#30-Inside the darkness

#30 of Trve MetalZine New issue (#30) of Inside the Darkness/MetalZine. Exclusive interviews: Frost. Interview with Frost M. Feri p.12 Spit on your Grave. Interview with Marlene Munoz p.16 Liminal Animal. Interview with C p.18 Luciferian Rites. Interview with Count Shadow p.22 Dark Oath. Interview with Joel Martins p.26 Shavalyoth. Interview with Archon Marchosias p.28 Hysteria. Interview with Xavier Chautard p.32 Uralt. Interview with Hurin p.36 Immortal Sun. Interview with Khaled p.40 Strigampire. Interview with Steve De Cotret p.42 Inverne. Interview with Karolina and Vary p.46 Nameless Gods. Interview with Juan Azevedo p.50 Perro en Misa. Interview with Saia p.52 Analogy Of Apathos. Interview with Juan p.54 Korkvak. Interview with R’lyeh p.58 Semjaza. Interview with Rebellion p.62 Vanwa. Interview with Morquendi p.66

#30 of Trve MetalZine
New issue (#30) of Inside the Darkness/MetalZine.
Exclusive interviews:
Frost. Interview with Frost M. Feri p.12
Spit on your Grave. Interview with Marlene Munoz p.16
Liminal Animal. Interview with C p.18
Luciferian Rites. Interview with Count Shadow p.22
Dark Oath. Interview with Joel Martins p.26
Shavalyoth. Interview with Archon Marchosias p.28
Hysteria. Interview with Xavier Chautard p.32
Uralt. Interview with Hurin p.36
Immortal Sun. Interview with Khaled p.40
Strigampire. Interview with Steve De Cotret p.42
Inverne. Interview with Karolina and Vary p.46
Nameless Gods. Interview with Juan Azevedo p.50
Perro en Misa. Interview with Saia p.52
Analogy Of Apathos. Interview with Juan p.54
Korkvak. Interview with R’lyeh p.58
Semjaza. Interview with Rebellion p.62
Vanwa. Interview with Morquendi p.66


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Edition for true metalfans

s 30 of Trve MetalZine s






News from hell......................................8






Mail: destroyerr78@mail.ru

Olga «Blackie» Schneider

Editor, interviewer,

text corrector, reviewer



Mail: olgaschneider.1997@gmail.com

Inst: https://www.instagram.com/blackie_metalheart/

Andrew Stanton

Editor, interviewer,

text corrector, reviewer



WhatsApp: 0044 07527 362762

Frost. Interview with Frost M. Feri.............................................12

Spit on your Grave. Interview with Marlene Munoz.......................16

Liminal Animal. Interview with C......................................................18

Luciferian Rites. Interview with Count Shadow..........................................22

Dark Oath. Interview with Joel Martins.............................26

Shavalyoth. Interview with Archon Marchosias..............p.28

Hysteria. Interview with Xavier Chautard...........32

Uralt. Interview with Hurin.............................................36

Immortal Sun. Interview with Khaled.............................40

Strigampire. Interview with Steve De Cotret.................42

Inverne. Interview with Karolina and Vary..............46

Nameless Gods. Interview with Juan Azevedo........................50

Perro en Misa. Interview with Saia.......................................52

Analogy Of Apathos. Interview with Juan....................54

Korkvak. Interview with R’lyeh..................................58

Semjaza. Interview with Rebellion..............................62

Vanwa. Interview with Morquendi................................66

Best Metal releases..............70


Jay Parker - Editor, Interviewer, Reviewer

Debra Simaloi - Interviewer

Richard Keenahan - Interviewer// Húrin - Reviewer






Editor’s brief

Hails to everyone who's reading this!

2024 has barely started, but it's already full of new killer stuff

released by both Extremely Metal titans and less known, but not

less talented younger bands. That's why we're using this chance to

remind our readers that's we're constantly on search for new bands

to work with. We're still on fire, so... Let's just keep it this way all


In Metal,

Olga Schneider, editor

A special thanks to...

Helmuth Lehner (Belphegor) for his

TOTAL support

...and especially to these people

for the interviews

Frost M. Feri (Frost)

Marlene Munoz (Spit on your Grave)

C. (Liminal Animal)

Count Shadow (Luciferian Rites)

Joel Martins (Dark Oath)

Archon Marchosias (Shavalyoth)

Xavier Chautard (Hysteria)

Hurin (Uralt)

Khaled (Immortal Sun)

Steve De Cotret (Strigampire)

Karolina and Vary (Inverne)

Juan Azevedo (Nameless Gods)

Saia (Perro en Misa)

Juan (Analogy Of Apathos)

R’lyeh (Korkvak)

Rebellion (Semjaza)

Morquendi (Vanwa)

Stories about Metal bands....................112

Inside The Darkness reviews..............130

Metalheads are waiting for it...............138


Inside the Darkness issues

Inside the Darkness issues



Inside the Darkness issues

Inside the Darkness issues



World Metal News

Norway’s legendary Inferno Metal Festival returns on March 28th-31st this year.

Inferno Metal Festival is being held four days at Rockefeller Music Halls’ two stages

Rockefeller and John Dee as well as many smaller clubs around Oslo.



Bucharest DeathFest


Quantic, Bucharest,


Saturday 2 March


Benighted - Brutal Death, Grind

Hate - Black Metal

Casus - Brutal Death Metal

Crimena - Violent Groove Metal

Devangelic - Brutal Death Metal

Necrovile - Brutal Death Metal

Riket - Death metal

Skaphos - Black/Death Metal

Past Redemption - Old School Death Metal

8 9


At the Gates

Cattle Decapitation




Carpathian Forest


Signs of the Swarm


Keep of Kalessin



200 Stab Wounds


Extermination Dismemberment





Vomit Forth



In Twilight's Embrace



Phantom fire


Umbra Conscientia



World Metal News

Dark Easter Metal

Meeting 2024

Saturday 30 March

> Sunday 31 March


Backstage München,

Munich, Germany


30. March 2024:

Tiamat + Kampfar +

Taake + Bewitched +

Hellbutcher + Psychonaut

4 + Mork + Gand Cadaver

+ Nordjevel + Nocte

Obducta + Theotoxin +

Deathrite + Dymna Lotva

+ Asphagor + Angstskríg

+ Jesajah

31. March 2024:

Sodom + Benediction +

Cult of Fire + Mortem +

Endstille + Sylvaine + Thy

Catafalque + Chapel of

Disease + Abysmal Grief

+ Eis + Perchta + Imha

Tarikat + Phantom Winter

+ Sur Austru + Ciemra +

Fair of the Forgotten

Ragnarok Festival 2024

Thursday 4 April > Saturday 6 April 2024

Bands' List

Finntroll (Pagan Metal), Marduk (Black Metal), Calarook (Folk Metal), Cruachan

(Folk Metal), Ellereve (Dark Rock), Fen (Atmospheric Black Metal), Firn (Pagan Metal),

Gasbrand (Black Metal), Grima (Atmospheric Black Metal), Heretoir (Post-Black Metal),

Horn (Pagan Black Metal), Imperium Dekadenz (Black Metal), Istapp (Melodic Black Metal),

Kampfar (Black Metal, Kanonenfieber (Black/Death Metal), Non Est Deus (Melodic Black

Metal), Nordjevel (Black Metal), Perchta (Atmospheric Black Metal), Primordial (Dark

Metal), Robse (Heavy Metal), Saor (Atmospheric Folk Black Metal), The Vision Bleak

(Horror Metal), Theotoxin (Black Metal), Ultar (Post Black Metal), Vanaheim (Folk /

Pagan Metal), Vansind (Folk Metal), Varg (Pagan Metal), Vredehammer (Viking Metal),

Winterfylleth (Black Metal).


10 11


Frost - Black Metal from Hungary

Hello and welcome to

Inside the Darkness.

- Can you tell our

readers a bit about

your history, please?

Welcome to you and

the readers of Inside The


I founded Frost

with Krisztian


(bass) and

Gabor Devenyi


a l s )

in May

1996. We

got out from the Prophecy

death/black style

Interview by Andrew Stanton

band, because our interest

was completely directed towards

Black Metal style and

we wanted to continue this

line of music.

The band went through

all the stages from

Music and style are changing, but

fortunately, not only the bands that represent

innovation can prevail, but also, those that

carry on the old flame. Time will decide

which bands can stay afloat in the long run.

demos to

concerts and albums. Unfortunately,

there were a lot of

Interview with Frost M. Feri

member changes during the

band's life, which hindered

progress to a great extent.

In 2018, the band ceased

to exist for a short time, but

the following year I wrote

the "Deathtree



on which

Tamas Deak


the vocals.

The album

was released

by Metal

Or Die Records,

with whom we have been

working together ever since.

After that, around 2020,

a very good band membership

was formed, with

whom we can work really

well and effectively.

Under the 28 years so far,

we have released a total of

six albums and a few EPs.

We have worked together

several times with

US and Slovak record

labels, but from 2019 -

as I mentioned - we are

working with the Hungarian

Metal Or Die Records.

Currently, Frost is considered

one of the oldest

Black Metal band in


- Who are the members

of Frost now?

Tamas Deak/ vocals,

Gyorgy Komlo/guitars,

Bence Kohler/guitars,

vocals, keyboards,

Andras Balazs/ drums

and me Ferenc Mocsnik/


- What is the Hungarian

scene like?

When the subject of

Black Metal comes up

somewhere, people almost

always think primarily

of bands from the

Scandinavian countries,

even though there are

many good bands in other

parts of Europe and in

many parts of the world.

I think that the Hungarian

scene is quite strong, there

are many high-quality Black

Metal bands, several bands are

successful not only in the

Hungarian scene, but also

abroad or are on major record


In addition, it can also

be said that all aspects of

Black Metal are represented by

great Hungarian


- What other


bands should

our readers

check out?


Sear Bliss,



are unavoidable


among the old


I think those

who are

more serious


the Black

metal style

may not be

foreign these names.

Among the newer bands

there are also many outstanding

ones, such as DV-

VAD, Denever or Aornos

consisting of ex-Frost and

ex-Sear Bliss members.

These bands all represent

different trends of Black

Metal in an absolutely authentic

and professional


12 13

Frost - Black Metal from Hungary

But many more quality

bands from the Hungarian

scene could be mentioned.

- Do you think

the attitude of Black

Metal bands have

changed in recent

years? What does

Consecratus ad Mortem


I don't usually

deal with other

bands' stuff.

Everyone does

what they want

from me. I'm

just focusing on

Frost, that's all

that's important

to me.

Music and style

are changing, but

fortunately, not

only the bands

that represent

innovation can

prevail, but also,

those that carry

on the old flame. Time

will decide which bands

can stay afloat in the long


"Consecratus Ad Mortem"

literally means "Consecrated

to death".

The sacrament of birth

gives life, but from that

moment also you start

on the road to death. No

one can avoid this.

This is a duality that we

approached from a theistic

point of view, especially

on the album cover and

in some of the lyrics.

- What can fans expect

from your new album?

"Consecratus Ad Mortem"

continues the musical and

atmospheric world of our

previous album "Winterblood".

For those who liked

"Winterblood", I think

the new album will not


Aggressive themes

mix with epic melodies,

I think this album is also

very diverse. This is an interesting,

atmospheric and

generally melodic black

metal album, which also

has the necessary aggressiveness.

In addition to the music, we

also paid attention to the vocal

themes, Bence supports the

main vocals with his extreme

vocals in many places.

The feedback on the new album

has been very good so far,

but we don't feel we can sit


- What is ‘The Thirteenth

of Them’ about?

I don't usually explain the

lyrics, because by doing so I

create a boundary that limits

the listener's

own imagination in relation

to the given song or lyrics.

When I am asked to analyze a

song, I always only talk about

the technical or structural

structure of the song, so that

the mystical content of the

music is preserved for the listener,

which he can take in as

he likes.

- Do you meet older fans

who were fans from the

old prophecy days? Are

you playing any summer


Yes of course. Fortunately,

I am in touch with

many people from the

old days. Many old faces

also come to concerts,

most of them follow the

band. But I'm also very

good with the ex-Frost

members, as well as with

the members of our old

band Prophecy (1994-


As for the summer festivals,

there are no scheduled

dates yet.

But anyway, it is not

typical for us to appear at

summer festivals.

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

Find and listen to the

Frost albums!

Support your favorite

bands so they can carry on

the torch!

In addition, I wish everyone

strength and endurance

in this fucking world!

Thank you for your


14 15

Spit on your Grave - Death Metal from Mexico

Spit on your Grave are

a Brutal Death Metal

band from Mexico.

Andrew Stanton talked

to Marlene Muñoz

about their new album.

- Can you tell our readers

a little about your

story, please?


Spit on

your Grave

was founded

in 2012,

since then

we have

tried to

do the best

we can to share our music

with the world.”

Interview by Andrew Stanton

- What bands did

you like growing up?

“I remember as a kid

watching MTV and VH1

all day, some of my favorite

bands were

Queen and Pantera.”

I think some people think

that Death Metal has silly or

meaningless lyrics and don't take

the time to pay attention to it.

Interview with Marlene Muñoz

- What

are your lyrics about?

“The lyrics of this new album

were like a mental

detox, it talks about an internal

struggle to restore

your inner self, where your

demon’s surface and everything

you believed in is


that moment

when you

realize that

for years you

have followed




You've had

enough and decide

to leave it all behind.”

- How different is your

real life to your lyrics?

“Well, the lyrics are inspired

by past feelings

and experiences, so I'd

say they're pretty


- What can

you tell us

about your

new album?

“The creation

process was a

very fun and

exhausting experience,


that is why we

can assure you

that at least one

song will make

you headbang!”

- Do you think

Death Metal

has a bad


for its lyrics?

“Maybe, I

think some people

think that

Death Metal has

silly or meaningless


and don't take

the time to pay

attention to it.”

- What is

the Mexican

scene like?

“Wild, there is

a very big scene

here and people

are passionate

about it.”

Have you

played shows

outside of Mexico yet?

“Yes, last year we went

to the United States.”

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

“Support your local

metal bands!”

Thanks for

your time.

“Thank you

for giving

us the space

to talk about

our project!”

16 17

Liminal Animal - Black Doom Metal from the United Kingdom

Hi, this is Jay reporting for

Inside the Darkness zine.

Today, I’m lucky enough

to be talking to Liminal

Animal from Scotland.

Hi man, thanks for taking

the time to talk to

our readers.

No worries,

thanks for

giving me the

chance to talk

to them.

Interview by Jay Parker

I enjoy the natural beauty of the land

and no doubt the time spent with the

hills, burns and glens has inspired me

and seeped into the music I make.


Tell us about


when where and

why did you decide

to form the band?

I started forming the ideas that

became Liminalanimal around

a year or so before I started

the first recordings.


been making music for quite a

few years both in solo projects

and with others, I'd reached a

Interview with C.

point where I was able to give

the ideas the attention they

needed and got to work on the

first demo and then the debut

album. I

wanted to

craft a sound

that blended

some of my

favourite elements


doom and

black metal

and put my

own stamp on it.

2- You’ve released 2 albums

so far - Run us through

them and let our readers know

where they can get them.

The first album is 'Punished

for Existing'. Musically

the album has a lot of

very distorted, melancholic

melodies paired with harsh

vocals. The pace is slow and

doomy throughout most of

the album and the lyrics

are a study of the human

condition through a Lense

of pessimistic misanthropy.

On the second album, 'The

Furies and Futility', I aimed

for a slightly heavier sound,

more compact and dense

with a bit less reverb and

a bit more bass. There's

still a lot of doom but there

are a few parts with a faster

pace (including some blast

beats). The lyrics cover

themes of conflict - fitting for

the times I suppose - and futility,

as the title suggests.

You can find both albums as

digital download and vinyl

via my bandcamp page, you

can also find 'Punished for

Existing' tapes there


A limited CD-r release

of 'Punished for Existing'

is available from Depressive




Masters of Kaos has 'Punished

for Existing' on tape,

vinyl and a very limited

picture disc version of the

vinyl https://mastersofkaos.bandcamp.com/album/liminalanimal-scot-

land-punished-for-existing/ as

well as vinyl and the CD

release of 'The Furies and

Futility' https://mastersofkaos.


with the CD including 2 bonus

tracks taken from the

original demo (available for

the first time on CD). A tape

release should follow soon.

Vinyl of 'Punished for existing

is also available via

few other distros such as

Coldspring https://coldspring.



and Vita Detestabilis


You can also find a very

limited tape release of

the original demo here


3- The new album, The Furies

and Futility is an absolute

monster, I’ve heard

great reviews…I am curious

to know what the follow

up will be like... Do

you think you can beat it?

Tell us about the new material

you’re recording…

The new material's shaping

up well, I don't want to say too

much in case I decide to change

things but so far it looks likely

to be slower-paced than

'The Furies and Futility' for

the most part. I'd like to think

it takes the best of both albums

and builds on those elements. The

title, themes and artwork are mostly

decided but I'll be taking care

to ensure the music is what I

want it to be before releasing it.

4- Tell us about your Scottish

roots and how they have

influenced your music…

My first thought was that being

from Scotland doesn't really have

much of an influence since I haven't

tried to include a lot of Celtic

melodies or instruments but

I grew up around a lot of music

including traditional Celtic

music so I'm sure it's had

some kind of influence on

the way I approach things.

Beyond that I enjoy the natural

beauty of the land and no doubt

the time spent with the hills,

burns and glens has inspired me

and seeped into the music I make.

5- When did you start

playing music? And what was

your first instrument?

I started playing music

very young, since I'm from

quite a musical family on my

father's side I've been surrounded

by music and instruments

since I was born. Most of my

uncles playing guitar and some

other instruments; one is a bit

of an expert in bagpipes and

uilleann pipes and another is

handy with the banjo. The first

instrument would have been

the guitar, probably starting

around 6 or 7. From about 10

years old I took to the drums and

that was probably my main

focus through my teen years.

18 19

Liminal Animal - Black Doom Metal from the United Kingdom

6- Do you have any other

side projects apart

from Liminalanimal?

I've been involved

in a few other projects

over the years but

no active side projects

at the moment.

7- Tell us about

the extreme metal

scene in Scotland.

Since this is a one-man

project, I'm pretty

detached from any

wider scene. I think

I prefer it that way.

8- What are

your top 5 albums

of all time?

Tough question.

I'll limit it to metal;

I listen to a lot

of other stuff but

this is a metal zine

after all! I'd also

say the answer

could be different

if you ask me

tomorrow but for now,

I'll go with Anathema -

Serenades, Katatonia - Tonight's

Decision/The Great

Cold Distance (cheating here

but those albums are a tie

for me), Opeth - Blackwater

Park, Akercocke - The Goat

of Mendes, Emperor - In the

Nightside Eclipse. These

are all albums that had a

profound influence on me,

have stood the test of time and

which I still revisit.

There are a lot of newer

albums by bands like Mgła,

Misþyrming, Asagraum

and Scáth Na Déithe that

I'm spending a lot of time

with and which I'd be tempted

to include but might be a

bit early to say if they'll make

it into a top 5 of all time.

9- If you could play

with any musician, live or

dead, who would it be?

Another tough question…I'll

go with Mikael Åkerfeldt, he's


10- As a part of

the ever-growing

post-pandemic wave

of young, talented artists,

how do you see the

scene developing over

the next few years?

Split albums. No idea if

that's how the scene will develop

but it's the way I'd like

to see things go. There are a

lot of talented bands/projects

out there from all over

the world. I think there's a lot

of scope for likeminded people to

join forces and reach a wider audience

by putting out split releases.

11- What do you think

are the main differences between

the ‘old school’ and

the so called ‘new school’ of

extreme music?

I think the main difference

would be that the 'new school' are

more likely to experiment with

new sounds/blending genres etc.

Generalising of course but that's

the way I see it. I think there can

be room for bands maintaining

traditional extreme metal

sounds as well as bands

who push the boundaries.

12- Where would

you like to take Liminalanimal?


you have future

plans to play live?

I haven't ruled out

playing live but it isn't

a priority at the moment,

maybe by the time

I've finished recording

the next album it'll be something

I consider more seriously

but at the moment the focus

is fully on the recording.

13- Would you like to add

anything for our readers?

Thanks for reading the interview,

please check out my music

and support it if you enjoy it.

A massive thanks

to Liminalanimal.

Thanks for your time

and we’re eagerly anticipating

your new material.


