ocean ctty sentinel - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

ocean ctty sentinel - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

ocean ctty sentinel - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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at seven o'docfcj<br />

on at th* hoaa i<br />

U wiU follow 1<br />

Hai many<br />

•bore bcr aia«ia«t<br />

dttrlne; th* i<br />

l«it two or<br />

n the First M.]<br />

mUrtalnaaeata at 1 ]<br />

ITacht Ctob.<br />

•Id Bin. par cams.-?<br />

ThomWy Hi<br />

award Voaa Me.'j<br />

r. Gardiner t<br />

m clad to gtr* la."<br />

thta city. • •tortoo<br />

School. Uni- i<br />

ylvaaia, ia<br />

- -<br />

•••"••< * \ ^<br />

. -v;<br />

• V-..Y<br />

/•-I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

11<br />

Six<br />

Operetta<br />

' Eaterlalameat for Holy Trinity<br />

Charcb Beaeflt SacrenaftiV<br />

in Kvery Way ><br />

Tbe two-act operetta, tThyFire<br />

I'rince," was pleasingly presented<br />

in the city's music pavilion Tuesday<br />

and Wednesday evening? by<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> the residents <strong>of</strong> thin<br />

city, with some viiitors, for th*<br />

benefit <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinity Episcopal<br />

Church, and thuai- comprising the<br />

The New International ptovldn<br />

the mraaa to success. Iti snai»><br />

amnaiitaliailii. a iininml 1 n»<br />

Byoa *e»k alilmiy aad %d.<br />

raacetBeac w by oat cmah* dally<br />

•a* <strong>of</strong> thte rast fuad <strong>of</strong> Iniormv<br />

•tloaf<br />

•»<<br />

!<br />

Harriet Gibb, Marion Trout; the<br />

Ducheaa, honorary Qovemeaa, Mrs.<br />

GiVCli A"a"Us Wade; Rosa, Ambassador's<br />

daughter. Mra. Ruby Dunstan; Teresa.<br />

Roaa'a friend, Anna Smith;<br />

Fanry, Jaannatte Darby.<br />

The ensemble: Misses Abble Heller*.<br />

JulU Pileggi. Caroline Rodgers,<br />

Kllen Matey. Jennnette Darby,<br />

Margaret Raymond, Mary Culburn,<br />

Mae Poland, Messrs. Grow<br />

Snow, Eugene Conuin, Leslie<br />

AlMt ' n -<br />


1.1 flhlnra for 11.00 by buying<br />

tickets.<br />

il ahineii for HO cent*.<br />

Dyeing Slippers 45 cent*<br />

Polish White Shoes 26 cents<br />

Hat* Cleaned and Blocked and<br />

New BuniN put on '<br />

Polish and Lace* far Sole-<br />

Cigar* and<br />


•104 Slh St.. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.<br />

The chorus singing was very<br />

jod. as were thv dances by sev- Novelty Introduced at La Vletoire.<br />

eral uf th.' participants. The vo- •4Z Boardwalk, This <strong>City</strong><br />

on All Kind< <strong>of</strong><br />

califlt-i included Mr*. Dunstan, Mrs. J. -S. Haronla and A. J. Christ- HKHK WORK<br />

Angus Wade, Mrs. Kulph LeMont olus, under the Arm name uf llar- cnyrxr HUHKS - co<br />

and .MaU-ulm Auxin, whose abilty unia «V Christolas, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong>,<br />

in this line is so well known to und who have been in the i>• CsIM far<br />

kind ever given in this city. Mi** ant.'in additiun to their other lilies. l«csl ss« l—t OUHCI Track Smin<br />

Aljry Culkurn is given commenda- The restaurant hus a seating ca-<br />

tU- ZM-W<br />

tion fur her hard work in her efpacity uf 175 and il has been very<br />

forts tu make the affair a success. attractively arranged. A novelty<br />

Tht> «ust <strong>of</strong> characters follows: has .been Intrudut-ed by this entei-<br />



