UP Carillon 2022

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Featured Sorority Alumni Association

Transcending GOLD

to the BLUE Yonder

By Grace Lenon

Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Sorority Eta Chapter

was founded in UP Diliman on Sept 21, 1972, the

day Martial Law was declared. This year marks our

Golden Anniversary amid a lot of uncertainties.

Yet, we hope to go beyond our achievements in

the past 50 years to a much better place we call

the Blue Yonder.

We will surge forward to the future with the APO

principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service.

We develop leaders with a strong sense of mission

to serve others without expecting anything in

return. We bond in friendship to help joyfully in

alleviating universal human suffering. Service is

at the heart of all that we do for ourselves, for

the community, nation and the world.

We have many service projects in UP and beyond.

We assist students during UPCAT; contribute to

UP Kaagapay sa Pag-aaral; conduct webinars on

Holistic Self-Care in partnership with UP System

Office of Alumni Relations and Office of the Vice-

President for Public Affairs; and donated supplies

to Silungang Molave, a temporary facility for UP

Covid-19 patients. We go beyond UP to help the

marginalized like the Dumagats in Ipo Dam, the

abandoned mentally-handicapped individuals in

Cottolengo, and indigent children with cancer. In

natural calamities, we partner with APO National

UP Oblation is the kick-off point of our service project for the

Dumagats in Ipo Dam, the watershed that supplies water to over

20 million in Metro Manila.

36 UP Carillon

It gives us joy to spend time with the residents of Cottolengo,

home for abandoned individuals afflicted with mental health issues

like autism and cerebral palsy

Cancer Warriors 2017: Every Christmas, we bring joy to indigent

cancer warriors -- from infants to teens.

to bring relief goods and medical assistance

through APO Telemedicine.

In terms of leaders, we have a fair share of movers

and shakers who have made our world, here and

abroad, a better place to live in.

Going forward, we will invest in high potential

students through APOSETA Scholarship Program.

Qualified students will be given grants through UP

Foundation. We will also give grants exclusively

to our sorority sisters because we believe charity

begins at home. All grantees are required to

participate in our service projects and share a key

learning that shaped their character. We hope

to compliment UP’s academic excellence with

soft skills necessary to succeed in life. Together,

we can unleash a new breed of leaders working

towards the common good -- making the Blue

Yonder a reality for future generations.

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