Subscribe to our facebook


20 21

Luciferian Rites - Black Metal from Mexico

- Can you tell our

readers a bit about

your history.

Luciferian Rites was

born in 2006, originally

created by Shadow and


as the days

went by, Anthicrist


join the path

of this project,

the lineup had 2

bassists at

that time,

but only

Sepulchral was in charge

of recording what It was

our first album, shortly

Interview by Andrew Stanton

We are people who really

enjoy the music we make,

but we have diverse tastes

inside and outside of metal.

after recording the album this

bassist left the project, and the

band largely remained a threepiece

band for everything,

from songwriting

to live

events, shortly after recording

our 2 album Serpentor

appeared with us and joined

Interview with Count Shadow

LR, but a few months later

Anthicrist left the band due to

delicate personal issues that he

was carrying with him at that

time, in that

stage prior to

our 2nd studio

album and

ready to be

released, he

joins us XIII,

with which

we recorded

2 Splits Albums

and created the

basis of what is now Oath of

Midnight Ashes, unfortunately

he could not record due to

important work issues as well

as the global situation that

impacted us, did not allow

us to have a meeting to carry

out the work to record,

unfortunately like other

members he had to leave the

band due to commitments

that go beyond the work

aspect, and Pagan Hate

enters as a session member

with whom we already had

a previous friendship, and

at the end of

recording this

3 album and

get out of the

global situation,

we had

our first presentation


2022 and we

started looking

for our second


and we found


who is now

our rhythm

guitar, now

we are in

the way to

presents this

new album

with this line-up.

- What band do you like?

We are people who really

enjoy the music we

make, but we have diverse

tastes inside and outside

of metal. If we talk about

just Black Metal, these

bands would be a mix of

what the 4 members have

heard the most recently:

Noenum, Arkha Sva, Mortifera,

Hakuja, Horna, Infernal

War, Sad, Enthroned,

Bessat, Behexen, Nyctalgia,

ABSU, Grand Belial's

Key, Angelcorpse, Inquisition,

Nightbringer, etc.

- Who are the members

of Luciferian Rites?

The Three Pillar Members:

Shadow (Voice),

Abomination (Guitar),

Serpentor (Bass).

Session Members: Pagan

Hate (Drums), Thanatos

(Rhythm Guitar).

- What are your

lyrics about?

Our lyrics and their titles

are always cold and dark,

from what is related to death,

not only physically but spiritually,

the dark sides of the mind

and being, to certain passages

of ancient texts, you could

say LR lyrics speak from

everything negative, emotional,

mental and spiritual.

- What is on the cover of

Oath of Midnight Ashes?

On this cover you can see a

negative entity absorbing a human-shaped

body, not to destroy

or eradicate, but to transform

into something new,

it is a pact of transmutation,


the old and being

something new,

an agreement with

the dark with the

negative, leaving

behind all that old

trace of unnecessary

vestiges of what we

once were, and also

in which it is possible

to observe a

book or contract

(that decision is

up to each individual

to decide).

- What Does

Oath of Midnight

Ashes mean?

Personal: it is an album that

took us our years to finish due

to various reasons, work, family

and psychological that we

have at this time, it is an album

with a lot of meaning for all the

path we traveled to finish it, and

confinement helped us to take up

this album in more detail and

give it what we feel necessary.

22 23

Luciferian Rites - Black Metal from Mexico

Musical: It is a work in

which we made more arrangements

in the

songs, from intros,

and guitar arrangements,

it is an album that

we decided to implement

new rhythms and

melodies in all the instruments,

that in the

past we would not have

dared to implement, it

is an album that took

a while to make was

worth the wait for us.

Group (line-up): it is

the first job in which

we are involved, in a

more intimate way at

the time of recording it,

from correcting, moving

panels, arranging


going out,

asking who

would be

willing to

record us,


by instrument,


Learn to use

the program

that recorded

us, to be able to

give the voice

effects and



we use, the mix was done

by us, Serpentor was the

one who knows the most

about that, but we were

all involved in every aspect,

every detail, every

song, for us it was a pleasant

and frustrating experience

at the same time.

- How did the Luciferian

Projection come about?

This work is a compilation

of our split albums, and was

made by the Mexican label,

Caligo Arcanum Prod. It is a

digipack with 2 intros and 6

original LR themes, the finish

of the CD and art are excellent,

these were made by the

owner of the label and supervised

by us, he is a professional

and honest person.

- Are you playing any

festivals this year?

This 2024 we have certain

proposals to perform in certain

parts of Mexico and outside of

it, there are still no Festivals on

the horizon at the moment, but

perhaps in 2025 it can happen.

- What is the next for you?

Specify our next presentations,

rehearse and in the

process finish songs that we

have in mind for possible future

work, now with a new

guitarist we have a broader

path that we can explore.

- Do you have a message

for our Readers?

Thank you for the space and

the interview you gave us and

to all the readers, we hope

you enjoy the interview, greetings

from Mexico to all of you.

Thank you for your time!

24 25

Dark Oath - Melodic Death Metal from Portugal

Dark Oath are a very cool

Viking Metal band from

Portugal… Yes Portugal.

Andrew Stanton talk

to guitarist Joel Martins

about their new album.

- Can you tell

our readers

a bit about

your history,


“I started the

band in 2009

Interview by Andrew Stanton

Our new album is about the history

of mankind as told by ancient poet

Hesiod through what he called Ages

of Man, which he named the Gold,

Silver, Bronze, Heroic and Iron ages.”.

with two


Since then

the band's line-up has

changed quite a bit, we've

released two EP's, our debut

album in 2016, and now after

8 long years our second album.”

- What is the Portuguese

scene like?

“Although Portugal

is a

small country, the scene is

quite vibrant. There's lots of

bands from a wide variety of

Interview with Joel Martins

sub-genres of metal, as well as

regular shows and festivals. If

you're a fan of music, it's easy

to find a show somewhere every


- Why is a

band from

Portugal creating



“Our intention


never to play

Viking Metal.

We wanted to explore

different civilization/mythologies

each album, enabling us to

explore different soundscapes

and keep each album fresh.

Our debut album was

about Norse mythology, and

now our latest

album is

about Greek



about the history

of mankind

as told

by ancient

poet Hesiod.”

- What kind

of reaction

have you got

from 'Ages

of Man'?

“So far it

has been

great! We

weren't quite

sure how people

would react to the

change of theme,

since it's the first

shift so far, but

people seem to be

enjoying it, lots of

support and appreciation.”

- Why are the

songs all named

after metals?

“The album is

about the history

of mankind

as told by ancient

poet Hesiod

through what

he called Ages of

Man, which he

named the Gold,

Silver, Bronze,

Heroic and Iron ages.”

- Do Portuguese bands find

it easier to get success in Brazil?

“Although we share history and

our language, the

two countries are

so far apart that I

wouldn't say

that's the case.”

- Are you

planning a tour anywhere?

“We are indeed

planning a small

tour through Europe,

but nothing

is set in

stone as of now.

- Do you

have a message

for our


“We hope you

guys enjoy our latest

album "Ages of

Man", and we'll see

you on the road!”

26 27

Shaval yoth - Black Metal from Greece

Hi this is Jay reporting

for Inside the

Darkness magazine.

Today I’m lucky

enough to be talking to

Shavalyoth from Greece…

1 - Tell us

about Shavalyoth…

when where

and why did



to form the


The band

was formed in 2018 by

Archon Marchosias

and Elder in Rhodes,

Interview by Jay Parker

Dodecanese. We wanted to

form a band based on our

influences but also adding

our own inspirations

in our music.

Wanting to go in the extreme

genre I found Black and Death

metal or as I always say with my

best friend Black Metal found us.

Also, being

influenced by the most famous

band from our island

Macabre Omen we call our

Interview with Archon Marchosias

music Rhodian black metal.

Our lyrical themes are centered

around Greek mythology

and occultism.

2 - You’ve

released 2

eps and a

full length

so far…

- Run us


t h e m

and let

our readers

know where

they can get them.

The first three releases

can only be found on Youtube

and on our bandcamp.

There are only digital

versions of them but we’re

planning on releasing a

compilation album with

specific songs from each

release that will be included

on it. The new EP is

available on CD from

Masters Of Kaos


3 - The new Ep

is an absolute

monster; I’ve

heard great reviews…I

am curious

to know

what the follow

up will be like…

Do you think

you can beat it?

Tell us about

the new material

you’re recording…

In Shavalyoth

and my other

projects I really

try to beat every

former release.

But my main focus

is for each release to

have something unique

that the other didn't.

4 - What were your

musical influences

growing up?

I started my search for

music discovering rock

music and then I dived

into the nu metal genre.

Afterwards, wanting to

go in the extreme genre

I found black and death

metal or as I always

say with my best friend

black metal found us.

5 - When did you start

playing music? And what

was your first instrument?

I started playing music in

the age of 16 and my first

instrument was the

electric guitar.

6 - Do you have any

other side projects

apart from Shavalyoth?

Besides Shavalyoth I have

a band with my foresaid

best friend named Reapers

Crypt (black/thrash metal)

and a solo project Portal

to oblivion (Black metal).

7 - Tell us about the extreme

metal scene in Greece…

The extreme metal scene in

Greece is developing ceaselessly

with new bands emerging

every time. Some follow

the same path of the first extreme

metal bands of Greece

and others keep that and

add new elements to their

music thus having

a variety of different

genres to listen

from the Greek extreme

metal scene.

8 - What are

your top 5 albums

of all time?

Slipknot - Iowa.

Mayhem - De

mysteries dom


Dissection -

Storm of the

lights bane.

Rotting Christ

- Thy mighty


Amon Amarth

- Twilight

of the thunder


9 - If you could play with

any musician, live or

dead, who would it be?

Freaking many artists

but since you put it

that way, I'll try mentioning

some of them.

Jeff Hanneman.

Per Yngve Pelle

Ohlin (Dead).

Mick Thomson.

Jon Nodtveidt.


28 29

Shaval yoth - Black Metal from Greece

10 - As a part of the evergrowing


wave of young,

talented artists,

how do you see the

scene developing over

the next few years?

The extreme

metal scene

and generally

the metal

from my perspective


be always

expanding. I

have seen so

many beautiful

blends of

other genres


with metal that

I'm afraid I will

always have


new to listen


11 - What

do you think

are the main


between the

‘old school’

and the so

called ‘new school’

of extreme music?

Personally, even the new

extreme music will always

have a debt to pay to the

first bands so I don't

see many differences

with the old school

scene. Besides some new

additions to the new ex-

treme scene in terms of

adding different styles

I think the production

has changed massively.

This is not something bad

at all but there are genres

like death metal which

in my opinion keeping

the old sound at some

levels is crucial. Way to

modern approach to this

sound is something very

hard for me to dig except

if it so good. In comparison

with black metal

and other genres of metal

I don't mind the modern

production at all. But

of course, in some degree.

12 - Where would you

like to take Shavalyoth?

Do you have future

plans to play live?

Playing live is something

I really look forward

to but in

Rhodes is very

difficult because

nobody listens

to this genre.

But of course, I

have some plans

in places that

could be done

like Athens and

other regions of


13 - Would

you like to add

anything for

our readers?

Never be afraid

to put some new

sounds in your

music and find

your own identity

as a band but always

honour the

path that was set

from the founders

of each genre.

Thanks, Shavalyoth!

Ave 666



I'm Destroyer (editor-in-chief of Inside The Darkness

Metal magazine) and I can help you with design.

If you’re looking for a designer,

just contact me, so we can discuss it.

If you have no logo or you want a new logo,

if you need to make the cover of your upcoming CD,

feel free to contact me on my personal facebook account

or send the message to my email:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/evgeny.dubovskoy

Email: destroyerr78@mail.ru

Also you can contact all our editors personally on

their Facebook profiles, so they ask me to contact


30 31

Hysteria - Melodic Black Death Metal from France

1. First of all, guys,

we just want to mention

that we’re extremely

happy to

see you featuring this

issue after such a killer

release. How

are the

things going

for you now

and how did

the year start

for the entire

band, besides


new LP?

Things are going really

well; we've worked

hard, fine-tuning every

Interview by Olga Schneider

I think our longevity is

the result of a friendship

that has lasted for almost

three decades now.

detail for the release of this

LP. From the cover to the

compositions, merchandising,

promotion... we haven't

left anything


chance, and it has paid off,

as the feedback from the

media, fans... is more than en-

Interview with Xavier Chautard

couraging. The release and

the subsequent release party

were resounding successes.

We're eager to see what

comes next.

2. Hysteria

has got a

long enough


since 1996

and primary

you started

as a Brutal


Metal project, but

time brought some more

melodicism to your music.

What were the main reasons

of these changes?

This evolution didn't

happen overnight. We've

been around for almost 30

years, and over that time,

our musical tastes have

changed. In our early days,

we listened almost exclusively

to Death Metal,

but over the years, we've

opened up to other styles

of music that have influenced





but we've

kept our

identity intact,


is dear to

us. The

band hasn't



we've just


a gradual,


change that wasn't

calculated at all. If you

listen to all the albums,

you'll notice that none

of them really resemble

each other.

3. Are you planning

any further experiments

with sound anytime

in the future? Or have

you found yourself as a

Blackened Death band

as you do now?

As for what's next, we

don't know; nothing is

planned in advance. We

move forward based on

how we feel things. We

don't limit ourselves to

anything. Right now, we're

not thinking about it yet;

we're digesting the release

of our latest endeavor,

enjoying the present moment

without projecting

too much into the future.

Our goal is to promote

this album as much as

possible through live


4. You grew up a lot

extremely quickly in

fact, and 2022 was a

year when you already

started sharing the stage

with much bigger and

better known (at that

point of time) bands like

Dissection, Mortician

etc. What in your opinion

helped you succeed in such

a short term and what were

the biggest lessons (probably

also the hardest ones)

you got from this experience

back then?

An organization for concert

organization in

Lyon called Hammer o f

Gones has helped us a lot in the

past by booking us as the opening

act for all these big names.

The best memory

we have

is undoubtedly


for Dissection.

It was

the band's


and being a

fan of Dissection,


was an honor

to share

the stage

with them.

As for giving


or lessons learned from our

ascent, we have none. We're

proud of the journey we've

taken, and I think our longevity

is the result of a

friendship that has lasted for

almost three decades now.

5. You were one of those

bands who actually started

building and developing

Death Metal traditions in

France. How did it feel like

to be one of the pioneers and

what was your strongest

support in all this stuff?

32 33

Hysteria - Melodic Black Death Metal from France

We've been around

for a long time, and

the scene has changed

a lot since then; there

are more and more bands,

making it difficult for a

band of our status to stand

out. You have to know how

to create a network of people

who can help you grow

and promote you. Our biggest

support comes from our

label Adipocère Record,

which we've known for

over 20 years now, and of

course, it's thanks to the

fans that we're still here


6. What

bands were

your best

teachers and

the strongest


when you

started your

own things?


Morbid Angel,

At the Gates,

Dark Tranquility,



Death, Satyricon,





Christ, Behemoth,


M e d i -

co Peste,

Kampfar, Enslaved…

7. Actually,

France has a lot

to do with Black

Metal and an extremely

huge list

of great underground

Black Metal

bands, and also such

a union as Les Légions

Noires. What

is your point about

this phenomenon and

how did this aspect

of French Metal history

impact you?

We're fans of French bands

like Svart Crown, Diluvian,

Bliss of Flesh, Aorlhac, Regarde

les hommes tomber,

Arkhon Infaustus, Himinbjorg...

I wasn't familiar

with this Black Metal

movement "les légions

noires," but considering the

bands that are part of it, we

can clearly say that they

haven't influenced HYS-

TERIA in any way.

8. 2017 was a year connected

with some lineup

changes for you, and

you affirm that this gave

the band some kind of

new breath. What aspects

do you mean first

and most of all?

Exactly, this lineup

change has given the

band a second life. We

had reached the end of

a cycle with Thibault.

Adrien has been with us

for almost 6 years now;

we've already released 1

EP + 1 LP in his presence.

His dedication to the

group is unwavering, and

he has contributed immensely

to the

realization of


9. You were

one of those

bands who had

to cancel lots of

massive plans

because of CV-

2019, but nevertheless,


here, and returned


strong. What

are your further

plans for the nearest


We just

organized a

release party

where we


our new album

in its

entirety. It

was a huge

night. We're

playing at the famous

Lions Metal Festival

in June alongside Benighted,

Harakiri for

the Sky, Wolfheart,

Hideous Divinity... and

we're waiting for confirmation

of our presence

at a major festival

this summer as the

opening act for a legendary

band. We're

keeping our fingers

crossed for it to happen.

10. In the end

of the interview,

what would you like to say to

our readers & crew?

Support the underground

metal scene, get off your

couches. There are plenty

of dates, and we need you

to exist! Come listen to

our latest endeavor, come

discover HYSTERIA, WE





34 35

Uralt - Black Metal from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hi, this is Jay reporting for

Inside the Darkness zine.

Today, I’m lucky

enough to be talking

to Uralt from Srepska

republic, Bosnia.

Hi man, thanks

for taking the

time to talk to

our readers..

1- T e l l

us about


w h e n

where and

why did you decide to

form the band?

Uralt was formed in

Interview by Jay Parker

November of 2023, as an answer

to the great feedback

to my debut EP by Húrin

“The Night of The Futile”.

As Húrin

I mostly stick to the roots and don’t really

go into the avant-garde side of Black Metal,

but I support the effort of those bands

and showing their creativity to the world.


its destined path of

Melodic Black metal and

leaves behind the raw BM

Interview with Húrin

beginnings, Uralt continues

the raw sound of the

first EP by Húrin.

2- You’ve released an

EP, Winterflame


far, and a

new album

is due soon

I understand

- Run

us through

them and

let our readers

know where

they can get them.

Both Winterflame and the

Self-Titled album can be

bought in physical copies.

Currently only on one of

the greatest record labels

I got the chance to work

with, Masters Of Kaos.

MOK will be selling

CDs both for the album

and EP, any other news

about physical copies

like cassette tapes can

be found on my Instagram


3- The new debut

EP is an absolute

monster, I’ve

heard great reviews…I

am curious

to know what

the follow up will

be like… Do you

think you can beat

it? Tell us about

the new material

you’re recording…

At this right moment

I can say that

the album is 95%

finished. I think

that the self-titled

album will complete

the whole

picture and sound,

featuring the two

songs from Winterflame

and five more songs that

are yet to be heard. I’ve

made the decision to continue

working with Uralt

while the first full length

album for Húrin will

wait some time.

4- Tell us about your

Bosnian roots and how

they have influenced

your music…

Well, I share roots from

all the three people of

ex-Yugoslavia. So, I lived

through three similar but

still different cultures.

South Slavic folklore,

mythology and poetry

shaped my way of creating

music and Uralt will

probably see a Pagan

Black metal sound on

the second album. The

name Uralt meaning “ancient”

on German, I can already

say that the second

album will carry the name

like “Prastar” or “Drevan”

meaning “ancient”

in South Slavic languages.

5- When did you start

playing music? And what was

your first instrument?

I started playing guitar

when I was really young,

like 7 or 8. But soon I gave

up the guitar until a few

years back when I started to

play guitar again and taught

myself the fundamental

knowledge of music

and guitar, by now I

can say that my skills

are better than ever.

I also play the bass

guitar and occasionally

play the drums,

for a short period

I played drums in

a old school heavy

metal band from my

local scene.

6- Do you have any

other side projects

apart from Uralt?

Many of my fans

know me by my

first project Húrin,

but some of the locals

know me by

my Death/Sludge

metal band called

Monolith where I play guitar

and sing. I already said

about the plan with Húrin,

but Monolith will deliver

its first EP this year, I hope!

7- Tell us about

the extreme metal

scene in Bosnia.

The extreme metal

scene in Bosnia was always

a bit silent.

36 37

Uralt - Black Metal from Bosnia and Herzegovina

There was a short period

between 2009 and 2013

when there were extreme

metal bands

like Odium Mallum,

Sahrana, Monument,

My Last Suicide

that come from my

city. As of now musicians

in Bosnia

are now taking a

more Doom and

Stoner metal


8- W h a t

are your top 5

albums of all


My top five

would probably

be “Witchcult

Today” by

Electric Wizard,



and Withered


by Hellripper,


by Dissection,

“Nachzehrer” by

Satanic Warmaster and

“Storm Of The Lights Bane”

also by Dissecton. Electric

Wizard is on this list

for having a big impact

on my taste and getting

me more into metal as

I was really young when

I first heard that album

while other albums are

self-explained because

they impacted my way

of making music.

