12 Astrological Houses

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Signs on the Cusp and Intercepted Signs

The chart portion on the right

shows the sign and degree

minute of the sign on the house

cusps. This marks the “entry”

point for the energy of the sign

into the house and allowing the

sign to “express” itself. The

planet that rules the sign on

the house cusp also influences

that house. Look to the sign on

the cusp and the location of the

ruling planet for insight into

how the energies of that house

will play out. Aspects to that

planet will also be affected by

and affect the house ruled.

Notice that the sign Pisces (

does not fall on a house cusp. The

sign Pisces (and its opposite,

Virgo) are considered

“intercepted,” that is they fall

entirely within a house. The

general interpretation is that an

intercepted sign is “weakened” and

it may have difficulty expressing


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