Carmen & Vilaseca,

Mercedes. (2020). Cigarette Butts as a Microfiber

Source with a Microplastic Level of Concern.

Science of The Total Environment. 762. 144165.

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144165.

12 Slaughter, E., Gersberg, R.M., Watanabe,

K., Rudolph, J., Stransky, C. and Novotny, T.E.

(2011) Toxicity of cigarette butts, and their chemical

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Patra, R. (2006) Variation in, and causes of, toxicity

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https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-49044422 (accessed:

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and Streck, R.J. (1995) Fibers released from

cigarette filters: an additional health risk to the

smoker?. Cancer Research, 55(2), pp.253-258.


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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karola Dierichs

Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris

Daniela Burger

Dr. Mareike Stoll

Färbewerkstatt: Anne Hederer

Siebdruckwerkstatt: Louise Drubigny + Daniel Mecklenburg

Fotowerkstatt: Kristina Strauß + Heike Overberg

Rapid Prototyping Lab: Björn Bernt

Prof. Dr. Bernd Schmidt

Dr. rer.nat. Dipl.-Chem. André Lehmann

Dr. Wayne Best

Tina Seeman

Mariella Gabler

Dr. Michaela Eder

Dr. Franziska Jehle

Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten

Eva Becker

Tchaomegot: Arnod Paquet

Eva Bullerman

Franziska Siebenhaar

Elfi Wallisser

Marie Michael

Leo Lamprecht


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