AGM-Urania Catalog 2023

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French Titles

Primal Lenormand

Item 124070200

EAN 42503751-0200-7

36 cards

79 x 110 mm

sturdy bottom lid box

Primal Lenormand is a facsimile of the original Game of Hope cards published in 1799. The deck was initially conceived as

a parlor game to be played with dice. Fifty years later the cards were used for divination by Mlle Lenormand. The booklet

includes instructions for both the game and the oracle, in English, French and German.

Symbolon - Les cartes de la mémoire et de l’esprit

Item 1067012533

GTIN 42503751 1006 4

78 cards

80 x 120 mm

sturdy bottom lid box

This deck reaches the memories of the soul. Astrology, personal insights, and symbolism in daily life are revealed

through the cards. Constantly changing combinations of cards disclose the whole range of human experience.

The Symbolon deck is a set of 78 images designed to help you remember forgotten aspects of yourself that are

influencing your life from within.

Tarot de Marseille convos

Item 1067012596

ISBN 978-3-905219-47-0

78 cards

70 x 120 mm

The Tarot de Marseille convos is based on the old wood-cut presentation of the Tarot de Marseille by Nicolas Conver

from the 18th century.

The artist Otto Spalinger restored them with a sensitive artistic understanding and bright colours, the old cards

come alive newly in this splendid edition. Instruction booklet is included.

Vision Quest Tarot

Item 1067012592

ISBN 978-3-905219-45-6

78 cards

70 x 120 mm

The Native American Wisdom.

Discover humanity’s connection with the cosmic forces of nature through Native American legends. The soothing

imagery and spiritual symbols on the cards will bring you to a new understanding of our place in the cycle of life.

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