9- If you could play with

any musician, live or dead,

who would it be?

Jon Nödtveidt


Dissection or

Muhammed Suiçmez

from Necrophagist.

10- As a part of the ever-growing


wave of young, talented

artists, how do you see

the scene developing over

the next few years?

I think that there is a wave

of Black Metal that is coming

back to its roots, as well there

is a wave of bands with experimental

and more “avant-garde”

approach to their music.

I mostly stick to the roots

and don’t really go into

the avant-garde


of Black


but I support


effort of

those bands

and showing



to the world.

11- What

do you think

are the main

differences between

the ‘old

school’ and the

so called ‘new

school’ of extreme


Well, a good friend

of mine says; the

first thing in Black

Metal is its production.

I think that this

genre holds a special

place for a bit more

simple and raw production and

that it really creates an atmosphere

to the listener. Most of

the ‘new school’ bands have is

really advanced production

that is mostly used for genres

like Technical Death Metal.

Other things that differ

from old school is that

those new bands tend to

add elements from other

non-metal genres, like the

new genre “Blackgaze”

featuring shoegaze in its

sound. I don’t really like

that because Black metal

is a bit of an isolated

subgenre so mixing it

with other genres like

shoegaze kind of contradicts

itself. But

still people should be

open to experimenting

and maybe we

can get something

game changing and

new, who knows!

12- W h e r e

would you like

to take Uralt?

Do you have

future plans to

play live?

Well, Uralt

will stay as a

solo project,

I don’t think

that Uralt

will ever play live. But

I can promise that Húrin

will see its part of the

stage some day!

13- Would you

like to add anything

for our readers?

My dear readers if you

love the music that you

listen, contribute to the

music scene. Pick up an

instrument, practice, record

and release. And

with time you will see

progress and success.

Thank you all and I hope

I hear from you



massive thanks

to Uralt.


Thanks for your time and

we’re eagerly anticipating

your new material.



38 39

Immortal Sun- Melodic Black Metal from Egypt

1-Tell us about the roots


When, where and why

did you decide to

form the band?

The roots go back to the

eighties of the last century,

where my father was the singer

and guitarist for a band called

Serpents, and

when my father


that we had a

talent for playing



he decided

to form

Immortal Sun despite

our young age.

Interview by Jay Parker

In the coming period,

African bands will have a

great influence and spread.

2 - You’re about to release

your debut album,


us through it and let our

readers know where

they can g e t a c o p y.

Digital/Physical (CD)

album available



Interview with Khaled 666

3 - I know you’re also working

on a follow-up EP… what

will the follow up be like? Tell

us about the new material

you’re recording…

We are not restricted in

any way or type, as all artistic

options are

available and

depend on the

extent of their


4 - What

were your




We were influenced by

hard rock music, specifically

black sabbath band, then

we started leaning toward

death metal, and finally we

are a black metal band.

5 - When did you start

playing music? And

what was your

first instrument?

We all started playing

guitar as kids.

6 - Do you have

any other side projects

apart from

Immortal Sun?


7 -Tell us about

the extreme metal

scene in Egypt…

Metal music

has a large audience

in Egypt.

8 - What are

your top 5 albums

of all time?

We love all Black

Sabbath albums.

9 - If you could

play with any musician,

live or dead,

who would it be?


10 - As a part of

the ever-growing


wave of young, talented

artists, how

do you see the scene

developing over the

next few years?

In the coming period,

African bands will have

a great influence and spread.

11 - What do you think

are the main differences

between the ‘old school’

and the so called ‘new

school’ of extreme music?

The difference between the

two schools is due to the depth

of the old school compared to

the new school, which is sometimes

characterized by superficiality

and foolishness.

12 - Where would you like to take

Immortal Sun? Do you have

future plans to play live?

Sure, we will

play live very soon.

13 - Would you

like to add anything

for our readers?

We are happy with this

meeting and promise you

a hearty musical meal

in the near future.

40 41

Strigampire- Melodic Death Metal from Can a da

- Can you tell our readers

a bit about your

history, please?

Strigampire was

founded in 2001 by two

15-year-olds, Johnny and

myself. The previous year,

we had discovered symphonic

black metal bands like Cradle

Of Filth and

Dimmu Bor-

Interview by Andrew Stanton

gir, as well as

the Swedish

death metal

scene with


such as At

The Gates. Already

passionate about

music at the time, we decided

to form Strigampire. For

a few years, we played without

really knowing how to break

into the local scene. We came

from a small village in

Quebec, in the French

part of Canada, and at

that time,

By working intelligently in a field

that we are passionate about and

by keeping focused on our goals, it is

possible to achieve many things.

access to underground

music was not as

easy as it is today. Discovering

Interview with Steve De Cotret 666

a new band was an event for

us. We recorded cassettes and

burned CD-Rs to share the

music we loved. I believe that

as teenagers, we were attracted

to this scene on the fringes

of society and the mainstream,


we wanted to

be part of it.

In 2007, we

started recording



We released

two demos

before professionally

launching our

first album, "Where Torments

Drown," in 2009.

This first step towards the

professional music scene

allowed us to open for notorious

bands such as Dark

Tranquility and Cannibal

Corpse. The lineup

was solid from 2005

to 2009, but there

were departures

and several changes

of members that

eventually led to the

band's dissolution.

In 2012, we decided

to take a break and

focus on other projects.

We came back

in 2016 and released

an album in 2018,

but we still faced obstacles,

including the

2019 pandemic. Nevertheless,

we took advantage

of this forced

break to compose the

album we recently released

in December.

Last year, we won

an international competition

that allowed us to

play at Wacken Open Air

in August. This event

brought us more visibility

than ever before.

- What bands did you

like growing up?

Music has been a part of

our lives from a very young

age. As children, we listened

to a lot of old rock

like Guns'N Roses, Bryan

Adams, Motley Crue, Aerosmith,

and Bon Jovi. Then

came a punk phase with

bands like Nofx, Lag Wagon,

Rancid, and Millencolin.

But the bands that opened

the doors to metal for us

were At The Gates, Cradle

Of Filth, Hecate Enthroned,

Dimmu Borgir,

Quo Vadis, Children Of

Bodom, and Immortal.

Ultimately, we were

greatly influenced by

European metal bands.

- What are your lyrics about?

I often draw inspiration

from my own life experiences.

Having a life similar to others,

I believe I address subjects that

anyone can relate to based on

their own experiences. It's a lot of

introspection. My themes are often

varied, often melancholic but

generally imbued with hope.

The subjects are often dark,

but I strive to end with a positive


- The cover of

All To Dominate makes

you look like a Satanic

band. Is there a

hidden message?

With the cover of 'All

To Dominate,' we wanted

to present ourselves

as a band conveying a

message of empowerment

and liberation.

The artwork depicts

Stan, our mascot, urging

people to break

free from oppression

and take control of

their lives. This message

aligns with the album's

title, which can

be interpreted as

a call to collective

action or as an acknowledgment

of the resources

available to achieve self-domination,

overcoming one's own

limitations or circumstances.

In Satanism, the self is often

considered divine, which indeed

creates a certain parallel

with the album's message

of empowerment. Our

intention is to inspire individuals

to assert their own power

and strive for self-determination.

While my religious knowledge is

not very deep, I do enjoy using

the imagery that comes with it.

42 43

Strigampire- Melodic Death Metal from Can a da

However, if Satanists live for

the present moment and are

drawn to debauchery,

there is certainly

a part of Satanism in

that band! Hahaha!

- Why did you split

up in 2012 and what

was the reason for

reforming again?

The reason for our split

in 2012

was a lack

of motivation


two of

the members.



who had

already left

the band in

2010, returned


a year. We

then recorded

the small EP "The

Merry-Go-Round" to

show our fans that we

were still active. Two of us

wanted to do this professionally

while two other members

were less motivated. It didn't

take a year for it to be felt...

When Strigampire split in

2012, Johnny and I were still

very motivated, but since we

had trouble finding another

drummer to replace the

one who had just let us

down for the second time,

we said to ourselves, let's

start a band but this time

with a more heavy rock

tendency. Songs that shake

but with a solid drum beat

without it necessarily having

to be played by an Olympic

drummer! We started

The Authority. In the end,

we didn't release anything

under that name. Johnny and

I joined other bands separately

with whom we played for a

few years. In 2016, the band

Ordoxe in which I played

disbanded. As I always

felt that Strigampire was

worth existing and that I

knew its dissolution was

due to other members

than Johnny and me, I

contacted Johnny again,

and we found Willy and

Myrdynn, with whom we

were already friends.As I always

felt that Strigampire

was worth existing and that

I knew its dissolution was

due to other members than

Johnny and me, I contacted

Johnny and we found Willy

and Myrdynn, with whom we

were already friends. Later on,

Xander joined the ranks as a

bassist to complete the lineup.

- When you reform, is it hard

to keep the same sound?

Actually, until the composition

of "All To Dominate,"

all the music was composed by

Johnny and me, and I wrote the

lyrics. When

we reformed

in 2016, the

majority of

the songs from

"One Fix Nine

Clouds & Six

Feet Deep"

were already


Willy added

some solos,

but otherwise,

the songs

were already

written by the same guys who

had been composing since

the beginning of the band.

However, from that time on,

we started to integrate the

more Heavy Rock side that

we wanted to present with

The Authority. In fact, the

songs "Stand & Resist" and

"Dead Of Night" are songs

originally written for The Authority.

You can feel this more

rock vibe, which we also kept

for some parts of "All To Dominate".

For example, the song

"Sold Our Soul" has some

pretty Heavy/Rock parts.

Moreover, since our return

in 2016, we started

to qualify our style as

Extreme Rock. I believe

that's what defines us best.

For the latest album, Willy

participated in composing

the songs. Playing with us

for already 8 years, he absorbed

our old style, which

was more focused

on melodic

death metal,

but also added

to his compositions

some rock

touches and

heavy riffs.

- What is

‘Brave the



In "Brave

The Tempest,"

I express my

opinion on the


of being attentive to external

signs that indicate

a need for change in order

to be well internally.

I encourage people to

step out of their comfort

zones, face difficulties,

and make changes in their

behavior and perception

of life to find inner peace.

It's similar to what I was

saying about the themes I

addressed. I'm not singing

about butterflies

and rainbows, but I still

try to bring something

positive to the listener.

- Why are Metal magazines

so obsessed with

the Californian scene?

You're not asking this question

to the right person, unfortunately!

I wouldn't know

exactly what to answer, to

be honest! If I think about

it, it's true that this scene is

the origin of many influential

metal bands and

movements over the

years. California bands,

especially in genres like

thrash metal, death metal,

and metalcore, have

had a significant impact on

the global metal scene.

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

I would like to thank all

those who support the metal

scene, as well as the readers of

your magazine who have an

interest in this interview and

our band. A big thank you to you as

well. I would like to tell your readers

that they are lucky to have

dedicated people like you

who do all this out of passion

for the scene. It's a lot of work!

Speaking of work, I would

like to tell all those reading

these lines that by working intelligently

in a field that we are

passionate about

and by keeping

focused on

our goals, it

is possible to

achieve many

things. We

could have

closed our

amps a long

time ago because


sound didn't

have the reach

we dreamed

of when

we were

young! But today, Strigampire's

Extreme Rock

sound has reached other

frontiers, and we will continue

to ensure that the world

hears us on a global scale!

Let yourself be guided by

your passions, strive to improve

every time you practice

them, and most importantly,

have fun! You might be surprised

where it all leads you!

Thank you!

Thank you for your time.

44 45

Inverne - Melodic Gothic Death Metal from Poland

Inverne create some

very cool Gothic Metal.

Andrew Stanton

caught up with the Polish

band to talk about

their upcoming album

- Can you

tell our readers

a bit about

your history,


“We formed

our band in

2018, together

with the second guitarist

Mateusz and bassist Michał.

At the beginning, we

Interview by Andrew Stanton

weren't sure what kind of Metal

we wanted to play. We fiddled

and experimented a lot. But

only when the first vocalist

Karolina and

Inverne may be associated

with inversion, so the reversal of

some pre-existing order, a surprise,

something completely new.

the drummer

Łukasz joined the band,

did a specific vision take form.

It was supposed to be Melodic

Interview with Karolina and Vary

Gothic Metal, which would refer

to such big names as Tristania,

Tiamat, and the like in its

mood. We wanted to add something

of ours

to it, a little

bit more harmonic


more diverse

melodies, and


even a little

dark folk.

And that

way, slowly and unhurriedly

in 2020 we released

our first album, "The Gathering",

in which we wanted

to embody all of those ideas.

Unfortunately, later Covid

came along, and all activities

came to a standstill. The

band suspended its activity

and in 2022 the vocalist as

well as the drummer officially

left the band. A few

months later, after an arduous

search, a new frontwoman,

also named Karolina,

joined our band and we

caught the wave again. Not

long afterward,

we were

joined by a

new drummer,


and we could

start working

on new material

as well as

start playing

concerts. Our

style changed.

Old pieces

got slightly


and together

with the

newly created

songs many

elements associated


really good quality playing

appeared in our music.

Karolina's screams became

our trademark, the guitars

got faster, they started to

break the metre, and the

musical inserts became

more of a background.

Characteristic decelerations

and breaking of the

tension appeared in our

arrangements, something

we got the inspiration for

from the "Blackwater Park"

album by Opeth. That mix

of Death, progression and

gothic let us release two singles,

Rise and Fall, and The

Slave of My Flesh, which announce

our upcoming album.”

- What does Inverne mean?

“There's actually a funny story

connected with the origins

of our name. When

we came up with it, we associated

it first and foremost

with the works of Andrzej

Sapkowski, the author of

The Witcher, where "inverne"

meant "winter" and

the moment of solstice. You

know, something along the

lines of marking a new beginning,

a new chapter, and that soon it's

gonna get great. Apart from

that, Inverne may be associated

with inversion, so the

reversal of some pre-existing

order, a surprise, something

completely new. It never

crossed our minds, however, when

we were releasing our first album

"The Gathering", the lyrics of

which swarm with witchcraft,

spectres, witches,

and general


that our name

would be linked

with Inverness,

a town in Scotland,


actually hosts

the gatherings

of witches and

people keenly

interested in


and an amazing


of the

place. Such

an amusing,

and completely



- What are your

lyrics about?

“As we mentioned before,

the lyrics from our first album

revolve around wondrous

stories, eeriness and

the other side of the mirror,

you know, like "Tales

from the Crypt", haha.

46 47

Inverne - Melodic Gothic Death Metal from Poland

So there you have the

trapped Egyptian souls

that cannot cross to

the other side, the

witches' sabbaths, to

which various dark creatures

are called, deceitful

sprites leading travellers

to marshlands,

but also an alter ego

like Mr. Hyde or the


of Dorian

Gray, and


the bloodthirsty



or Torquemada's


All of that

is also supplemented

with stories

of remorse,

attempts to

forgive and

the passing

of time.”

“Now the

lyrics reflect my emotions,

feelings, and the problems

I directly encounter or observe,

serving as inspiration

for me. While writing the

lyrics for the album, which

was initially meant to be

an EP, my intention was

to create a kind of 'imprisonment.'

For example, in

'Rise and Fall,' it is im-

prisonment as a metaphor

for living in falsehood,

a deceptive world, etc. I

wanted to present various

situations within this metaphor.

However, this idea is

still evolving as the songs

for the album are still in

the process of being created.”

- What is the Polish

scene like?

“In Poland we boast

about internationally

acclaimed bands such

as Behemoth and Vader,

spanning various subgenres.

Additionally, our country

hosts notable festivals such

as Pol’and’Rock or Mystic

Festival. We also have a significant

underground scene

with a dedicated fan base. “

- What is 'The Slave

of My Flesh' about?

“The text tells the story

of an internal struggle and

identity conflict, where the

protagonist hides from external

threats while trying to

battle inner demons symbolized

by a serpent and

a slave.The concluding part

adopts a pessimistic tone,

hinting that

gazing into a

mirror could

unveil continuously



- What is on

the cover?

“The Slave of

My Flesh cover

represents a

woman standing

in front

of the mirror

and does not

see herself

but some kind

of a creature,

which refers

to the lyrics.

The cover of “Rise and

Fall” depicts a woman rising

above the ground, symbolizing

the desire to elevate

oneself above the pervasive

falsehood and hypocrisy in

the world which also has a

close reference to the lyrics.

Two slightly otherworldly/

eerie figures are anonymous,

or shall I say, universal.

The fact that we don't see

their faces lets us imagine

ourselves in the same position.

The situation in which

not only the lyrics but also

the graphics are kind of a

depiction of our understanding


the piece.”

- What can

fans expect

from your

new album?

“We’d like

them to receive

many strong

and varied harmonic


riffs, the old

school of In

Flames kind, in

which we could

surprise the

listeners with

rhythmic progression

or interesting


Our record will

definitely not

slow down, but

there will be some moments

of deceleration

and atmospheric mood.

I think we will be able

to catch people off-balance

with "classic" inserts,

which absolutely no one

expects. We can't reveal

more, you will find out for

yourselves in due time.”

- Will 'The Slave of My

Flesh' and 'Rise and Fall'

be on your new album?

“Definitely! These songs

set the musical path we

want to follow now, so

we cannot imagine them

not being included on

the upcoming album.”

- Are you planning a

tour anywhere?

“In the first half of the

year, we will perform several

concerts in the biggest

Polish cities, such as

Kraków, Warszawa or Katowice.

Then we will focus on

finishing the album so that

we can embark on a tour

promoting the latest material

in the autumn/winter.”

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

“We hope that they will fancy

listening to what we play and that

they will give us their comments

and support, and obviously

that we will be able to

meet at many of our concerts

to which they are cordially



can't wait

to see

them! :)”

48 49

Nameless Gods - Death Metal from Brazil

Nameless Gods are

new Death Metal band

from Brazil. Andrew

Stanton talked to

bass player Juan Azevedo

about their up coming

new album...

Juan Azevedo: Hello and thank

you for the opportunity to talk

to the Inside

the Darkness


- Can you tell

our readers a

bit about

your history,


Juan Azevedo:

Nameless Gods came

together in 2022 with the

Interview by Andrew Stanton

desire to make a sound that was

a little more focused on Doom

Metal but adding the aggressiveness

of Death Metal. All

the members of the band

have experience in other

styles that are faster

and more

Nameless Gods refers to all

the dreadful and inexplicable

occult that surround us and

sometimes governs our lives.

intense (from

HC to Black Metal to Brutal

Death) and the idea of a sound

Interview with Juan Azevedo

that was a little more paced

seemed like an interesting

challenge that everyone was

excited to take on. We’ve released

our first single in January

this year and will release

our first album in the first

semester of


- What

bands did you

like growing


Juan Azevedo:



I was into the

classics: Iron Maiden, Metallica,

Mercyful Fate,

Black Sabbath, Sepultura.

At the end of my teen

years, I started adding

some more extreme bands

to this repertoire such as:

Cannibal Corpse, Emperor,

Dark Funeral and so on.

- What does Nameless

Gods refer to?

Juan Azevedo: It refers to all

the dreadful and inexplicable

occult that surround us and

sometimes governs our lives.

- What are

your lyrics about?

Juan Azevedo: Mainly

about the inner fears and

challenges faced by humankind

but “enveloped”

in an occult and supernatural


- Why is it so hard

for new bands?

Juan Azevedo: That’s a really

complex question! We

could talk about the industry

or the methods of distribution

or even the way

that social media grinds

and spits all the bands, but

I think it’s possible to sum it all

in three “lacks”: lack of money,

lack of time, lack of space.

- What can you tell us

about your new album 'And

that Sigil Meant Death'?

Juan Azevedo: It will be released

in the first semester,

and we couldn’t be happier with

the results! The production is

clear without compromising

the “heaviness” of the music and

the melodies are extremely

captivating. It’s a blend of

death and doom metal that

we believe will sit really well

with the lovers of both genres.

- What is 'Sunken

Horror' about?

Juan Azevedo: “Sunken Horror”,

our first single, dwell into

the depths of the Lovecraftian

cosmic horror and present our

interpretation of the sunken

city of R’lyeh and its

most famous inhabitant.

