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K 42/736 Sisaona, J.<br />

Srnsom, 84 W. An A n a 1 y e i s of clear air turbulenoa re-.<br />

&aua poseible B i i n f 1 1 in Eaet porte over Africa and adjaoent ooom areas eouth<br />

of latitude 15 north. 193. Reprinted.<br />

Afrioa.<br />

Nairobir Meteoro1ogic.l Dapt. 1969.19 5.<br />

fliirobi] 193. 17 3. 8°[ums~hln6t- 1 8'<br />

[Umschlagt. ]<br />

Li943<br />

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(bat African Hstsorological Deputmsnt* Tecbni-<br />

c.l fismorandum. 3.)<br />

K 42/735<br />

Ekneom, B. Y.<br />

Ifhs 4 r s n d of rainfrll in Eaet Africa. By<br />

E.Y. SI.nsom. With a forrw. by ths dbeotor of<br />

thr hat African ~steorologicil Departmant(D.A.<br />

Dirisa). (1952.) Bspr.<br />

Uobi 1965. Grtr. alung. 8°[~mechlagt.]<br />

(hat African Ustrorological Deplrtment. fschni-<br />

ul Usnorandum, 1.)<br />

Die B i e d e r a c h l a g s v e r h ä l t n i s -<br />

s e dea Sahutzgebietea Deutsch-Ostafrika. Von<br />

Werner Paap.<br />

HaPibur8 19341 Hammerich 6 Leseer in Altona.<br />

20 S., 2 K, 16 Taf. 4'<br />

Auer Arohiv der Deutachen Seewarte. Bd 53.<br />

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-B e i t r a g zu den Regenverhältnieaen im<br />

kllstennahan Gebieta von Deutach-Oetafriks. Von<br />

Bernhard Schlikker. Mit 1 Nirdersohlagakt. d.<br />

öatl. Deutaoh-Ostafrika 112000000.<br />

Berlin 1951 Mittler, 41 3. 4'<br />

Münster i.W., Phil~u.naturwiea.Dias.von 6.April<br />

191 5<br />

Bb 695 Luftbewegung<br />

Th. hnth to month vuiation of mean winde<br />

it lau lsvel ovrr sastrrn Africa.<br />

Iairobl 19%. 27 8, 8°[~~chlagt.]<br />

( h t Africi~ X~ttorolo~icil Deputmsnt. bchni-<br />

Memorandum. 12,)<br />

(East African Meteorologiaal Dapartment. Mernoira.<br />

Val. 4,3.)<br />

Neave, C. F,<br />

Tropical storm "L i 1 y", 19th April - 3rd Kay<br />

1966. An account of ite hiatory and behaviour,<br />

Nairobi: Meteorological Dept. 199. 8 9. ,5 B1.Tab.<br />

8°[~mschlagt.<br />

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(East African Meteorological' Department. Memoirs.<br />

Vol. 4,4.)<br />

Aviation-barome try<br />

Aviation barometry.<br />

([~airobi:] Ezst African ~eteorological Dept.<br />

19z. i 4 s. 4<br />

(Pamphlet seriea. East African Meteorological<br />

Depar tment . 6. )<br />

Ehe L i n d i C y C 1 o n e , 15 April 1952.<br />

A survey of ita meteorological history and beha-<br />

viour. Comp. by H.W. Sansorn. With a forew. by the<br />

director of tho East African Meteorological Da-<br />

artrnent(D.A. Davies).<br />

PHairobi] 19z. 16 S. ,5 Taf. 8°[~rnsahlagt.]<br />

hast Afric~n Meteorological Department. Memoirs-<br />

S r . . -,<br />

Bb 697 Synoptische Meteorologie<br />

:G 69?<br />

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Kq 8/610<br />

bather Ehst-Africa<br />

Esst African netsorological Department. Tha Weather<br />

of Eaat Africa during 1968.<br />

Nairobi 196q. IV,51 5. 4°[~mechlagt.]

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