Contents Page - Christian Endeavour Ireland - CE-Online

Contents Page - Christian Endeavour Ireland - CE-Online

Contents Page - Christian Endeavour Ireland - CE-Online


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Blockbuster - General Knowledge Questions<br />

I<br />

J<br />

K<br />

L<br />

1 There was no place at this place for Mary & Joseph? INN<br />

2 God said you must not worship these? IDOLS<br />

3 What was the name of the people who passed through the Red Sea? ISRAELITES<br />

4 What was the second name of Judas who betrayed Jesus? ISCARIOT<br />

5 Jacobs name was changed to this by God? ISRAEL<br />

1 Name of the person who betrayed Jesus. JUDAS ISCARIOT<br />

2 Who was swallowed by a big fish? JONAH<br />

3 Who is the son of God? JESUS<br />

4 Who was the husband of Mary? JOSEPH<br />

5 Who was the father of Joseph? JACOB<br />

1 "----- and the door shall be opened to you" KNOCK<br />

2 What is the 12th word of the Lords Prayer? KINGDOM<br />

3 Herod was this at the time Jesus was born. KING<br />

4 Jailers use this to open the prison doors. KEY<br />

5 One of the 10 commandments say 'Thou shalt not ----" KILL<br />

1 "thy word is a ----- light unto my feet?" LIGHT<br />

2 Daniel was thrown into a den of these. LIONS<br />

3 Name of a young sheep used as a sacrifice in the Old Testament. LAMB<br />

4 Who was the brother of Mary & Martha? LAZARUS<br />

5 Whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt? LOT<br />


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