Lepel [en]
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02<br />
03<br />
The idea behind<br />
Designer<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
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Hospitality<br />
Projects<br />
Tech info<br />
06<br />
09<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
27<br />
35<br />
04 05<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair
06 07<br />
Icon of<br />
contemporary<br />
design<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong>, which in Afrikaans means 'spoon,' is<br />
far more than just a chair; it repres<strong>en</strong>ts a<br />
padded seating system that embodies the art<br />
of craftsmanship and timeless elegance. The<br />
name aims to evoke the concept of containm<strong>en</strong>t<br />
and support, much like a spoon: its meticulously<br />
designed backrest g<strong>en</strong>tly cradles the sitter,<br />
offering utmost comfort and support. <strong>Lepel</strong> thus<br />
becomes the embodim<strong>en</strong>t of a warm embrace.
Designer<br />
09<br />
Luca Nichetto<br />
Luca Nichetto was born in V<strong>en</strong>ice in 1976, where he pursued his Bachelor's degree in<br />
Industrial Design at IUAV, the University Institute of Architecture in V<strong>en</strong>ice. In 1999, he<br />
embarked on his professional career by designing his first glass products for Salviati<br />
in Murano, and in the same year, he started his collaboration with Foscarini. In 2006, he<br />
founded the Nichetto&Partners studio in Porto Marghera, near V<strong>en</strong>ice, and in 2011, he<br />
established a branch of the studio in Stockholm.<br />
Throughout his career, Luca Nichetto has received significant international recognition,<br />
including the Grand Design Award in 2008, the Good Design Award from the Chicago<br />
Ath<strong>en</strong>aeum Museum of Architecture in 2008, the IF Product Design Award in 2008,<br />
and the Elle Decoration International Design Awards 2009 (EDIDA) as Designer of the<br />
Year in the Young Designer Tal<strong>en</strong>t category. In addition to participating in exhibitions<br />
in Europe, the United States, and Japan, Luca Nichetto has be<strong>en</strong> featured in major<br />
retrospectives in several major European cities, including V<strong>en</strong>ice, London, Paris, and<br />
Stockholm. He has also served as an art director for numerous internationally r<strong>en</strong>owned<br />
10 11<br />
Incredibly<br />
customizable<br />
Individuality lies at the heart of <strong>Lepel</strong>: every<br />
aspect can be tailored to your prefer<strong>en</strong>ces,<br />
from fabric selection to exposed stitching,<br />
allowing you to craft a chair that seamlessly<br />
suits any space and style, whether it's a<br />
stunning modern home or the furnishing of<br />
dynamic public hospitality areas.
12 13<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Quilted<br />
—<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Plain<br />
—<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Plain<br />
—<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
14<br />
15<br />
Unbounded<br />
domestic<br />
elegance<br />
Its refined pres<strong>en</strong>ce and supreme comfort<br />
make it perfect for hosting fri<strong>en</strong>ds and family<br />
or for creating a personal relaxation corner.<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> becomes the focal point of conversation<br />
and comfort, offering the opportunity to craft<br />
a luxurious ambiance that retains a distinctly<br />
homely warmth. It is the chair that <strong>en</strong>velops<br />
you in a warm embrace, inviting you to sp<strong>en</strong>d<br />
pleasant hours in relaxation.
16 17<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Smooth Fabric<br />
—<br />
Barbara table<br />
Le Jardin sideboard<br />
Network bookcase
18 19<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Seat and Shell: Smooth fabric<br />
—<br />
Barbara table<br />
Le Jardin sideboard
20 21<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
—<br />
Barbara table<br />
Leon Decor sideboard
22 23<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Seat and Shell:Smooth fabric<br />
—<br />
Meduse table<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Smooth Fabric<br />
24 25<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
—<br />
Riddled table
26 27<br />
The art of<br />
refined<br />
hospitality<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Smooth Fabric<br />
—<br />
Trafalgar table<br />
In the hospitality sector, <strong>Lepel</strong> becomes a<br />
secret weapon for leaving a lasting impression<br />
on guests. The personalized details allow<br />
each chair to adapt to the unique ambiance of<br />
every establishm<strong>en</strong>t, creating an unforgettable<br />
experi<strong>en</strong>ce. Whether placed in a boutique<br />
hotel, a high-<strong>en</strong>d restaurant, or an exclusive<br />
ev<strong>en</strong>t space, <strong>Lepel</strong> carries with it the ess<strong>en</strong>ce of<br />
hospitality: every <strong>Lepel</strong> chair is a statem<strong>en</strong>t of<br />
commitm<strong>en</strong>t to the highest quality and<br />
first-class hospitality.