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

Juan Azevedo: Stay alert this

semester for the release of “And

that Sigil Meant Death”. I am

sure you’re going to like it!

Thank you for your time.

Juan Azevedo: Thanks a lot

for the space!

50 51

en Misa - Doom Metal from Ecuador


Perro en Misa are a

very cool new Doom Metal

band from Ecuador.

Andrew Stanton talked

to singer Saia about

their new album.

- Can you tell our readers

a bit about your history,



in 2021, The

Clergy initially


on their




a diverse array of

bands, from Alice in

Interview by Andrew Stanton

Chains to Black Sabbath,

before forging their own

identity and distinctive sonic

imprint. By 2022, they had

already solidified their

presence in the music

Perro en Misa, originates from a

local colloquialism referring to stray dogs

often found unattended during Catholic

masses in South American churches.

scene, characterized by

their elegant

and unsettling

attire. In particular,

they revitalized the DIY

Interview with Saia

scene through "Euthanasia,"

a series of festivals featuring

bands of various genres to an

increasingly large audience.

The burgeoning reputation

of The Clergy peaked that

same year as they were part

of Ecuador's

most significant



sharing the

stage with

Venom, the


British Extreme

Metal band.

Currently, the band is diligently

working on their debut

studio release.”

- Who are the members

of Perro en Misa?

“Perro en Misa consists of

Saia on vocals, Sebastián

on lead guitar, Gabriel

on clarinet and death

whistles, Felipe on bass,

and Mateo on drums.”

- What bands did you

like growing up?

“The musical ethos of The

Clergy is inspired by bands

famous for their dark and

ominous aura, such as the

iconic Black Sabbath and

contemporary groups like

Gojira. Additionally, influences

from various genres

like hardcore, death, and

Progressive Metal (for example,

Slayer, Death, Mayhem,

Tool) contribute to shaping

their distinctive sound.”

- What does Perro

en Misa mean?

The band's nickname, Perro

en Misa, originates from

a local colloquialism referring

to stray dogs often

found unattended during

Catholic masses in South

American churches. Symbolically,

the name embodies

both the religious aesthetic

pursued by The Clergy

and serves as a memorable

and playful identifier.”

- How do you describe

your music?

“Perro en Misa's sonic

landscape defies easy categorization

within a specific

subgenre of Metal but is characterized

by its "evil," "aggressive,"

and occasionally

"orchestral" elements.”

- What is the Ecuadorian

scene like?

“In Quito, Ecuador, the

hometown of The Clergy, the

music scene reflects a fusion of

various styles and genres.

Metal predominates, with

internationally acclaimed acts

like Minipony, Descomunal,

and Madbrain,

whom we have proudly

shared the stage with.”

- What are your lyrics about?

“All lyrics are written by

Niebla (Saia), contributing to

the thematic depth and artistic

expression of the band.

The clergy will provide more information

about the lyrics with

the official release.”

- What can fans expect

from your new album?

“The Clergy is currently in

the midst of planning several

significant endeavors for the

coming year, including the

official release of their eponymous

debut album, promising

exciting developments for

their growing fan base.”

- Do you have a message

for our readers?

“The Clergy appreciates

the opportunity

to participate in this

interview. They express

sincere gratitude to the readers,

acknowledging their fundamental

role in championing

metal bands and ensuring their

recognition in mainstream

media. They eagerly look

forward to the possibility of

meeting their followers in

person and encourage staying

tuned to emerging bands

from their region and beyond.

52 53

Analogy Of Apathos - Death Metal from Colombia

Interview by Andrew Stanton

It’s amazing the amount much for the invitation.”

of great bands coming - What bands did

out of Bogota, Colombia.

Analogy Of Apathos

are another great

Death Metal band new

on the scene. Andrew Stanton

talked to bass player Juan.

you like growing up?

“Well, I think I began listening

to rock & roll and

metal with the usual great

bands like Black Sabbath,


Hello and

welcome to

Inside the


“Hello, this

is Juan.

B a s s -

ist and


at Analogy of Apathos.

Thank you very

Analogy of Apathos is the closest

description we have found to talk about

the contemporary nihilism in which we are

overcome by apathy and fail to develop

relationships for the common good.

Interview with Juan


Pantera, System of a Down.

But at a certain point, I discovered

other Extreme Metal

bands that represented a before

and after in the experience

of making music like Death,

Children of Bodom or even

Dissection in Black Metal.”

- Why do you call yourselves


'Modern Metal'


“I know it

might sound

a bit pretentious,

but this

term came

up when we

were talking about

our artistic identity with the

guitarist and co-founder of

the band, Mauricio Forero.

We agreed that the most important

characteristic of our

compositional process is the

experimentation in the construction

of riffs, melodies,

solos or even the general

form of the songs. This is

in addition to

the wide spectrum

of influences,


from death,

black, groove

and progressive

metal to

even jazz, soul

and Colombian


rhythms. So,

we found in

this mixture

of sounds a

modern way

to approach

this music

that we love

to play and

hope to bring

some more

live to the scene.”

- What does Analogy Of

Apathos mean?

“This term comes from the

Greek word Pathos, which

refers to the ability to be affected

in mood or to arouse

emotions. The letter "A" as a

prefix of Pathos implies the

negation of this idea of emotion.

Analogy of Apathos is

the closest description we

have found to talk about the

contemporary nihilism in

which we are overcome by

apathy and fail to develop

relationships for the common

good. This is why we

have reached a critical point

regarding public health, the

state of the environment, the

wars still being fought in the

world, and so on.”

- What are

your lyrics about?

“Starting from the premise

of the band's name,

we have explored several

themes such as power, desire,

the oppression that state institutions

impose on vulnerable

populations, and

other perhaps more existential

themes such as the inevitability

of change and death.”

- Are you associated with

any other bands around Bogota?

“Right now we don't have a

relationship with other bands

with whom we have the goal

of producing shows, touring

or recording together. However,

we have made friends

within the Bogota

scene with

whom we know

we could collaborate

in the

near future.”

- Do you


your music

as Death

Metal or

Thrash Metal?

“We are


much closer

to Death

Metal. Maybe

some of

our biggest


have been

bands like Obscura, The Faceless

or Rivers of Nihil. However,

we also can't deny that

some passages in our songs

can be influenced by sounds

close to Thrash Metal.”

- Do you have a date

for your album yet?

“We don't have a date yet,

but we're working hard to

hopefully release our first fulllength

album this year.”

- How have audiences reacted

to your shows?

54 55

Analogy Of Apathos - Death Metal from Colombia

“I think the audience has

reacted very well to our

music. Perhaps the

remarkable mix of all

our influences has surprised

our listeners, but it

has even made the public

more interested in

the upcoming


- Do you

have a message


our readers?

“I just want

to tell you

that a few

months ago

we released

our first single

Cólera, produced

by our

friend and

very talented

Juan Arévalo;

a song that

talks about

the violence

of repression

against ideas

and bodies. So, we hope you

will give a new Latin American

band a chance and get

ready for a lot more music!”

Thank you for your time.

“Thank you for inviting us.”

Subscribe to our facebook


56 57

Korkvak - Black Metal from Colombia

Today I am lucky to be

talking with R’lyeh de

Korkvak from Colombia.

Good afternoon

brother! Thank you

for taking the time

to talk to our readers.

1 - Tell us about the roots of


when, where

and why did

you decide to

form the band?


was born

on October

31, 2012, in the

city of Bogota, Colombia.

Under hermetic and occult

Interview by Jay Parker

ideals we have developed our

own and forceful sound, through

which the Rebellion and the

purest cosmogony are present.

And more than a decision

korkvak is created under

a need. which is to attend

to the call of

Colombia has always been a land

of war and death and that makes it a

tireless source of gangs, it is an aggressive

and violent scene with exponents who

have left their mark worldwide.

nature and its

mysticism, to claim the hidden

knowledge of the being and to

Interview with R’lyeh

rediscover that connection with

nature and the cosmos that opens

the way to the supremacy of the

being in its maximum autonomy.

2 - Tell us about your discography

and let our readers

know where they can get


We have participated


a couple of

Splits, such

as the "Alianza

Impia del

Sur" of which

some copies

still exist and

"Conciencias Divididas" a

limited edition Colombian

Black metal compilation.

And right now, we are

promoting Our EP "Angeli

Descensus" which

is a Collection piece.

3 - I understand that you

are about to release a new

album in 2024, what will

it be like? Do

you think you

can surpass

previous releases?


us about the

new material

you're recording...

Our New Album

will exceed

any expectations


have had before,

we have

managed to

achieve an impeccable


forceful work,

9 songs will be

Rebelled that

from beginning to end

are a mystical journey to

cold and dark paths in the

middle of funereal beings.

Its name will be "The fall

Of The Gods" and it will

have 9 tracks that will undoubtedly

accompany the

struggle with their own

self, of each listener.

Songs like "Renacer" or

"Corpus Mistycum" are

songs that show our years

of work and it will really

be from another plane

where you can perceive

Korkvak in essence.

I can only say that we are

more than proud of the result

and we hope that it reaches

the most intimate and sensitive

fibers of our listeners.

4 - What were your

musical influences

growing up?

Definitely the old

school was always accompanying


There were more bands

that, over time, guided

our spectrum and objectives.

How they were. Windir,

Cor Scorpii, Angantyr or

the masters of Lord Belial

but when we talk about influence,

we refer to an endless

number of sounds that psychedelia

and music include

have slowly guided us to what we

recognize today as Korkvak.

5 - When did you start

playing music? And what

was your first instrument?

I started around the age of

12 or 13 and although over

time I learned to

play various instruments,


is no doubt that

the guitar is my

greatest ally

on this path,

it is where all

my musical


lies and with

which I am

most able to

express so

much. unimaginable

emotions that

range from

the strident


chaotic to

beautiful classical passages

that become soundtracks

of perverse feelings.

6 - Do you have any other

side projects apart


I am currently a guitarist

for Unchained, a very

captivating band thanks

to the technicality with

which it is handled, I also

play winds, choirs and keyboards

with them. We

currently have an album

titled "The Calling".

58 59

Korkvak - Black Metal from Colombia

7 - Tell us about the extreme

metal scene in


Colombia has always

been a land of

war and death and that

makes it a tireless source

of gangs, it is an aggressive

and violent scene

with exponents who

have left their mark


8 - What are

your 5 best albums

of all time?

It is a very difficult


since everything

has been a chain

of contributions

from many bands

since the beginning

and you cannot

talk about one

without referring

to the union it has

with another and

I think that is the

magic of all this

But I will name a

few that I know we

consider in Korkvak

and they would be

1- Reinkaos - Dissection.



Curse - Lord Belial

3 Dreamquest – Evol

4- A blaze in The North in

sky - Darktrhone



sis - Satyricon

9 - If you could play with

any musician, living or

dead, who would it be?

I would play "the Devil's

Trill" with Giuseppe Tartini

10 - As part of the growing

wave of young and talented

artists, how do you

see the scene developing

in the coming years?

I believe that new bands are

growing exponentially and

that over the years the sound

that we inherit to new generations

will be what

they will later take as

a basis or influence to

make their own and hence

the importance of having

solid material in composition,

in arrangements in

production but above all

it is Chaos and destruction,

so that feeling of anger

will prevail in the new ranks

and will continue to spread

the dark fog of Black Metal.

11 - What do you think

are the main differences

between the 'old school'

and the so-called 'new

school' of extreme music?

-The soul with which

things were made. And the

coherence of the procedure.

12 - Where would you like

to take KORKVAK? Do

you have future plans

to play live in Europe?

First of all, we seek

to reach listeners who

agree with our sound

and take Korkvak

around the world, feeding

those minds that

find peace in chaos.

Europe would be an

excellent opportunity;

we still do not have an

event there but we will

surely look for alliances

to be able to take our

presentations somewhere

on the old continent.

13 - Would you

like to add something

for our readers?

Thank Jay for this interview

and invite all his readers to

purchase our Ep and soon Our

album "The fall Of The Gods".

Thank you!

Many thanks to

R’LYEH! Thank you!

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60 61

Semjaza - Black

Metal from Mexico

Today I am lucky to be

talking with Rebellion from

Semjaza from Mexico...

Good afternoon, guys!

Thank you for taking the

time to talk to our readers.

1 - Tell us about Semjaza's

roots, when, where and why

did you decide

to form the



- Thank you

dear Master

of Kaos

Prods, first

of all, we appreciate

the time and attention

you give us in your

Interview by Jay Parker

valuable space to get to know us

better and thereby build a bridge

between us and the readers.

Semjaza is formed in the city

of Durango capital in the

year 2022, I consider a

kind of synthesis between

two projects

In the last seven years or so, our

country has been a point of investment

and opening for a large number

of concerts that obviously favor

support for the scene and its growth.

Interview with Rebellion

that I have

led, so accentuating certain

characteristics of both I decide

to form Semjaza.

2 - Tell us about your discography

and let our readers know

where they can get copies.

Rebellion. - The Fire That

Burn Within is our Debut

Demo Ep, and you can

proudly purchase

it both

physically on

CD and on

all Master of

Kaos Prods

digital platforms.

3 - I understand


you are about to release

a new album in 2024,

what will it be like?

Do you think you can surpass

previous releases? Tell

us about the new material

you're recording...

Rebellion. - The Fire That

Burned Within is the foundation

of what we are

working on, our Debut

Ep is the catapult for what

is to come and anticipating

something of what it will be

like, we can inform you that

it will have more strength

and more darkness, a direct

and clear message, no

We seek to indoctrinate

or boast of having otherworldly

knowledge that

only the Initiates know. No,

we precisely opt for a Black

Metal that goes against it,

being the backbone of following

the path of precisely

how the movement emerged.

4- What were your musical

influences growing up?

Rebellion. - The family context

greatly delimits these

influences, my older brothers

to this day continue

listening to rock and roll

from the 70s and its crossover

with disco music, obviously

that guides us to

search for an identity finding

Heavy Metal and from

there we don't We finished

continuing to look for proposals

until today.

5 - When did you start

playing music? And what

was your first instrument?

Rebellion. - The drums were

our first and only instrument,

between the last year

of high school and the transition

to high school we met

a friend who had his band and

we were lucky that he invited

us to a rehearsal, with this we

began to explore and practice

giving guideline to form

my first Black Metal Band.

6 - Do you have any other

side projects apart

from Semjaza?

Rebellion. - Yes, the first is

Ars Inferi which debuted live

in 2004 and is active today 2024.

· “Signa Animorum

Inferi" (2005) Demo.

· “I am one with night"

(2007) Full Length.

· “Sarcophagia"

(2011) Full Length.

· “Negative Utopia"

(2015) Full Length.

Official Facebook Page:


The second project is I.N.R.I.

(In Necis Renascor Integer)

is a band dedicated

to the wisdom of

the dead, following a

tradition in which Gnosis

is derived from the

transition to the afterlife,

which implies a cult

of death and Necromancy.

· "Azoth" (2020) Debut Ep.

· "Walking the path

of no return" Official

Live Session (Bra)

Official Facebook Page:


7 - Tell us about the extreme

metal scene in Mexico...

Rebellion. - From my perspective,

in the last seven

years or so, our country has

been a point of investment

and opening for a large number

of concerts that obviously

favor support for the scene

and its growth, as well as many

Mexican groups have transcended

borders working in a better

way. and placing national music

at a good level.

8 - What are your 5 best

albums of all time?

Rebellion. – This is a complex

question, so I will change

the angle and tell you the 5

albums that marked something

in my perspective of listening,

enjoying and trying to

create something of my own.

KISS, Alive! (1975). Motley

Crue, Shout at the Devil (1983)

Slayer, Reign in Blood (1986)

Judas Priest, Painkiller


Darkthrone, Soulside

journey (1991)

9 - If you could play with

any musician, living or

dead, who would it be?

Rebellion. - Jimmy Page from

Led Zeppelin, Steve Harris

from Iron Maiden, Ray Manzarek

from The Doors, Billy

Gibbons from ZZ Top, David

Gilmour from Pink Floyd.

10 - As part of the growing

wave of young and talented

artists, how do you see

the scene developing in

the coming years?

62 63

Semjaza - Black

Metal from Mexico

Rebellion. – Previously we

mentioned that the scene is

developing well and

we consider that this

trend will continue,

we hope that it crystallizes

and does not

end with a great

wave of albums by

hollow and empty

artists or remakes

because this is

also abundant.

11 - What do

you think are

the main differences


the 'old school'

and the so-called

'new school' of

extreme music?

Rebellion. - We

had a time when

extreme music releases

and their


sieve, although

they belonged to

a genre, their essence

was different,

they sounded different.

Today they

emulate, clone, what

they like and that cannot

be. Black Metal

has always been about

expressing something

personal, values,

principles, traditions,

whatever you like

to call it, are the foundations

and roots. Our banner.

12 - Where would you

like to take Semjaza? Do

you have future plans

to play live in Europe?

Rebellion. – First, we will

continue working on our

musical ideological consolidation,

a full-length album

with the quality that it really

entails in body and soul,

perhaps some live performances,

but without a doubt

it is hierarchy to raise the level

to show an optimal degree

whether in Europe or any side.

13 - Would you like to add

something for our readers?

Rebellion. - Thank

them and invite them

to light their internal

Flame, and remind

them “…remain faithful

to the earth and do not

believe those who speak

to you about unearthly

hopes! …They despise

life, they are dying and

they, too, are poisoned,

the earth is tired of

them: I hope they disappear!"

(Nietzsche, F).

Many thanks to

Semjaza! Thank you!

Thanks for your

time, guys, and we're

eagerly awaiting

your new material.

Subscribe to our facebook


64 65

Vanwa - Black Metal from Germany

Today I’m lucky enough

to ne talking to Morquendi,

the genius behind the new

German band, Vanwa.

Guten abend! It’s a

real pleasure to be talking

with you, danke.

1 - Tell us about Vanwa,


why was the

band formed?

The band was

formed 2 years

ago when

I had written

the first

two songs, “oh

dark son of night” and “the

depth of the misty woods.”

Interview by Jay Parker

I decided to put them out on a

record and therefore I formed

the band as a solo project.

2 - Run us through your stunning

debut album, undeniably

one of the best

debut albums in many


The Black Metal and

Heavy Metal shows are the

most visited underground

metal genres in Germany.

The first

track of the album starts

with a long synth intro which

Interview with Morquendi

I originally want to put out

as a separate song. I tried

some different versions and

decided that it really connect

with the first song. The song

starts slow but becomes

a more and more aggressive,


but atmospheric


The second

song is a very

straight song

and is for

me personally

made in

one session and goes

from one simple riff idea.

It is the first song I have

written for Vanwa.

Fortress of the cold east became

more aggressive than

I thought in the first plays.

Very Windir inspired and

an homage to Elizabeth Bathory

in the lyrics

and the song from

Tomentor. I’m just

a to big fan, haha. I

tried that you could

hear a cold castle

somewhere in the

nowhere of the east.

Through forest and

mountains would be

my personal homage

to Quorthon and


I was more into

first wave black metal

and particularly

the more Nordic and

folk stuff. I think

you can hear it.

Scarborough fair

was an idea I had

for a long time and I

decided to make my

own version of this

beautiful melody which always

keeps the spirit of nature

for me. You can see it

as a Bonus track.

3 - What are the inspirations

behind the lyrics?

I mentioned some things

before. Oh, dark son of night

would be some demonic worship,

like an arising antichrist.

All my lyrics have

always fantasy with in it.

The depth of the misty

woods will follow with

more depressive lyrics, like

trapped in your own mind as

an endless whirl of thoughts.

Through forest and mountains

tells a story of a questing

knight on a quest for

becoming a brave hero.

Further on his road he

will understand that it’s

not the path he really

wants to go on and finally

he finds the place where he

belongs. The beautiful nature

without any stuff that

can bothering him.

4 - What were your musical

influences growing up and

what do you listen to now?

I grew up with some classy

heavy metal. Metallica and the

The Number of the beast. I

was only 6 years old but for

many years i just listened to

them! It starts with 14 when

I searched for more

and more music. It

took me some years to

get to my music interests

of today. My biggest

influences are Windir,

Dissection and Bathory.

The songwriting, the

melodies and atmosphere

of Windir is

just incredible! Nodtveids


and riffs had a big impact

on me! And Bathory

is just Bathory.

5 - What was the

process recording

the album?

The tracks are all

very well-orchestrated

and well written,

where was it

recorded? Who did

the production?

