Kleon, Austin - Show your work!_ 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered-Workman Publishing Company (2014)

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Ted Orland in their book, Art and Fear: “To all viewers but

yourself, what matters is the product: the finished artwork.

To you, and you alone, what matters is the process: the

experience of shaping the artwork.” An artist is supposed

to toil in secrecy, keeping her ideas and her work under

lock and key, waiting until she has a magnificent product

to show for herself before she tries to connect with an

audience. “The private details of artmaking are utterly

uninteresting to audiences,” write Bayles and Orland,

“because they’re almost never visible—or even knowable—

from examining the finished work.”

This all made sense in a pre-digital age, when the only way

an artist could connect with an audience was through a

gallery show or write-up in some fancy art magazine. But

today, by taking advantage of the Internet and social media,

an artist can share whatever she wants, whenever she wants,

at almost no cost. She can decide exactly how much or

how little of her work and herself she will share, and she


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