Lifeline Donor Wall - Howard Brown Health Center

Lifeline Donor Wall - Howard Brown Health Center

Lifeline Donor Wall - Howard Brown Health Center


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Mr. James Walker Mr. Douglas Willis Small Businesses and Organization <strong>Lifeline</strong>s<br />

Ms. Linda L. Walker Ms. Cynthia Wilsky About Face Theatre<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James <strong>Wall</strong>er Ms. Erica Wilson Adler School of Professional Psychology/ Adler Pride<br />

Dr. Robert Walsh Mr. Steven D. Wilson and Ms. Leigh Anne Wilson Berlin<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Winkelhake Bertelsman-Chowdhury LLC<br />

Mrs. Dina Walters Ms. Lynne Wiora Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago<br />

Anne Ward, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wisthuff The Book Cellar<br />

Mr. Gregory Ward and Mr. William Lachman Mr. Andrew J. Witt CDW<br />

Miss Karen Warren Marjorie Witty, Ph.D. The Call<br />

Mr. Michael S. Warren Mr. Warren Wolfe Cell Block<br />

Mr. Stephen L. Warsh Mr. David Wolff Chances Dances<br />

Mrs. Joycelynn Watkins-Asiyanbi Mr. Matthew Womack Cheetah Gym<br />

Mr. Daniel Watson Vivian Woodland Chicago Gay Hockey Association<br />

Mr. Dennis Watson Ms. Renee Woods Chicago Story Collective<br />

Mr. Michael K. Watts Mr. David Woody Circuit<br />

Ms. Martha Ann Weaver Ms. Amelia Woolard Club Paradis<br />

Mr. Ethan Webb Dr. and Mrs. Donald Woznica CMSA Flag Football League<br />

Jessica Weida Mrs. Judith E. Wray Crew<br />

Mr. Paul J. Weil Mr. Matthew Wycislak Cocktail<br />

Mr. Eric D. Weimer Ms. Nina Xoomsai DePaul University<br />

Ms. Sherry E. Weingart YES! International Communications/B.BLYSS! Empty Bottle<br />

Mr. Barry Weinstein Dr. Ram Yogev, M.D. Essay Fiesta<br />

Ms. Norma Weir Mr. Samuel York Exhale Spa<br />

Dr. Geri Weitzman Mr. Jay Maitland Young Gingers Ale House<br />

Ms. Rebecca Wellisch Kristian Young Glascott's<br />

Ms. Sonya Welter Mr. George Zahrobsky Glenwood<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wesp Mr. Guy Zakrzewski improv Olympic<br />

Ms. Linda Wesp and Ms. Ruth Payne Mr. Mark Zancanaro Kiehls<br />

Patrick Wessels and Jeffrey Winn Mr. Andrews Zapke Mad River Bar and Grille<br />

Mr. Brian Westphal Miss Mary Zemaitis Mary's Attic<br />

Mr. Kirk White Mr. Nick Zembruski minibar<br />

Leslie and Wes Whitehouse Ms. Katherine A. Zien Moksha Yoga<br />

Ms. Maria M. Whitesides Mr. Aiden Zimmermann Nicks Uptown Bar<br />

Ms. Theresa Wicks Dr. Gregory Zinkl The North End<br />

Ms. Matilda Wilhoite Mr. Vladimir Ziserson Parlour<br />

Ms. Ellen Willett Ms. Rebecca Zorach Piedmont<br />

Ms. Anhelecia Williams June and Vincent Zuber The Pleasure Chest<br />

Mr. Peyton Williams Mr. Benjamin Zumsteg Qweirdo<br />

Stephanie Williams, M.D. and Kim A. Williams, M.D. Ms. Sandra Zurawicz Rocks Bar Group

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