I wrote and recorded the

songs within two years and

on my own. The drums are

programmed because my

drums skills were not good

enough. So, it is a solo project

where I did all on my own.

6 - What are your plans

for the future? I understand

you’re planning to play some

live shows with Vanwa at

some point? That would certainly

be a powerful force

on the live stage…

66 67

Vanwa - Black Metal from Germany

Yeah, my plan is to play

live. There is not a show

announced right now

but I’m getting some

live musicians together.

And of course, the vinyl

and cd release will

be great!

7 - What is

your opinion of

the post-pandemic


Metal scene,

and how do

you see it developing


the next 5 or

10 years?

So, the pandemic

was bad

for the live situation

in Germany.

We lost some locations.

But now

its really much

the same than

before the pandemic.

The Black

metal and heavy

metal shows are

the most visited

underground metal

genres in Germany, and

I think it will be like that or

even better in the future.

8 - If you could play or

record with any musician

live or dead, who

would it be and why?

It obviously will be one of

the guys that I mentioned as

inspiration. I guess Valfar

would be my choice. That

would be an honour.

9 - What is your local

scene like there in

Germany? Recommend

some new bands for our

readers to explore…

There are so many bands in

Germany. I would recommend

Zwielicht and

a band called Myrkgrav

from Norway I kept enjoying

a lot. Not new bands but

I explore them last year.

10 - What are your top 5

albums of all time?

1. Ride the Lightning

2. Number of the Beast

3. Axioma Ethica Odini

4. Arntor

5. Opus Eponymous

11 - Do you have any side

projects apart from Vanwa?

Tell us about them…

I have a Melodic Deathmetal

project, and it called “The

Dark Believing”.

I am right now recording

a new fulllength


12 - What advice

would you give to

any up-and-coming

musicians looking

to follow in your


The advice would

be to put your stuff

out and don’t waste

your time. A songwriting


would be to filter

your ideas until your

proud or completely

fine with any simple

or little idea. Nower

days it’s so easy to

create music and

record it but I have

the feeling that it

has a complicity of

quantity instead of quality.

13 - Is there anything you’d

like to add for our readers?

Thank you for checking

out, Vanwa and Master

of Kaos Records !

Metal Hails from Germany!

Vielen Dank Morquendi.


Subscribe to our facebook


68 69

Latest releases




Pagan Black Metal band

Death Metal band from

the United States released

the seventh Full-length

album Blastmasters Twisted

Metal on January 1, 2024.

DIABOLIC formed January

1997 with the intent to

become extreme metal


Crushing Tampa, Florida

Death Metal!!! From

the masterminds

behind the

classic war-machine,

D I A B O L I C ,

comes this studio

project of bonecrunching,

blasting drumming,

shredding guitar onslaughts and

the most demonic vocals ever

conjured from the pits of Hell!!!

Recorded in D.O.W. Studios by

Juan Punchy Gonzalez (Morbid

Angel, Terrorizer), this recording

has remained in the shadows

until now. Finally unleashed by

Deathgasm Records, Twisted Metal

will bring chaos, damnation and

death to fans of Diabolic, Monstrosity,

Morbid Angel and Hate Eternal.


1. Catastrophic System Failure

2. Shellfire and Tombstones

3. We the Treacherous

4. Altricial Meta-Genesis

5. Implemented Digital Control

6. The Beheadings

7. Putrid Future

8. La fin du monde

9. Shock Wave Undertow

10. Twisted Metal


Black Metal band from Norway

released the fifth Full-length

album Pale Whispers of a

Writhing Moon on January 1,


Panzerwar is a Black Metal band

formed by “Gautaz” in Sarpsborg,

Østfold, Norway in MMXVII &

now hails from Calgary, Alberta,


“Pale Whispers Of A Writhing

Moon” is the first studio

album from Panzerwar since

the Summer of MMXXI. This

album was written and recorded

between October - December of



1. Carnal Lycanthropic Lust

2. Haunting Memories of


3. Solomon's Blood

4. Cold Steel Splits Warm


5. Flesh Burnt Black

6. Glorious Death

7. Ritual of Suffering

8. Monumental Decay

9. Path of Ruin

10. Ashen



Gautaz -




Latest releases



Death Metal band from Chile

released the second Full-length

album Caverns on January 1,


The album marks a significant

evolution in the band’s distinctive

style, which blends dark, fast, and

technical death metal with

themes of ancient aboriginal

culture, magic, occultism,

and death.

Formed in 2017, Meridion

quickly established themselves

in the metal scene with their

debut work »Rise From The South«,

released in 2022. This first

album introduced listeners

to their unique austral death

metal sound, rich in the

mythology and history of

southern Chile, and garnered

numerous positive reviews.

Caverns represents a logical

progression in Meridion’s musical

journey, offering a balance of

atmospheric elements and fastpaced

sections. The album’s

sound is described as a fusion of

Morbid Angel and Portal, promising

to captivate fans of the genre.


1. Empty Altars

2. Darkness Unleashed

3. Calafate

4. Cold Primitive Land

5. Consecration

6. The Curse of


7. Behold Man from


8. Hidden Chant


SouthernCurse - Vocals, Guitars, Synths,


BoneFucker - Bass

Shoort Dagon - Drums

Condanatore - Keyboards


Black Metal band from Cuba

released the sixth Full-length

album A Pale Crown on January

5, 2024.

Narbeleth, fromed in Cuba in

2008, stride forward in the spirit

of classic Scandinavian extremes,

and that's what you can expect

from their 6th full length A PALE


Black Metal. Nothing more -

nothing less.

Lyrically, the album explores

the necessity of the human being

to be in contact with its

primordial essence

and the more

obscure elements of



1. Pathways to Occult

2. A Pale Crown

3. To Step Beyond the Veil

4. On the Sight of Dusk

5. Of Moonlight and Spirits

6. Witness and Provider

7. Their Ethereal Dance Through

Mist and Starlight

8. The King of the Shadowthrone

(Satyricon cover)


Dakkar - All instruments,


Vindok - Drums




Latest releases



Death Metal band from

Australia released the second

Full-length album A Storm

of Steel on January 12, 2024.

Domination Campaign is

an offshoot from Tasmanian

death metal titans Psycroptic

- and they’ve just inked a

deal with Prosthetic Records.

Formed by Psycroptic vocalist

Jason Peppiatt, Domination

Campaign started out

as a solo project, but

soon evolved to include

bandmate Joe Haley on

drums, as well as handling

engineering duties.

It seems death metal in the

traditional way is very much

alive and strong at the


Lyrically the album is

inspired by tales of war,

but unlike other warthemed

albums out there,

Domination Campaign

don’t seek to glorify battle.

Instead they depict the

atrocities experienced - both

on a grand scale and the

more personal, intimate terror of



1. Time to Die

2. The Iron Beast

3. Winds of Death

4. D-Day

5. Storm the Lines

6. Pit of Disease

7. 141 Days of Terror

8. Death Landing


Joe Haley - Drums

Jason Peppiatt - Vocals,

Guitars, Bass

Mourning Dawn

Black/Doom Metal band from

France released the sixth Fulllength

album The Foam of

Despair on January 12, 2024.

Originally born as a oneman

band, Mourning Dawn

established a full line-up since

October 2005.

This new album has all

the benchmark qualities of


blackened doom pacing, the

anguished vocals and the

captivating songwriting – but

with any great album there needs

to be a creative alchemy, the Je ne

sais quoi that brings everything

together. “The Foam Of Despair”

certainly has that, with this new

material elevated beyond that

heard before from this now

established line-up.

This album takes their blackened

depressive doomed music to

new levels – with the freedom

to explore new territories and

industrial overtones - and

solidifies their position as one of

the most important bands of the



1. Tomber du temps

2. Blue Pain

3. Borrowed Skin

4. Apex

5. Suzerain

6. The Color of Waves

7. Midnight Sun



"Pokemonslaughter" -

Guitars, Vocals

Vincent "Toxine" - Bass

Nicolas Joyeux - Drums





Latest releases

Iron Front

Death Metal band from

the United States released

the second Full-length

album Hooked on January

12, 2024.

Iron Front is a Death Metal

band from the San Francisco

East Bay area. Their music

takes inspiration from

old school Death Metal

as well as NYHC to

create crushing hardcore

adjacent slam, with both

new and old bands serving

as inspiration including 200

Stab Wounds, Bodybox,

Internal Bleeding, and


They have enjoyed play on

independent radio stations,

including Possessed vocalist

Jeff Becerra’s Gimme Metal

show and were interviewed on

Rampage Radio. IRON FRONT

has performed all over the greater

Bay Area and have toured across the

Western U.S.


1. Dissolved In Resin

2. Slug Rounds

3. Burned By A Crack Pipe

4. Pig Splitter

5. Hooked

6. Intestinal Siphon

7. Slam of '87


Dmitri Castillo Russel - Bass

Max Mahmood - Drums

Jesse Dicrutattalo - Guitars

Cruz Garcia - Guitars

Topey Plourde - Vocals


Black Metal band from Austria

released the fourteenth Fulllength

album Taphonomia

Aeternitatis - Gesänge im

Leichenlicht der Welt on January

18, 2024.

Black metal band from Austria

formed in 1993 by P.K. and T.T..

Considered back then one of the

few competitive answers to the

(back then) leading scandinavian

black metal movement

Taphonomia Aeternitatis -

Gesänge im Leichenlicht der

Welt, truly a masterpiece and a

more than worthy release for the

band's 30th anniversary.


1. Halt the Wheel of Timeless


2. Soldaten Satans

3. Feasting on the Prophet’s


4. Extermination Angel

5. Cult of Elder Chaos

6. Burning Hell

7. Forniotrs Weltenreise

8. Morning Star Anthropophagia


Silenius -


T.T. - Bass,

Guitars, Drums

P.K. - Guitars, Bass





Latest releases



Black Metal band from

Russia released the second

Full-length album Светопреставление

(Thunderdome) on

January 18, 2024.

Black Metal from the Southern

Urals, imbued with the

endlessness of mountain

forests, the coldness of lakes

and the greatness of the

human spirit.

On the day of Indra the

Thunderer, the slayer of

the black serpent, the band

presented their new conceptual

album. This is their own

interpretation of the myth of

the End of the World in


the traditional Russian epic style,

their own view of what is Light and

Darkness, what is Good and Evil and

what is the Earthly Truth.

The bulding appearing in the

Cover Art, is an edited version

from the old train station of city of

Cuautitlán, which figures among the

most emblematic locations of the

municipality, hometown of the band.


1. Злато

2. Скверна

3. Кривда

4. Мерзость запустения

5. Соль и кровь

6. Гог и Магог

7. Лик Агни

8. Вечность


Veleyar Firebringer - Guitars, Vocals


Demetr Grail - Vocals, Lyrics

Vladimir Kalmazan - Bass

Simeon Luzin - Drums


Black Metal band from Norway

released the second Full-length

album The Deepening on January

19, 2024.

VEMOD are by no means an

average band. The Norwegians

exist in the liminal spaces and the

crossroads of places. The trio has

chiselled their sophomore fulllength

"The Deepening" from

the same sonic granite that its

predecessor "Venter på stormene"

came from over a decade ago.

This bedrock is found in Namsos,

where VEMOD were conceived

as a lifelong passion project at

the turn of the century by then

12-year-old Jan Even Åsli.

"The Deepening" arrives with

a different production, which

resulted in a changed overall tone

compared to earlier works and

the Norwegians also reached out

and tapped into

n e w

stylistic strata adding further

elements to their sound. Even the

lyrical themes running through

"The Deepening" tell of change,

transience, transformation, and

growth. "The Deepening" offers an

opportunity to look past long held

beliefs and comforting illusions.

At the crossroads of VEMOD's

second album at this point in

space and time waits a deepening

understanding of their

musical world.


1. Mot oss, en ild

2. Der guder dør

3. True North Beckons

4. Fra drømmenes bok I

5. Inn i lysende natt

6. The Deepening


E. Kalstad - Bass

J.E. Åsli - Guitars, Bass

E. Blix - Vocals, Drums (studio),

Guitars (live)



Latest releases


Death/Thrash Metal band from

the United States released the

fifteenth Full-length album Saints

Dispelled on January 19, 2024.

Founded in 1983 and originally

based in Chicago, Illinois, Master

is one of the earliest bands in the

world labeled as Death Metal!

Master, a.k.a. the Motorhead of

Death Metal, give us another

viscous Death Metal offering

in 2024. They have mastered what

it means to produce high octane,

ear drum bursting, unrelenting

Death Metal once again. With a

discography one can not count on

two hands, they have rarely skipped

a beat in producing the fast

paced brutality we all so love and enjoy,

and “Saints Dispelled is no exception,

maybe we would rate it among their

better albums (time will tell). This clearly

is not the kind of album you can listen

to listen to while reading a nice book

and drinking some warm tea. Between

the pounding drums, merciless riffing,

and, of course, Speckmann’s

wonderfully hideous vocals, “Saints Dispelled”

does nothing short of furiously, punishing your

mind. Start to finish, the album consistently

splits your spine and breaks your neck with the

mightiness of Master's perfect idea of what old

school Death Metal means.

“Saints Dispelled” will, figuratively and literally,

rip your face off, sew it back on, and rip it off

again. As this is clearly a competent and highly

professional act that knows what they’re doing,

this is nicely displayed here with an album that

has a lot to like about it, which makes this a

wholehearted recommendation not only for

fans of the band but all those who enjoy this

ravenous style of old-school Death/Thrash


Upon Stone

Melodic Death Metal band

from the United States released

the first Full-length album Dead

Mother Moon on January 19,


UPON STONE delivers a

uniquely visceral unfiltered

energy and fuses it with a passion

for the earliest and rawest

melodeath influences including

the likes of At The Gates, In

Flames and Dissection!

UPON STONE delivers with

a ferocity that could only come

from a band fueled by the scenespanning

influence of At The

Gates’ landmark Slaughter of the

Soul while growing up in the

shadow of fellow Californians,

Nails. For melodic death

metal, this isn’t a revival. It’s

a rebirth.


1. Dead Mother Moon

2. Onyx Through the Heart

3. My Destiny; A Weapon

4. Dusk Sang Fairest

5. Paradise Failed

6. Nocturnalism

7. To Seek and Follow the Call of


8. The Lantern

9. Dig Up Her Bones (Misfits



Wyatt - Drums

Ronny - Guitars

Xavier - Vocals, Bass

Gage - Guitars





Latest releases



Melodic Black Metal band from Croatia

released the second Full-length album

Sjene nad Balkanom on January

24, 2024.

Decades after "Naši Životi Više

Ne Postoje" and the massive war

that hit the country, the situation is

no better. After so many deaths of

the people - scoundrels and rascals

came to power.

On the territory of the Balkans there

are many nations that are "united"

under the flag of the former

Kingdom of SHS - now in

1930's Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Three friends - a Serb, a Croat

and German - meet at school and

upon finishing it, great friendship is

born between them. One of them

even becomes an investigator

and escort to a senior police

inspector in Belgrade.


The first case he attends will suddenly

throw him into the web of espionage and

make him question his own identity.

The journey itself and the search for the

truth will take him from Belgrade to

Zagreb, as well as Vienna.

The unspeakable crimes that happened

in the past are once again given voice of

the present and what he discovers will

shake him to his core.

Three friends, their search for truth and their

own identities in these turbulent times as the

shadows of a possible war loom over the country

and over themselves...will their friendship

withstand a potential new great war?"

"Sjene Nad Balkanom" (Shadows Over the

Balkans), band's second album, is a direct

continuation of the debut "Naši Životi Više Ne

Postoje" and talks about the gloomy period of

the Balkan states between 1934 and 1941.


Kob - Vocals, Bass, Guitars, Songwriting,


Basher - Drums


Death Metal band from the

United States released the second

Full-length album Suffer &

Become on January 26, 2024.

In their latest release, "Suffer &

Become," Portland's VITRIOL

persists in their resolute pursuit

to both refine and redefine the

very essence of modern death

metal. Expertly recorded by

the band's visionary frontman,

Kyle Rassmussen, and skillfully

mixed by Dave Otero (known

for his work with Archspire and

Cattle Decapitation), VITRIOL's

second full-length album

wholeheartedly embraces mindbending

technical intricacies

and unadulterated ferocity,

leaving long-time fans

who've witnessed their stagedemolishing

prowess alongside

acts like Morbid Angel and Cattle



stunned. Tracks like "Shame and

Its Afterbirth" and "Weaponized

Loss" offer unadulterated forays

into a world of intense sonic

exploration, drenched in dense,

blackened sonics. VITRIOL's

impact is nothing short of

paradigm-shifting, obliterating

barriers and establishing new

standards, and "Suffer & Become"

stands as an unequivocal

masterpiece of contemporary



1. Shame and Its


2. The Flowers of


3. Nursing from the Mother


4. The Isolating Lie of Learning


5. Survival’s Careening


6. Weaponized Loss

7. Flood of Predation

8. Locked in Thine Frothing


9. I Am Every Enemy

10. He Will Fight Savagely


Adam Roethlisberger -

Bass, Vocals

Kyle Rasmussen -

Guitars, Vocals

Matt Kilner - Drums

Stephen Ellis - Guitars




Melodic Death Metal band

from Germany released the

second Full-length album

Dormant on January 26,


Compared to their lauded

2021 debut, Solitary, it's

immediately evident that

HIRAES did not only grow

within their sound due to

countless live appearances, but

have invested more time and

energy into developing their

sophisticated songwriting

and production, leaning

further into their own unique

sound profile. Due to the use of

varying keys and sonic elements,

Dormant is undoubtedly fresh

without sacrificing the nuances

that caused their first album to

connect so successfully with


With their very first offering, HIRAES

already created an exciting new

melodic death emergence, built upon

a brutalized vocal attack, intense

melodies and aggressive guitars. On

Dormant, HIRAES flexes their own

trademarks in an intensified way,

ranging from versatile drumming,

catchy riffs and hymn-like melodies

to enthralling soundscapes and an

impressive vocal onslaught by singer


From the epic intro of album opener

""Through The Storm"" - which bursts into

a thunderous melodic death metal assault

- to fast-paced ragers like ""We Owe No

One"", HIRAES delivers a truly versatile

album performance! The record’s lyrical

themes explore the struggles and resilience

of society amid modern challenges, and

inspires listeners to find calmness and

strength by focusing within themselves -

ultimately culminating in the monumental

title track ""Dormant"".


Christian Wösten - Bass

Mathias Blässe - Drums

Oliver Kirchner - Guitars

Lukas Kerk - Guitars

Britta Görtz - Vocals

Blood Red Throne

Death Metal band from Norway

released the eleventh Full-length

album Nonagon on January 26,


Blood Red Throne celebrate 26

years in the scene and are still

going strong with their 11th and

strongest release so far, entitled


The band was started by still

remaining member, Daniel

"Død" Olaisen (guitar), when

playing in Satyricon in the 90's.

Original drummer, Freddy "the

Shred" Bolsø, returned in 2013

and Ivan "Meathook" Gujic

(guitar) have been in the team

since 2010. Stian "Clammy

Hackett" Gundersen (bass)

joined in 2018. Finally, Sindre

Wathne Johnsen took over the

vocals in 2023.

Band founder / guitarist Daniel

"Død" Olaisen

comments: "Blood Red Throne

has always been a combination

of groove and brutality. While

keeping true to the BRT sound

and feel, 'Nonagon' feels fresh

and new. The lyrics for the album

are loosely based on the nine

concentric circles of torment

described in 'Inferno' by Dante.

The album has nine songs and it

would be fitting to conceptualize

around that. That being said,

every lyric is up for interpretation

and I encourage people to find

their own meaning and themes

based on it."


1. Epitaph Inscribed

2. Ode to the


3. Seeking to Pierce

4. Tempest Sculptor

5. Every Silent Plea

6. Nonagon

7. Split Tongue


8. Blade Eulogy

9. Fleshrend


Freddy Bolsø - Drums

Daniel "Død" Olaisen -


Ivan Gujić - Guitars

Stian Gundersen - Bass

Sindre Wathne Johnsen -






Latest releases

Luciferian Rites

Black Metal band from Mexico

released the fourth Full-length

album Oath of Midnight Ashes

on January 26, 2024.

Formed in 2009 in the darkest

shadows of the Black Metal

underground, LUCIFERIAN

RITES released their debut

album “Evangelion of the Black

Misanthropy” in 2011.