28 29<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Seat and Shell: Smooth Fabric<br />
—<br />
Trafalgar table<br />
Leon Wood sideboard
30 31<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Seat and Shell: Quilted leather<br />
32 33<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Seat and Shell: Quilted leather<br />
—<br />
Twist coatstand<br />
Carlos sideboard
34 35<br />
36 37<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair & <strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Plain<br />
Kaliningrad / Russia<br />
Crystal House Suite<br />
—<br />
Shell: Leather<br />
Seat: Smooth fabric
38 39<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
Parigi / France<br />
Hotel Mélia La Def<strong>en</strong>se<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
Seat: Quilted fabric
40 41<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
Singapore / Republic of Singapore<br />
Novotel Singapore on Stev<strong>en</strong>s<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
Seat: Quilted fabric<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Quilted<br />
Monaco di Baveria / Germany<br />
Infinity Hotel & Confer<strong>en</strong>ce Resort<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
Seat: Quilted fabric
42 43<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
Ortisei / Italy<br />
Hotel G<strong>en</strong>ziana<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted leather<br />
Seat: Quilted leather<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
London / UK<br />
Park Row<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted leather<br />
Seat: Quilted leather
44 45<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair & <strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Quilted<br />
Flims / Switzerland<br />
The Hide Restaurant<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
Seat: Quilted fabric<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair &<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Quilted<br />
Flims / Switzerland<br />
The Hide Restaurant<br />
—<br />
Shell: Quilted fabric<br />
Seat: Quilted fabric
46 47<br />
Tech info
48 49<br />
66<br />
26"<br />
55<br />
21.7"<br />
66<br />
26"<br />
55<br />
21.7"<br />
75<br />
29.5"<br />
48<br />
18.9"<br />
75<br />
29.5"<br />
48<br />
18.9"<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Plain<br />
A cold foam polyurethane armchchair with an internal metal core.<br />
Coverings available in fabric, eco-leather, or g<strong>en</strong>uine leather.<br />
Front legs + Seat and Rear legs + Backrest can be upholstered with differ<strong>en</strong>t fabrics.<br />
The seams can match the covering color or be in contrasting colors.<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Armchair<br />
Quilted<br />
A cold foam polyurethane armchair with an internal metal core.<br />
Coverings available in fabric, eco-leather, or g<strong>en</strong>uine leather.<br />
Front legs + Seat and Rear legs + Backrest can be upholstered with differ<strong>en</strong>t fabrics.<br />
The seams can match the covering color or be in contrasting colors.<br />
FAUX<br />
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Fabric<br />
Samples<br />
FAUX<br />
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Fabric<br />
50 51<br />
51<br />
20.1"<br />
55<br />
21.7"<br />
51<br />
20.1"<br />
55<br />
21.7"<br />
75<br />
29.5"<br />
48<br />
18.9"<br />
75<br />
29.5"<br />
48<br />
18.9"<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Plain<br />
A cold foam polyurethane chair with an internal metal core.<br />
Coverings available in fabric, eco-leather, or g<strong>en</strong>uine leather.<br />
Front legs + Seat and Rear legs + Backrest can be upholstered with differ<strong>en</strong>t fabrics.<br />
The seams can match the covering color or be in contrasting colors.<br />
<strong>Lepel</strong> Chair<br />
Quilted<br />
A cold foam polyurethane chair with an internal metal core.<br />
Coverings available in fabric, eco-leather, or g<strong>en</strong>uine leather.<br />
Front legs + Seat and Rear legs + Backrest can be upholstered with differ<strong>en</strong>t fabrics.<br />
The seams can match the covering color or be in contrasting colors.<br />
FAUX<br />
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FAUX<br />
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Fabric<br />
52 53<br />
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Made in Italy<br />
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