The ECHO, March 2024

Vol. 21, Issue 4

Vol. 21, Issue 4


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By Avery Tortora


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

March is an exciting month for

Aries, as Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and

the Sun will enter this constellation.

Remember not to second guess

yourself; you’re a great leader and

your methodic decision making

speaks for itself. Your dreams are

also expected to carry meaningful

messages for you this year.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

A big shift in your energy will come

soon, and your work or productivity

goals will soon be met. As one of

the more stubborn signs, remember

to be patient because your wishes

won’t come automatically. Stay

conscious of your emotions; maybe

try journaling to release some of

those pent up feelings.

By Avery Tortora


In a world filled with

unbelievable media, overthe-top

superhero movies

and irrational plots, it’s

refreshing to see an interesting

storyline with characters that

truly reflect normal people.

“Normal People,” directed

by Lenny Abrahamson and

Hettie Macdonald, is a show

adaptation of the book by Sally

Rooney. What makes “Normal

People” special is that the

character development, choices

and plot is so realistic, it really

could happen to anybody.

When watching the show, I

found it hard to separate myself

from this fictional universe;

the show mesmerized me, and

I fell in love with being able to

see what it means to be human.

The characters face common

problems and deal with them

in seemingly normal ways, but

the way it’s portrayed made me

2024 horoscopes: What does your future hold?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury,

goes into retrograde April 1. This

retrograde may cause confusion,

but as a sign ruled by the planet of

communication, you should be able

to express your thoughts or issues

clearly and work through these

emotions effectively.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

One of the six negative signs,

Cancer is a water sign ruled by the

moon. Like the moon’s power to

change tides, you have the power to

change your paths. When things feel

out of your control, remember that

only you are in charge of yourself,

and you have the power to turn

things around.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Like Aries, you’re a natural leader.

You may think the year hasn’t started

off too hot, but there’s plenty of

time for things to get better. You’re

passionate about your interests, and

you excel at the things you love, but

remember to show love and interest

in the people around you, too.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

As an Earth sign, you’re reliable

and responsible, and lucky for

you, between now and April it’s

forecasted that you will be able to

find clarity in your relationships.

You may find yourself pulled in two

different directions, but closure or

clarity is there, you just have to look

inside yourself to find it.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Libra, you’re chill and laid

back, but sometimes that leads to

indecisiveness. Your ego may get

in the way of change, but there’s no

doubt that your confidence will turn

heads. So as new problems come

your way, try to remember how to

stay calm and approach them in the

most effective way.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Your assertiveness may make it hard

for you to see other perspectives, so

remember to make it a goal this

year to keep an open mind. You’re

a great motivator for others and

a determined soul. Your hot-head

might dictate your bickering with

people, but your answers may be in

the stars as to what battles to pick.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

You have an expansive imagination,

and your thoughts are beginning to

run wild. Your optimism is shining

through, but if you have a partner,

their stability and your free spirit

could clash. But your manifestations

are predicted to pay off this year, and

luck or opportunity is predicted for


Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Mars just left the Capricorn

constellation Mar. 15. It’s unsure

Hulu’s “Normal People” will change you forever

never want to stop watching it.

The show stays true to the

book in many ways, bringing

main characters Marianne

and Connell to life as they

go through their last years

in grade school into their

lives at university, where they

both go to Trinity College in

Dublin. They form a romantic

relationship, but experience

many common, coming-of-age

obstacles, which follow them

as they mature into adults.

Connell and Marianne, with

their own distinct personalities,

navigate how to love each

other and themselves, and no

matter the situation, they are

always brought back together.

With an episodic narrative

style, we get to experience

both Connell’s and Marianne’s

point of view separately. The

audience is able to understand

their lives individually just

as much as their romantic

life together, making them

feel much more approachable

and human, rather than

simply fictional. Not only

is their complex relationship

expressed in a beautiful way,

but every episode is filled

with stunning landscapes

and settings. Even in an

environment distinctly foreign

to me, the show provides

comfort in a strange way.

As somebody who consumes

an ungodly amount of media

in the form of movies and

shows, it’s refreshing to see

a story unfold that resembles,

in some way, what every one

of us experiences. Within

Marianne and Connell’s

beautiful and complicated

love story, the audience can

understand the struggle of

being comfortable in your

vulnerability. We see these

flawed individuals love each

other in this pure and raw

way. Sometimes they make

mistakes and act irrationally,

but that makes them normal

people all the more.

as to whether the departure of this

planet will have positive or negative

effects, but expect minor change to

come. Your ruling planet, Saturn,

will also go into retrograde this year.

Take this time to reflect on who you

used to be and how you’ve changed.

Romance is also forecasted for

Capricorns in 2024.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Pluto has entered the Aquarius

constellation since January and is

staying until September, bringing

new energy into your life. These new

forces can encourage you to reach

out and expand your comfort zone in

a new way, whether that’s changing

your sleep schedule or innovating a

new work schedule. Change for the

better is just on the horizon.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

2024 is reportedly the most

fortunate year yet for Pisces.

Pisces is a sign of love governed

by Neptune, and February was an

exciting month for you. Don’t forget

to reserve some love for yourself;

take some time for self-care and

start 2024 off with your best interest

in mind.

Photos courtesy of Hulu

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