Luciferian Rites now return

with one of the most anticipated

Black Metal albums of the

year and their career defining

work “Oath of Midnight Ashes“!

Containing 11 spiritual hymns

of Satanic devotion, the album

heralds the classic Finnish

Black Metal sound which has made

Sargeist, Horna, and Behexen hell-hold

names. Through their praises of crimson

wisdom, astral decay, and sacraments of

grief and torment for the Devil's Cross,

Luciferian Rites takes you through the

last abyss to swear your Oath to the

Midnight Ashes!


1. Intro

2. Oath of Midnight Ashes

3. Omnia Oscura

4. Bats of Crimson Wisdom

5. Behind the Leviathan Storm

6. Under the Devil's Cross

7. Astral Decay of an Old Melancholy

8. Lord of the Last Abyss

9. Void Arcane

10. By Sacrament of Grief and Pain

11. Spell of the November Whispers


Serpentor - Bass, Chorus

Abomination - Guitars, Backing Vocals

Count Shadow - Vocals

Pagan Hate - Drums


Melodic Death Metal band from

Serbia released the second Fulllength

album Embrace Reality on

January 26, 2024.

Nemesis is an only all-female

melodic death metal band in


The band was formed in late

2013. influenced by Arch Enemy.

They played many gigs in clubs

and at festivals in ex-Yugoslavia

region and across Eastern and

Central Europe. They released

debut album "The War is On"

in 2020 and are released a new

album "Embrace Reality" on 26th

January 2024.


1. New Babylon

2. Circle of Death

3. Embrace Reality

4. Burn

5. Guilt and Grief

6. Here to Stay

7. Hades

8. The Scales of Fate


Selena Simić - Drums

Aleksandra Petrović -


Sanja Drča - Vocals

Tijana Milivojević - Guitars

Biljana Sovilj - Bass





Latest releases


Melodic Blackened Death

Metal band from France

released the fourth Full-length

album Heretic, Sadistic and Sexual

Ecstasy... on January 31, 2024.

Hysteria plays a musical style

that takes Melodic Black

Metal and mixes it with

Brutal Death Metal to create

a sound of their own.


1. In Perdition (A Path Through


2. Vortex of Confusion

3. Heretic, Sadistic, and Sexual


4. My Carnal Desire

5. She who Spits the Venom

6. My Demonic Quest

7. Thelema

8. Armageddon must Come

9. Blashematical Scriptures


Xavier Chautard - Drums

Jérôme Christophe - Guitars

Sylvain Ostengo - Vocals, Guitars

Adrien Desmonceaux - Bass

Hail Conjurer

Black Metal band from Finland

released the eighth Full-length

album Satanic Phenomenology

on February 1, 2024.

Satanic Phenomenology

stretches the concept of black

metal even further than the

previous Hail Conjurer albums.

The album, presented as an occult

and ritualistic study of nine steps

into the demonic realm and the

tremendous and disillusioned

essence of satanic reality, consists

of both the most traditional

and melodic black metal songs

Hail Conjurer has done to date,

but also the abstract and

experimental collages of

subtle sounds and noise,

escaping the definitions of

metal music.


1. Power. Will. Hail

2. Demonic Cover of Earth

3. Numinous

4. Cipher

5. Nox

6. Katharsis

7. Käärmeen ylistys

8. Fiery Serpent

9. Ritus Paganus


Hail Conjurer - Everything





Latest releases


Black Metal band from

Finland released the second

Full-length album Like

Twisted Bones of Fallen Giants

on February 2, 2024.

In many ways, Like Twisted

Bones of Fallen Giants is a natural

continuation of Hollow Woods'

debut album, Cold Winds

Cleave the Earth, from 2021.

Familiar elements - pure

& proud BLACK METAL,

done with personality and

charisma - are recast in more

varied ways. The production

across the album is a bit more

airy compared to that debut,

but still far from overly

polished. Likewise, overt

aggression is dialed down

a bit to make room for

more epic passages, where

acoustic guitar gives support

to powerful clean vocals. As no

doubt presaged by the album's

title, lyrical themes here

deal with nature mysticism,

atavism, and specifically

slash-and-burn as a metaphor of

personal growth unburdened by

the past. For the first time, select

passages of lyrics are published as

ciphers for the song's themes.


1. Ancient Graves

2. Beneath the Dying Tower

3. Night Burns Through

4. Halls of Idle Breath

5. Interlude: Among Ruins

6. Burial Fires

7. Like Twisted Bones of Fallen Giants


V - Bass

L - Drums

J - Guitars

A - Guitars

H - Vocals


Death/Black Metal band from

France released the fifth Fulllength

album Swords of Dajjal on

February 2, 2024.

There's black metal, there's

death metal. Then you have

NECROWRETCH, a band which

combines the best of both worlds

into music made straight from

the depths of hell.

The band may be coming from

France, their debut ‘Putrid Death

Sorcery’ spawned right out of the

inferno. So far, they've released

two classic blackened death



are back with ‘Swords of

Dajjal’, an album that is quite

literally the manifestation

of the antichrist. There

are no messiahs, only


with this brutal

portrayal, breaks open the gates

of heaven, ripping out its chains

– that's going to be a pricy

expense for the Lord!

Expect brutal blast beats,

maximum riffage and deafening

bass tones.


1. Ksar Al-Kufar

2. The Fifth Door

3. Dii Mauri

4. Swords of Dajjal

5. Numidian Knowledge

6. Vae Victis

7. Daeva

8. Total Obliteration


Vlad - Vocals, Guitars

W. Cadaver - Guitars (lead),


N. Destroyer - Drums





Latest releases


Melodic Black/Death Metal

band from Brazil released

the third Full-length album

Cesariana on February 2, 2024.

Litosth is the physical

manifestation of the visions of

Brazilian multi-instrumentalist

Maicon Ristow and bassist

Wendel Siota. Founded

in 2016, Litosth channel

a torrent of feelings and

life principles in the form of

music, which definitely does

not respect any type of barrier

or limitation.

Armed with absolutely topnotch

production, Cesariana

sees the duo go even deeper in

their quest, delivering a mix of almost

unthinkable influences. The basis is

melodic black metal of a most '90s

vintage, but threading inside and

out this visceral work are everything

from dark pop from the '80s, epic

classical music, and a wide swath of

other metals - doom and dark metal,

especially. Cesariana is thus a work

that feels boundless and brave, all

the while exhibiting a focus that's

exceptionally concise given that



1. In Waves

2. Whipping Bottles

3. Time Doesn?t Heal

4. The Clay Messiah

5. A Ofensa

6. The Argonaut

7. Caesarean

8. The Vaccum Extractor Paradigm


Wendel Siota - Lyrics

Maicon Ristow - All instruments, Vocals

Fullmoon Rite

Black Metal band from

Germany released the first Fulllength

album Draped in the

Shade of Luciferian Light on

February 2, 2024.

Fullmoon Rite founded in the

fall of 2022... is a one-man project

from the lower franconian forests

in Bavaria.

The intention behind this

project is to resurrect the spirit

and tradition of the glory days of

Black Metal back in the mid-90s.

No ingratiation to trends, no

modern influences, just simple

and primitive old-styled black

metal, which comes straight

from the bottom of heart.


1. Nocturne No.1 (Apertio)

2. In the Shade of Luciferian


3. Fullmoon Rite - Invocation of

the Beast

4. Embraced by Wings of


5. Burning

6. Nocturne No. 2


7. Through the Gates of


8. Let Darkness Forever

Shall Be

9. Into the Silence of Death


Patrick Gajda - All instruments,






Latest releases



Dark Haven

Melodic Death Metal

band from the United

States released the third

Full-length album IV on

February 4, 2024.

Dark Haven, formed in 2004, is

an influential melodic death

metal band known for its

blend of aggressive riffs

and melodic harmonies.

Hailing from the United

States, the band made

a name for itself in

the metal community

with its unique sound

that balances brutality

with musicality. Their

lyrics often delve into

themes of existentialism, human

struggles, and philosophical



1. Shadows & Dust

2. The Deceiver

3. Echoes

4. Into the Dark

5. Black Matter

6. Praise the Sun

7. Rise

8 .

Revelations of Time

9. Unbroken

10. Evil in You


Nate Falzon - Drums

Brennan Kilpatrick - Guitars, Vocals

Brandon McLaughlin - Vocals (lead),



Epic Folk/Viking Metal band

from Lithuania released the third

Full-length album Spirits on

February 9, 2024.

Baltic folk metal with clean

vocals, distorted riffs and

traditional instruments that will

have you raise your horns and

join in the battle cry.

With anthems of pagan wars

against Christian invaders and

traditional Baltic songs, Romuvos

brings the ancient practices and

traditions of the Baltic people

back to life, giving their fans

exactly what they need.

Romuvos new album “Spirits”

is a top album that seriously

combines Heiling/Wardruna

vibes with Dark Metal riffs! You

need to hear it to believe it.


1. Snake Dance

2. Sun and the Morning Star

3. World Tree

4. Become as One

5. Garden of the Sun

6. Spirits of the Oak

7. Fire

8. Crescent Moon


Velnias - Vocals,

Guitars (electric, acoustic),

Percussion, Keyboards,


Morax - Drums

Monarch Erhelbeta - Guitars

Bendor Blackwolf - Guitars

Ažuolas - Bass



Latest releases


Black Hate

Black/Death Metal band

from Mexico released the

sixth Full-length album Via

Pvrgativa: Qui Spiritu Diaboli

Aguntur Hi Filii Satanae Sunt on

February 11, 2024.

Founded in 2006 as a B.G. Ikanunna

solo project, Black Hate has

been split-up between 2009

and 2010. From 2012 the

project shifted into a real

band with mainman B.G.

Ikanunna as vocalist and


This new era of Black

Hate bursts from the inner

flame of metaphysics and

mysticism . While drinking

from the rennaisance

and baroque spanish


m ys ticis m , we strive to

com m unica te the delig ht and

horror tha t d wells within the

a bs tra ction of Divinity. Via

Purg a tiva : qui spirituDia boli

a g untur hi filii Sa ta nae

s unt is but the beg inning of

a new journey. A voya g e into

the depths of des pa ir and the

s ecrets of the Nig ht. A s the sun

s ets , a phos phoric Lig ht burns

a new. Those who know, k now.


1. To the Firmament

2. Trembling Hands of Sorror

3. Luminous Ruins of Death

4. Tempestad (O de la


5. Ascension of a Burning


6. Diasparagmos (O del sacrificio)

7. Dark Night of the Soul


B.G. Ikanunna - Vocals, Guitars

Satoshi Lira - Drums

J. Ambriz - Guitars (rhythm)

Jonathan V. Matus - Bass

Mørk Fangorn - Drums

Eternal Storm

Melodic Death Metal band from

Spain released the second Fulllength

album A Giant Bound to

Fall on February 16, 2024.

On 'A Giant Bound to Fall',

shattering the apprehensions,

they've actually taken the sound

further ahead; it's far more

nuanced, multifaceted and even

feels darker. The emotions are

just as palpable as before but

are rawer, more piercing, and

the heightened extreme parts

are not at the expense of their

immersive atmospheric ones.

The painstaking recording

process ensured that and for the

sound to remain organic and

tangible. It's a giant

step ahead in the

logical direction,

for them, for the

entire style. There

is little doubt that

this hugely ambitious and more

importantly still passionate and

heartfelt album will go down as

another towering landmark in the

genre. With music so pristine, it

becomes a salve for the soul.

For fans of: Be'lakor, Dyssebeia,

Insomnium, Dark Tranquillity, In

Mourning, At the Gates.


1. An Abyss of


2. A Dim Illusion

3. There was a Wall

4. Last Refuge

5. Eclipse

6. Lone Tree Domain

7. The Sleepers

8. The Void

9. A Giant Bound to Fall


Daniel Maganto - Bass, Guitars

(additional), Vocals (additional)

Jaime Torres - Bass, Guitars,

Keyboards, Vocals

Daniel R. Flys - Bass,

Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals




Latest releases


Melodic Death Metal band

from Denmark released the

seventh Full-length album

Epitome on February 16, 2024.

From the Sagas of old to the

halls of kings and the bloody

battlefields, Vanir’s music

has been put together,

without compromise,

with a fascination with

Scandinavian common

origins, and the blood spilled

throughout history.

The “Epitome” album cover is

a depiction of the Danish queen

Sorte Grethe (Black Greta). In

her own time, Margaret had a

reputation as a competent and

enlightened regent. Regent Margaret

was faced with the unresolved

conflict between the crown and the

archbishop. The song “Sorte Grethe”,

on the album, is about a bloody battle

where 12.000 men were killed to

protect her sons’ right to the crown.


1. Twisting the Knife

2. One Man Army

3. Wood Iron and Will

4. Sanguis et Aurum

5. Sorte Grethe

6. Call to Arms

7. Fall of Arkona

8. Blood Eagle

9. Kings Will Fall


Martin Holmsgaard Håkan - Drums,

Vocals (backing), Vocals (lead)

Kirk Backarach - Guitars (lead)

Stefan Dujardin - Keyboards

Mikael Christensen - Bass

Jon Elmquist - Drums

Michael Lundquist - Guitars


Atmospheric Black Metal band

from Switzerland released the

fifth Full-length album Dark

Space -II on February 16, 2024.

DARKSPACE establishes

contact with the earthlings

yet again - an extensive aural

manifestation materializes.

Seemingly emerging out of the

depths of a stellar-mass black

hole, an otherworldly journey

through the cosmos presents

itself. With an icy-cold embrace

and psychedelic conductance,

the mysterious figures present

‘Dark Space -II’, a

singular album of

atmospheric black

metal beyond

human comprehension.

Fractal electronic

samples slice

through layers of


drones, manifesting an immersive

experience defying the boundaries

of the conventional black metal

genre. Vocal transmissions, like

whispers from the outer reaches,

seamlessly interwoven in the

chilling mix, add a haunting

dimension to the celestial


Humans, prepare to embark

on a voyage beyond the known

realms. DARKSPACE invites you

to submerge into the enigmatic

voids of ‘Dark Space -II’, where the

frontiers of reality dissolve,

and the otherworldly

traces of black metal resonate

with unparalleled intensity.


1. Dark -2.-2


Wroth - Guitars, Vocals

Yhs - Guitars, Vocals

Zhaaral - Bass, Vocals





Latest releases


Black Metal band from

Germany released the

fourth Full-length album Life

Promised Death on February

16, 2024.

The world of FARSOT is a bleak

and harsh place. This pitch

black realm is ruled by warring

kings that are named Death,

Fear, Grief, and Hatred. The

Germans' signature musical

handwriting has always been

reflecting these dark avatars

and their fourth album "Life

Promised Death" is no exception.

"Life Promised Death" is the true

heir of all that FARSOT have

done so far. What makes this

album different is a higher density

of sound and harsh riffing as well

as surprisingly captivating songs

that even border on being catchy.

According to the band, this is due to

Grunge having been a major source

of inspiration for "Life Promised

Death". What seems unlikely at a first

superficial listening becomes audible

at a more intense engagement with

the album.

Lyrically, FARSOT are spinning a

suitably dark yarn that runs as a

thematic thread throughout "Life

Promised Death". The album revolves

around life slipping out of hand.


1. Nausea

2. Buoyant Flames

3. Into Vertigo

4. Chimera

5. Stray Dogs

6. Descent

7. Lost Momentum


Viking/Folk/Black Metal band

from Norway released the

twelfth Full-length album Fall on

February 23, 2024.

Norway’s pioneers of

avantgarde/progressive Black

Metal BORKNAGAR return with

their monumental 12th studio

album entitled “Fall”, which

includes 8 majestic tracks across

54 epic minutes of playing time,

once again brilliantly mixed by

Jens Bogren / Fascination Street

Studios (Opeth, Amon Amarth,

Kreator). “Fall” is the follow-up

to the widely acclaimed “True

North” studio

album from 2019,

and comes with

stunning album

cover artwork by

Eliran Kantor

(Testament, My

Dying Bride,

Sodom). “Fall” into

BORKNAGAR, share the grand

struggle against the wild in all of



1. Summits

2. Nordic Anthem

3. Afar

4. Moon

5. Stars Ablaze

6. Unraveling

7. The Wild Lingers

8. Northward


Øystein G. Brun - Guitars

ICS Vortex - Bass, Vocals

(harsh, clean, choirs)

Lars A. Nedland - Keyboards,

Vocals (clean, choirs)

Bjørn Dugstad Rønnow -


Jostein Thomassen - Guitars






Latest releases


Dust Bolt

Thrash Metal band from

Germany released the fifth

Full-length album Sound &

Fury on February 23, 2024.

Dust Bolt will return in 2024,

armed with the finest album

they have ever made, and a

newfound sense of purpose.

The making of Sound & Fury

has clearly given the German

four-piece a new lease of

life, and subtly enhanced

ambitions for the future.

While most bands are content

to be tethered to the usual music

biz cycles, Dust Bolt have freed

themselves and delivered a

potential game-changing


chunk of music. Still metal diehard

to the bone, they have simply found

a better and more life-affirming way

to gets head banging. On this form,

there will be no stopping them.


1. Leave Nothing Behind

2. I Witness

3. I Am the One

4. New Flame

5. Burning Pieces

6. Sound and Fury

7. Love & Reality

8. Bluedeep

9. Disco Nnection

10. You Make Me Feel (Nothing)

11. Feel the Storm

12. Little Stone


Nico R. - Drums

Flo D. - Guitars

Lenny B. - Vocals, Guitars

Tom Liebing - Bass

Charlotte the Harlot

Melodic Death Metal band from

Japan released the EP Unchained

on February 29, 2024.

The band's name is taken from

the Iron Maiden song.

This act surprisingly did not

play heavy metal. It was founded

in 2016. The man/band shows a

fascination with dolls.

Intangible black emotions and

stories surround you from all


The ever-changing Heavy

/ Black Metal that they

presented on their

first album can't be

restricted. This album

also blends the

unique Black

& Death Metal

sound with

orthodox Heavy Metal.

Surrender yourself to the sounds

of the one and

o n l y

Charlotte the Harlot.


1. Endless Resentment (Intro)

2. Story Collector

3. Hypericum

4. Futakuchi Woman

5. Death Whistle

6. Close Your Eyes (Outro)


Kazuma Kobayashi -

Vocals, Guitars, Bass




Melodic Death Metal band

from Finland released the first

Full-length album Gothony on

January 12, 2024.


1. Hologram

2. Patient 2442

3. Ants

4. In the Shadow of the


5. My Pain

6. Crystal Dream Apophis

7. Disarm the Gods

8. Rapacity


Väiski Syväoja - Bass

Mikko Toivonen - Drums

Miika Peräkangas - Guitars

Mika Uusitalo - Guitars

Wuohi S. Koski - Vocals

Latest releases


Black Metal band from Germany

released the first Full-length album

Grimoire Tenebrarum on January 12,



1. La messe noire

2. The Downfall of Lucifer

3. Abyssus Abyssum Invocat

4. Oh Satan, Prince of Darkness

5. Seventh Key to the Realm of


6. Thou Art the Sword of Truth


Noxathra - All instruments, Vocals


Black/Death Metal band from

Türkiye released the first Full-length

album Cannibalistic Madness on

January 12, 2024.


1. Cannibalism in the Name of


2. I Can't Stay Still

3. Let the Blood Flow

4. Declaration

5. Last Bite

6. You Deserve to be Devoured

7. A Sadistic Dance of Cannibalistic



Graveyard Slut - Vocals, Guitars,

Bass, Drum programming


Black Metal band from Germany

released the first Full-length

album Whispers of the Gale on

January 12, 2024.


1. Embers Descend

2. Whispers of the Gale

3. Ephemeral Earth

4. Echoes Unveiled

5. Frostveiled Nocturne

6. Beyond the Cold Forests

7. The Obsidian Tower Rises


Bane - Vocals, Guitars, Bass,

Drums, Keyboards

Sardonic Witchery

Black Metal band from Portugal

released the fourth Full-length

album Barbaric Evil Power on

January 15, 2024.


1. Poder Barbaro Infernal


2. Sacrificial Storm Ritual

3. Sofrimento Da Ordem Do

Tempo (Disciplina)

4. Lusitanian Wolf


5. Barbaric Bastards Of Mass


6. Horizons End

7. Merciless Warrior Of Steel

8. Nocturnal Wanderer (Goddess

Of Desire)


King Demogorgon - All

instruments, Vocals


Black Metal band from the

United States released the second

Full-length album Depths on

January 19, 2024.