CrotfKK.—Kinjt nf Hanto<strong>of</strong>tU. N'urman<br />

Vunaman; King's Page*, Earl<br />

prising firm. Near the entrance to 7» WEST AVENUE OCIAH OTT. •- J-<br />

the restaurant Ifuroni* it u<br />

September.<br />

U \»<br />

Arrangement* are being made<br />

to secure at least one pruminent GEO. 0. ADAMS * CO.<br />

State speaker and an interrstim^<br />

meeting ia promised. Further re-<br />

Bfkklaren ud Piuttrtn<br />

ports will be beard on the mem-*<br />

bership drive campaign, whkh u<br />

being held to secure l&.Ouu a»»»clate<br />

members, to create a Urge<br />

advertising fund, aad to cause Ihe<br />

Til A1IU1T AVUUE.<br />

J are hi as* by bustk.<br />

engineers, bankers,<br />

Judfra. arduuer*. physKiaoa,<br />

farmrrs, teachers, librarians, clergymen.<br />

*j» smtwtmttat meat anaf<br />

Cape May County Chamber to<br />

have the Unrest individual membership<br />

roll <strong>of</strong> any commercial or<br />

civic organization In the country.<br />

A luncheon will fuliow th* bu*iness<br />

session.<br />



Jo«eph Ktwltoa new owner uf<br />

th* Go4T- B*lh- ud Uundr>'. «n«J<br />

34m, 8h«lloD w*r* yivvn « plr*»-<br />

*nt vurpriM party by tiwlr rmployr*<br />

on W«darft4Ay in rvU-hraton<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mr. a«»»««>>»»i IT. H J. Contractor<br />


» r mill eaxr> a full line ul<br />


UWHWi. CBNT. UH TO ao<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Contracting Company<br />


All aturi t**n&U»l<br />

tU»t G<br />

Gonuaft McCoy<br />


turday, June 10,1922<br />


William'J. Craig, accompanied by<br />

UT. and Mm. Thomaa Denton, <strong>of</strong><br />

thla city, left here Saturday on<br />

ntutur trip tu Philadelphia, vlaltinK<br />

the pluces uf Intereat In that<br />

<strong>City</strong> Sulkitur K. U. C. Bleakly,<br />

uf famden. wax amung the visitor-*<br />

heie Tuesday.<br />

K. Cj. Ziuinierman. well known<br />

A. H. Weslon, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, UI<br />

witll hla father. Dr. E. C Weatop,<br />

In business on the Boardwalk.<br />

Miaa Cecelia Hand, who la with<br />

J.CBAKER<br />

House<br />

Painting<br />

the Belmont Trait Company,<br />

vicinity, and returned home on<br />

Forty-ninth street and Baltimore<br />

avenue. West Philadelphia, spent<br />

the week-end with her parenU, W.<br />

Sunday, thoruuiihly pleaned with Scott Hand and wife, in tbia city.<br />

their enjoyable trip<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hand on Sunday en-<br />

Annemblyman and Mrs. Jamea tertained their ton, Morgan Hand,<br />

Franklin, <strong>of</strong> Went PhiladelphU.<br />

art* occupying their cottage at<br />

Jr.. and wife, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia. The<br />

young man la special representa-<br />

u> AM ka Uraachet<br />

Eleventh atreet and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenae. tive <strong>of</strong> the Truacon Steel Company.<br />

O. J. Hume and family, <strong>of</strong> West<br />

ville. have opened their cottag-e.<br />

J. Horace Millar and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

u:C! Weiiley avenue<br />

cottage her* for th* summer sea-<br />

Joseph Hermes, one <strong>of</strong> PhlUdel- Mr. Miller U a well known<br />

phia'ii huntlinir bu»ineiia men, andcos<br />

tamer.<br />

the Mlnsen Mermen are at their<br />

Edward M. Sattoo, Jr., son <strong>of</strong> E.<br />

apartment* in the Carlton Apart-<br />

M. Satton, <strong>of</strong> this city. Is borne for<br />

ment'. They have, been auramer<br />

III* summer months. He cam* back<br />

reiHtent* fur neveral year*. Mr.<br />

yesterday from th* SUunton Mili-<br />

Hermes in an active member <strong>of</strong><br />

tary Academy In Virginia.<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Fi«hinK Club.<br />

