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SIGraDi 2016, XX Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics

9-11, November, 2016 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

internal and external forces (loads). It is usually necessary to

iterate several simulations in order to acquire an anticipatory

intuition on the final configuration of a geometry. This process

turns into an interesting negotiation between top-down

designer’s decision and bottom-up material self-organization.

In the specific context of a design-to-fabrication workshop,

this tool allowed for the exploration of many different


Topology variation

Gridshell design through form-finding is not a purely

deterministic operation. Once the definition of the boundary

conditions for the form-finding is established, further

explorations are made in regard to the topology description of

the underlying mesh. This is not to be considered as a

homogeneous surface, but rather as a gridshell where the

edges can converge or deviate loads, and offer higher or

lower resistance to the applied loads and gravity. Given a

common set of anchor points, different structural networks of

interdependent catenary arches have been studied (Figure

4). In general, it has been observed that a more direct edge

connectivity between anchor points generates more

segmented vaulted spaces, while indirect edge connections

offer more resistance to gravity and the consequential

description of less variable heights. An investigation of the

mesh topology is thus fundamental in characterizing the

spatial configuration of a gridshell, as well as influencing the

size and number of mesh faces. Therefore, fabrication

constraints have to be carefully analyzed in advanced in

order to optimize the final nesting efficiency. In the specific

case of this research project, the criteria influencing the

choice of the final topology were related to the structural and

fabrication efficiency, together with a spatial analysis of the

prototype in congruence with the surrounding context.

Figure 5: Simulation of the mesh relaxation process through Particle

Spring System engine of Kangaroo Physics for Grasshopper

Structural feedback

The final form is analyzed through Finite Element Analysis in

order to evaluate the actual mechanical behaviour, and

inform the component design accordingly. This process is

performed using Millipede, a specific plug-in of Grasshopper

for Rhinoceros which allows quick linear elastic analysis of

frame and shell elements, within the design environment.

Boundary conditions, such as constraints, load, mesh

thickness and material characteristics are input. Once the

simulation is run, a mapped representation of Bending

Moment, Deflection and Compressive Stress Lines are

extracted and utilized as crucial parameters for the

component development. These analyses highlight the

substantial effectiveness of the form-finding process in

generating a compressed structure, which present bending in

correspondence with the ground constraints (Figure 6).

Figure 4: Iterations in the study of different mesh topologies from a

common set of anchor points

Figure 6: Finite Element Analysis of the gridshell


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