Aggressive US black metal,

with modern production

and no politics. For fans of

Immortal, Dark Funeral

and Emperor. Featuring

members of Ashen Horde,

In the Company of Serpents and



1. Emergence

2. The Inexorable


3. The Well

4. Within Our


5. They Hunt at Night

6. Devour

7. The Foundling

8. Ghosts in the Smoke

9. Winter’s Embrace


Koszmar - Bass

Vor - Guitars

Walthrax - Vocals






Death Metal band from

Belgium released the first Fulllength

album The Burnt Offering

on January 19, 2024.

Founded in 1983 and originally

based in Chicago, Illinois


1. Pogrom

2. Takfir

3. Nanking Massacre

4. Black Ritual

5. Darkened idea of


6. Dead end Deviation

7. Block 10

8. The Quenched Menorah


Wouter Viepie - Drums

Niels Beirinckx - Guitars

Carsten Geerts - Guitars

Dylan Elsermans - Vocals

Latest releases

Mephitic Grave

Death Metal band from Hungary

released the second Full-length

album Dreadful Seizures on January

22, 2024.

Out from the cosmic terror, Mephitic

Grave has come to summon the

unspeakable horror of audial disgust.


1. Intro

2. Catacomb Mind

3. House of the Necromancer

4. Corpsepowder

5. Dreadful Seizures

6. Tremadora Ritual

7. Secret of the Vermins

8. Becoming the Shape of the

Restless Shades

9. Coffin Levitation


Adam - Bass, Vocals

Balazs - Drums

Knot -


Zoltan S.

- Guitars

Osculum Serpentis

Raw Black Metal band from France

released the second Full-length

album Miseria on January 23, 2024.

French one-man black metal band

formed in 2022.

Man wears a shell which contains

the eternal notions of emptiness

and perdition. Centuries of

experience and knowledge have

not been enough to cure the illness

that gnaws at him, this infinite and

uncontrollable melancholy that

burns his insides and makes him

hate his peers. Man is doomed to

death, the only true reason to live

and the foundation of all philosophy

because without it nothing has any



Vipera - Everything

Ad Unum Omnes

Black Metal band from Germany

released the second Full-length

album Shattering Bones on

January 26, 2024.


1. Empty Souls

2. Constant Misery

3. Bloodlust

4. Sturmtief

5. Wither and Fall

6. Tristesse

7. Shattering Bones

8. Satan's Evil Hunger

9. Downfall


Arne Benzing - Bass

Aram Geraets - Drums

David Pawlowski - Guitars (lead)

Sascha Piontek - Vocals, Guitars



Epic Black Metal band from

Croatia released the first Fulllength

album The Howling Void

on January 26, 2024.

Under the veil of night, the

resurgent force known as Svitogor

emerges, crafting new hymns

that usher in an eternal demise

to the break of day, casting forth

an everlasting dusk. Awakened

from a two-decade slumber, the

relentless hunter sets its sights on

humanity, viewing the folly and

arrogance of bipedal parasites as

perennial prey for the city of the



1. Frequencies

2. Delusion

3. Times

4. The Great Deceiver

5. Without the Sun

6. Spider Knows Its Craft

7. Ascending the Astral


8. Before the Dawn

9. Deor

10. The Existence


Insanus - Vocals, All instruments,

Songwriting, Lyrics

Astral Fortress

Atmospheric Black Metal

band from the United States

released the second Full-length

album In My Final Days... on

February 1, 2024.

Astral Fortress has been

working non-stop to supply

cold, crushing black metal,

and the band don't plan on

stopping anytime soon!


1. The Desolate Stream of

Thoughts and Sadness

2. Dissonant Voices from a

Tormented Past

3. I Wear This Shroud of

Pain And Misery

4. Cursed to Live a Hollow


5. In My Final Days...

6. Tears of the Blood Moon



Richard DeBerry - Everything


106 107



Black Metal band from

Norway released the fourth

Full-length album Riddergrav

on February 1, 2024.

Riddergrav is Hatskrømt's first

foray into atmospheric black metal.

Riddergrav introduces some

experimental techniques, while

still keeping the tradition alive.


1. Einstøing

2. Prins

3. I en drøm

4. De stolte fjell

5. Hellig blod

6. Mørket faller

7. Min død

8. Der du lå


Hatskrømt - All instruments,


Latest releases

Eagle of Woes

Melodic Death Metal band from

the United Kingdom released the

first Full-length album Revelation

on February 1, 2024.


1. Seven Churches

2. Seven Seals

3. First Trumpets

4. The Woes

5. Cast Down

6. Don't Follow the Beast

7. Die in the Lord

8. Divine Wrath

9. The Great is Fallen

10. The Second Coming

11. Heaven's Fire

12. Amen


Rich "Tricky" Hudson - Guitars

Nocturnal Sorcery

Black Metal band from Finland

released the second Full-length

album Captive in the Breath of Life

on February 9, 2024.


1. The Dark Secret

2. Oath at Mt. Hermon

3. Cry of the Wounded Heaven

4. Captive in the Breath of Life

5. Spectral Force

6. Beyond Salvation

7. Joyless Dance in the Shadow

8. Redemption at Daybreak

9. Damned by the Law of the Stars

10. Lucifer's Shade

11. Along the Path of Fire


Maledictus Vult - Bass, Vocals

Epäluoma - Drums

Vorr - Guitars

Genius of Perversions - Guitars


Melodic Death Metal band from

Finland released the third Fulllength

album Arcane Magicae on

February 9, 2024.


1. There's a Witch Among Us

2. My Dearest Friend

3. La Magra

4. Rat Shaman

5. Serpent Icon

6. The Messenger

7. Red Luna Ceremony

8. Silver Horns

9. Arcane Magicae


Ville Virtanen - Drums

Henri Heikkinen - Guitars

Ville Riitamaa - Guitars (lead),


Edward Torchia - Vocals

Eetu Tingander - Bass


Depressive Black Metal band

from the United Kingdom

released the fourth Full-length

album Dysphoria II on February

14, 2024.

The end of the Transition trilogy

which began with Dysphoria, was

continued with Visibility, and now

ends with Dysphoria II.


1. Gender

2. HRT

3. Never Passing

4. Life in Loathing

5. Dysphoria

6. Mortality

7. Not Alone


The Patient - Everything

Immortal Sun

Melodic Black/Death Metal

band from Egypt released the first

Full-length album Egyptian

Spells on February 21, 2024.

The debut full length from

Immortal Sun...

A collaboration uniting

Egypt and Colombia in

eternal hellfire...


1. A Spell of Anubis (Intro)

2. The Last Words from the Great


3. When the Earth


4. The Secrets of Set

5. Osiris Ouroboros

6. ...to Wander the Void


7. A Spell from the Book of the

Dead (Interlude)

8. Black Magick

9. Dunkelheit

10. Ora Pro Nubis Lucifer

11. Freezing Moon

12. The Black Goddess


13. A Spell for Set (Outro)


Khaled Yaseen - Bass

Ahmad Khaled - Guitars (lead)

Murad Khaled - Guitars


A Ghost - Vocals

Medhat Nabiel - Drums


108 109



Death Metal band from Ireland

released the second Full-length

album Veneration on February

23, 2024.

The word Vircolac means

"werewolf " in Romanian.


1. The Lament (I Am Calling


2. Veneration

3. Unrepentant

4. Our Burden of Stone on Bone

5. All Comes to Pass, Nothing

Shall Remain

6. Reflection

7. She is Calling Me (I. War II.

Death III. Redemption)


NH - Drums

Laoghaire - Vocals

BMC - Guitars

Latest releases


Black Metal band from Germany

released the fourth Full-length

album Portal on February 23, 2024.


1. Sterbend im Nebel

2. Portal 06:41

3. In der Nacht

4. Schwarzes Nass

5. Ein ewiger Kerker

6. Brennendes Licht

7. Die letzte Ebene

8. Tempus


Ortok - Drums

Cryst - Guitars (lead), Bass, Vocals

(backing), Keyboards

Tyrann - Guitars (rhythm), Vocals



Atmospheric Black Metal band from

Sweden released the second Fulllength

album Whispers of Ancient

Spells on February 23, 2024.

With "Whispers of Ancient Spells"

Swedish-based one-man project

Skuggor invites listeners to traverse

realms of darkness, mist and myth.

Guided by the hypnotic melodies

that echo through the corridors

of ancient forests, each track is a

chapter in exploring shadows of the



1. Whispers of Ancient Spells

2. As Fog Reveals the Path to


3. Silent Cry of the Forests Embrace

4. Shadows Echoing Through Time

5. A Forgotten Past


Matthew Bell - Everything

Lilla Veneda

Death/Black Metal band from

Poland released the third

Full-length album Primordial

Movements on February 29, 2024.

Primordial Movements is a

wild, primal force enclosed in a

progressive form. It’s a geometric

sound roller revealing a whole

palette of hitherto unknown



1. Fury Dimension

2. Sleeping Knight's Sky

3. Biomechanic Algorithm

4. Iron-Black Pestilence

5. Scratched Crown

6. Colossi

7. Immortal Vision of Chaos

8. Primordial Movements

9. Pytasz co w moim życiu


Boro - Bass

Antris - Guitars (rhythm)

Virian - Vocals

Andrew - Drums

Marcin Frąckowiak - Guitars

Goat Kommander

Death/Black Metal band from

Brazil released the first Fulllength

album Warfare Dynasty on

February 29, 2024.

Goat Kommander strikes again

with a raw and aggressive album

dedicated to the old and rotting

sound from the past. Some of the

tracks are out of time on purpose,

to sound even more crude.


1. Fading Ember: A Cosmic


2. Gods of a Stellar War

3. Cosmic Abyss

4. Wanderer from Distant


5. Kadaver

6. Ancient Moon

7. Echoes of Anihilation


Sir Nattens - All instruments,



Thrash/Death Metal band

from Russia released Demo

Witchfukker on February 29,


English translation of the

band's name: Tiran, Tyrant.


1. To Hell and Back

2. Wicthfukker

3. Ain't Born Soldiers

4. Bees and Flowers


Tiran - Guitars, Vocals

Father - Bass

Kate - Drums


110 111


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This

is the story of Cemetery Of

Scream - Atmospheric Doom/

Gothic Metal band from


Band Links



Cemetery Of Scream is one of the leading pioneers of atmospheric

doom metal in Poland. Formed in 1992, this band has so far

recorded eight studio releases and played plenty of big and

small concerts, all of which have always received favourable

responses from audiences and music critics alike - both in

Poland and abroad.

Cemetery of Scream in their works deal with issues such as

the apocalypse, depression, melancholy or sadness. Their latest

album "Oceans" was released November 3, 2023 by Sleaszy Rider

Records and its concept musically combines the best elements of

gothic and doom metal together. CD you can buy at Bandcamp

and webstore as well as directly from the band.


Katarzyna Rutkowska - keyboard

Marcin Piwowarczyk - guitar

Grzegorz Królik - bass

Olaf Różański - vocals

Pawel Golarczyk - guitars

Tomasz Rutkowski - drums

& guitar


112 113


We would like to tell you about musicians

and bands not so well known around the

world. This is the story of Paracrona -

Blackened Death Metal band from


Band Links





"Sun God", the debut release from prog death metallers Paracrona,

is an abrasive and dark album but one with a fresh perspective

on death metal. The dark and blackened music is straightforward

in its desire to fry the senses but unpredictable in the approach it

takes; each song offers something different, adding up to a twisted

but worthwhile journey. The album has been brought to life mixing

and mastering by the legendary Fredrik Nordstrom, who produced

albums from the original Gothenburg death metal scene, among many,

many others!

Paracrona was formed by Ringo Christiaan Van Droffelaar and

Oystein Hansen, from the Netherlands and Norway, respectively. After

meeting at the 2007 edition of Wacken Open Air, the two formed a

musical bond and began recording "Sun God" in 2016. After many

delays, including the pandemic and Ringo’s battle with cancer,

lead to the album being released this year.

"Sun God" explores themes of ancient, old belief systems


the idea that the "Sun God" is within you. Fighting

against the powers of greed, ego, pseudo science and

misinformation, the album is about breaking free

from these dark, even Satanic, forces and finding

the strength within oneself.

FFO: Behemoth, Mayhem, Dark Funeral.


114 115


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This

is the story of Frost - Black

Metal band from Hungary.

Band Links





The band Frost was founded in 1996 in Kazincbarcika, Hungary.

Horda initially represented the rawer Black Metal style, later

the songs became more complex and melodic, but all within the

boundaries of Black Metal. Among the founding members, only

Ferenc Mocsnik is in the ranks of the band, who is also the leader

of Frost. After initial demos and EPs, the first album "Extreme

Loneliness-fragments" was released in 2002. The album was very

well received and further increased the band's popularity both in

Hungary and abroad. In 2004, the EP "Voices From Beyond The

Gates" followed, which was released in vinyl and CD format, and in

2007, the second album, the "Black Shining". The next album had

to wait until 2014, when "... From The Dark" was released. A big

problem in the life of Frost was the many member changes, which

hindered the band. Among other things, this resulted in the band

breaking up in 2018. The break didn't last long, Feri Mocsnik

and Tamas Deak (singer of Frost) made the album "Deathtree

Mystery", which will be released in 2019. The current membership

was born in 2020: Tamas Deak - demonic vocals, Ferenc Mocsnik

- bass guitar, Komló György - guitars, Bence Kohler - guitars,

vocals, keyboards, Andras Balazs - drums. This membership can

work together absolutely efficiently, Frost has entered the path

of development in all aspects. The initial step of this is the vinyl

EP "The Way Of Condemnation", released in 2020, for which a

professional video was also made (a first in the band's history).

Then came the albums "Winterblood" (2021) and "Consecratus Ad

Mortem" (2023)...

116 117


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This is

the story of Primordial Black -

Blackened Death Metal band

from Tunisia.

Band Links




From the creative depths of Tunisia emerges Primordial Black, a

blistering quartet wielding the dark arts of Blackened Death Metal.

Spearheaded by the mastermind guitarist and songwriter Yasser

Mahammedi Bouzina, this infernal ensemble promises to shake the

foundations of metal's underworld.

When Bouzina summoned the creative spirits, Mohamed Ben Hadida—

an esteemed drummer with an accolade-studded track record—answered

the call. Later fortified by the arrivals of Walid Chaaben (Lead Guitar)

and Dalii Ghalselaouii (Bass Guitar), the band solidified its sonic


Primordial Black isn't merely about riffs and beats; they aim to

craft a disconcerting, hypnotic, and addictively dark ambiance. Their

lyrical arsenal delves into realms inspired by the chilling tales of

Hp Lovecraft, John Milton, and Clive Barker, setting the stage for a

harrowing sonic journey.

Prepare your ears for the impending onslaught as Primordial Black

readies their debut EP, "MONAS HIEROGLYPHICA", slated for release

on January 12th, 2024, courtesy of M&O Music.

For those uninitiated into the abyss, brace yourself for an otherworldly

experience. Stay tuned for the unveiling of their EP, destined to

transport listeners to the very depths of sonic madness.

Primordial Black's debut EP announcement sends shivers down the

spine in anticipation of what promises to be a darkly enchanting

journey. With influences from literary legends and a penchant for

crafting atmospheres that beckon the macabre, this EP might just be

the key to unlocking a new

realm of metal intensity.


118 119


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This

is the story of Strigampire -

Melodic Death Metal band from


Band Links




Created in 2001 in Quebec, Canada, Strigampire has been recognized

over the years for its eloquence and the energy coming out from

each of its frantic live performances. Over two decades of hard work

culminated last year when they entered the studio with producer

Christian Donaldson (Cryptopsy) to record their highly anticipated

third full-length album “All To Dominate”.

Earlier this year, after 3 years of no performances and adding

new members, the band made a triumphant return to the stage and

emerged Wacken Metal Battle Canada 2023 Champions garnering a

spot at the legendary festival Wacken Open Air.

The future looks incredibly promising for Strigampire, and the

world can expect a musical explosion that will push all boundaries.

Get ready to be transported into a whirlwind of raw energy and

incendiary riffs because the best is yet to come for this exceptional


“All To Dominate” features 10 tracks, including 9 new original

songs and one cover. Strigampire didn’t have a surplus of additional

songs to include on the album, so they selected the ones with the

most potential and worked diligently to complete

them. The result is an album that is

melancholic, unique, and powerful.

It is recommended for fans of Dark

Tranquillity, Children Of Bodom,

Arch Enemy, and At The Gates.


120 121


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This is

the story of Svitogor - Epic

Black Metal band from Croatia.

Band Links





Insanus, a revered figure in the Croatian Black Metal scene and the

creative force behind influential bands like Castrum, Zvijer, Suton,

Black Cult, Unholy Inquisition, and others, has breathed new life into

his long-neglected project, Svitogor.

The saga of Svitogor unfolded at the turn of the millennium when

the visionary notion sparked in Insanus’ mind to forge Black Metal

unbounded by constraints. Two demos, crafted in 2002 and 2003, bear

witness to this creative surge. Yet, the flame dimmed as a result of

waning interest and pressing commitments to other musical ventures.

Fast forward two decades, and the time has arrived for the mountain

of gods to reverberate once more, resuming the journey it embarked

upon. In the intervening years, Insanus meticulously amassed an arsenal

of riffs and ideas, cultivating them until the summer of 2023, when he

breathed life into the debut album titled “The Howling Void.”

Musically, Svitogor defies easy categorisation, embodying an avantgarde

black metal essence. Lyrically, the band passionately opposes

entrenched dogmatic beliefs that grip a society, reduced to pathetic

prostration before false idols crafted from the clay of deceit.

Themes of misanthropy, alienation, anti- humanism and selfspirituality

intertwine, propelling

the relentless energy within

Svitogor’s compositions. The

hunger embedded in their songs

is insatiable, poised to confront

the world’s abominations, tainted

by the foolish thoughts and

deeds of mortals. Svitogor stands

ready, a sonic force challenging

the norms and confronting

the shadows cast by humanity’s

misguided pursuits.

122 123


We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This

is the story of Vorus - Death

Metal band from Romania.

Band Links




Established in 2017 as a solo project of the American death metal musician

Uriel (Morbicus, Necrorite, Reveler, Putred, ex-Gutwrench, ex-Cryptic Realms

etc) active since 1989 and relocated to Romania back in 2014. Vorus first

release “Chamber of Laments” demo tape as solo formula was released by the

fall, 2017.

Uriel‘s wife, Corina (ex-Deimos, ex-Atys, Reveler, Putred etc.) joined the band

in September, 2017 on the bass guitar.

As a duo, Vorus recorded their debut full-length album “The Wretched Path” in

December 2017, released on CD and tape in April. 2018 also the split with the

band Necrorite in May 2018, then in October 2018 the “Inflicted Sufferance”

EP was released in both formats as well. In April 2019 following a 4 way split

with Rotheads, Engrossed and Eruptive released in both formats.

In August 2019, Doru (Malpraxis, Evergreed, ex-Necrovile, etc) drummer from

Cluj-Napoca joined the band permanently, 2020 is the year that marks the live

debut of Vorus band on a mini tour in Transylvania with the bands Oncology

and Left Hand Path.

In May 2021, the band released their second full-length album entitled

“Traversing the Non-Existence“. Shortly after the album, Vorus welcomed a

new member, Filip (Necrotum, Demoted, Putred, etc) a very young guitarist

from Brasov joined the band on the rhythm guitar position. With this formula,

“The Crypt of Shadows” EP was recorded in October, 2021 on tape only. In

2022, Vorus performed in a mini tour with Malpraxis, Invader and Omnitrocy

in several towns around the country, then the band participated in Death

Madness Fest 1 (Sibiu) and a few more concerts.

In 2023 Vorus participated in Bucharest

Death Fest. Currently the band is working

on the songs for the third full-length

album entitled “Desolate Eternities” will

be released on March 1, 2024 by the record

label Loud Rage Music from Romania on

CD format.


124 125


Band Links






We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This is

the story of Luciferian Rites -

Black Metal band from Mexico.