Dr. Pattentun and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs. George OUson, <strong>of</strong> New<br />

Knoxville, Tenn., are here to upend<br />

York, la at th* Biscayn*, where<br />

their flmt neanon. They have a<br />

she expects to remain a month.<br />

Her husband, who Is In tbe moving<br />

tuttaire at 1S0T Wesley avenue.<br />

picture business, ia now In Cali-<br />

Thoman J. Fegley and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

fornia.<br />

Philadelphia, are at their Wnley<br />

avenue cottage.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wheeler and<br />

Clarence White, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, family, <strong>of</strong> Devon, wer* here a few<br />

a summer resident, was among the days during tbe week, accompanied<br />

p<br />

vi*il made a number <strong>of</strong> Kmrna Sheppard, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

friend* here U»t summer while were here during the week, the for-<br />

rletk at iKe Bi>ca>ne. i^ this year mer visiting her parrots. Wm. F.<br />

manager uf the Delaware House at Blundin and wife, at the Biscayne.<br />

tbe Delaware Water Gap.<br />

Mae Hotter, <strong>of</strong> this cilyr<br />

I'ruf. ('. C Kilby, inatructar <strong>of</strong> Uavea here today to spend a brief,<br />

MI inujl training in tbe public acatioo with her mother and sis-<br />

i l..«.l- uf lhi» city, and his famter In Baa fling.<br />

ily, will leute heie the latter part<br />

Mist Kirby, staaographer la the<br />

..( .I,.- month fur Albany. N. Y.. ia<br />

<strong>of</strong> J. M. Cheater, returned<br />

\>I.MII vicinity they will «peod the<br />

Monday from a visit to ha* huaie<br />

uiiiiiu r nviiiilw r<br />

in Swedes bo ru.<br />

i:.-.iKf II. MrAMi.ler. aon or D.<br />

Jaates & Cuiladay and family,<br />

H. M. All,-l.r. ,,f the .Scarborough.<br />

uf JeskJittown, are at the HI. James<br />

lb>-> tity. ended hia Kludirw far<br />

Apartments, 616 <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue, for<br />

Ihe Werx.a^li Military<br />

I be sea-on. '<br />

jle Wiiln«^duy. lie went<br />

>ui, to "i^lul H few<br />

Jay a j in) t-r uf a h'.ute paity<br />

Iheie. utui ill » inie tu Oiean <strong>City</strong><br />

in i* tl •> or %. now.<br />

llany ltlliui»r Lunfuluw un O>-eao . pupils Thra* wei* all good. There<br />

iirnur, near fourteenth atrret.' waa a very nice reed lamp by Lra-<br />

&lr. Zimmerman u tbe personal lie Staith, which attracted much<br />

representative uf hia father, J. favorable attention. Other piece*<br />

r'red Zimiuerruan, theatrical mag- out uf the usual run were a grand:<br />

nate, in *hi» enterpriMra in Phila* father'* cluck by John J. Dcvlne.<br />

delpbia- Mr. and Mra. Zimmer- Ji . desk by Herman Selvagn, aad<br />

man reath O^Yan <strong>City</strong>, early each j a mahogaay plaau- brncb by Rob-<br />

»eatoa and remain late.<br />

ert (ionion.<br />

Malcolm Austin, M>a <strong>of</strong> 3_ There were many s-h receivers<br />

Au»tin. <strong>of</strong> thi» city, a sUtdeet at <strong>of</strong> aewu-cucaic design.<br />

Columbia Cnivrraity, is home for The work shown by Ihe pupils<br />

the hummer holidays.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lower grades wa> more nu-<br />

