Flutter vs. Other Cross-Platform Frameworks: Why Hire Dedicated Flutter Developers?

In this informative PDF, we explore the advantages of utilizing Flutter, Google's open-source UI software development toolkit, compared to other cross-platform frameworks. This document highlights the key features and benefits of Flutter, such as its fast performance, expressive UI, and single codebase for multiple platforms. By exploring the reasons to hire dedicated Flutter developers, the PDF aims to assist businesses and developers in making informed decisions about choosing the most efficient and cost-effective approach to building their cross-platform applications.

In this informative PDF, we explore the advantages of utilizing Flutter, Google's open-source UI software development toolkit, compared to other cross-platform frameworks. This document highlights the key features and benefits of Flutter, such as its fast performance, expressive UI, and single codebase for multiple platforms. By exploring the reasons to hire dedicated Flutter developers, the PDF aims to assist businesses and developers in making informed decisions about choosing the most efficient and cost-effective approach to building their cross-platform applications.

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Why Choose Flutter Over React Native or Xamarin?

In mobile app development, various cross-platform frameworks exist, but Flutter stands out

from the rest. Here are a few reasons why you should hire Flutter developers over React

Native or Xamarin developers:

• Flutter is open source and free to use. This means no expensive licenses or hidden fees.

Flutter, being open source, boasts a vast developer community creating packages and

plugins to expand its capabilities.

• Flutter lets you build beautiful UIs with a rich set of pre-built widgets. Your app will

look stunning and function flawlessly across devices. Compare this to the default styling

of React Native or Xamarin which can seem basic.

• Flutter uses a native rendering engine, so your app will have a natural look and feel on

each platform. Performance is comparable to native apps. Unlike some frameworks that

feel obviously “cross-platform”, Flutter apps are nearly indistinguishable.

• Flutter’s hot reload allows you to instantly see the results of code changes. No more

waiting for full builds and redeploys. This speeds up development and makes iterating


• With Flutter, you use one programming language (Dart) and one codebase to build apps

for both iOS and Android. This greatly simplifies development and maintenance.

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