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14 1 Data Science Process

Fig. 1.10 Exhaustive list of neural network models/algorithms

have not even fully described so far. All you need to do is to provide them with a

dataset, and they will suggest you the best performing model, all fine-tuned and

ready-to-use for production. They provide the model rankings based on their accuracy

scores, and you can decide which one to use for your purpose.

These days you would find offerings from Google, Microsoft, and Amazon who

provide machine learning as a service (MLaaS), where you just need to upload your

dataset on their servers and eventually download a model pipeline which can be

hosted and used via a web service. Though this is fascinating, a true data scientist can

out-beat these automated services. Second, most of these follow a black-box

approach and do not provide you with the source code of model development for

you to fiddle with. A data scientist usually uses an automated service to quickly

narrow down his search on model selection.

For your own purposes and development, you may use some free libraries like

auto-sklearn, AutoKeras, or commercial versions of H2O.ai. I have provided an

exhaustive list of such frameworks in the AutoML chapter. These libraries support

many ML models for training and evaluation. They will train each model on your

dataset. After the training, they evaluate the model’s performance. Finally, they rank

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