Francis A. Schneider aad family, merous aad Bsuch belter than m<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tioga. hsie upened their Wea- other years. There were aom* "cry<br />

ley atrnur rulla^e for th* »ea»on. euxlleot samples uf lathe work,<br />

including Indian duba, Colunial<br />

Frank Platt <strong>of</strong> thla city, recently<br />

candle-sticks, nut bowla aad ash<br />

VI.lied Orran < II). Md.<br />

receivers.<br />

Dr. and Mr>. H. J. Deehan, <strong>of</strong><br />

The drawing*, too, <strong>of</strong> both the<br />

Philadelphia, who •prod tbe •um-<br />

high school aad grade puoila were<br />

mer u>un> here, were la town<br />

very good. There was a Urge and<br />

during Ihe «eekattractive<br />

display. The mechani-<br />

Mn. J. R. Heardon. <strong>of</strong> CoaUscal drawings <strong>of</strong> the high school<br />

vllle. Pa., owner <strong>of</strong> Ihe Arlington studeots were notihle. as were the<br />

Hotel, Wesley avr#a*, near Fourth esJuUta <strong>of</strong> the free-hand work <strong>of</strong><br />

street. i% here for the aaoinn. ac* Ibe high school girls.<br />

compamed by her brother. They<br />

The display by the studeats in<br />

are preparing to opea the hotel.<br />

Ih* domestic acieac* denartawat<br />

W. H. Mitchell aad wife, <strong>of</strong> this was th* subject <strong>of</strong> ouch favorable<br />

cfty, have gunr to their farm at rumaaent.<br />

Straintoa for th* innmir<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. C. G. Kilby, <strong>of</strong> th* man-<br />

E. O. Snow, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, ual training department, aad Miss<br />

vice-president uf Ihe Anglers' Club Nkkerson, <strong>of</strong> the domestic science<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, «u among recent department, each waa highly<br />

visitors.<br />

praise*.<br />

Dr. Carr.lt C Poajue. <strong>of</strong> Camden,<br />

was a vlaltor her* Saturda*<br />

and Sand*7.<br />

PhiladelphU, bav* opened their DAPPD UAMfPIMa^ ' II rimtrt*<br />

cottage her* for the .ummer .ea r A r t K nAmiWll I •! .<br />





SG<br />

2113 E. IWUmor. ATOM*. | C%TERLING<br />


*** RESTAURANT i<br />

m. V. MUTH rrssrietar <br />

tuuonju uu> tuuucAH riAH ^<br />

828 ASBURY AVE. £<br />

000000000000000000000000<br />

! Sewing Machines<br />

FOR RENT<br />

; By Wt«k, MMKB or S**M.<br />

WAlXACE*SON,Inc<br />


Allen F. Levering<br />

I<br />

latanor Decorator<br />


30" Drab at $3.4O Per Roll<br />

33" Drab at $3.65 Per Roll<br />

36" Drub at $4.15 Per Roll<br />

Abo Copper and Galvanized Wire<br />


C. a SHOEMAKER<br />

LUMBER CO.<br />

12th and West Ave.<br />



•re *• haaal Oeees najajMi with<br />

A-1<br />


luoplete rMdy to Mt la .«». ^J ««., Klr<br />

Kitchma CWU Wardrob. Comp»rtmenU<br />


A .tuck o/ ?»4Mlb 1-ia, cic . al~ KuKti>( i uu<br />




\vu HAUL AT u Ua«o.NAULi! HATCH<br />

B. F. GOETZ<br />


Fourth St. and Atlantic Av«<br />

OCCAM CITY. N j.<br />

IUUrT«lil<br />

Every Day You Delay<br />

Safe Deposit Protection for<br />

your valuables, you are running<br />

the risk <strong>of</strong> loss by fire<br />

or theft.<br />

Do not wajt another day—<br />

come in and rent a Box in<br />

our Safe Deposit Vault—the.<br />

rent is reasonable.<br />


TRUST CO.<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />


Not Its Age, But Its<br />

Finish Makes Your Car<br />

"Old" or "New"<br />

r ow good its motor<br />

if its body is dingy and dull, your<br />

cnsidd " h b "<br />

are timetested and<br />

proven,backed by the 168 yeara'experiyearaexperience<br />

<strong>of</strong> the okfaat at pint paint manufacturing<br />

a f t i<br />

concern in the U S Founded 1754<br />

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