Luciferian Rites is a Black Metal project created in mid-2006,

started by Shadow (Vocal) and Abomination (Lead Guitar), with

the intention of creating their contribution to this genre, as the

weeks went by, Antichrist joined as the first drummer of the band,

w i t h whom the band was established as a 3-member band, this first lineup

lasted a few years until being able to record what was the first demo titled The

Kingdom of the Black Moon, limited to just 50 copies in 2009. During the same year

the band added Sepulchral to the lineup as the first official bassist and began a

new stage now as a 4-member band, having a more complete live sound.

At the beginning of 2010, we began recording our first album, which is titled

“Evangelion of the Black Misanthropy” and the album did not come out until the

end of 2011. Shortly after recording our first album, Sepulchral left the band.

It was not until 2014 that we began recording what was our second full album

“When the Light Dies”.

During the release period, Serpentor joined the lineup as the new bassist and

shortly after, due to very delicate personal reasons, Antichrist left the band,

and shortly after XIII took his place as the new drummer, being this the longest

and solid lineup for many years. The band had presentations in several cities in

Mexico, and also outside the country, managing to be active for a very long time

in the following years, and recording what was our first Split album “Luciferian

Abominations from Kur-Nu-Gi-A” with one of the most recognized bands in our

country, “Ereshkigal” from Mexico City. A couple of years later, at the end of 2019

more precisely, our second Split album “Astral Projection of the Anti-Existence”

with Colombian band “Necrario” was recorded and ready to be released in 2020

but this was stopped for a long time due to the pandemic, and so the band had

a break, being inactive for many months, in which they finished polishing and

reconstructing new and old songs. In that pandemic era, XIII left the band due to

work and family reasons.

At the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 the band began to record what is the

current third album “Oath of Midnight Ashes”. With this new album the band

decided to integrate a second guitarist to the lineup, “Thanatos”, with this new

lineup LR has an even more solid and stronger sound, which has pleased locals

and strangers, it is a new stage for the group and we are ready for the upcoming

events and presentations.

126 127


Band Links




We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This

is the story of Homicide -

Technical Death Metal band

from Bangladesh.

Homicide is a Bangladeshi death metal band formed in 2008. The band

has gained recognition for their intense and brutal musical technique.

Known for their aggressive guitar riffs, lightning-fast drumming, and

guttural vocals, Homicide delivers a relentless onslaught of extreme

metal. Their lyrics often delve into dark and macabre themes, exploring

topics such as violence, death, and the human condition & mythology.

With their technical proficiency and uncompromising sound, Homicide

has established themselves as a prominent force in the Bangladeshi

death metal scene. Their live performances are known for their high

energy and chaotic atmosphere, leaving audiences in awe of their sheer

intensity. Homicide's dedication to their craft and their commitment

to pushing the boundaries of extreme music make them a standout act

in the genre.

Current lineup-

Vocal & Lyrics- Istiaque Ahmed

Drummer- Sarrowar Hossain Seam

Bassist- Ayman Shimul

Guitarist- Rumman Sharier

Compilation Appearances -

- "Reign of Spartacus" on "Diabolus Newcomer Extreme Sampler Volume

2" Digital 2012 (Radio Diabolus)

- "Hades" on "Riotous 14" Compilation CD 2015


- "Master of Olympus" on "War Journal" CD

2020 (G-Series)


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Sadism - Obscurans.

Quite a few years ago I remember

saying Chile has a great old school

Death Metal scene. Sadism are a

part of it.

So far it

reminds me

of the newer

Napalm Death

stuff. In fact, if

I wasn’t told,

I might have


it was Napalm

Death, or

at least

thought it was

Barney. Even the

lyrics are very

Napalm Death

(in English).

Good growls,

good guitars,

good drums.

Maybe I’m a

bit biased, but

this is

just my

kind of music.

It’s just

good, stomping

fun. Not as

extreme as Napalm Death, but it’s

far from light weight. Not like

Korn or Limp Bizkit that passes for

Metal these days, this is the real

thing. The more he sings, the closer

I come to wetting myself. No clean

vocals, or not yet at least.


It’s just one of those Death Metal

dream albums. It’s pretty perfect really.

Basically, if you like Metal, just buy it.

Impossible not to love.

Liminalanimal - The Furies and


This is some slow doomy Black

Metal from Scotland. It’s quite a

moody album with a bit of a ghostly

feel to it. It gets a

bit Folky at times

as well. It’s quite


Nature and

Paganism play

a big influence

here. A bit too

slow for me


but I am

enjoying this.

It’s quite a

relaxing, chilled

out Black

Metal album.

It never

gets chaotic.

The songs

aren’t great.

It’s one of those

albums you have

to listen to in

full to really

enjoy it. Don’t

just listen to

the odd track.

Even with the blast beats and the

distortion, it’s still a nice listen.

The right kind of Metalhead will

definitely find it hard to fault. It’s

an album combining all the nicer

parts of Black Metal - Folk,

Doom, Melodic. All the least

‘Thrasier’ parts.

If you like your Black Metal a bit

relaxed and without the extremeness,

then this is for you.

Band’s links: https://www.facebook.com/sadismofficial https://hammerheart.bandcamp.com/album/obscurans https://www.instagram.com/sadism_official Band’s link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091928062651 https://liminalanimal.bandcamp.com/album/the-furies-and-futility https://www.instagram.com/liminalanimal69

Deimler - Immortalized.

Some sci-fi inspired Death Metal

from Spain. It’s quite good. It

sounds more like Incantation than

Nocturnus. I always love it


Death Metal

bands move

away from

the gore and


themes and try



The sound is

like a more

technical version

of Incantation.

It’s a bit old

school this

one. The growls

are low and

the guitars

are quite high

a lot of the

time. If I’m


I think

they’re more

fun than



about aliens and robots is just

cool. I admit I’m not too

familiar with Spanish bands,

but I’m enjoying this a bit. Not as

good as Nocturnus and a lot slower

gutterals. But they’re a band I can

instantly respect.

Sometimes they remind me of a more

old school version of Nile.

So there you have it, Death Metal songs

about aliens and robots. Some will love

it and some will hate it, but for me

personally, I think these guys are very,

very cool. If they went on tour with

Nocturnus, it would be so cool.

Panzerwar - Pale Whispers of

a Writhing Moon

Once again Panzerwar released its long-awaited LP

“Pale Whispers Of A Writhing Moon”. I remember listening

to Panzerwar for the first time when their EP “Warlord”

was released back in 2020

and then followed by an

amazing full-length album

“Ragnarök”. Since then I

wasn’t active in the releases

of Panzerwar. But when the

new album came out it caught

my attention and I listened to

132 133

Band’s links: https://www.facebook.com/DeimlerDeathMetal . https://deimler.bandcamp.com/album/immortalized-2 https://www.instagram.com/deimler_deathmetal

it not long after

the release and the

whole album was kind

of a shock for me.

Starting off with a soothing

synth and sounds that can

only be explained like growls

of starving wolves.

“Carnal Lycanthropic

Lust“ is a song that fits the

role of 'the first song of

the album', starting

explosively right after the

growls of wolves stop,

dynamic drumming where

blast beats mostly dominate

but also has some unusual

and experimental riffs.

This song sets a doomy

atmosphere for the whole album, most of the riffs are

followed by either a synth or choir. Third song of the album

“Solomon’s Blood” is the most unique song showing the true

atmospheric domain of the album and experimental elements

but still keeping that doom n’ gloom. “FleshBurnt Black”

and “Glorious Death” are war hymns compared to

the rest of the album that is more focused on

atmosphere rather than aggression and in my opinion “Glorious

Death” is the best track on the album. With cold and aggressive

riffs, drums with dynamic changes that were really appealing

and epic choir midst the thrashy riffs and growls, a true

masterpiece of a song carrying the cult sound of true black

metal which is really improved my overall opinion on the album.

But nonetheless “Glorious Death” and “FleshBurnt Black” are

the only songs that are actually catchy and unique, on the

contrast to the rest of the songs that are mostly similar by

structures and riffs while only way to differ one from the

other are by the drums, which are amazing in every track. I

have noticed that as you listen further into the album that the

Band’s link: https://panzerwar.bandcamp.com/album/pale-whispers-of-a-writhing-moon https://open.spotify.com/album/3KUl2BExw992gpvi6M3oJD

songs grow more aggressive and darker but the ascend of

aggressiveness stop with the song “Monumental Decay”,

which was actually an amazing song and a surprise for

my ears with the Darkthronesque mid-tempo riffs and

punk/thrash drum beats too. With that song we come to

the decline of the

aggression valley and

songs “Path of Ruin” and

“Ashen Imperator” weren’t

as good as I expected them to

be, thinking maybe they

were either epic and melodic

or heavy tracks that

served as the epilogue of the

album but in the end they were

mediocre, not bad songs

and they deserve a listen but

still a bit of a disappointment.

Overall, the album has a

lot to give and show

and the songwriting was

really impressive and

detailed. Even though that

this album can be seen as

a mostly atmospheric black

metal album it still has

elements from

o t h e r

subgenres like

the doomy atmosphere,

melodic parts, thrashy

riffs and of course elements of

old school black metal. The

production is also something to mention, as I enjoyed

every second of it and the sound is perfect and it

should serve as an example of good black metal

sound production. That’s it for this album and make sure to

give it a listen if you enjoy good atmospheric black metal.

Rating: 7.8/10

Luciferian Rites - Oath of

Midnight Ashes.

Some Black Metal from Mexico. As

someone who follows the Mexican

scene, I admit I have never


of this band -

sorry guys.

Beautiful intro

on this on, but

when it begins

properly, it’s

not an easy

listen. It’s very

over the top

and wild. If

you follow the

Mexican Black

Metal scene,

you will know,

this is kind of

what they

all sound like.

Definitely NOT

for beginners.

Even the clean


are not

an easy listen.

If you’re not

familiar with


bands, they don’t sound like

Norwegian bands. Definitely

much faster. Ambience doesn’t

really play a part here (or not very

well). To be honest, I quite like it.

Good energy and VERY raw. If you hate

Black Metal, this will make you

hate it even more. But it is good though.

Just by with caution.

If you want to introduce yourself to some

Mexican Black Metal, and I do recommend

it, maybe try Luciferian Rites. Maybe

‘fun’ isn’t the right word, but it’s never

dull. The energy stays full on. Just press

‘play’ and brace yourself… Enjoy guys.

Hysteria - Heretic, Sadistic And

Sexual Ecstasy.

Hysteria is a band from France

founded in 1996, and January

31, 2024 was the day when they

presented their

fresh full-length

album which is

intitled "Heretic,

Sadistic And

Sexual Ecstasy".

The members

label their own

music as

Brutal Death

Metal. But

in practice,

there's actually

something way

larger. The music

of these dudes

is far from

being limited of

one particular

genre. That's

a killer mix of

brutality and

melodism where

the best aspects

of Death Metal

and Black Metal

are taken and

mixed together.

The beginning of the album is

quite dramatic and I'd even say

melancholic in some way, but with

each track it gets harsher and colder,

some tracks content brief torture

samples that create an

extremely authentic atmosphere in

combination with vocals which are a mix

of Death Metal growls and Black Metal

screams. The lyrics dive deep into the

topics of blasphemy, occultism and


The pace of the parts is constantly

changing, and that's one of the main

factors that are keeping the listener in

constant tension and even sending us to

some other dimension for a while.

So Hysteria is one of those bands who truly

134 135

Band’s links: https://www.facebook.com/LuciferianMex https://luciferianrites.bandcamp.com https://www.instagram.com/luciferianrites Band’s link: http://www.hiraes.com https://www.facebook.com/hiraes.official https://hiraes.bandcamp.com/album/dormant

managed to create another killer

mix of the two old good genres and

made it sound in their own unique

way, so the only thing we can do is

simply wishing them to develop this



Chovu / The Witch - Uchawi (split).

Two very different Black Metal

bands across the waters. Chovu

from Keyna and The Witch from

Colombia. Both great bands

to be

fair. Chovu

I’m especially

interested in

because they

write songs

about different


like African

mythology. The

Witch are

more Doomy and

a bit creepy.

Even though

it’s not DSBM,

I think DSBM

fans should


check this

out. This

album actually


a few


areas of Black

Metal. Chovu’s

‘Kithitu Walk’

is such a great song. Both of these

bands are usually very different,

but on this album, they don’t seem

to be. Chovu seem to have chosen

some of their slower songs. Some of

this is so beautiful, some is so perfect,

some is just plain intriguing.

If you’re one of those people who just

likes Norwegian bands, then it’s your

loss as far as I’m concerned. This is a

good chance to introduce yourself to two

great bands.

Narbeleth - A Pale Crown.

A bestial entity roaming the lands of Spain

called “Narbeleth” made an LP release

quite significant for the modern black metal

world called “A Pale Crown”. Amidst the two

different fronts regarding the “third wave

of black metal”, one side

featuring pure rawness and

the other side expressing the

experimental part of the

third wave; this release is a

refreshment from the two

conflicting sides of the third


This release features old

school black metal with

all its beauty and grotesque


The album starts with a

boom, directly attacking

the listener with a fast

blast beat and a melodic

riff that resembles the old

wind of Swedish bands from

the 90s. It continues with

aggressive riffs and drums,

occasionally changing beats

but the structure of the song

is well recognized; melodic

to aggressive and so forth.

We go on to the second song which is the selftitled

song. The song gave me a déjà vu for a

moment, as if I heard this before and I figured

out that this sound can be easily compared to

the North American band “Stormkeep” and it

brought me a nice wave of nostalgia from

the day I first heard that amazing band. The

whole song, “A Pale Crown”, is a journey of its

own with amazing vocals and choir like

segments and melancholic riffs that really fit the

name of the song.

I have to especially mention the song “On The Sight

of Dusk”, a song that really blew my mind. Melodic,

yet aggressive; Melancholic and cold, yet a spirit

raising hymn, its black metal in its true form. The

acoustic transition is a charming moment before

a double pedal blast takes over aggressively and

finishing with a mid-tempo thrashy riff.

There are obvious references that early Immortal

was one of their main inspirations, which is a

superb choice of sound and it really shows that

they took up this task of producing a good sound

for their album. When it comes to production,

I can’t find any big errors production wise; the

136 137

Band’s links: https://www.facebook.com/Chovuband https://www.facebook.com/The-Witch-108091774126489 https://mastersofkaos.bandcamp.com Band’s link: https://www.facebook.com/Narbeleth.BlackMetal https://narbeleth.bandcamp.com/album/a-pale-crown https://www.instagram.com/narbeleth_official

sound is amazing, it fits the atmosphere of

the riffs, drums, vocals and song structure

perfectly and is a great example of a good

production and master.

If I had to find a flaw to this album it would

be the drum dynamics which in

my opinion isn’t a

big problem but should be

brought up. Most of their

songs feature semi-monotone

drum tracks with the same

beat structures throughout

all the songs which

is a quality more found in

raw black metal and not in

this type of black metal

featuring everything I already

talked about. Also, I expected

more vocal range throughout

the album but that was

just my expectation when

I was getting into the

album but the vocalist did

his job here and showed

us the old school sound of


In conclusion, this

is one AMAZING

album worth listening. I

enjoyed every moment of

this album and it holds everything what black

metal should have, a pure masterpiece by

this band I have heard of for the first time

with this album but I will make sure

I analyze their work thoroughly. I hope

the band goes on with this flame it showed

us with this magnum opus and I hope for the

best for them!

Rating: 9/10

Upcoming albums

Since their unholy inception

in 1995, death metal miscreants

ABORTED have been one of

the pioneers of the genre and

have annihilated friend and foe

with relentless intensity and an

uncompromising mix of flawless

technicality and raw emotion.

With each of these 10 new tracks,

ABORTED dives deep into the

vaults of VHS cassettes and stories

that have been haunting us all for

decades. Each song pays tribute

to a horror cult classic and ranges

from obligatory cuts such as ‘The

Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ (to

be found on “Death Cult”) or

‘Halloween’ (‘The Shape Of Hate’)

to the more recent ‘The Mist’ to be

discovered on ‘Malevolent Haze’.

True to themselves, it wouldn’t be

an Aborted reference without an

odious homage to none other than

shit daemon ‘The Golgothan’ (sadly

defeated by Silent Bob through the

use of deodorant, cheeky bastard!).

«Vault of Horrors» will be

released on March 15, 2024.

With over thirty years of active,

nefarious service under their spikes

and bulletbelts, Necrophobic are

undisputed legends of the death and

black metal scene. Formed in 1989

by drummer Joakim Sterner, the

Stockholm blackhearts propagated a

singular and fearless vision from the

very start. Necrophobic established a

bold and vivid identity of their own,

conjuring a densely melodic, but

endlessly wicked take on macabre

extreme metal that countless lesser

bands have since emulated.

With their 10th studio album, "In

the Twilight Grey", the Swedish

blackened death metal masters are

taking an even deeper plunge into

pitch black shadows.

"In the Twilight Grey" doesn't only

offer classic Necrophobic treasures

such as "Stormcrow" or the title

track, but also solemn journeys

into somberness like the captivating


In the Twilight Grey will be released

on March 15,, 2024.

VLTIMAS have been legends since

the dawn of metal. Flo Mounier

has been drumming for Cryptopsy

since their earliest exhumations of

the Canadian underground. Rune

Eriksen took hold of axe-wielding

duties for the second coming of

Mayhem. And who could forget

David Vincent, the larger-than-life

vocalist for Morbid Angel.

With new album ‘Epic’, VLTIMAS

ascend to even greater Satanic heights.

“Miserere” howls across a blackened

sky, blistered by tremolo picking that’s

more piercing than a siren’s call. True

to its name, “Scorcher” is primed for

face-melting, with blasts that blaze

than a forest fire. “Undefeated, we are

sure to remain”, Vincent bellows with

ghoulish bravado over the constantly

building “Invictus”.

You already know their names, but

with ‘Epic’, VLTIMAS are mightier

than ever.

Epicwill be released on March 15,


"A Mortal Binding", the muchanticipated

follow-up to 2019's

"The Ghost Of Orion", finds the

Yorkshire-based quintet delighting in

anxiety, loss, and toil to resplendent

effect. From the raw distress of "Her

Dominion" and twisted horror of

"Thornwyck Hymn" to the funerary

violins of the 11-minute monolith

"The Apocalyptist" and the classicfeeling

"The 2nd Of Three Bells",

"A Mortal Binding" is pinnacle


Darkness, Words Of Light" (2004)

elevated the band to new heights

and "A Map Of All Our Failures"

(2012) expanded upon the group's

mid-tens grandeur, then "A Mortal

Binding" stages MY DYING BRIDE's

next exultant phase of elegiac misery.

For over three decades, MY DYING

BRIDE has been the voice of the

hopeless and broken, combining

haunting sounds with crushing

misery and melancholy. With their

signature sound they've shaped the

doom metal scene like barely any

other act and integrated both soft

violin melodies and violent death

metal growls into their music,

while always staying strictly loyal to


‘A Mortal Binding’ will be

released on April 19, 2024.

KAWIR formed in the Greek black

metal scene of the 90s and have

been exploring Greek mythology,

literature, and mysteries for 30 years -

and no other band really captures the

essence of those stories and times the

same way.

With ‘Kydoimos’ KAWIR has

reached an ambitious point they've

been working towards for a couple of

records now.

An essential album for fans of Rotting

Christ, Necromantia, Varathron, etc!

The name of the new album derives

from one of the Makhai Ancient

Greek daemons (personifications/

spirits) of war. Kydoimos in particular

refers to the personification of the

cacophony and bedlam of battle.

“Kydoimos” sees KAWIR achieve

new heights in both unrelenting

heaviness and epic atmosphere!

Kydoimos will be released on April

19, 2024.

When you talk about Satanic

Death Metal, you can't get past

Glen Benton and Deicide.

6 years have passed since

the last album, Overtures of

Blasphemy 2018, but in 2024

Deicide want to do it again.

Death metal legends Deicide

mark their devilish return with

their new album, Banished by


Produced by Deicide and

engineered by Kling and

Nordberg between November

2022 and May 2023, the album

was tracked with the 1990s

in mind but imbued with a

present-day auditory aesthetic.

Deicide wanted a live, ballsto-the-wall

sound and got there

by recruiting famed mixing

and mastering guru Josh

Wilbur (Gojira, Lamb of God).

Benton's multi-headed vocals,

Quirion and Taylor Nordberg's

wicked riffs/wild solos, and

Asheim's earsplitting drums

jump out of the speakers


“Banished by Sin” will be

released on April 26, 2024.








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For more information please

check Masters of Kaos links!





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